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November the fifth & all that

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The POTUS election date is familiar to Brits as the anniversary of the Papal fanatics’ plot to blow up Parliament in 1605. But the similarities don’t end there.

Some dot-joining being undertaken here….dots relating to apparently unrelated events, but as the Buddists say, ‘Everything is connected’.

Bear with me, everything will become clear.

News broke two days ago of a major development in the Ukraine/Russia conflict. Described by one site as ‘a glimpse of the ultimate game-changer in warfare’, it looks like Moscow’s top boffins have presented Vladimir Putin with a weapon against which there is little or no defence.

The Russian Federation hit the collapsing Zelenskyy regime with an attack that three days ago that produced an alleged 23,000 Ukrainian Troop death toll In Kursk and nobody saw, heard or got advance notice of its arrival.

In 2018, senior Pentagon officers got to work on Operation Overmatch, a project to wipe out the US weapon technology gap, and surpass all missile capabilities developed by both China and Russia. By 2022, the US Deep State was confident it had the upper hand.

But as so often happens with the US military – Bay of Pigs, cruise missiles, archaic aircraft carriers, F35 bombers, Firefox stealth, the decapitation theory of First Strike and other bogus big budgets – their claims for Overmatch are melting in the heat of real battle. The use of hypersonic missiles by Iran against Israel [revenge for Netanyahu’s attack on Lebanon] demonstrated with devastating clarity that Moscow still outpaces US capability: and thanks to the own-goal scored by Anthony Fauci during Covid19 “gain of function” development with the Chinese military during 2018-20, Beijing now owns most of the bioweapon secrets that the US developed in seven bio-labs along the Ukrainian border with the Russian Federation…the main reason why Putin invaded Ukraine in the first place.

Yes people, the swamp dwellers are dumb…but still dangerous – and far from drained.

But this latest Russian weapon’s effect bears an uncanny similarity to the ‘freak weather’ BS that tried to explain away death-ray devastation in Hawaii in August 2023.

Forty-eight hours after the attack this week, nobody in Washington, London, Paris, Brussels, Berlin or Zelenskyy lalaLand knows what the RF’s attack weapon was, but such Overmatch details as we have suggest very strongly that Putin carried out what is referred to in military circles these days as an Energy Direction attack.

Yet again, Vlad the Lad is pointing out to the gung-ho EUNATO clowns that if they continue to poke his nest, there will be consequences.

So: the World according to Global hegemonists continues to look ominous and full of existential risk for Homo sapiens. But the obviously imminent defeat of the drug addict cypher weapon Zelenskyy – so ludicrously feted by useful Western idiots across the board – is very, very bad news indeed for the BLM Demorat cult that is betting the farm on Kamala the Kleptomaniac.

And the dilemma every US citizen now faces was admirably set out by substacker supremo T.L. Davis yesterday. I quote unashamadly at length [my emphases] from his masterly analysis of just what is really at stake on November 5th. He does indeed point up the high possibility of treason, plot, and blowing up US liberty:

‘We know there’s going to be cheating in the 2024 election. The fact that the whole of the communist propaganda establishment of the MSM have shielded past election fraud and are actively denying current evidence of the same, ensures that outcome. None of the apparatus to cheat in the 2020 election has been dismantled and one-time emergency measures during Covid are still being used though there is no longer any deterrent to people assembling to vote on a single day as always before in the history of the nation. The larger extent of state governments have simply ignored the issue for four years, overlooking in excess of 100% voter turnout, an impossibility even at 100%, much less at 113%, but it will happen again and no one will take a serious look at the facts of it.

This is not even about election integrity. This election, if stolen, must be addressed by the people. This cannot be a method of running a free nation. Call it anything else you want, but a free nation, it is not. Hopefully the American ideals of freedom will win out, but I’m not sure of that, either. Even if Trump were to win, people have to go to jail for the attempt to steal it. Illegals caught voting need to be deported. It is the will to do that with the propagandist media highlighting every unfortunate circumstance that occurs that I doubt.

‘…..This is a critical time, not just for politics, economics, culture and immigration, it’s also a critical time for the military. This is how the world works in a nation solely focused on fuelling the coffers of the richest people in the world, who have no particular interest in the American ideal other than to divert as much of the treasury as possible into their own pockets….This is best demonstrated in the military-industrial complex, but it’s massively expensive….the F-35 is all show and no go and it cost some 200 billion dollars to develop….highlight[ing] the catastrophic failures of an industry no longer interested in functionality. The American people need to understand their positions in world history, because if this is left to simmer, we might be closer to annihilation than ever before.’

As is so often the case, TLD hits the bullseye using a razor-sharp dart. And in doing so, the bloke gives further clarity to my starting point in this post: Investment sector greed, media whoring plus Silicon Valley and Pentagon hubris are exacerbating the unbalanced desperation of the Deep State that flatly refuses to recognise decline, fin de l’Empire and fall.

