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Q Countdown to Midnite! - It's Time! EBS Executions Televised! - Videos

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Welcome To The Greatest Behind-The-Scenes Military Intelligence Sting Operation of All-Time! You Have a Front Row Seat! Every Scenario Was Planned For. Every Detail Was Accounted For. The Storm Has Finally Arrived! We’re in The Final Stage of The Plan! It’s Happening Now! 


The [Coup Attempt] Against President Trump Will Not Go Unpunished! And Treason Is Only The Beginning! No One Gets A Free Pass! President Trump and The Q Team Are Draining The Swamp!

You’re Watching A Scripted Movie in Which Trump Is The Hero! The Corrupt Players And Their Propaganda Media Partners Will Have a Grand Finale Exit Soon! They Will Be Nowhere To Be Found! We’re Part of The Greatest Inteligence Operation That Involves All Major Countries Of The Earth.

The World Will Witness Arrests & Military Tribunals!

Like The Greatest Movies Of All Time From Steven Spielberg, James Cameron And Martin Scorsese, You Will See The Clintons, Bidens, Obamas, Soros, Fauci, Schiff, Pelosi, Bill Gates, etc.  All End up in GITMO. They Will Be Tried and Executed For for High Treason, Sedition & Crimes Against Humanity! Trump And The Q Team Set A Trap! [They] Took The Bait! Trump Caught Them All! 

When Do You Play The Trump Card? At The End of The Game!

The Satanic NWO Deep State Criminal Cabal Has Partnered With Corrupt Politicians, The Propaganda Media, Big Tech, Big Corporations And The Hollywood And Entertainment Industries to Bring Us The Greatest Story Ever Told Where A Hero Rises From The Ushes Triumphant In The End! 


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Total 20 comments
  • Anonymous

    Q now stands for a lie. A Bullshit prophesy from grifters who have delivered nothing but daily fraud.

    • westgate

      Total freeking clickbait.
      They said the same thing about televised executions on Father’s Day-remember?
      These are dangerous waters here, where someone is pulling the switch on full blown censorship because of outrageous claims like this.
      This gives them full authority to shut the alt media down.

      • Adi Da Samraj

        🌹Humankind Is Literally One Family🌹
        👐🏻 Humankind is in the position, right now, to make some very important judgements about life, and about the relationships between people—and about Reality Itself. As a result of that judgement, either there will be universal war and death or, alternatively, humankind will become established in a global cooperative order, based on the working-presumption of universal prior unity and the universal world-“homeland” that belongs to all of humankind (and, indeed, all of Earthkind).
        👐🏻 All have suffered. All are equally full of nonsense. Therefore, in principle, there must be a new and universal politics—a politics of no praise and no blame. By these means, reconciliation must be achieved—cooperatively, in a disposition of mutual tolerance, trust, and respect.
        👐🏻 The genetic unity of humankind is inherent. That unity is scientifically known to be so. Yet, the “difference-makers” speak and act as if there were superior humans and inferior humans, superior nationalisms and inferior nationalisms, and so on—as if merely incidental differences were of immense significance. To make much of incidental differences is merely to argue about old stories. Instead of all that, everyone must be exercised anew—toward (and in, and As) Truth in always present-time. 👐🏻

      • The Reveal


  • Jaswars

    Have yet too witness one truth as it’s been years and years for any q to metastasize.

  • Anonymous

    This guy is a click bait LIAR!

  • Will

    Tou will find out,

  • residentp

    What an obvious show of collaboration of the whole swamp…Now Biden has immunity against all the illegal things he did…but that he impersonated a president is another case where he is obviously then NOT A PRESIDENT. So he will be taken to court and by that time the country has experienced an official Coup de Tat and he is off the hook (hanging rope)(or the dead Biden will be executed for a show)
    Trump again is saved by THE SCRIPT and judges that consulted the Aipac teams for the justice is BLIND verdict, made sure that he is also free from murder charges for killing vaxed victims the warp speed way.
    The coming conscription will be enforced by the coup de tat migrant forces who were armed by the illegal pres Biden but the captured Congress as the sinogogue of Congress, will push it as to get all drafftees under military law and their barracks will be the fema camp ‘barracks’ fitted with gas pipes. This recipe will be followed in Europe and Australia and Africa also. China is the new america as the utopian communist state that won’t be touched by major war events.

    • MatrixReloaded

      What Biden has done is TREASON and fall’s OUTSIDE of the immunity fiasco. Read the Constitutional Powers granted a president.

  • F16Hoser

    you better be right this time. but you won’t. :wink:

    • 62corvettefred

      The jews don’t lead jack shit!!!!

  • Enoch

    Dumbest shit ever. Even the devil appears as an angel of light. This is all part of the satrannic agenda. Trump is in on it. No matter who you vote for you are voting for the devils ding a ling. If you believe garbage like this then there is no hope for you. Trump is order of the black sun. From what I’ve heard you have to do bad things to people to be “learned” just like satrannic freemasons. If you call that a hero you’re either extremely brainwashed or part of it. For those if you who are into numbers 505 = thief Donald Trump will try to steal his crown. Well Yeshua is king. Trump isnt Yeshua so there you have it

    • 62corvettefred

      Jews don’t lead Jack Shit!!!

  • trsaqmglhx

    No such thing will happen. I’ll be back on July 5th to say “I told you so.”

  • feral pa paw

    Absolutely side splitting hilarious. LMAO!!!!

  • mike d

    These people are fucking lunatics 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • jeremyfeit

    Haha suckers bin butthole editor just click baited u.

  • The Watcher

    I trashed my TV 10 years ago :!:

  • Anonymous

    EBS, televised executions are still just a dream, a fantasy and false hope thus far. Do not trust or believe any one who claims this as truth. This is used to get mouse clicks, make money and to demoralize the reader.

  • Anonymous

    This is the reason I alway’s back up what ppl saying with the ble, its all there especially in rev…, put your trust in God alone, anyone left here after the r a p t ure which the next big event I believe, it’s when all true be li evers are takennn, up to meet Yashua, read roma ns 10 :::: 9 and be ready or face a lot of hardsgh ip thata on it’s wayyy.

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