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Monetising the resistance to black-hat Law breakers

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Does any judicial official that sentences a peaceful demonstrator to two years and eight months in prison – but also lets a serial sex offender off with a suspended sentence – know how many beans make five?

Is any State health service routinely offering euthanasia as a treatment for intractable depression to save taxpayers’ money being run by people worthy of the title ‘human’?

How does an unelected, self-appointed quango linked directly to the Military get to issue an edict giving itself carte blanche to take lethal action against demonstrators in any and all circumstance deemed by itself to be justified?

What is the point of having a State>Citizen pact of constitutional legality when an entire profession of tax collectors has it written into their remit that they cannot be sued under any circumstances?

All four of the above rhetorical questions are based on irrefutable fact: they relate to realities in the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States of America, and the French Republic.

The most important prima facie foundation of civilisation is the Rule of Law.

The key word there is Rule: the law is designed to ensure that the rules are obeyed, that the Law is applied using the same judgements regardless of age, gender, wealth, occupation, ethnicity and influence, and that the law’s rule is supreme: it cannot be flouted – and no institution or individual is beyond its infinite reach. Nobody and nothing can limbo under its radar or consider itself above the law’s jurisdiction.

But nobody in his or her right mind believes that such tosh applies anywhere among Planet Earth’s human populations.

For example, why is Anthony Fauci not on trial for betrayal of US secrets during his Wuhan vacation in search of function gain….and associated peace crimes against humanity involving manipulation of the Covid virus developed in the late 1960s and then banned as a military weapon by Dick Nixon?

Why is Matt Hancock not in prison for his role in (a) misleading both Parliament and Public as to the safety rating mRNA vaccines had been given and (b) dumping infected hospital patients into nursing homes and thus causing untold deaths among the innocent elderly?

Why are David Lammy and Antony Blinken still walking free despite conspiring to import deadly field weapons illegally to a Colombian Snow-sniffing war criminal in the Ukraine?

Why was former BBC news anchor Huw Edwards given a suspended sentence for possession of numerous child hard-porn images? He now walks free and is about to sell his £4.75 million London home, presumably after which he can live happily ever after – despite satiating his twisted desires with that porn – knowing full well the unspeakable cruelty done to children during the photography involved?

I’m sure it has forever been the case that the rich and powerful get preferential treatment regardless of the specific legal system involved.

The difference in 2024 is that the practice has moved on: Justice perversion today has become just one more weapon in the repressive surveillance State’s armoury.

How else can one explain the US Department of Defense’s “lethality engagement” with those defending the Republic’s constitutional freedoms? What possible justification can there be to suspend the medical licences of Meryl Nass and John Day because they refused to administer a dangerous and unnecessary jab that duly went on to fail as a vaccine while killing millions in the process? Why is it impossible to sue a Notaire in France, given the unenviable track record of incompetent, lazy and corrupt dealings these dinosaurs have in the sale and purchase of French property?

Once again, we return to what The Slog has dubbed The Compendium of Couragea tribute to the dedication and bravery of those who fight a daily battle to preserve and nurture all those freedoms taken for granted by the apathetically selfish and naive cynics in our midst.

Given the nature of their Prime Minister Justin Trudeau [né Castro] – a leader whose motto could easily be “I just intrude – oh boy, but I do” – the Canadian Civil Liberties Association really does have it’s work cut out dealing with daily attacks on the Free Speech of its fellow citizens.

I mean, c’mon folks – this is the young Fidel Castro:

And this is the bearded Trudeau Jr

…and this is Trudeau Sr

I mean, let’s get real on the genes here.

But despite the challenging NWO cultural environment this remarkable Canadian organisation faces, it rises with formidable grit and determination to its task as follows:

Freedom of expression includes freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication.

When government actors are allowed to decide which opinions can be expressed and which cannot, an open, vibrant and diverse society quickly breaks down.

Similarly, when our court system is used to silence those with unpopular views or those who oppose powerful actors, we all lose the opportunity to hear all sides of an issue and come to our own conclusions. Freedom of expression is the right to speak, but also the right to hear”.

What a brilliant summation of the Social Contract that is.

Go to here in particular to see how busy and tenacious these folks are.

Look, you might well not agree with every take CCLA has on every issue: but the point is, the last thing they want to do is crush your right to disagree with them.

Most important of all, the CCLA is totally unconnected to the New Normalist cancel culture embraced by the love-child of Margaret Trudeau’s fling with Fidel Castro.

As Franz Kafka wrote, “I do not accept your interpretation, but I would fight to the death for your right to express it”.

And in other news….

Slogger Chris Quigley sends me a link relating to money digitalisation that takes me nowhere. When I explain the empty space, Christo replies, “More censorship John. Folk regularly cannot open my docs”.

John Day comments, “AI is not meant to help the flocks and herd, but to offset risk and time-expense onto them, while absolving the owners and managers from responsibility. Oops, durned AI messed up again! Some day, in the fullness of time, AI will be tasked to slaughter us discretely and efficiently…”

Eminent substacker Scott Ritter opines, “The leaking of two highly classified documents which, upon examination, appear to contain sensitive US intelligence information about Israeli military preparations for an attack on Iran, has created a storm of controversy in the United States. As US law enforcement scrambles to discover the source of the leak, very little concern is being expressed by US politicians or the American public at large over the implications not of the leaked documents, but rather the information they contained—that Israel is preparing a massive strike on Iran that could trigger a larger conflict which, realistically, could end up involving the use of nuclear weapons”.

From the substack Upheaval run by N S Lyons:

‘Managerialism is, in short, the instantiated belief that everything can and should be deliberately engineered and managed from the top down, and that this necessitates an expert class of professional managers whose business it is to do so. Rooted in the techniques of bureaucratic organization and “scientific management” that sprang from the revolution of mass and scale brought on by the Industrial Revolution, managerialism took off with the early Progressive movements and flourished following the bureaucratic explosions produced by the two world wars.

Now, the evolutionary genius, so to speak, of managerialism is that it functions constantly to justify its own perpetual expansion. The larger and more complex any organization or system grows, the exponentially more managers seem needed to manage that complexity and the inefficiencies it generates; managers therefore have a strong incentive to ensure that their organization continues to grow larger and more complex, resulting in greater relative power and resources for the managers as a group within the system; more growth means more managers must be hired, who then push for more expansion by rationalizing a need for their cancerous bureaucratic apparatus to take over an ever-larger range of functions; as more and more territory is surrendered to bureaucratic management, more managers must be trained and educated, which requires more managers… and on and on. I call this expansionary dialectic the managerial doom loop.’

Major Hat-tip here to Slogger Jeremy Poyton who led me by the nose to this brilliant analysis

Here is my suggestion in relation to the shit-storm we’re already experiencing:

  1. All the Freedom sites could benefit from closer ties and sharing of experience
  2. They all need our donations and the oxygen of awareness influentual blogs and substacks can contribute
  3. There are still tons of clean giga-monies out there that owe no allegience to the New World Order. We must all do all we can to attract that money in order to level up the currently one-sided leg-up cronyism that is out to rule the World


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