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Time for America to bare some wisdom teeth

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The future is not an inevitably transhuman, digital, globalist, monopolistic Mussolini-style Fascist State.

But this is what Hillary Clinton told CNN in June 2023 follow the link here:

there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the MAGA cult members”

May I just interject for a second here? That is isn’t committed Nazi film director Leni Riefenstahl talking in 1934, it’s an American citizen from Arkansas speaking in what purports to be a free speech democracy in 2023. She talks in the context of a post 2020 election heist [so obviously stolen from the Trumpen one who yes, fine, he’s boorish but he does believe in American values being applied to foreign policy].

Hillary is still the spouse of former President Bill Clinton, who went live on TV to say, “Ah deed not hayev sexual innacourse with that woman” [Monica Lewinsky]…a misleading assertion that ignored the role of Cuban cigars in his sexual opportunism.

A senior politician from Arizona told me at the time that Slick Willy was [and here I quote directly], “More slippery than snot on a glass doorknob”.

But this is not the affliction from which his wife suffers. For Killary lone-auto Homicide is a clear-cut, undiluted case of a lady who skipped Civics classes on the grounds of them being irrelevant to her needs.

More succintly, she is the Nazi BLM Liberal 21st century version of Joe Stalin’s 1916 Useful Menschevik Idiot facilitators of what eventually became the Sovyet Union.

Let’s not beat about the bush here: Hillary Clinton’s attempt to take over the DNC has been accompanied by a massive desertion of the Democratic Party by the very northern blue-collar classes who would, sixty years ago, have voted for every and any Democrat ticket rather than vote GOP.

But what’s equally clear [some might say queer] is that the DNC’s first lady is tonto: her marbles are absent, she is a New Normalist headcase, her left-brain reality is no more, she is round the bend, off with the fairies, and devoid of a paddle on the Shit Creek journey into madness.

The Clintons are a Crime Family, the Bidens are a Crime Family, and they are all depraved at a level up there with Caligula’s mother.

Now in all honesty, America my friend – accepting his myriad faults and gauche comments – can you really put together a case for applying any of the foregoing empirical analysis to Donald Trump?

So let’s take a closer look at the War of Donald’s Ear.

Washpo and all the other lickspittle legacy media showed alleged close-ups of Donald Trump’s ear as a way of suggesting that any and all damage to it was a fake.

The Slog has now taken the same enhancement software and applied it to the Donald’s ear based on a selection of close-ups I took personally.

These demonstrate as follows:

The Washington Post reported immediate breaking news of the assassination attempt against the GOP Candidate as follows: ‘Trump falls over at Farm rally’. So having dropped a gigantic clanger of disgraceful dumbo agitprop, Washpo then lied about the veracity of the ear/bullet thing.

What a profoundly unpleasant bunch of useless onanists they are. I truly cannot understand why the lock-stock-and-barrel bought and controlled US mainstream media is taken seriously by any even half-awake American voters any more.

But then you see, in the Real World, they aren’t.

Further data has been received here in Sloggers’ Roost from veteran pollsters still mercifully free from the BlackRock Dollar. Their most recent US POTUS voting and media study records as follows:

*The idea of tracking “close swing States” between Harris and Trump is a fantasy. With one or two stronghold exceptions, the former POTUS is supported 5:2 over the Dem candidate

*Among MAGAs, feelings are running very high this time: secessionist organisations report “a tsunami rise in support” for armed unrest should Trump fail to end up in the Oval Office.

I stress again, ladies and gentlemen, this is the United States of America we’re talking about here, not Somalia.

You know the one….the leader of the Free World, right? The country whose most famous newspaper The New York Times was yesterday morning slavering approvingly over a trial in Florida of “activists” charged with ‘using Russian propaganda’ to influence US elections.

This is the same USA that effectively banned any and all references to electoral tampering that enabled Sleazy Joe the Inappropriate Shower-Taker to enter the White House and declare all-out war on Russia using Ukrainian white-powder sniffer Zelenskyyyy as the cypher.

If twenty-five years ago, you had submitted a novel based on a future decade in America like the one we’ve just lived through, do you think it would’ve got any further than the bottom of the slush pile?

It’s all about November.

Not just in Washington, or the broader US, or among all the mad EUNATO jingoism….but also for a species threatened by the Tedros WHO gangsters, the WEF manipulators and the bioterrorists determined to bring in mandated lethal injections to wipe out what Henry Killinger had the audacity to call “useless eaters”.

And if you’re allowed once more into the White House Citizen Trump, then please, please find a senior and inclusive role in your administration for that other fine American, Robert F Kennedy Jr

But above all, reject all those “minders” who would rather manipulate you than set in motion what the electorate wants.


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