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Good intentions, outcome failings, new directions

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Primarily because of two factors – rampant platform censorship and associated sabotage plus what looks like readership exhaustion – the audience stats at The Slog are declining. I’m not surprised about this, and not especially disturbed: the goal never was to be famous, the goal was to be an effective cognitive dissident in a world where Truth has been stolen by greed, and creative mutual capitalism is being mercilessly crushed by financialised fantasies, central banking theft and big-business-to-investment house global monopolists….if you will, the New World Order.

The key word in that throat-clearing paragraph is effective. For forty-two years I was a writer, market researcher and creative strategist – “Planner” so-called – wage slave and then entrepreneur in the advertising business. I was and remain a big fan of engaging, amusing and original advertising, but ultimately the bottom line question for me was always “Is it persuasive and does it support the client’s commercial objectives?”

By the summer of 1999, I had enough in pensions and capital to eschew the daily round of tedious meetings that always invade corporate life, so I resigned and worked out my contract at the agency before officially retiring in early 2000.

The plan was to become a freelance marketing communications advisor. But serendipity had other ideas.

It is something of a life-changing jolt to exit the corporate cocoon, and fairly rapidly discover that – while I was at the office, as it were – the neoliberal model of capitalism had encouraged every clammy con-man to crawl out from under his or her cold and slimey stone in order to scam everyone else. Worse still, they were making big money and becoming everything from business consultants and financial advisors to senior civil servants, MPs, Prime Ministers, central bankers, climate alarmists, mendacious pharmaceutical sociopaths, hitech monster-geeks, Channel 4 journalists and US Presidents from Arkansas.

I wasn’t a complete naif: I’d seen these slimeballs on TV and watched their ascent….but only from a distracted distance. Once out in the cold, however, I was subjected just like everyone else to mis-selling, cover-ups, scandalous lies and the beginnings of media pc bollocks.

So I set up a space called Not Born Yesterday as first of all a sort of early substack mass email to friends and acquaintances, and then a blog using the truly awful Front Page platform.

Thanks to mendacious leftist media victimisation from The Guardian’s Alan Rusbridger and his mates at the New York Times, I was forced to dump NBY and start The Slog in 2010. It’s been the main thing in my life ever since.

But it’s not effective any more – for the two reasons I outlined at the outset of this piece. So from here on, the Slog will be adopting a radically different approach: in a nutshell, one that stops me feeling like an onanist much of the time, and instead allows me to offer both survival advice and a much larger metaphysical perspective.

The content will be eclectic, and I hope at times usefully stimulating. Of course, if a good “story” falls into my hands, I’ll run it. But on the whole, what I’ll be trying to do is move away from exhortation to purveying such survival/coping wisdom as I’ve acquired during a varied material existence.

There will also (you’ll be relieved to hear) some fun along the way, including some regular features designed, as always, to poke fun at power

The process starts here.

There is a tendency in all of us from time to time to feel terribly alone – perhaps, at times, deserted. The self-styled elites like us to be like that….vulnerable, depressed about lost goals in the past, and pessimistic about the future in a world gone mad.

In fact, none of us are alone – because separation is an illusion and everything is connected. Metaphysics is the key to my belief in mutualism because the Metaverse is based on it. During meditation, one focuses on the Real and the Now. You’re never alone when you meditate, because one gets the sense of being in a community of souls. I repeat this extract from a recent Slogpost:

The 3D Universe demonstrates at all levels – in all the sizes and all the colours – that dividing the physical (and then televising the blame) is antithetical to what our level of existence is about. Everything and everyone is connected to everything and everyone else: separation is an illusion.

Sit in a quiet room, examine your breathing, then visualise your unique physical elements relaxing one by one. With practice, after five to ten minutes, your memory of self as a separate entity will be replaced by one of undefined shape and a massive increase in calm. You will enjoy the delightful sense of floating – of being part of The Real Now, and “joining in” with the natural process of banishing fear. Limbs in particular give out a sense of being almost anaesthetised – of being part of something infinitely powerful, and yet devoid of lockstep group-think.

In a nutshell, it is Reality Without Fear. The more you use this technique, the more your brain will accept it, accelerate the process of clear thinking, and eliminate the cowardice of compliance.

Almost every email the despicable World Health Organisation issues attempts to create fear about the future, while rewriting the past, to justify its end goal of complete control overruling Sovereign liberty. So this is a mantra I use often [out loud] when meditating:

‘The past is gone and cannot be regained, the future is unknown and cannot be ordained. Only the eternal timeless Now is real – a reality verified by using our five primary senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch’.

Everything else – legacy mass media, television, online, movies, books, ads, theatre, opera – is forever open to the use of hyperbole and special effects to pervert the past, demonise the future and manipulate our take on reality.

Since the mid 1950s (we are told) more and more evidence has emerged to show that nothing our five senses detect is accurate. This is seen as “settled science” but I don’t buy it. Aside from the fact that I can’t accept that any science is “settled”, science proposing that Time is a total illusion is taking the Truman Show deception to ridiculous lengths.

Even if this idea could be proven, it doesn’t alter the fact that, at our level of material consciousness, our primary senses are the one and only source we can employ when seeking the Truth. To be pointed about this, I could easily argue that the 1960s drug mantra “nothing is real” represents a very powerful weapon in the wrong hands; after all, isn’t that what the Room 101 interrogator wanted Winston Smith to believe [about four fingers being two] in the Orwell novel Nineteen Eighty Four?

Over time, things rust, people become infirm, wood rots, sea levels fall and rise, and technology moves on. None of these could happen without the passage of Time to allow water vapour, wear-out, worm-boring and thinking to do its thing.

