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Las Vegas Shooting Looks Fake.

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OK, I wake up to see 50 people dead at a country concert in Vegas, first thing I think is it’s a prime target for a liberal.

But where are the casualties? Cell phone footage does not show one person being hit, nor can you hear bullets richochet. Sure people were hurt, from panicking. Where is the triag tent?

Not trying to be morbid, but if anyone can find a shot of 50 people lying dead on the ground in pools of blood, let me know. This is about all I can find. Empty gurnies. If there are 50 people dead, and over 200 wounded, where’s the triag tent??



Guess what’s trending on twitter though.

That’s right, Gun Control….

Hmm,  what was the target? A country music festival in Las Vegas. Trump voters.

In the following video, you can hear a guy saying they’re not real gunshots. And the “gunshots” appear to be coming from two or three different sources…

Hmm, goes from 2 dead, 26 injured to 50+ dead, and 200 injured?

Edit to add. Just found this!

Remember the woman the cops were looking for?

Wow, she looks a lot like…..


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    Total 26 comments
    • 2QIK4U

      Aussie news reports he was on the second floor of the mandelay casino? So if true he was inside the building next to the concert but yeah ATM I agree

      • stompk

        Where’s all the medics with IV’s running around taking care of people?? 40,000 people

        • b4

          my gf was there–4 people right next to her hit–she stayed all night to help out–covered in blood–her life will never be the same as true with everybody there and the families

    • Bob DD


      I believe NOTHING I see on TV until I have absolute proof? Too many False Flags have been perpetrated on We the People! It does appear staged. Too sensational. Usual MO, shooter is lone, dead, used guns. There are powers-that-be that are planning to collapse the Dollar, cause civil riots, to try to collapse the country, and they don’t want the armed citizenry shooting back.

      • mimi

        My husband is a Uber driver and picked up some people that were there and saw people drop like flies. Another friend has a firefighter nephew who was shot in the leg. This other lady I am in contact with was supposed to go and didn’t but many of her friends went. Don’t know if they are OK. Google “Streets remain closed; some bodies remain where they fell” an LA time article. It happened here in real time for those who have doubts. Sad.

    • unidentified

      it looks like another gun-control very well planned staged event but 50 people have been confirmed dead so no it wasnt fake

      • The despised

        Confirmed by WHO??? Please provide friends and family, they have confirmed hundreds of ‘fake’ deaths.

    • The despised


    • Anonymous

      I live in Mesquite NV and this is no false flag whatsoever. Mesquite is a small town of about 20,000 where the shooter came out of. They are going through his home now.

      It sucks. :cry:

    • mimi

      Not fake. My husband is a Uber driver in town and picked up people that were in the VIP section and saw a LOT of BLOOD and people drop like flies… There really are crazies out there. Evrything that goes on n the world can’t possibly be staged. I know it gets you views but not with this one… Sorry conspirazis!

    • Josie

      First thing I thought, False Flag. Reporters just happened to be there for O.J.’s release, how convenient. This is sickening, but they are not going to get our guns! I don’t trust our government anymore, I am disgusted and ashamed of it. Most of this evil is done by shadow government, globalist, elites, whoever, regardless our President and those we voted in office are not doing anything to stop it that I can see. Do we still have military working for the American people? Looks like we could overpower those doing all these atrocities to the American people if our government really wanted to. The U.N. blue helmets were in Texas, at the internment centers , there was genocide going on in Texas, probably still is…

    • Anonymous

      Brother Stompk,

      You might want to check the article posted by REDSTATE. It was done in a reponsible manner and contained some truth. I am starting to see how frustrating it is for people involved in an incident like the folks in Sandy Hook. Because you live there, you know it happened. You get tired if these dipshits who yell “false flag”.

      Believe me, shit like you posted doesn’t help.

      • Anonymous

        Let the downvotes from the retards begin.