The US proxy war in the Ukraine against Russia is lost, period. It cannot be saved. It is a dead parrot. But the entire Harris to Obama cult chances of success in a fair election are based on an insistence that the opposite is true.

Regular Slog followers will recall what lengths the New Normalist>>RayBann crewcuts will go to ensure things go their way. There is the fast-track Mexican voters scandal; the news that Harris staffers are off-shoring manipulation of opinion polls; and the weaponisation of every supposedly State balanced information-for-voters by every collaborator from Google to the New York Times.

We have also seen lax protection from the FBI for Trump alongside zero protection for RFK Junior.

TLD concludes:

‘Until many more of my fellow Americans realize that the federal system is irretrievably broken and move to the next step in the process of correcting the many usurpations of their rights, there’s not much else to do. I hope the treatment of Americans over the past few years and days has convinced some of the state legislatures to view the feds as they do in Florida, with contempt and limited cooperation, but that is yet to be seen. Ultimately, it is our duty and our responsibility to remedy our grievances. They can pass all the laws they want, the people themselves are the true and proper arbiters of their validity.’

Just by saying this, this bloke is putting both nuts and neck on the line. So from my perspective, he certainly deserves to be in the building Slogpage Compendium of Courage.

We all have our own Room 101. Another candidate deserving to be one of the lonely brave is my former colleague AJC ‘Amy’ Boone, whose columns here certainly informed my understanding of EUNATO’s flagrantly despicable duplicity in relation to the 2014 ceasefire agreement between opposing sides on the Ukraine/Russia Donbass issue.

As a former professional diplomat with detailed knowledge of Russo-Ukrainian relations, Amy risked both isolation and ridicule at the hands of propagandists determined to demonise Putin. Her piece from 2020 in these columns shone a giant torch upon abundant Western mendacity on the Ukraine issue.

Her post from February 25th 2022 should in turn stand forever as a brilliantly justified explanation of why Putin was forced by Western hypocrisy into an invasion he needed like a new hole in the head.

And more recently, her post of March this year on the spurious introduction of Crimea into the geopolitical equation was a remarkably accurate prediction of events.

This extract stands out for me:

To neutralise the phony summary phrases that are circulating (e.g., “Crimea is Ukraine”), I
will in the following essay first discuss the on-the-ground reality of the place, and then walk
us backwards through a case-study of how the sloganizing hypnosis which appears as a
disembodied voice-of-truth, is perpetrated in fact by the Narrative-spinners of, in this case,
NATO and the Biden White House, and promulgated by conniving news outlets and Experts.’

Ultimately, this is how the dots between Russia’s weapons technology lead and POTUS electoral fraud finally collide:


We are going to have a second night of gunpowder, treason and plot in just twenty days time. It’s going to be the lit fuse heading for the keg of explosive. This is the real Great Reset hurtling down the road towards us….Year Zero that only the Lonely Brave are pointing out.

Because power no longer lies in legislatures: it has migrated elsewhere.

This process might not have involved Guido Fawkes and his co-conspirators blowing up Congress; but be it the Palace of Westminster, the French National Assembly, the Bundestag, the Palacio de las Cortes in Madrid, the House of Commons in Ottowa or the Parliament House in Australia, Sovereign power today is in the bloody hands of the giga-rich, the unelected, the surveillance State, the police and – sooner rather than later – a military waiting, ready and willing to be called into action at home “to save democracy”.

It is to be found among the obscenely monied ranks of those who hoovered up all the obese wealth of the neoliberal capitalist model…and then not only recruited the Leftist Useful Idiots, but also bought the bureaucrats, police, judges, media owners, hitech autistics and depraved perverts to insist that the surreal is the empirical.

The largely Anglospheric First World will only defeat the propagandists if it knows the whereabouts of those who are risking all to tell Truth unto unbridled power.

While the cowards comply with the Principals, the fearless ally with civilised principles.

Harken not unto what rentagob media anchors say. Rather, observe how they behave – and then dish the dirt without fear or favour.

Team Trump+Vance+Rfk Jr’s only chance to save the Republic is – win or lose – to embrace those who went out on a limb, and prosecute those who limbo-danced under the Rule of Law.

Whatever the outcome, they need an action plan.

I’m going to pray in the sub-atomic zone tonight that they have one lined up. (Like most prayer, this will be an attempt to inject some good into the Quantum outcome.)

Postscript: I’d give odds of 3 to 1 that one particular social medium of [dis]repute will take but one look at today’s content here and ask me to either (a) take a test to prove I’m human, or (b) label my blogsite ‘unreliable and manipulative’. Any takers?


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