Limitations, dishonesty and genetic sociopathy
A delicate equilibrium is a state of balance that is easily disrupted
When most of the actors on the World State are liars, the state of balance is at best counterfeit: it is a Balancing Act
The LA conflagrations were global warming in action [lie], Democrat State Government incompetence [cover-up] and then arson [arrests being made, justice in progress. For myself, I see this as another stage in the recent Great Awakening shift away from ideological delusions and towards the searing empiricism of Radical Reality. But as The Slog’s sub-head today warns, any seeming state of change can be rapidly reversed by the as yet Undefeated Secret State’s 3D fakery method of Distraction, Distortion and Deception. It’s going to be a long and dirty road to the Glasnost we seek, and we’re at the starter’s gun stage rather than storming through the tape.
It is claimed that 4 in every 100 people today are sociopathic, displaying classic behaviours such as irresponsible narcissism, egocentric demands, manipulative cunning, impulsive opportunism, blame transfer onto others, antisocial greed, and zero capacity for guilt or remorse.
Over the last eighteen months I have met a dozen people I would define as sociopathic. Opinions differ as to the relative familial, social, economic and cultural influences acting alongside genetic inheritance, but I have come to use a litmus test that asks, “Why do people from the same or even worse start-outs in life not display these behavioural traits?”
And this leads me to a belief in the existence of genetic inheritance as a factor when judging how to deal with Gargoyles during everyday life. Any single regime, bloc or economic unit can only do so much when facing two givens: first, the existence of selfish and greedy genetic inheritance; and second, the tendency of sociopaths to acquire power more quickly than the rest of us, take advantage of our tendency to comply, and rise to the top in the surveillance State whose every act smacks of sociopathic megalomania. For the simple Truth is power attracts sociopaths, and ruthless sociopaths attract power.
The new Trump Administration represents, I would argue, the most anti-Establishment Washington team in history. We have already seen attempts to risk war, sabotage sane diplomacy, stoke ethnic tensions, ruin Treasuries, immolate entire cities….and cooperate with bio-weapon horror in the name of a medical bureaucracy depraved by pharmaceutical traitors. The whole represents a clear and present attempt to turn Trump’s MAGA, MAHA and Reality terrain into quicksand.
The Deep State and its myriad allies control almost all the levers. They will not reliquish control without a fight more fierce and potentially damaging than anything any of us alive today could imagine.
Without question, just as some currupt CDC bureaucrats ran for the Hills before RFKJr did anything, so too yesterday U.S. Special Counsel Jack Smith [he who led the charge to Trump-Up against Trump on charges of trying to overturn his 2020 election defeat – the Jan 6th BS, hush moneys and more] quietly resigned to spend more time with his corrupt Deep State payoff.
But others will be harder to dislodge…especially at the Pentagon. Former high-profile military leaders are sounding the alarm on former President Donald Trump, referencing his rhetoric of admiring dictators and vows to turn the military on domestic opponents.
Trump’s former Chief of Staff John Kelly, a retired Marine general, told The New York Times on Tuesday that Trump met the definition of a fascist and detailed his admiration for Adolf Hitler and his lack of understanding of history and the rule of law. Kelly is just the latest general who served under Trump to re-up his concerns about the former president so close to the election. In the years since his first term ended, more than a dozen high-ranking military leaders have openly criticized him, including in remarks that surfaced last week from retired Gens. Mark Milley and Jim Mattis. Here’s a look at some of those detractors and what they’ve said. John Kelly, former chief of staff under Trump. In an interview with The Times, Kelly said that Trump falls into the “general definition of fascist” and called him an authoritarian who admires dictators. Notably, the former four-star general detailed Trump’s fascination with Hitler, saying the former president said on numerous occasions that Hitler “did some good things, too.” In an interview with The Atlantic, Kelly also detailed Trump’s disdain for injured veterans, confirming that Trump used the terms “suckers” and “losers” to describe soldiers who died in the line of fire.
Retired Army Gen. Mark A. Milley, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Trump and President Joe Biden. According to “War,” a new book released earlier this month by Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward, Milley, a retired four-star Army general with more than 40 years of service, warned that Trump is a “fascist to the core” and “the most dangerous person to this country.”
As The Slog has shown previously in these columns, the Dishonesty dimension fits the Woodward and Bernstein history of serial mendacity.
Be in no doubt, people: even setting aside the rumblings of bank uncertainties, economic decline, rising energy costs and exploding Sovereign debt bills, the War to Give Truth a Chance is about to turn into the first ever planetary Civil War. It is going to dwarf everything that came previously.