    • goastdale

      “Dash the nations with a rod of iron”……REPENT!!!
      123’s of true Christianity v popular & damnable heresies

      #1 “ONE” not triune: ……PART 4 & 5 HOW MANY GODS ARE THERE FOR THE ONE GOD TO TALK TO?? Who was Jesus praying to??!?…. The real question should be … How does having multiple different persons keep this one God/being/entity from praying to himself?! (The trinitarian “schizophrenic” “god-head”) The Trinitarians want to have their cake and eat it too as the saying goes. On the one hand they need to say they only worship one indivisible God being/ entity but on the other hand they feel the need for some reason to keep Jesus or God from praying and talking to himself by dividing him up into different persons!?! It never occurs to them that that since there is only one indivisible God to pray too and Jesus is that indivisible God come in the flesh that he would need to talk to himself as to show us how to live, suffer, pray and die for our/ flesh) benefit not his!?!….. So while Trinitarians are quick to complain that God was not talking to himself at Christ baptism or in Gen “let us” they ignore the logical demands of their own theology! If Jesus is the ONE GOD in flesh and the Father is the SAME ONE GOD in heaven then Trinitarianism demands THE ONE GOD is talking to HIMSELF the same “being”! Claiming that God is multiple different persons as the reason for why God is not talking to himself (because God is three different “selfs”) only demonstrates that what they really worship is in fact not a ONE GOD who talks to himself but three different god “selfs”/ and they all talk to each other! When they speak about who God was talking and praying to, they are quick to say “the other person, NOT HIMSELF!” But if you ask them how many gods do they pray to then they will say “ONLY ONE”!?! They expect you to believe that those three different persons are THE ONE GOD-BEING” which is like calling three different cars “THE ONE VEHICLE” (they are text book examples of prov 26:12)
      Mark 12:28…Which is the first commandment of all? 29. …Hear, O Israel; THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD: 30. And ………..this is the first commandment….. 31. And the second is….. IF YOU CAN’T GET THIS “FIRST OF ALL COMMANDMENTS” RIGHT, ALL THE REST OF YOUR “FAITH” AND PREACHING ON LOVE & SIN IS MOOT

      “WHO” it was (what person) that came “IN THE FLESH”, IS THE DETERMINING FACTOR IN WHAT IT MEANS TO BE “ANT-CHRIST”! Even Islam claims Jesus was the Jewish messiah/Christ who was to come in the flesh) they all deny “WHO” it was (what person) that came (to be the Christ) in the flesh!?!…….To deny the father is to deny the son because they are one and the same person that came in the flesh!
      JOHN 14: 8-20 ….Note Isaiah 9:6. For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: …: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, … the everlasting Father ….The son, father/Holy Spirit are all the same person, NOT like two different persons working together even as “one flesh” ….The “oneness” between Christ and the father is not comparable to a man & his wife, for only a fool would say “When you have seen me you have seen my wife, how sayest thou then, Shew us your wife?” Notice they asked to see THE FATHER and the response was Jn 14:9 ..“HAVE I BEEN SO LONG time with you, and yet hast THOU NOT KNOW ME, Philip…..Now image some fool trying to claim that statement if you asked to see his wife!?!!? You want to see the FATHER but have I been with you but you don’t know me!?!?!
      Jn 14 continued….…………..17. Even THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH; (Jn 14:6 I AM the way, THE TRUTH,) whom the world cannot receive, .. for HE DEWLLETH WITH YOU, (present tense/standing next to them in the flesh) and SHALL BE IN YOU… (future tense “In them”) 18. I will not leave you comfortless: I WILL COME TO YOU (future tense “In them”) Note: The spirit of Christ is the sprit of God and the holy spirit that is why Christ said “I will come to you” (to comfort them, because Christ is the comforter). The spirit was standing next to them in flesh… ….latter it would come to them to be inside of them (inside of their flesh as the spirit we are given)…..that is why. he would send the spirit…… However, Jesus himself here makes the point that the same person who was the HOLY SPIRIT that would come was standing next to them but lets them know “I will come to you again to be Inside of you”
      The whole point to Gal 3:20.a mediator is NOT A MEDIATOR OF ONE, (HEIS) but GOD IS ONE. (HEIS) again, point blank, identifies the number of persons of God! The “but” points out the contrast between multiple persons in a mediation party v the “one” of God. God is not like a mediation party with multiple different persons. …..”the express image of his person” ( the person of God; singular not plural).Any attempt to lay claim otherwise is willful ignorance and delusional nonsense
      TRINITARIANS CONFESS JESUS /THEY ARE NOT POLYTHEIST BUT ARE MONOTHEIST LIKE A LIAR & THIEF WHO “CONFESS” THEY DO NOT LIE OR STEAL The simple fact is that just because you confess or deny that you are in an adulterous relationship and denounce all forms of adultery has nothing to do with whether or not it is in fact adulterous! .. …A rose by any other name is still just a rose AND calling it a water lily does not change the definition of what a water Lilly or a rose is either!…No, Trinitarians confess & preach literally …”ANOTHER JESUS” 2 Cor 11:4
      - Like a thief in your house caught stealing your things insisting he was not there stealing “I CONFESS I am NOT stealing”. You just do not “properly understand” what he is doing/saying. Further, since you never had a “proper understanding” of what he is doing/saying you have no business accusing him since you do not even know what you are talking about in the first place. It is with and in your own ignorance that you base your “false accusations” & “ad homonym attacks” against him…… Ridiculous of course it is ……2Thess 2:11; Titus 1:16; 2Tim 3:5;
      …… should have given you a hint, harking back to Satan in The garden…God said you will die…Satan comes along and states no you will be more WISE……today .God said He is one; but Satan’s children come along and say no three is more WISE and humble in the face of God’s grandeur only “a mystery” that can be understood “in faith”. God uses head and right arm to explain the distinctions between father and son.. However, the Trinitarian heretics say to the effect: “NO, that is just a figure of speech, or that is not what God really means. What God is really saying is that God is three different persons”. Fools, hypocrites and blind guides, God said he was One and by your traditions and vain imaginations have taken the words of God and made them of no effect, refashioning God into your image!
      You can download the complete FREE book from