Much of the mistake – I hypothesise – stems from applying the one word ‘Time’ to a potential variety of phenomena. I’ve noticed over the years that a great many thinkers introduce the two spellings of the word – Time and time – to suggest a differention. “You’re confusing clock time with metaverse Time” a physicist once told me. Hmmm.

For example, to make something explode, colliding matter needs time to effect the chemical reaction. But up until ten years ago, most physicists insisted that there was no Time before Big Bang. Fifty-three years ago, I suggested to my physics teacher Les Lumley that such could not be true: things that don’t exist cannot create bangs.

He was stunned but agreed: it was this that led him to the flawed idea that I might be a genius. In fact, I’m just the eccentric that can’t resist putting his hand up in class. Or as David Malone’s techie Ian suggested to me, “You’re just a troublemaking nuisance”. Nevertheless, a scientific majority has now come round to my viewpoint: there was time before Big Bang. If there ever was a Big Bang in the first place.

When the disciples asked Jesus what Heaven was like, the major feature in his answer was indeed ‘Time’. Even here, though, the Hebrew translation has him saying, “In my father’s house, there is no Time”….whereas the Latin translation recorded this as “My father’s house is from before Time”. So you see, human beings have been equivocal about this Time for a long time. Capitalisation: is it an illusion?

No, but I suspect that most egg-heads [like so many ideologues] hide behind obfuscation to defend their conclusions. Some examples culled from online sites serve to make my point:

‘Physics isn’t math, we don’t define things. Physics works by making mathematical models and judging them by how well they match reality. You’d have to reformulate your question, “define time in (some model)”. Currently, the best model for this question would be General Relativity. In GR, time is the 4th dimension of a pseudo-Riemannian manifold that satisfies certain equations’

‘Time is a quantity that, when measured in combination with other quantities, allows us to distinguish events/configurations from other events/configurations that occurred before or after measurement’

‘People often say that entropy always increases with time. In reality, they’ve got it backwards. Time is the measurement of the increase in entropy. Entropy is really the only thing the universe understands’

As for the last effort above, herewith a definition of entropy: ‘Entropy is a scientific concept that is most commonly associated with a state of disorder, randomness, or uncertainty’. Sums up the whole morass rather well, I think.

I am a fairly simple soul: if you can’t explain what something is in plain English, chances are the explanation is wrong: or as the entropists would have it, disorderly, random and uncertain.

Aka not much use to man or beast.

But if your head is hurting by now, when I say “chances are” it doesn’t mean “we can be sure that”. I am merely warning all of us about the crafty [but smart] tendency of the Woke Settled Science idiots to use the antithetical ruses of the mysterious and the proven in the same sentence. This is called cognitive dissonance, and it’s the cerebral flaw that perhaps best defines the NWO typology.

During the contradictory Covid confusion of 2020-21, at times the so-called ‘authorities’ – asked about the best way to tackle that crime against humanity – came close to saying, “Settled science moves in mysterious ways”. What they actually said over and over again was, “We are simply following the science”, although they weren’t following any of the enormous body of scientific learnings in relation to epidemiology.

Odd thing is however, dear reader, if on the basis of all the foregoing you have me down as an atheist or agnostic when it comes to divinity, you couldn’t be more wrong.

I am not monotheistic, if only because I see such a similarity between the ideas of most prophets throughout history, I can’t believe it’s mere coincidence. They seem to me to share the same basic pool of information. Most of the religious schisms and conflicts have been created by priests, pharisees, fundamentalists and other charlatans who – here we go again – recognise the ability that religious dogma has to frighten and control simple people.

Equally impressive is the astonishing track-record prophetic statements have to be proved right by developing scientific findings. “Faith can move mountains” say the Buddhists, and those who have studied the quantum sub-atomic sphere tend to agree. I have often thought that prayer is really an attempt to intervene and change the quantum outcome with “good motives”.

Francis Collins, director of the Human Genome Project, has said, “there is no conflict in being a rigorous scientist and a person who believes in a God who takes a personal interest in each one of us. Science’s domain is to explore nature. God’s domain is in the spiritual world, a realm not possible to explore with the tools and language of science. It must be examined with the heart, the mind, and the soul.”

The position of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church remains, There is no contradiction between an evolutionary theory of human origins and the doctrine of God as Creator. 

In 1996, Pope John Paul II affirmed, “there is no conflict between the science of evolution and the doctrine of the faith regarding man and his vocation….more and more findings lead us toward the recognition of evolution as more than a hypothesis”

Distinguished professor of biology at Brown University Kenneth Miller opines, “Most scientists who are religious look for God in what science does understand and has explained.

These are all mainstream views today. The confluence of knowledge involved here explains a lot about how – far from becoming extinct – belief in the ‘Godliness’ of metaverse order and intelligence exists very happily alongside scientific advance. And notably, the syndrome does not occur when science regresses into transhumanism and AI.

For me, the idea of God as an old bloke with long white beard is potty. We are one insignificant species on a spherical rock in the south eastern quartile of our galaxy, and we are mammalian partly because a huge asteroid hit wiped out all large reptiles millions of years ago.

My faith is in Godness and an astonishingly ordered intelligence that cannot be put down to random collisions and bangs. Without life, there is no intelligence. Godness is a life form we do not, as yet, even begin to understand.

Whether there will be any Divine Intervention to save us in the immediate future depends largely, I suspect, on whether God thinks we’re worth the bother.

And finally, I bid you farewell on this Sunday afternoon with a bit of whimsy on the subject of the Time and light speed:

It’s really not that far

From Gambia to Bogota….

If we use my wave-rider,

ocean-going H20 divider

sub-atomic two-dimensional car.

We can fire away tomorrow

at twice the speed of light

using backards Time I’ll borrow

and be there some time tonight.


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