As the golden release slips away
As the official retirement age slips further and further away from young people today, we may imagine a scenario where curmudgeonly oldies still have to work, even if they only sit in an office glaring at whatever a computer screen has evolved into.
Firing off a couple of sarcastic emails, our office curmudgeon takes a note of the little clock he or she has placed in the corner of the screen showing how many dull days must pass before the golden release of official retirement.
But too soon the next scheduled meeting has to be endured. This time the meeting is about [1] followed by some work on the main project until it is time to cram into a Council Tram for the official homeward commute to a thermally efficient box known as home.
The point here is that having an older and older workforce is likely to mean more and more disgruntled workers who see no future in what they do and no compelling reason for doing it other than financial. For current oldies – maybe ours was the Golden Age.
[1] At this point, both readers will have to fill in their own plausible details of a routine meeting. I have been retired for long enough to forget what meetings were about. It has all blended into a grey morass of coffee, biscuits, lunches, forgotten hotels and endless, endless chatter about things which didn’t really matter.