      #2 SECOND COMING Thou Fool! “I come quickly” so “Hold fast
      till i come”… NOT …“in another 2000 yrs I might be coming soon any time now, so hold fast”!?! …those that deny the second coming of Christ in the war of AD70 are practicing a damnable heresy in denying the lord that bought them ( 2Peter 2:1-2 ;2Tim 4:8/ you cant love an appearing you deny& the context is the 2nd coming not the first)… Mat 7:23..”I NEVER KNEW YOU” …..Mat 10:33. But whosoever shall deny me before men……..sound familiar?…. If I said I am coming to your house in this generation when these things happen but no one knows the day or hour what fool would think I might be coming in 2000 years latter!?!? ..2 Tim 4: 4. And
      they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be TURNED UNTO FABLES.

      Christ promised that only HIS PEOPLE would see him ….John 14:19. Yet a little while, and THE WORLD SEETH ME NO MORE;….. [2 Cor 5:16 Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ AFTER THE FLESH, yet NOW HENCEFORTH KNOW WE HIM NO MORE….(here the Context of John 14 is his second coming)…..continued…..but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also. 20. AT THAT DAY .. 21. He that hath my commandments, and KEEPETH THEM, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and WILL MANIFEST MYSELF TO HIM……(again taking note “as he is” or 1Jn 3:2)

      22. Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, HOW IS IT THAT THOU WILT MANIFEST THYSELF UNTO US AND NOT UNTO THE WORLD? 23. Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, HE WILL KEEP MY WORDS: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.( Rev 3:20) 24. He that loveth me not.. (1Cor 16:22)…. KEEPETH NOT MY SAYINGS: ( REV 9:16-20)

      REVELATION 1:7. Behold, HE COMETH WITH CLOUDS; and EVERY EYE SHALL SEE HIM, …. There are two point to be made here (1) this is a partial quote from OT (Zech 12:2&10; also note Rev 16:15-17 & Zech 14:1-3 with Joel 2:28-3:1,2,12,16 et al) note the context it IDENTICAL to Mat ch 24/ Lk 21/ Mark 13 et al….you know, where Jesus described his second coming with the destruction of Jerusalem!?!?!!?…. (2) there parallel here with ………….Exodus 24:10. And THEY SAW THE GOD OF ISRAEL : and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness. 11. And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hand: also THEY SAW GOD, and did eat and drink………..But Christ said….. John 1:18. NO MAN HATH SEEN GOD AT ANY TIME; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. A person can see with their understanding and or see with their eyes…. It can see “seen” for certain that everything that Christ described was seen by the folks of that day in His coming but do they perceive that was him? …So what Christ said is true every eye saw him but the world does not see him….. With the eye they and folks still today can see everything Christ described to have taken place, but they do not “keep” ( believe and understand) his words as such they do not see him nor shall they ever.

