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News events, and a personal note on the distraction of being right about Covid: Links 1 for Sept. 28, 2024

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1. There have been times in the past decade or three where one wonders if the only people the United States treats worse than its enemies are its friends. Certainly when Russia invaded Ukraine for the Crimea, it seemed like a bad deal to me for Ukraine to have surrendered its nukes in a deal at the end of the cold war brokered by the US with the condition that the US would protect Ukraine in perpetuity.

Whatever one may feel about the war now over the Donbas, the Crimea invasion was geopolitical and for advantages which have always been a basis for war. Access to ports and strategic cartographic advantage etc. Obama did nothing. There have also been many times when Israel could have/should have solved its problems militarily and the United States held them back. So it was delightful to see this story in Breitbart.

Report: Biden-Harris Administration Says Israel Warned U.S. About Hezbollah Assault as It Happened

The Times of Israel reported on Friday that an American official told the newspaper the government of Israel did not notify the White House prior to a massive strike on the Hezbollah headquarters in Beirut, Lebanon, on that day.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced on Friday that it successfully bombed Hezbollah’s top headquarters in the Lebanese capital, potentially eliminating the head of that organization, Sayyed Nasrallah. Nasrallah’s status is unclear at press time.

“Moments ago, the Israel Defense Forces carried out a precise strike on the Central Headquarters of the Hezbollah terror organization – that served as the epicenter of Hezbollah’s terror,” IDF Spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said. “Israel is doing what every sovereign state in the world would do if they had a terror organization that seeks their destruction on their border.”

Once again, referring back to the excellent book on the first WTC attack by Al Qeada by Fred Burton called, “Ghost, Fred explains that the reason it took so long to catch anyone was because everytime an intel agency would get a bead on one of the bad actors, the state department found a way to warn them and they would get away. Seriously. And if it wasn’t that it was inter-agency jealousy that would spoil an arrest or targeted operation for another agency. The Book is a must read for anyone who likes true spy stories and wants a proper understanding of the operations of these alphabet agencies in the 90s.

So nice to see Israel realized that the Obama/Harris admin was an opportunity to clean house. Something they have needed the opportunity to do for decades now.

2. One of the main concerns at Vlad Tepes is the total misdirection of nearly the entire public on critical issues, such that no matter what side of the debate you are on concerning a given issue, you are still being herded into tyranny.

England’s Chief Medical Officer admits “we may have overstated danger of Covid”

England’s Chief Medical Officer testified before the (token and pointless)  Covid Inquiry earlier today, claiming he feared the government “overdid it” when talking up the dangers of Covid.

No kidding,  Chris.

The Telegraph reports [emphasis added]:

The Government potentially overstated the danger of Covid to the public at the start of the pandemic, Prof Sir Chris Whitty has admitted.

The Chief Medical Officer told the Covid Inquiry he still worries about whether the Government got “the level of concern” right as it introduced lockdowns and shielding measures.

Sir Chris said it was a difficult balance and if anything it was possible that authorities “overdid it” when communicating how dangerous the virus was at the beginning of the pandemic.

Of course, this is all very British understatement combined with “official inquiry dilution”, which automatically transforms “I know we did X” into “I fear we may have done X by accident“.

Whitty doesn’t “think they potentially overstated the danger”, he knows they definitely did. We all do, it’s been pretty much proven.

“Covid” was a tapestry of lies, and a tangle of deliberately inflated statistics created specifically to enable those lies.

Let me see if I can state this with as much emphasis as it actually does deserve:

Those who feel vindicated by this, or any other report that the disease was overstated, the vaxx doesn’t work or is dangerous, is setting themselves up for more of the same. With the left, the point is never the point and the issue is never the issue. The revolution is ALWAYS the issue. While those few who resisted taking the shots can breath a sigh of relief for personal reasons, to think that an admission that we were correct is meaningful beyond the personal is being part of what Stephen Coughlin calls, “The Churn”. The real point was that the government had no right or legal reason to mandate the lockdowns or essentially force medications on us, whether they were experimental or not. Forcing ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine on us would have been just as bad in the political sense, although would have likely created a better outcome. If the state forced you to drink 5 glasses of water a day it would be the same issue.

