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A couple of Slogposts ago, I opined as follows:

The greatest problem with the digital, multi-screen, smartphone life we have created is that it is – from end to end – a Liar’s Charter.’

The five primary senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch tell us far more, via the use of factory-wired instinct, than mere digitally inscribed words.

The internet and its immediate offshoots are no guide at all to the person maybe two screens, twenty emails – and perhaps at most only one language away – from oneself….only your five primary senses can judge the exchange that’s really taking place viz: to see, hear, smell, taste and touch the experience we’re enjoying or enduring.

Because if they aren’t present, then you should assume it isn’t real. It is tele. Derived from the Greek thing about distant’

A few Slog followers found the assertion somewhat unjustifiably cynical, and that is their right. But in the light of a new week on the rocky road to perdition, I would go further.

I look back at the State versus Citizen injustice during and since the Reagan-Thatcher era and observe that, during their anglosphere devious love-in, First World blue collar workers saw a 27% drop in real spending power, wealth did not trickle down – it gushed up towards a few conmen like Gates, Musk and the Saatchis – and the bureaucrats the Ronnie-Maggies claimed to hate became more overpaid and numerous then ever.

Lest we forget, Reagan only got into power in the first place by brokering a Secret Service deal via the Pentagon whereby the Iranian Mullahs delayed release of their US hostages in order to make President Carter look weak. Having accused the peanut farmer of being spendthrift, Reagan left behind him the biggest sovereign debt increase in history at the time. Biden the Bountiful increased that debt eightfold in just one term. Ronnie was GOP, and Sleepie is a Democrat. Bush Sr was CIA from 1952 onwards. There is no political choice in the US. There is only a permanent Nasty Orwellian State war on the American people….and the key weaponisation from here on isn’t nuclear, it’s digital: carried forth by the internet and its Satanic family of bio-terrorists, climate doomsayers and greedy distraction-grabbing soi disant entertainment media.

Moving to the other side of the Great Pond that separates two nations confused by a common language, my own homeland is displaying what I think of as the Great Debate in which all sense of human mutuality, common decency and long-term cultural defence is stripped out ruthlessly before the discussion can commence.

Many of you I hope still remember the camaraderie of the Slog’s deep involvement in – and source of many great friendships afterwards – from 2008-2020 in support of UK Women Against State Pension Inequality (Waspi).

You can tune into its full history herebut the Sun headline is that this cowardly, welching denial of Civil Rights was and remains the most outrageous and despicable fraud ever mounted by a UK Government: it chose to belittle and financially rape traditional 1950s-born females, seeing them solely as “an easy target and low-hanging fruit”.

Had such a smash-and-grab raid ever been been mounted in the private pension sector, everyone connected to the scam would’ve gone to jail.

Resident as I was then in France, I lost many “friends” in the UK expat community of Aquitaine who couldn’t resist playing the ‘I’m alright Jack fuck you’ card as their unpleasant and inhuman way of dealing with an amoral disaster. I now regard that loss as a gain: a long-overdue cull of the self-congratulatory bourgeois smuggies who will never grasp the civilised necessity of remembering that “there but for the Grace of God go I”.

The 21st century failure to get full WASPI justice remains my Brit culture’s parallel to spineless European acquiescence in Hitler’s Rhineland remilitarisation on 7th March 1936.

“It beggared belief,” a German told me during a Wannsee lecture in 1965, “He marched into the Rhineland armed with mock tanks made from cardboard, and no ammunition to resist any response from the League of Nations. The General Staff believed it would result in his downfall. But the failure of resistance only served to feed the myth of Hitler’s ability to make the bold gamble count”.

The same is true of allowing the UK Department of Work & Pensions – its various reincarnations and facilitators [equally Blairite-Brown Labour, Cleggite-Cameron-Osborne coalition and Tories] to reach a stage, in 2024 where millions of women cheated of their Citizen Rights now occupy a tiny cell on the DWP website, dismissed as – and I quote – “we no longer regard their cases as relevant to our provider responsibilities”.

Nice work if you can get it, huh?

What we should have done in the UK after 2004 was to stop staring up our own backsides, and instead force these unelected psychos to emerge from under their slimey stone-cold hiding places to face the music.

But we blew that one.

Then we blew the WOMD farce.

Then we blew the evidence showing blatant EUNATO interference to undermine the Brexit vote.

Then we blew the Sino-American Covid derivation drivel offered to us by Anthony Fauci….a man who changed his version of Wuhan events more often than most folks change their underwear.

Then we blew the inexplicable existence of Pentagon-funded bioweapon labs from north to south of the Ukrainian border with Russia…as well as unveiling the Colombian marching powder habit of Ukrainian “leader” Zelenskyyyyy.

Then we blew the chance to put UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock behind bars for lying to Parliament as a serving Secretary of State when he insisted that Covid “vaccines” had a clean bill of health.

Then we allowed first Boris Johnson’s ‘wife’ – and later, Fishy Sunak at PMQs – to get away with disgusting attempts to persuade us that a largely untested mRNA bioweapon with a 32 per cent rate of success was just the ticket for dealing with a virus invented and enhanced by a militarily funded Sino-US military operation.

There is a site on the UK-biased internet called

I applaud its aims, but in the context of radical reality, their starting assumption is not borne out by the empirical evidence: we the First World People have no organisation anywhere that works for We the People

The bureau-cum-technocrats function with only two aims in mind: first, their ability to follow orders given to them by the 0.03 percent whose barely secretive aims for Planet Earth are not difficult to discern of you’re awake rather than woke; and second, to apply club-foot techno claptrap to treat human citizens as mushrooms: kept in the dark, but with occasional shovels of horse-shit thrown into the cellar.

I can only recommend you watch this classic corker of a standup gig from the late Great American George Carlin:

What we’re looking at there is 24-carat solid-gold Truth.

The internet has accelerated the speed with which the New Normalists can build their 3D world – one of Distraction and Distortion as the medium for Deception.

I first blogged about the 3D strategy twelve years ago when my optimism about the potential for online resistance hadn’t yet been drowned by a decade of Blowing It.

Over the last three years, it’s become blindingly obvious that compliance as a way of life online has in turn drowned the coming generation’s faith in the entire concept of complaints against the State.

It is, if you will, a self-fulfilling prophecy: smartphones bring out the narcissist in every selfie-taker and fulfil Homo sapiens’ never ending tribal need to stay in touch with the minimum of effort. So why complain – what’s not to like?

When one stops tilting at windmills, the relief is immediate and palpable.

From here on, blogs and websites are there to Name The Guilty Men, as the News of the World used to say.

Off-grid is the only option that offers the elements of surprise and fear we so desperately need if the New World Order as a whole is to be effectively sabotaged…and, eventually, reversed.

Ultimately, the failure of neoliberal monopolism and the Grand Theft Autism of the infinitely greedy will wake the citizenry up to the fact that We the People are picking up the bill. The aim of Off-Grid must be to make the real depopulation lunatics unable to get anywhere near putting their Dr Strangelove ambitions into action.

At the same time, we all need to grow up and live with the reality that – whatever any of us tries to do in the immediate future – almost nobody on Planet Earth has the remotest idea of the horrific financial reset coming their way.


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