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A look at the US, British and German communist leaders and next leaders: Links 1 for September 1, 2024

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Before the list starts, a few words about disinformation.

We are without question in a state of political and informational warfare. The enemy is even difficult to identify precisely who it is. But we are subjected to a series of narrative attacks constantly now. It is exhausting and frankly, that is likely in part the desired effect.
One of the recent ones is tweets claiming that the Hells Angels are riding like dark knights to save apartment buildings full of people being thugged and extorted by Venezuelan gangs. They often have photos or videos which have no actual evidentiary value whatsoever but show a few motorcycles on the highway or some Hells Angels somewhere. If you see a Tweet like this, it is an excellent opportunity to unfollow the people who sent them.

Maybe less so if it is a retweet. Misinformation, or the naive repetition of disinformation is a lesser ‘crime’ in that sense. It just means they lack discriminating wisdom. But the people who actually send this stuff out are the enemy.

For those of you who have read even just the first book of the Gulag Archipelago, or like me, the first book and part of the second, we see a clear pattern that in practice, communists elevate criminals and criminalize the law abiding. This is most clearly happening across the West in the process that most misidentify as “Two tier policing” or selective enforcement. This is of course, how communism is done according to dialectical principles. And the purpose of it is to destroy our set of values, any notion of private property, or even good or evil by our own terms.

On that note:

1. Breitbart article on the Venezuelan gangs creating some havoc, but likely not quite as reported, in some US cities.

Small excerpt:

The Tren de Aragua, the Venezuelan transnational crime syndicate now terrorizing several U.S. cities, established a firm criminal presence after socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro emptied Venezuela’s prisons in late 2023.

In recent years, the Tren de Aragua spread its presence across several Latin American countries such as Colombia, Chile, and Peru before reaching the United States, with several of its members passing through the U.S. southern border. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) began tracking Tren de Aragua encounters at the border as early as March 2023. […]

The city of Aurora, Colorado, which neighbors sanctuary city Denver, also reported the presence of the gang in its territory, taking over entire apartment complexes. The Aurora police department announced last week the creation of a joint task force with both Colorado’s state patrol and the state’s Bureau of Investigation to address the growing threat of Tren de Aragua in the state.

Ok so that may be real enough to be a real concern but…

2. There has been a lot of pushback on the lie that Tim Walz claimed he served in Iraq. It was… how to say, clearly a lie but one crafted in such a way that he can claim he “Mis spoke” as the CNN anchor said in an interview with Trump’s VP pick. But this one, this one is a little harder to explain. This can’t be dismissed as “mis-spoke” except for the most desperate of TDS people.

Maybe he meant, when he was in Afghanistan buying hash or something.

At least Kamala Harris couldn’t help herself and laughed out loud at her own egregious lie.

After all, illegal immigrants are already criminals because they committed a crime entering the US illegally. So kudos to Harris for at least not being able to tell that lie with a straight face.

3. It is getting increasingly difficult to tell reality from fiction or narrative attacks. Many videos are circulating about NYC spraying insecticide from trucks oddly ready for this exact task in NYC neighbourhoods. To me, it looked like a scene from a film that was repurposed as a disinformation LOA (Line of Action) in political warfare. But so far, it appears to be true.

From Brave Browser’s built in AI:

In response to a surge in West Nile virus cases, the New York City Department of Health (DOH) began spraying insecticide in various neighborhoods to reduce the risk of transmission. The spraying efforts started on Monday, August 26, 2024, and continued throughout the week.

Affected Areas

The initial spraying took place in:

1. Central Park and Upper Manhattan neighborhoods (Monday, August 26, 2024, between 8:30 p.m. and 6 a.m. Tuesday)
2. Southwest Brooklyn neighborhoods, including Bay Ridge and Coney Island (Wednesday, August 28, 2024)

Additional areas were sprayed on subsequent days, with a focus on high-risk neighborhoods. A map showing the sprayed locations can be found online.

Insecticide Used

The DOH employed “very low concentrations” of adulticide, a type of insecticide specifically designed to kill adult mosquitoes. The products used include Anvil 10+10, Duet, and MERUS3.

Mosquito Surveillance

The DOH has been actively monitoring mosquito populations throughout the five boroughs. Traps were set up at 50 locations daily to capture and test mosquitoes, revealing an increase in mosquitoes carrying West Nile virus across the city.

Public Health Concerns

Health officials urge residents to take precautions to prevent mosquito breeding and reduce the risk of transmission. Eliminating stagnant water from properties and using insect repellent are recommended measures.

Confirmed Cases

As of August 2024, six West Nile virus cases have been confirmed in NYC, with all infected individuals recovering without hospitalization. The DOH continues to monitor the situation and adjust spraying efforts as necessary to mitigate the spread of the disease.

Here is the ever-entertaining Salty Cracker on the issue:

Would make more sense if the truck making the announcement preceded the spraying truck by at least 30 seconds. Being told to go inside before the spraying starts would be more effective if they were not spraying you at the same time. Salty appears to be wrong though about where they are doing it. And if the purpose of this spraying is other than it is being sold, it would make sense. The communist state of NY and federal admin seeks to end private property. And the worst Kulaks would be in the richest areas. So … yeah. For sure there should be a LOT more footage than that same clip he has on a loop though. It seems as if they were in fact doing this, and a brief fact check seems to indicate they really are, you would think there would be hours of different footage online about it.

There is some though. CBS ‘News’:

ABC: 30 states spraying and apparently, there is an even MORE deadly disease from mosquitoes that for some reason, is only a threat for the few months before a federal election just now.

4. There is a famous story about the Danish people all deciding to wear a Yellow Star to help make it hard for the Nazis to identify who was, and who was not Jewish during the Holocaust. Sadly, as great a story as that was, it was not true. So you gotta admire this guy. He put up a Mezzuzah on his door. basically a Nazi magnet in solidarity with the Jewish people due to the current state of leftist and islamic antisemitism.

Please click through to read the full text of both Tweets.

5. For those of you uncertain of what a “Cordon Sanitaire” means, read this post by Eugyppius. Although he does not use the term, the graphs he shows make it clear. A party can get the most votes, but the left will form a coalition around the party with the most votes if it isn’t leftist, and freeze them out of the governing colition and any and all responsible jobs in government. This happens all the time and across all nations using the Prop. Rep. form of government. Geert Wilders managed to steam roll it by getting so much of the total vote that they could not freeze him out. But the left refused to allow the formation of any government unless Geert agreed not to be the actual PM. Unprecedented in democratic history of even this system. This also can explain why in the 2nd “Pride” march this year in Ottawa there was an actual banner advertising for a Proportional Representation form of government. Because it always advantages the left.

The post is about recent German elections where the AfD did the best overall it seems, but likely will not be part of any governing coalition.

Thank you all for checking out this site.

The UK is now nakedly Communist.

The speech by Starmer:


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