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A short and partial list of common (marxist) terms and a translation to reality

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This is a post i have wanted to make for a long time. A Marxist to English dictionary, even if its only half a page. The point of it is to understand how to do it much more than just exposing the specific terms we chose as exemplars. Understanding the principles and methods of Marxist dialectical terminology is critical if you want to have any chance of seeing outside the Matrix.

Communism is not much more if anything at all, than a system for attacking and destroying Western civilization at every level at which Western Civilization operates and exists. More than we are even aware of. Every aspect of our nature from our forms of reasoning and cultures as well as all institutions and professions which support our systems. From medicine to engineers, pilots to teachers etc.

Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals is an excellent manual on how to use orthodox Marxist methods adapted to the early 20th century. And a lot of those methods can be said to be a subset of Critical Theory.

At one level, critical theory is really simple. It is just criticizing everything about the West. Dishonestly, partially honestly, meaning spinning a real thing into something totally other than it really was to make the West, and especially the US look bad, or even honest criticism in an emergency, so to speak. Meaning when a narrative attack isn’t available. But in nearly all cases, Critical Theory is about a fictionalized version of the target and then a critical theory attack on that fiction.

It is because of this that we noticed that the media would sustain a rabid feeding frenzy over any non-white person killed by police either due to no fault of the police, like with George Floyd, or where the person who was shot richly deserved it as they were in the process of committing a violent crime. Even more importantly, that when a person who could be labelled as a black person was killed by police for reasons that were likely genuinely racist, there was little to no media and certainly no major protests or riots.

And this is 100% sensible when one understands that the idea is not to make the system better, but to destroy it altogether. 

When people protest a real problem there is a solution that makes things even better than they were before. But when the problem is synthetic, the solution the rioters want, defund the police etc. is the only option on the table.

Therefore, when we look at the way we are forced to look at race relations now in the West, and particularity the USA, we can see and understand it as a product of :

Critical Race Theory. A critical theory attack on the West by attacking people of European ethnicity, or “white people” as guilty of any number of things for which they have no connection and in many ways no-one ever was guilty as the history is usually partly or fully fictionalized. Certainly the context will be adjusted for the best effect of the Critical Theory attack.

The communists now in control of the schools are becoming more bold now and use the term, Critical Race Theory more openly. But that is what it is. A branch of Hegelian dialectics as interpreted by Marx and refined by the Frankfurt School tactician, Alinsky. This process of abstracting and expanding Marxist methods of attack on the West continue to this day. And the people fighting for the West for the most part do not understand the nature of the attack, and spend all their resources arguing the reality behind the critical theory attack, if they even get that far. In other words, arguing the surface specifics of a given narrative’s claims, while the critical theory attack does its damage.

As we often say, with the left, the point is never the point. The Revolution is always the point.

[I think I first heard that from Diana West but she may have been quoting someone else]

Let’s have a look at a few more terms:

Multiculturalism ~ Critical culture theory.

Like BLM is a marxist expression of critical theory by creating a dialectic confrontation between black and white people with the intention of destroying both ultimately, but ‘white’ people first, Multiculturalism is exactly the same. Bring in people from different cultures. Pretend to the host country that bringing in different cultures really just means interesting new recipes and sophisticated new arts and entertainment. But the reality of Multiculturalism means giving special protection to people from outside the host country to ‘protect their cultures’ while removing basic, even fundamental rights to the citizens of the host country, such that no opposition to what is taking place can happen without the objector being either directly guilty of a crime such as ‘hate speech’, or adjacent to a crime such as ‘racism’ where ‘racism’ while not always and not in all districts is specifically a crime, it can be dealt with by removing additional rights such as social media use, access to banking or even the right to use of a credit card or even accepting credit cards. So while not a crime, it is indeed punishable.

This happened to Robert Spencer for factual and unimpeachable explanations and descriptions of Islam that make Western peoples aware of it as a threat doctrine. Which it is. In case you haven’t noticed. But in all cases, the term, “multiculturalism’ is one deceptive click away from Critical race theory. The use of fictionalized race history and relations, or truthful ones but spun or cherry picked for a political outcome, rather than information. And the outcome is destruction.

Critical Culture Theory is tearing the west apart and down everywhere. And it has moved to pure oppression in the UK.

