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Jewellery, Police acting ultra vires, provoke-provoke and weaponize the reaction, and the liquification of 9/11: Links 1 for Sept. 11, 2024

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[This was supposed to be published yesterday morning and I guess I forgot to hit Publish]

1. This is interesting. As an unrelated aside, anyone watch the debate last night?

Anyone who did watch may have had the impression that the hosts were conspicuously unfair to Trump, while bolstering Harris at every opportunity. Further, anyone who has watched her speak anywhere ever before knows she is not capable of that quality of verbal oratory. So it is likely she had help from off stage.

But the real problem as we see it, is that the debate may have allowed for a plausible deniability that she really won the debate, and therefore people actually voted for her. This could allow for another election steal with no meaningful consequences, and that would be it for America.

2. There is a lot to gather from this clip. One thing of many is that at least a sort of moral victory is still possible when confronted by police acting ultra-vires. But unless the officers and CO are made to feel the pain of the mistakes they make, then it means less than nothing.

3. One of the most effective tactics of the communist/left revolutionary activists is to work double time to provoke a reaction, and then weaponize your own reaction against you. The Trans activists and Pali LARPers are quite clearly doing this. In the case of the Trans-activists, they will go as far as to convince one of your own children to become sterilized and use drugs and surgery to mutilate themselves into monsters, while criminalizing you, the parent, for objecting to it and trying to suggest reasonable things like wait till you’re an adult etc. In Canada, it is literally a criminal act for a parent to try and stop a child from monstering themselves once an activist has convinced your child to do so. It is not a crime to talk your children into this however. A near perfect moral inversion.

The Pali-LARPers of course are working triple shifts for the same purpose. If you object or are in the way of their taking over the streets or restaurants or whatnot, then you can expect a righteous mob attack. Increasingly, just for not showing support. That extension of the tactic goes back at least as far as the Marxist front group, BLM with their campaign that “Silence is violence”. This of course means that if you don’t openly support their position, then they are justified in attacking you because your silence on their issue, whatever issue they are using as a beard for the revolution just at that point, justifies them using real violence on you. But what about if you don’t support their position hard enough?

4. Interesting conversation between a parent who’s young child got heart damage from the vaxx and a pharmacist who did not explain the risks

5. Honest Reporting Canada video on the recent Islamic terrorist attack in Germany.

There is one error though, I think it may be a misquote:

Quoting the mayor of Solingen: “We are full of shock and grief”. Intuitively I think it may have been other things the German state is full of.

Thank you all for checking out this site.

A quick word about the September 11 attacks being it is now the anniversary after all.

The event is now liquified. There is so much disinformation around the attacks the event itself is diminished to nothing. There is even a recent thread on TwitterX that claimed no plane ever hit any of the targets. The purpose of course is just to inject doubt inducing nonsense into the event. Eventually some will come to argue that case. Initially people who hate the US and want that to be true. This is information warfare within which, all great events by the USA are being negated, while terrible things that happen to the US are being made to look like it was America’s fault itself.

Perpetrators are the victims, victims are the real criminals. This is dialectics. And it is so expertly carried out, along with a kind of industrial psychology where it is known who will react to what and in what way based on attributes that can probably be determined by examining a person’s internet history.

In other words, what we do online may in fact lay our our personalities so completely to modern industrial psychologists, that they can manipulate behaviour by exposing you to the right things, or can tell how you will react based on what kind of information you may be fed.

The defences for these kinds of things are not easy. And frankly, the ones I am suggesting may or may not be possible for everyone and may or may not work for everyone. I’m gonna give it my best shot anyway.

To start with, unlinking your sense of self from what you think is true is very important. You should be able to shift position on what you believe is true based on evidence. no matter what you may have thought previously, and not feel it is an issue of your own character. In other words, the “I” in “I am” is not my beliefs. Beliefs are not yours. You are a person with beliefs.

This is how true advancement is made, and is a defence against being led to act against your own interests. For example, people I know who have real-world interests in A, B and C and who read the New York Times will act in a way contrary to those interests in the same way as people who feel a personal connection to a sports team will, despite no real connection and maybe even costing them a lot of time and money through losing efforts, continue that support.

Secondly, and this is at least equally difficult to accomplish.

At some point we moved from being a science based empirical society in our policies and law, to a scientism based one.

Arguing global warming with an old friend recently, his case was that 97% of scientists agree it is real.

This is purely a mystical argument. That those anointed with authority by virtue of their titles or degrees determine truth by consensus.

Science is never about consensus. It is always about a process. When this process is done correctly, we may end up with a model of a system or a phenomenon that has some predictive value. If the model or theory has no predictive value, it is simply untrue. If a model does have predictive value it still may not be true but at least it is useful for the moment.