      The saints who have physical died faithful in the flesh (every man in his own order) are changed in the blink of an eye & caught up to sit on that Great white throne ( this congregation of the saints is the body of Christ that folks will answer to at the judgment and these saints will judge all men who cannot see Christ along with the rest of the world……Folks think they are waiting to see Jesus but they will NEVER see Jesus himself they will only see the body of Christ condemn them the saints judge the world (Rev 3:21; 1 Cor 6:2 et al) the saints are the body of Christ…that is the only part of Christ they shall see….only the saints shall see God face to face…..most peoples idea of the second coming & day of the Lord and the judgment is completely wrong
      or Revelation The First Gospel of The Kingdom

      DAY OF THE LORD”/ YEAR OF THE LORD – does NOT last for 24 hours!?!..Also means the day of resurrection & judgment do not last for one hour or one day either! They only begin (NOT END) in a certain hour & on a certain 24 hour day ….”SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS to arise”…..NOT..”come & get (your new resurrected body) it while it is still hot, only 24 hours of solar power left”!?!

      2Thess 2: 11. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12. That they all might be damned …
      or Revelation The First Gospel of The Kingdom
      978-1-4907-0590-3 (SC ISBN)

      #3 There is a sharp contrast between THREE groups :
      (1) “PREDESTINED DAMNED” who were NEVER written in the book of life ………..Rev 17: 8 WHOSE NAMES WERE NOT WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, …as contrasted …EPH 1: 4. According as he hath CHOSEN US in him BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD
      (2) “MANY CALLED”= ONLY and ALL SAINTS (those who come to Christ) are written in the book of life … Philippians 4:3… ……Rev 21:27; (Only saints are Called and elect; Rom 1:6-7 et al) This is THE CHRUCH and ONLY these can have their names blotted out of the book of life ….….Heb 12:23 to the general assembly and CHURCH of the firstborn … WHICH ………are WRITTEN in heaven,
      (3) THE FEW CHOSEN: Those saints who were alive in group #2 who are now physically dead. They died “faithful” these are the FEW that were chosen faithful…….Rev 3:5. ……; and I
      will not BLOT OUT HIS NAME OUT OF THE BOOK OF LIFE, (Ps 69:28) …. These are the FEW that are CHOSEN and now that they have died and are saved then “once saved THEY CAN NEVER BE LOST”
      Predestination….its true..its all true…download here Most true Christians go to hell

    • Mr Fred Rogers

      :roll: Why is it every time some psychopath goes on a killing rampage everyone thinks it’s Fake?

      I have a brother in the hospital right now so FUCK YOU!!!!

      • Anonymous

        Thanks for your comment. This “false flag” stuff here is just bullshit. The retards seem to get off on it, so there’s that.

        We are praying for your brother from Mesquite. And all the rest. :smile:

        • Radiance

          How did you know his brother was from Mesquite?

    • StandingResolute

      BREAKING NEWS: Reuters reports that ISIS is now claiming Paddock is recent Muslim convert. Not even surprised one bit! Fact: His girlfriend is from Indonesia, a rabid Islamic cesspool.

    • StandingResolute

      BREAKING NEWS: Reuters reports that ISIS is now claiming Paddock is recent Muslim convert. Not even surprised one bit! Fact: His girlfriend is from Indonesia, a rabid Islamic cesspool. Here’s the Reuters feed:

    • truthseeker4809

      I would expect to see hundreds of EMS vehicles at the scene in any of the Las Vegas shooting videos but I don’t see any.
      Who is behind the report of 58 death?

    • Geeper

      “Not trying to be morbid, but if anyone can find a shot of 50 people lying dead on the ground in pools of blood, let me know.”

      Might want to step back and look at yourself in the mirror here chief.