Climate Change ~ Critical Climate Theory

This one required an extra twist. It required moving from science as a method of understanding the universe, to scientism, where Marxist politicians tell you how the universe works. It is a gnostic cult of the White Coat. Science is never done by consensus. Politics and religion are, and in the case of communism, even that consensus is imposed from above. With Global Warming/Climate Change, we saw experts we never heard of, explain a consensus in the ‘science’ which has ‘already been done’ to explain why the measures being taken to ‘combat climate change’ cannot be questioned. You know, cause so many scientists agree. Real scientists, ones who explain their methods and publish their research get cancelled. Anyone who wants to see an excellent example of this should watch The Cloud Mystery. This is a short documentary by two Danish scientists who actually have a hypothesis on climate and temperature, and then prove it with data going back to Galileo’s first use of the telescope to study the Sun. Then watch the linked video of an explanation on how a Frankfurt School 2nd generation member, Jurgen Habermas, created the framework around which a small minority can impose their will on the majority using ‘consensus’ for political purposes.

Below, a truly amazing example of how Canada’s CBC COMINTERN broadcaster does exactly this. They make any refutation of Critical Climate Theory into hate speech as per Habermas. Have a listen after watching the linked video on Habermas.

But what makes it critical climate theory is its use to destroy Western industry. Communists picked the one marker that all industry in the world produces, CO2, and claimed it is a pollutant and claimed it as an existential threat to the World. Unless it is produced in China, North Korea, or anywhere else already socialist/communist. Then it is not to be mentioned. Like all Critical theory, it is meant to be destructive to Western Civ. And this one is majorly destructive. After all, if it was a real threat the people agitating over it would meet on Zoom and not fly private jets all over the world, and purchasing multi million dollar beach front homes for themselves where they themselves had saiid would be deep under water already from “global Warming”. And we would be building nuclear power plants as fast as we could. Even people who have real or exaggerated concerns about the safety of modern nuclear energy plants, will admit that the risk is not an existential risk to all life on Earth as they claim climate change to be. So in other words, it is a fake problem with real solutions that are avoided, in order to get the solutions they want, which is our destruction.

SOGI (Sexual orientation and Gender Identification) also Gender affirming Care ~ Critical Sex theory.

Destroying how people think of each other in terms of sexuality is a major victory for communists. After all, without reproduction, we go extinct. And yes, that is a victory for communism by some interpretations of communist theory. There are leftist groups across the West now that actively and openly seek human extinction. But as a rule, just for white people. Or more accurately, anyone who supports Western Civilization of any race or colour, as they will be labelled as white people and treated as such or worse by the left. Larry Elder as one clear example.

To the point though, destroying people’s ability to reproduce using drugs and surgical mutilation is a bonus. The main purpose is to destroy how Western people view each other sexually. This one deserves more than its own essay. It deserves a book.

Some point form proofs though, are that China made an official announcement, and passed a law, that no effeminate men can be seen  on TV. In other words, Critical Race Theory is a destructive dialectical weapon against the West and China needs to protect itself from it in case it comes back home. Like Covid.

Below is a truly excellent video on the communist origins of Critical Sex Theory:

DEI ~ Critical institutional theory, or Critical Merit Theory

The whole purpose of DEI is to destroy all the institutions we have. Stephen Coughlin feels it is primarily to destroy our military capability. And it can and it will. But it has already destroyed many other professions. The Merit principle is one of the absolute supporting pillars of Western Civ. The idea that the person best suited for a job and best at it, gets the job, not only enables things to be done well, but advances all of our sciences and arts throughout the history of Western Civ. One can spot quickly the number of positions in leftist governments that use DEO hires, or what we used to call, “Affirmative Action”. An older term used as a disguise for Critical Merit theory. This is not to say that people other than white males are incapable. In fact it has nothing to do with white males. DEI is about making sure the people picked for important and responsible positions are incapable. They would definitely pick a white male for a job requiring training and coordination if the person they picked had advanced Parkinson’s and Alzheimers. In fact they picked one for President of the United States.

The Merit principle also is the best example of actual fairness in human history. Everyone understands when someone who has worked harder, is more dedicated, more talented or simply better at a job gets the job. It was the replacement of nepotism. In fact some historians argue that Lincoln was actually shot by a man who felt that he deserved a well paid and prestigious civil service job by nepotism and was passed over for someone of greater merit. Out of resentment, he shot Lincoln. DEI manufactured the idea that all who are good or accomplished are oppressors, and therefore not deserving. That achievement is cheating. Taking responsibility is privilege and so on. Over the course of the revolution in the West during the past 10 years or so, we see countless examples of Critical merit theory. From Math is Racist to reading to your children is racist.

This is only a partial list. Comments are welcome with other phrases used as disguised attacks on us all.


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