A theory must be falsifiable. And just one person who doesn’t even have to be a ‘scientist’ but who does science correctly can do an experiment or make real world repeatable observations which can utterly destroy the consensus view held by ‘official scientists’ up to that point.

So the second self-defence mechanism is to not look at scientists as priests of some kind of gnostic cult. If 95% of bishops and priests make a determination about the holiness of a given saint or object, then you can take that as doctrine. That is how religion works. But science is a process independent of the person doing the observations and as much as possible, the observer is to remove himself from the equation altogether,

Marxism/Hegelism relies heavily on consensus as a means of control.

In the video below, it is shown how a second generation Frankfurt School philosopher/tactician created exactly that weapon against Western thought.

As Stephen Coughlin cites in his interview with Sam Dubé and myself this summer, The fact of the matter is that Schrödinger’s cat is either dead or alive fully independent of the observer. It is not in a state of dead/alive till you look. It is either one, or the other and the observer simply doesn’t know which.


So the second self-defence is to not allow yourself to believe an empirical truth based on what those who control the media and narratives insist is consensus. This is pure mysticism. Scientism. And just to emphasize the point, if 100% of the scientists agree on a thing that still does not make it true. It just makes them all wrong. ANd history is made of that exact scenario. A hundred times more so in a totalitarian society. Lamarckism/Lysenkoism in the Soviet Union as just one recent and famous example.

For those not familiar, this is the AI response by Brave Browser’s built in AI to the question of Lamarckism and the Soviet Union:

Lamarckism in Soviet Union

Lamarckism, a discredited scientific theory, had a significant impact on Soviet biology and agriculture during the mid-20th century. The concept, named after French biologist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, posits that acquired characteristics can be inherited by subsequent generations. In the Soviet Union, Lamarckism was championed by Trofim Lysenko, a Ukrainian agronomist, and became known as Lysenkoism.

Stalin’s Support

Lysenko’s Lamarckian ideas gained favor with Joseph Stalin, who saw them as a means to accelerate agricultural production and solve the Soviet Union’s chronic food shortages. Stalin’s support enabled Lysenko to dominate Soviet biology, and he became the director of the Lenin Academy of Agricultural Sciences.


The application of Lysenkoism in agriculture led to disastrous consequences. Lysenko’s methods, which included “vernalization” (exposing plants to cold temperatures to induce early germination), were ineffective and even counterproductive. Despite this, Lysenko’s influence persisted, and many scientists who disagreed with his theories were persecuted or silenced.

Vavilov and the Great Purge

One notable victim of Lysenko’s rise to power was Nikolai Vavilov, a renowned geneticist and director of the Institute of Genetics. Vavilov was a proponent of Mendelian genetics and opposed Lysenko’s Lamarckian views. He was arrested in 1943 and eventually died in a Soviet prison camp in 1943.

Lysenko’s Legacy

Lysenko’s influence continued until his fall from grace in the 1960s. His legacy is marked by the prolonged famines and food shortages that occurred during his reign, which led to the deaths of millions of people. The Soviet Union’s adoption of Lysenkoism also had far-reaching consequences, including the suppression of scientific inquiry and the persecution of scientists who disagreed with his theories.

Recent Developments

In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in Lysenkoism in Russia, with some proponents arguing that modern epigenetics supports Lamarckian ideas. However, this revival has been met with skepticism by the scientific community, who point out that Lysenkoism was discredited decades ago and has no basis in modern genetics.

Key Takeaways

  • Lamarckism, a discredited scientific theory, was championed by Trofim Lysenko in the Soviet Union.

  • Stalin’s support enabled Lysenko to dominate Soviet biology and agriculture, leading to disastrous consequences.
  • The persecution of scientists who disagreed with Lysenko’s theories, including Nikolai Vavilov, had far-reaching consequences for Soviet science and agriculture.
  • The recent revival of interest in Lysenkoism in Russia has been met with skepticism by the scientific community.

At this point we may begin to consider the scenario at the end of the book/movie Fahrenheit 451

Each event is rapidly “churned to dust” by disinformation campaigns and by its useful idiots who for one reason or another decide to amplify these narrative attacks.

At the end of Bradbury’s novel, secret communities formed living in or meeting in the forests. They would each memorize a book that meant something to them to preserve its ideas for the future in a world where firemen came to houses that had secret libraries and burned them all to nothingness and arrested the owners of the books.

Something like that might have to be started. Digitally scanning old books that are verboten with OCR to search for things and also as scans so you know it is authentic. Like Project Gutenberg was supposed to be.

In the meantime, try and stay solid with a rational thought process. Recognize a narrative attack when you see one. And just because it is Russian disinfo doesn’t make it wrong.But doesn’t make it right either. Disinformation coming from our own state leaders are certainly no better in terms of our individual interests.

The Red Pill really does taste awful. But like


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