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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: (Reporter)
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Proof the US Intentionally Hit Syrian Military Targets

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Proof the US Intentionally Hit Syrian Military Targets


The hypocrisy of Samatha Power is on full display in her speech at the UN.  She claims it was by accident that the US hit the Syrian military that is currently locked in a death struggle with ISIS.  Yet, this is what happens when a nation illegally occupies another sovereign nation. It should be noted that the US was never invited by Syria and its occupation is a gross violation of international law. The fact is that the very same terrorist forces from across the Middle East the US had supported and supplied as a favor to Saudi Arabia are the exact same forces it now wages war against.  These are the very same forces both the US and Saudi Arabia used to destroy Libya. After the murder of Qaddafi, the CIA raided Libyian arms depots and sent the weapons to ISIS in Syria. 


Samantha Power wants the world to believe that this attack by Syria was an accident, but yet the US refused to coordinate this attack with Russia, a nation that has been invited by Syria to provide it military support against irregular foreign terrorist fighters.  This attack was made because the US wanted to show support for ISIS in light of the fact that US Special Forces were forced to abandon their operations center after being threatened by elements of opposition forces comprised of foreign fighters funded and armed by Saudi Arabia.  What a way to gain credibility with the jihadist elements that had forced US Special Forces to flee.  This clearly shows that the US still wants to conduct regime change more than it wants to defeat ISIS.


Power then goes on to add insult to injury by calling Russia’s protest to the UN Security Council of the slaughter of 60 Syrian military personnel, with another 100 gravely injured, a “stunt” she deemed replete with “moralism” and “grandstanding” and being what she termed “uniquely hypocritical and cynical”.


She then went on to attempt to identify the Saudi proxy war in Syria as a civil war.  The fact is that Syrians make up only a small number of opposition fighters in Syria and wanted no part of their nation being used as a proxy battlefield between the major world powers.  Yet, the entire world knows this is a proxy war against a sovereign government with Russia and Iran on one side and the US and Saudi Arabia on the other.   This fiasco shows the US is willing for this war to continue until the death of the very last Syrian as it allows takfiri proxies to wage a scorched earth policy that included false flag chemical attacks by US-supported forces which were to be used as a pretext for US intervention and the beheading of thousands of Syrians at the hand of Saudi jihadists.  It was the US public that forced Obama to back down from his “red line”, but Obama has since lied to the American people about US involvement and now has US Special Forces operating within Syria.


Samantha Power’s hypocrisy is again on full display when she speaks about Assad’s existential battle with radical jihadists on one side and civilization on the other.  How is it the US so blindly turns its eyes to the takfiri jihadism it helped unleash as it engaged in a pretend war against the very forces it helped birth?  The US media now uses a single photo of an injured child to pull on the heartstrings of gullible idiots while bemoaning the fact that civilians have been killed in the Syrian war.  It seems Power conveniently forgets that the US caused the death of 500,000 Iraqi children as it embargoed even antibiotics during Saddam’s reign.  This was a genocidal act which Madeleine Albright deemed “worth it” in the US campaign for regime change in Iraq prior to the US laying that country to waste as it bombed Iraqi civilian infrastructure to ruins.  This bombing of civilian infrastructure was a repeat of what it did in Serbia, Afghanistan, and Libya.  To portray the bombing of infrastructure as something unique to Assad’s regime is to gaslight Americans into believing that its government is any more moral than Assad’s government.  At least Assad has exculpatory reasoning behind his bombing as he is locked in an existential struggle with sectarian radicals who have beheaded Shiites, not to mention Christian women and children by the hundreds.  Prior to this jihadist apocalypse, Assad protected Sunnis, Christians and any other sect or religion in Syria. 


The US then spent $500 million to raise an army of five fighters to oppose the very foreign jihadists it gave rise to and now have been unable to defeat in a five-year US bombing campaign.  The US failed so spectacularly that it now can only rely on jihadists in its regime change venture.  If all the US could provide within a two-year period is five fighters at a cost of $500 million, this is going to be a very long and expensive war for Syrians and the US.  If it is moderate forces the US seeks to defeat ISIS, America should take notice of the fact that Russia did more to defeat ISIS in five months than the US did in five years.  And, this is not a typo.  The US actually spent $500 million to raise an army of five fighters in Syria.  That is a cost of $100 million per soldier.  However, this fiasco now does not even figure in the additional cost to the US in trying to defeat ISIS after ISIS walked off with an enough arms, ammunition and equipment to field a division-strength military after slaughtering the so-called moderate anti-Assad forces or having them be absorbed into al Nusra and ISIS.  Just so you know I am not kidding, here is General Austin briefing Congress regarding efforts that have made the US a global laughingstock.   

