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EXCLUSIVE: a terrifying hypothesis about the real motive behind Dollar depreciation….

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….and another brief stay at the Gates Motel

There are umpteen official “explanations”, Zero Hedge opinion pieces and geopolitical hegemony theories about the motives behind US sovereign finances being raped by incontinent spending….thus leading to Dollar depreciation.

Although the captive US mainstream “news” haha sector seem keen right now to knock depreciation by trying to pin the whole shambles on Donald Trump, ironically the depreciation [perhaps desperation?] strategy for the world’s most powerful currency seems to be one area where – shaving off the propaganda bullshit – The Orange One’s team and the ObamaBiden cult are at one about the point of it all. That is, export more with the help of a cheap Buck, and reduce import trade with the US by creating what one might call an invisible tariff on European and Asian goods.

Printing Dollar bills forever is nevertheless not a viable strategy….although there’s a distinct likelihood that digitalisation of the currency will use every trick in the book to ensure that American citizens beyond the giga-rich band come out of it, shall we say, not terribly well. By that time, of course, they may all have succumbed to WHO “vaccines” against every pandemic from blackwater fever to post-nasal drip anyway, but for the time being we should probably assume that the average hypochondriac will probably have worked out by then that Fauci is Doktor Death.

So the burning question remains: what’s the endgame idea here?

I’ve been on the record forever opining that, since 2008, US econo-fiscal policy has been primarily applied to paint over the unmitigated failure of neoliberal ideas to cut it as a viable model of capitalism. From Bloomberg to the Wall Street Journal, the Establishment has tried to give an air of normality to proceedings, but it simply won’t wash: none of the technicals of valuation apply any more, and the stability of the global central banking system has only been maintained by the antics of Powell, Draghi, Dimon and other assorted conmen. The last ten days have shown us that even the Italian sorcerer is now devoid of ideas, and Jerome Powell’s “the US economy is in great shape” claptrap of three days ago was cringe-inducing: no real economy is ever in rude health if the Government finances are in a parlous state…regardless of when the debts do or don’t need to be paid back. Such pleading is academic at best and delusional at worst: when the bourses continually behave in a manner unrelated to sovereign debt and industry output, we have a problem, Houston.

Creating a boom in American exports is not worth the price the US is paying – and it is a myth that the US needs to export anyway. Both Trump and Biden have set legal limits to the export of advanced tech to China, but this is more to do with a dislike of selling secrets to the enemy….and it hasn’t worked: Asian powers have turned instead to home-grown innovation and reduced their dependence on Silicon Valley imports.

What is no kind of myth at all, however, is the continuing [and growing] dependence of a US defence industry that’s been heavily invested in the use of Asian manufactured hitech items for some years – with an inevitable need for spares: the affordability of such imports in the context of a falling Dollar and the tightening of military budgets, despite largesse shown to Zelenskyy’s Ukraine, is starting to look like a war Washington can’t win.

So yet again, one is left asking, “What’s the he-who-laughs-last long term pay-off for Uncle Sam here?”

I suspect that a key rationale for the gamble is probably the growing realisation by the investment giants and secret/military States running America that the Republic will soon reach a point where its pretensions to global dominance simply won’t evoke fear any more among its macro competitors. Why? Because, in terms of World GDP, the clout necessary to enforce it is already slipping from America’s grasp.

Take in these stats for a minute or two: whatever the devious Powell tries to suggest, the GDP of BRIC members is growing much faster than America’s, and together those BRICs outweigh the G7. Although in 1992, the US-dominated G7 accounted for nearly forty-six per cent of global GDP, by 2022 this had slipped to thirty-one per cent…and the trend continues: projections suggest that four years from now, the G7 share will be below twenty-eight per cent. And the main laggards are…yes, the US and the EU.

What we may well be looking at here is a desperate last throw of the dice by the Washington/Langley/Wall Street complex. One where the goal is not to manage mercantile competition, but rather to inflict the sort of resource and infrastructural damage that would reset the BRIC ability to compete down at absolute zero…and pave the way for the New World Order’s global monopoly.

Yes, it is unhinged as a strategy. But sadly, it does help to explain what TF Blinken, Lammy, Macron and partners thought they were playing at.

Talking of madness, it’s time for another Bates Motel catch-up.

