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Forming the Dark Future Poker Club

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The Slog says it’s time to keep our cards close to the chest online….and fight the NWO off-grid

Bill Jackson was a poor old dub
Who joined the Darktown Poker Club
But cursed the day he told them he would join
His money used to go like it had wings
If he yelled queens, someone had kings
And each night he would contribute all his coin
Then he said I’m gonna play ’em tight tonight
He said there’ll be no bobtail flushes make me bite….

Now sittin’ right there in that there clan
There chanced to be a one-eyed man
And Bill kept watchin’ him out the corner of his eye
When ole one-eye would deal and then
Would cost that Bill another five or ten
Bill got up again, looked all around him with a sigh
He said, Lord, this is an awful shame
He said, There someone cheatin’ in this ‘ere game
It ain’t no do for me to name the guy
So I’ll refrain from mentioning the party’s name
If I catch him cheatin’ just once again
I’m gonna take my fist and close that other eye….

Phil Harris [above left] was, in his time, a legendary musical satirist of the cheats in American culture. Forgotten by almost everyone now, his talking-jazz song The Dark Town Poker Club was a massive hit in 1946 eighteen months before I got born: but hearing the track on his arrival back in England after the War, my Dad immediately identified with the mordant humour. Just so you’re clear about this, my old man’s response to being awarded almost every RAF service medal in 1945 was to chuck all of them into the Indian ocean on his way back home.

The Bill Jackson plain-speaking naif of the song’s lyrics called out the one-eyed cheat in the game. Today, those cheats are running the game [in one shape or another, they’ve been marking the cards for nigh on sixty years] but my contention is that if we make it too clear to the guys dealing off the bottom that we grasp the full extent of what’s driving the Dark Future Poker Club, they will take us out of the game with extreme prejudice.

To continue the analogy, we Limeys could in 1943-4 have broadcast, “Yah-boo sucks Adolf, our ability to predict your V-1 bombing raid on Coventry shows we’ve cracked your enigma code”, but such would have been to lay out all our cards before D-Day in June 1944….and condemn a million troops to death.

Over the last week, my smart techie-protector has conducted a qualitative analysis of traffic tuning into The Slog. Calling my site “a hot destination right now”, he nevertheless argues that much of the new traffic emanates from known surveillance State observers.

We are, all of us, engaged in an existential game of poker. In the Dark Future Poker Club, the victors will be those whose calm, colour-of-money stance gives off the essence of, “OK steel gonads, pay to see me”.

I say to all of those in the genuine Resistance, don’t be too quick to reveal your hand. Keep the bastards in the dark about how much we really know: keep the empirical numbers and psycho-connections close to your chest. Otherwise, they will simply pick us off one by one.

Retain the unknown cards you hold. Such is the essence of 52-card pack human memory, “fold” is a far more common Homo sapiens reaction than “see you”.

Yes, there can be no doubt that the NWO tendency is there for all to see. But to list every last member complete with dotted-line connections is to invite a bullet in the head.

Keep that information close to those of us who live on. Share it among those still looking to keep a safe distance from Homo digitalis. Above all, keep the nervous monopolists frightened of the potential consequences of their Hitlerian holocaust on steroids.

As the saying goes, “Play your cards right, kid”.

I’m not in any way extolling the virtues of censorship: I’m simply saying, “If you broadcast, podcast and forecast ONLINE, you will end up dead”. And you won’t be any good to anyone lying lifeless in a ditch.

This is what we are fighting, People: a New Normal World Order to relegate The Third Reich to poor also-ran status by comparison.

Do you observe the priests in this Order writing blogs about it?

You do not.

Here is Monday’s outlandish new Slogarithm: the sole purpose of digital media for those who complain rather than comply is to demonstrate what turds in the sewer those in The NWO Club are.

Not to try and win a crooked poker game by showing your hand in advance.

I’ve been preaching this gospel for nearly a year now, and I repeat it again unashamedly: we must stop trying to beat the NWO Club on its own field of mendacity…a field of zero valour where there are legs up, sold-out media to put us down, we are always pushing uphill, and the referee is playing for the other side.

A New Resistance will have to be formed beyond the reach of transhuman technoshit.

Lay too much of what you know on the line, and you become a giant bullseye target for the New Normal State.

Online is for empirical news revelation about despicable individuals with depraved values. All of that helps to undermine the ludicrous hypocrisy of the dictatorial State.

Below the line [and as far as possible, off-grid] is for the kind of secrecy that brings down the dictators for good.

This post doesn’t offer rigid solutions. It does, however, argue for maximising the distance between the digital mire and a genuinely radical 21st Century Maquis.

Discuss. In private.


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