People may have already forgotten, but we actually had been at the point where your right to medical privacy could be violated by a 13 year old barista or hostess at any restaurant. People’s lives and life’s work was destroyed because they knew, yes knew, that these injections and mandates where bad for you, said so, and would not comply.

This was a test for tyranny. And we failed.

The COMINTERN will likely admit a small degree of being incorrect to maintain the illusion that being correct was the issue, when it was not even close to the issue. Forcing people to do things they have a legal right not to do was the issue. Destroying people for disobedience to irrational orders, and you know what? It doesn’t matter if the orders are irrational or not!  And they will admit it so that they can do it again except “this time, it’s serious. Yes, we made mistakes last time but this disease is truly existential and now you have to stop eating meat, converting carbon from one form to another by heating your homes and so on, and take whatever we tell you to take or you will kill all the people you care about.” or something just like that.

For those of us that noticed that the instructions and narratives made no sense, things like, “pandemic of the unvaccinated”. The idea that somehow, the people who had taken a “vaccine” to protect them from a disease were actually at risk of catching the disease from people who had not taken it, is insane. People who travel say, to Africa or whatever get vaccinated against endemic diseases of the destination country. They don’t go make everyone in that country take the shot before they get there. It was patently nuts.

But the irrationality WAS the point! Forcing obedience through fear was the point. Making you do things that hurt you, helped nothing and was totally irrational was the point.

And across the West we failed the test of even understanding what liberty means.

Here’s a one line definition for those still uncertain:

Freedom means the right to do your own risk assessment.

A dozen other definitions are as good though. Orwell wrote in the personal of Winston Smith: “Freedom means the freedom to say 2+2=4”. A few years ago, very few of us knew that that even meant. People who had lived under communism did though. It meant we were free to say what we knew was true, either axiomatically, or from the evidence of our own senses. Or in Orwell’s words:

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

? George Orwell, 1984

Knowledge of what the shots did or did not do, or what the lock downs achieved or did not achieve is secondary, except of course, to the victims of these policies. And this author has had a lot of first hand contacts with its victims. And to them, it is the primary thing. But to the continuance of anything like what people think of as a Democracy, or perhaps better stated, a Republic like state, it was our failure to refuse to comply for which we are and will be indicted, convicted and punished by the very people who forced these measures on us. Because now they know they can do it again, and the vast majority of us still do not know what hit us the first time.

What we knew 4 years ago. But again, this is beside the point. But it does go to the irrationality of the measures forced on us.

3. One of the really delightful surprises of the day, is the number of people across the Middle East CELEBRATING the death of the Hizb’allah leader, Nesrallah. 

BTW: The reason we spell Hizb’allah this way isn’t virtue signalling whatsoever. We still call Bombay Bombay and Peking, Peking, and will until everyone else starts calling Cologne, Köln.” and Florence Firenze, Munich, München, Prague, Praha etc. For some reason only cities of non-white people have to be referred to in the local language but we get to mangle the names of all European cities any way we want.

We spell Hizb’allah that way because it conveys the actual meaning of it, The Party of Allah, which the common word Hezbollah does not. People need to understand this is an Islamic terrorist entity which seeks Islamic manifest destiny because it is Muslim and for no other reason. Hence it is called The Party of Allah, or, “Hizb’Allah.”

In any case Twitter is full of examples of Muslims and Christians and many other groups across the middle East celebrating in the streets being liberated from these monsters. Hizb’allah is the group that took Lebanon from the Paris of the 1900s of the Middle East, to the Manchester of the Middle East, or worse perhaps. the 2020s Paris of the Middle East. They did this by invading and conquering Lebanon for Islam on behalf of Iran, and through Syria.

The only people who seem upset by this are Iran, certain Islamic governments, The United Nations, and Obama’s (?) Biden’s (?) Harris’ (?) well whoever is in control’s United States.

This seems like a nice song

This seems like the right time to just put this right here.

4. A Montealler appears to have noticed something is amiss

I wish he had shown more of what he was seeing as opposed to his indignation. It’s a buyer’s market for indignation these days. But evidence of forbidden reality is always appreciated.

5. Hooray for Paliwood!

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