Although often lauded by the CNNs of this world as “a philanthropist and visionary”, people would do well to go back to the start of Microsoft and realise that Gates’s founding partner Paul Allen was the truly creative one in the partnership, and Gates screwed him over. Allen’s been dead for six years now, and time healed most of the wounds inflicted on Paul by Bill – the pair were friendly again after around 2014. Thanks to Gates’s capacity for controlling complication, Microsoft is and always was a truly dire operating system: but before leaving the company, Billy Goat Gruff ruthlessly force-fed Windows into every hardware chain [this got him into hot water several times with anti-trust bodies] and now the bloody thing is almost impossible to avoid. Fine, I know many software purists would dispute that conclusion, but what I really mean is “impossible to avoid if you’re busy having a life”: like some kind of cross between a leech, a virus and a limpet mine, the Bates-Allen love child insinuates itself into everything online.

Significantly, the Bates Motel is notable for one tendency above all others: it simply won’t take no for an answer. Unpin it from the task-bar, and the next morning it’s back again. You just can’t remove every last trace of it once the parasite is in your device. And this is what typifies the NWO global monopolists – as the first part of this Slogpost tried to lay out and examine, the planetary megalomaniacs don’t really do head to head competition: rather, they set out to bar potential usurpers from their closed shop or fill all the distribution chains – then try to buy them out. And if that doesn’t work, their near-autonomic reaction is to destroy. Much of commercial and political life is like this: despite having by far the worst product, the JVC videotape system killed off both Phillips and Betamax by stuffing the supply chains and slagging off the competition as some kind of inconvenience. Even Apple in the end, in the face of Windows pcs, has had to concede and niche into top end professional and/or wealthy folks attracted to good design and system stability. I too started out on Macs, but went pc in the end because there simply wasn’t enough Mac support available outside the major connurbation centres.

As I suggested earlier, the NWO US-led deep State now seems hell-bent – regardless of the cost in human misery – on eliminating Second and Third World competition with extreme prejudice. Bill Gates’s foundation works closely with the WHO, which is an important spoke in the New World Order wheel. Gates must know about the Ethiopian clouds of bioweapon usage that follow WHO director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, but is still happy to contribute lavishly to his organisation. Despite his many denials and outright lies in the years since 2011, Gates was also a close confidante of double-agent asset blackmailer and paedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Bill’s attendance at various kiddy-fiddling events organised by Epstein were what caused his wife Melinda to divorce him. And although the B&MG Foundation is very active in what looks like efforts to improve health via vaccination, I suggest you talk to some Indian medics and epidemiologists about their suspicions in relation to Bill Gates.

In short, be in no doubt: our Billy has the full set: odd sexuality, sociopathic connections, ruthless business practices, double-cross tendencies, vaccinophilia – and a penchant for telling us to eat bugs while he buys three million acres of grazing land….and as of late, Gates is clarifying his true ID still further by getting behind AI – artificial intelligence. In a recent vomit-inducing interview with with CNBC, Gates said that if he were to launch a startup today, he would ‘leave his software roots behind and focus squarely on artificial intelligence’. My desire to puke after reading the text was caused by the spectacle of Bill Gates still being seen as some kind of visionary.

“To really stand out as a small company, you have to pick something you’re going to do uniquely,” Gates told CNBC. He added that AI entrepreneurs should focus on how AI could address specific business needs or improve daily life. No shit, really? Wow.

Shame that AI shows all the signs of getting in the way of life quality for most consumers, and compounding the global unemployment problem further still for blue collar workers. But like I say – all the tell-tale signs are there to tell us that Bill is mainstream NWO and a keen depopulator.

The term New World Order is not, by the way – despite what Wikipedia would have you believe – the invention of fevered brains who see everything as having been planned variously by Jews, Masons and alien visitors to the Aztecs since 1521. The former New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern was the first adherent I heard blurt it out in public some years back, but the term is used regularly [along with Great Reset] by Davos and Bilderberger enthusiasts, and Tony Blair – along with Keir Starmer – drivels on endlessly about the New Normal.

Denial of the NWO ambition and organisation is getting so silly now, it rivals J Edgar Hoover’s lifelong stubborn insistence that US organised crime was a myth…a tad disturbing given that for much of that life he was the head of the FBI. Anyone with a viable explanation of Border invasion migrant madness in the US and UK in terms of policy logic is hereby invited to submit it to Sloggers’ Roost. But for the rest of us, the entire issue smacks of a blatant plan to produce Sovereign Destruction in favour of World Government.


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