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Lonely are the Brave

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Although the sold-out, brain-washed-up pre-digital and online New Normalist media would have you believe that The Resistance to Global Dystopian Hegemony [GDH] is minimal – and futile, naturally – right across the World millions of cognitive dissidents are at work revealing the odd perversions, twisted propaganda and naked power-lust of the various pharma addict-feeders, depopulating genocidalists, monopolist central bankers, Silicon Valley egomaniacs, obsessive climate alarmists, obscenely monied investment houses and usurped ‘old’ political Parties driving us relentlessly towards a faceless, arid world of diktats, trans-humanism, artificial intelligence, settled science, brutal oppression and proxy war distractions.

I want to make one thing clear at the outset: the wannabe NWO will collapse before its perspiring wet dreams can be realised. This is not, I stress, the wishful thinking of a fluffy; rather, it is the considered conclusion of a bloke [aka, me] who has spent a lifetime studying social anthropology in the corporate, commercial and political fields.

I’m informed by that experience as follows: put half a dozen sleazy, greedy, megalomanic, devious and amoral monsters in a room, and they will plot, connive, disrupt, divide and strive to eliminate all the others involved until one of them is the Fuhrer. After which, a dozen more wannabe Fuhrers will try and unseat the “winner”. Now put three thousand of these demagogues in a room and….well, what on Earth could go wrong?

However, the issue I find most horrific here is that millions – perhaps billions – of completely innocent, harmless and law abiding families are going to die pointlessly to satisfy the bonkers Weltanschauung of the string-pullers at the top.

It’s important to bear in mind that – as this post shall amply demonstrate – nothing less than complete humiliation of any and all resistors of their authority will do for these cruel men and women.

Observe the fate of former FBI agent and now whistleblower Marcus Allen [left] who testified before the Judiciary Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government during September 2024. In September 2021, Allen sent an email to his FBI supervisors, in which he made clear his view that January 6th “insurrection” had been a largely FBI-staged false flag that, even with that assistance, never became even remotely insurrectionist. The mail triggered a severe response from the bureau and ended his career, rendering him the subject of persecution from the agency ever since. Allen told the subcommittee:

“The FBI questioned my allegiance to the United States, suspended my security clearance, suspended my pay, and refused to allow me to obtain outside employment or even accept charity. There are no words strong enough to describe the impact the FBI’s lies about me have had on my family and me….The stress has taken a toll on our health and our children have suffered, traumatised by the thought of our door getting kicked in or Dad not coming home”.

More infamously, never forget the vicious treatment dished out to Julian Assange [right] the founder of Wikileaks. In June 2024, he was woken in his small cell in the high-security Belmarsh prison, south-east London, and ordered to dress before being put in handcuffs.

It was the beginning of the end of Assange’s incarceration in Britain after 1,901 days of captivity there. He had spent the time in a two by three metre cell, isolated 23 hours out of 24. But the release was going to be on his incarceraters’ terms. He was bundled into a transport vehicle and put in a tiny box there, where he sat for three hours. Forty policemen were assigned to guard him, there was a helicopter hovering overhead, and six police vehicles in a convoy to the airport, where he was abruptly deported.

So – no heavy-handed to display of absolute State power to see here, then.

Assange eventually pled guilty [in a US District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands] to one count of conspiracy to obtain and disclose classified US national defence documents….and on the basis of that spurious plea bargain – aka forced “confession” – he finally got his freedom back.

His crime as a journalist? To publish classified material that damned the US Secret State as the broadcaster of flagrant lies about, and distractions from, unjustified illegal actions.

I’m not an unalloyed fan of our Julian – I think he has a somewhat messianic martyr complex. But his treatment at the hands of my homeland’s poodle pets of the CIA was despicable, and something of which I shall forever, as a Brit, feel utterly ashamed.

What I want to do today is introduce readers to more largely unsung heroes. Not only do I fail to see any glory in the brave being lonely, I see this as the beginning of a Slog mission to create a congregation of individuals and organisations in every nation on Earth (a) to whom victims of brutal repression can turn (b) donations can be made and (c) remorseless censorship by those bullies meting out rough injustice can be countered.

I commence with the work of Jessica Rose, who writes a substack called Unconditional Jessica. (Don’t wast your time using Google-Gobble as your search engine to find Jessica: in their evil eye, she is an Unperson.

Most recently, Rose has highlighted a US enabling Act issued by the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security [DOD]….which clearly seems able to make “lethal action” against demos of citizen dissatisfaction legal without reference to Congress.

DOD directive 5240.01 employed the kind of creepy Secret State euphemisms that people paying attention have come to dread.

Effective from September 27th 2024, this latter-day Papal Bull is entitled ‘USE OF LETHAL FORCE IN A REASONABLY ANTICIPATED CONFRONTATION’. Get a load of these CIA-speak extracts, and feel your pupils dilate:

‘Defense Intelligence Components may provide personnel to assist a Federal department or agency, including a Federal law enforcement agency, or a State or local law enforcement agency when lives are in danger….Assistance in responding with assets with potential for lethality, or any situation in which it is reasonably foreseeable that providing the requested assistance may involve the use of force that is likely to result in lethal force, including death or serious bodily injury. It also includes all support to civilian law enforcement officials in situations where a confrontation between civilian law enforcement and civilian individuals or groups is reasonably anticipated.