    • Reaper

      You need to open your eyes and think instead of giving in to hysterics!) automatic weapons have been outlawed for decades, how did he get hold of them? (2) he was dead long before police breached the door to his room, (3) only government entities have access to automatic weapons i.e. military, (4) an active shooter does not use a tripod, only trained assassins/snipers, (5) They never tested him for gun residue nor the weapons for finger prints and registrations, (6)This is another attempt to disarm Americans under the UN small arms act, an illegal treaty Obama made in order to leave us defenseless against government tyranny, (7) The Bill of Rights still gives us the right to bear arms, (8) and (9) the MSN is pushing disarming of Americans with the overkill of coverage, which is being used to brainwash people

      They’re engaging us with engineered psychological warfare to destabilize a demographic to sanction more control or deflect from an occurrence they’re pushing through. I’ve read some believe this is to deflect from the NFL ordeal nevertheless, the past deep state moves were mirrored prior to justifying UN globalist legislation to incrementally turn the thumbscrews to enslave us further…#1) Masses of concert-goers reported the presence of multiple shooters-Although law enforcement claims there was only one shooter, multiple witnesses are publicly reporting the presence of multiple shooters. This could reasonably be the response to confusion and chaos, but it’s also highly suspect that the shooter had “full auto” weapon which is typically limited to law enforcement or military personnel. This question about multiple shooters was also raised after the Aurora, Colorado “Batman movie theater” shooting, in which countless witnesses reported the presence of multiple shooters. If this shooting was executed by multiple shooters, it would clearly suggest planning and coordination among a group of individuals who sought to carry out the shooting for a political purpose of some kind. #3) The weapon you pick up on videos was FULL AUTO, which is almost improbable to obtain through legal means. The multitude of videos that captured the situation plainly reveal that at least one shooter was running a full auto weapons system. Such weapons are almost unattainable for “civilians” to purchase. Although some pre-1986 full auto weapons are accessible for sale, they call for extensive ATF documentation, background checks and extremely long wait periods approaching one year. Additionally, they tend to cost $25,000 or more, and they’re incredibly rare.Full auto weapons, on the other hand, are commonly owned by police officers, federal officials and military organizations. It will be very fascinating to find out where this weapon came from and exactly how it was obtained. #4) Why were the exits obstructed, trapping suckers like rats in a maze?
      Countless reports from witnesses who were on the scene disclose that practically all the exits were obstructed. One witness detailed the scenario as “being caught like a rate in a maze” with many “dead ends.”
      Why were practically all the exits blocked? Basically, the concert created a kill zone that amplified the casualties. Until now, based on the Clark County Sheriff in Vegas, 515 individuals have been injured and 59 folks have so far died. These are unspeakable numbers, drawing near war-time casualty counts. It’s apparent from the coverage that this shockingly high body count would not have been likely if folks had been free to flee the concert venue. Basically, the concert trapped the folks, preventing them from escaping, and denying them the capacity to seek cover. From there, continual, full-auto gunfire is almost improbable to survive. Furthermore, once the shooting began, the stage lights were aimed to the crowd, lighting up the audience and making them an much easier target for the shooter(s). Was this planned? #5) So why did the shooter have as many as 10 firearms in his room? Based on news reports, the shooter – known as Stephen Paddock – had as many as 10 firearms in his room, which include several rifles. If he was the sole shooter, what’s the issue of using so many rifles? One dude can clearly only shoot one rifle, and since he possessed a full auto rifle, he could clearly accomplish his evil aims by concentrating on his one rifle. There was no demand for him to have numerous rifles. Hence were the other rifles contributed to the room to “stage” the crime scene with an large quantity of guns? Why would one elderly man make an effort to carry 8 – 10 weapons to a hotel room to begin with? That’s a lot of work. Rifles are not lightweight equipment. I get the concept that a lone, elderly man would carry so many rifles to a hotel room for no sensible reason to be tremendously suspect. It makes no sense at all.

      #2) Who informed concert-goers they were “all going to die” a full 45 minutes before the shooting began?

    • Anonymous

      What a load of diabolical tripe you post you brainless idiot!!!

      • duncombemu

        What part(s) are “diabolical tripe”? :???:

        Explain why it’s rubbish. :neutral:

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