Power then whines about Assad’s military intentionally attacking civilian targets as she talks about double-tap attacks in which after the initial attack a second attack is conducted to hit responding military forces.  Power wants to portray the responding forces as civilian, when in fact it is other jihadists coming to aid and support their fellow jihadists.  While Power complains about these types of attacks, she conveniently leaves out the Collateral Murder Video that got Manning 30 years in jail.  In that video, as a civilian responder and his 6 year-old child were providing aid to unarmed news reporters the US just slaughtered, a helicopter pilot justified his attack on the child by stating the man “should not have brought his child to a battle”.  This was an attack on unarmed civilians and then on responders that included a small child, I fail to see how that type of slaughter can be called a battle.  But, Power will grandstand without one iota of shame, as shame is completely beyond those whose worldview is like hers, namely those of the neocon variety.


Power then complains of Syrian civilians being besieged.  But, the fact is that the Syrian military has besieged jihadist fighters and forced the evacuation of fighters that have helped secure the non-Sunni populace from ISIS and al Nusra sectarian mass executions involving hundreds at a time. It also seems she forgets to mention a war crime the media conveniently kept from the America people committed by the US government.  During Operation Iraqi Freedom the US surrounded Fallujah and then allowed women and small children to leave.  It then used the city as a free-fire killing field to slaughter any Iraqi military-aged male from 16 to 60 years-old.  But, why should she bring up old news when the US media and government have new propaganda wars to wage?  In fact, it is almost as if the media is now a government agency seeing how it executes propaganda and disinformation campaigns directed against the American people.


Power is married to Cass Sunstein, a neocon who promotes the 50-year besiegement of Palestinians as the US Congress just okayed another $38 billion for Israel with which to “mow the grass” for the 100,000 new settlements of Jews on Palestinian land.  “Mowing the grass” is a euphemism used by Netanyahu for describing the slaughter of tens of thousands of unarmed Palestinians whose houses were destroyed and land was stolen.  Sunstein supports sieges against civilians when it is Israel withholding water, medicine and food from Palestinians, and Power supports sieiges when it is the US causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, but you will never hear a peep from Samantha Power when it is the US and Israel commiting the crimes.  This is why the world hates the US.  Its arrogance, ignorance maliciousness, contempt and hypocrisy simple know no bounds.  


Samantha Power then claims Assad used chemical weapons against its own people when even the UN determined the previous chemical attacks were made by jihadists as a false flag operation designed to get the US to initiate a bombing campaign against Syria.  These jihadists killed hundreds of Syrians, even their own allies and civilians by using a crude makeshift improvised chemical weapon delivery system that could only fly a mile of so.  It was later proven that these munitions could have only been fired within ISIS-controlled territory to hit where they landed.  This attack took place at the exact same time Assad invited in UN inspectors to Syria to prove he was not using chemical weapons.  Why would Assad invite the UN in to prove he was not using chemical weapons and then use chemical weapons a few miles from where the inspectors were? Yet this evidence and logic is lost on Power.


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    • desertspeaks

      Oh, the writer forgot that Assad was only labeled a bad guy AFTER he rejected a pipe line going through Sryia.. Follow the money folks!
      Further, if you were to do some research, you would discover that Syria is part of what zionists call their ancestral homeland. A homeland they are very intent on reclaiming and calling it GREATER ISRAEL! Look up the term “the greater israel plan” and therein you will discover that Israel plans on absorbing Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, most of western Iraq, Northern Saudi Arabia, Southern Turkey, North eastern Egypt and What remains of Palestine ALL INTO GREATER ISRAEL! Oh and the zionists insist that israel be ARAB FREE!
      It will be a FAKE JEW REGION ONLY! fyi, dna doesn’t lie but ashkenazim khazarian fake jews do!

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