Four days ago, Jessica justifiably noted, ‘The words ‘reasonably anticipated’ are the ones that truly bother me. What qualifies as reasonable? Decided by whom?’

It’s impossible to ignore the chilling possibilities of this State Decree. And Jessica Rose has a long and enviable track record of reliably professional detective work. Read the phrase ‘reasonably foreseeable that providing the requested assistance may involve the use of force that is likely to result in lethal force, including death or serious bodily injury’ and weep.

Next up is Meryl Nass. And here too, if you use Google to search for “potential injustice done to Meryl Nass”, the self-inflictedly blind Mr MaGoogle shows ‘potential injustice’ and just gives you the CDC-to-New York Times version of Meryl’s nightmare.

Nass [left] is a medical practitioner who has had her licence to practise suspended because she “spread disinformation” about Covid19. As we all know only too well, the First World Anglosphere now uses the word ‘disinformation’ more or less involuntarily as a synonym of ‘Truth’.

This is what really happened:

The Maine Medical Board staff told her attorney 4 days before the January 11, 2022 meeting and vote about ‘misinformation’ that the Board was planning to immediately suspend her license. Meryl’s attorney then told her of this pre-ordained guilty verdict. She blogged about it, the Board staff saw the blog post and confronted the attorney, who then quit her case the night before the meeting— because the Board staff had already decided what was to become of her’.

This sort of State behaviour goes beyond “Guilty until proved innocent” and onto a place several stops further up the line towards Showtrial Junction. The problem all American MDs face is that the Centre for Disease Control [CDC] and the likes of Anthony Fauci use their phallic parts to carry out proctology examinations of the assholes owned by Global Pharma…to great mutual satisfaction.

Big Pharma is not a branch of medicine. Ethical medics try to make ill people better, whereas pharmaceutical criminals want to make money by turning patients into pill addicts. The two callings are antithetical.

Undeterred, Nass has gone on in the meantime to found Door to Freedom, at which she summarises the site’s raison d’etre as ‘We exist to help people make sense of a rapidly changing world, to stop efforts by the WHO and UN to centralize control during emergencies, and to preserve traditional farming and the production of healthful foods’.

It is as good a place online for the awake citizen to spend his or her time.

John Day [right]– also a suspended US medic – is of course very familiar to regular Sloggers. He donates his time free to offering daily coverage of every State perfidy imaginable – and others you’d only previously had nightmares about. Most recently he points us at – an amazing piece about miracle drug DMSO which is in turn (predictably) being smothered and slagged off by the FDA/CDC/Pharma Amorality Complex because it threatens the lucrative monopoly in selling addictive pills to chronic pain sufferers.

Andonandonandonandon….to the Federal Republic of Germany now, and the Civil Rights organisation Laufpass.

Laufpass has been instrumental in publicising the fate of German American Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich [left] the man who tried to prosecute those involved in bogus Covid19 practices. Fuellmich, born in 1958 in Bremen, was a spokesman for the Corona Investigative Committee, a non-governmental investigative outfit based in Germany. He played a significant role in the prosecuting VW vis a vis the emissions scandal, and also successfully sued Deutsche Bank in several cases involving mortgage fraud.

During 2020, Fuellmich and his colleagues began documenting violations of law, medical malpractice and scientific fraud in connection with Covid19 care and management. In September, 2022, Fuellmich was framed in an embezzlement accusation remarkable chiefly for the fact that State prosecutors have never been able to demonstrate the gold and monies he was alleged to have stolen in any shape or form in his possessions or bank accounts.

Reiner Fuellmich is guilty of nothing more than being a nuisance. But nearly a year now, he has been held without trial in the notorious Göttingen high-security prison known as Rosdorf.

The full horror of his inhuman treatment has been investigated by Laufpass, and you can read the English translation of their article here at the British site The Exposé.

Few fighters for freedom of speech and the rule of law attain high office, but one exception is Rand Paul [right] the conservative U.S. Senator from Kentucky who has been a prominent advocate for civil liberties and limited foreign intervention. Paul has consistently championed privacy rights, calling for reforms to curb government surveillance. His libertarian-leaning stance encompasses opposition to unnecessary military engagements, aligning with his father Ron Paul’s legacy.

I urge anyone reading this post today to watch Paul not only swamping the CDC’s Anthony Fauci at the hearing about Covid origins, but also receiving nothing but self-pitying waffle in return from this nasty little Pharma-to-Pentagon lapdog………whom I can only ever see as the world’s most sick Peace Criminal. You can watch and hear the exchange here

In a proper, grown-up functional liberal democracy, Fauci would be behind bars in a high security prison for criminally incompetent depraved worms…given that he shared military bioweapon secrets with the Chinese.

So would Matt Hancock.

But neither man is. Only their victims go to jail.

Pay head, people: these unpardonable cruelties and deliberate humiliations of those who stand up for your civil rights are being dictated, planned and carried out by first world countries like the USA, the UK, the German Bundesrepublik, France and myriad others. It’s happening somewhere close to you. The serial calumny is being brought to our attention by brave souls dedicated to the task of digging for all the evidence against the NWO villains, and presenting analyses of their insane goal of tracking, bugging, censoring, controlling and exterminating every member of our species outside of the New World Club.

Take the time out to read their stuff, encourage them, subscribe to their output, and if you have spare cash, donate to their sites and organisations.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This post will form the basis of a new Page beneath the Home masthead of The Slog – working title ‘A Compendium of Courage’ – as a tribute to the millions of


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