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Why Did the Republican National Convention Feature the New World Order and the All-Seeing Eye of Horus, Has the Next President Already Been Selected?

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Why is the Republican National Convention (RNC) featuring the New World Order and the all-seeing Eye of Horus, what is the message being sent to us?

DISCLAIMER TO THIS ARTICLE: I voted for Donald Trump in 2016, again in 2020, and Lord willing I will be voting for him in November. In February of 2016, I wrote an article that accurately predicted, among other things, Trump’s landslide win against Hillary and an assassination attempt. I believe that was from the Lord, as both things happened and I am not a prophet. This third time around, I want to go out on a limb and make another prediction if I may. The RNC is broadcasting a number of end times clues that are far too tantalizing to pass up without commenting on them.

“Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.” Habakkuk 1:5 (KJB)

Let me start in a place that might be a tad unexpected. Before he ran for president the first time, Donald Trump was famously an anti-vaxxer. He posted a number of tweets purporting to show a link between childhood vaccines and autism back in 2014. How did that Trump become the same Trump who became the “father of the COVID vaccine” that has so far killed millions of people? How did that Trump become the same Trump who started “Operation: Warp Speed”? Something changed along the way.

When Trump ran for President the first time he promised to build the wall, put Hillary in jail, drain The Swamp, and expose the Deep State. None of those things happened. Oh, there’s all sorts of reasons as to why they didn’t, but let the record show they were left undone. Why?


Flash forward to last night here in 2024, you are center stage at the RNC, the party nominating Donald Trump for a third time, and what do you see? You see the all-seeing eye of Horus from the US dollar bill, and you see the legend ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum’ as the main graphic behind the speakers podium. What does that mean? It means “New World Order” if you didn’t know by now. If the Republican Party, united behind and around Donald Trump, is the party to defeat the New World Order, what are they doing promoting it on the biggest night of their convention? I know this is hard for some of you to take, but these are the facts so far. It gets worse.

Earlier today I wrote about Thomas Matthew Crooks, and the many head-scratching coincidences between what he is said to have done on July 13th, 2024, and what Lee Harvey Oswald is said to have done on November 22, 1963. In that article I asked the question that, could it be possible, that the attempted assassination was an inside job, designed to propel Trump into office rather than assassinate him? Did they give him a shot to the ear as a warning shot to get in line? Is Donald Trump now the selected president of the United States, chosen by the New World Order to carry out their agenda? The clues leading us in that direction are stacking up almost faster than we can count them. The RNC is right now promoting the One World Religion and the New World Order while at the same time saying they are the only bulwark to protect us from those things. How very odd that all is.

At the top of this article I gave a detailed disclaimer, so you can clearly see I am not anti-Trump. I have been a member of the GOP since 1980 when I voted for Ronald Reagan, and I remain a Republican to this day. But my allegiance is to the Bible, to Jesus Christ, and I do not mix scripture with politics. I use scripture to show you how the end times are unfolding and politics is one of the ways that God does it. But something is very, very wrong with the picture we are seeing before us. A secret message is indeed being broadcast opening, as they are wont to do, and the New World Order is daring you to figure it out. I think we just did. I am excited to cast my vote for Donald Trump in November, but maybe for slightly difference reasons than you might be. TO THE FLIGHT!!!

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

The post Why Did The Republican National Convention Feature The New World Order And The All-Seeing Eye Of Horus, Has The Next President Already Been Selected? appeared first on Now The End Begins.


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Total 7 comments
  • g77enn

    Still Trusting “the Plan” Equals Patriot Underground Propaganda U R Q-Tards – Trump’s Shocking Secret Call Is Leaked by RFK JR.’s Son – Trump Will Pardon Israel’s War Crimes and…

  • HypothesisFree

    July 13 (Jew Lie “13″ – a favorite cult number)

    Israel has chosen its next Vice President of the United States of America


    A Guy from Special Forces Describes His Experience in Israel

  • truefreedom

    It’s all about he Jewnited Satanic States of Israel and their Jew World Order … the Deep State (Talmudic Zionist Jews) has been exposed … but who will arrest them as they control the government, most of the media and even the military … smh … this is big

    “Listen to Donald Trump himself explain exactly what the ‘assassination attempt’ was all about.”

    AI was probably used but nonetheless it is exactly what happened. And at 12:09 Trump addresses Congress and listen to what he says “I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever” and Biden says, “an unrelenting stream of immigration” … they are controlled opposition working together … one hell of a show … and what betrayal.

    “Stage Trump Assassination Attempt = Classic False Flag Operation Including Trump As Crisis Actor”

    I mean where is the blood … and the counter snipers fired the first 3 shots … staged to the second and Trump being the MAGUS or MAGA they even had at least one blood sacrifice …


    asshole silks are christians, trump was shot proof he told rfk he was lucky be alive had not moved his head been over. trump been selected by god his wife ivana a guardian angel saved him his daughter ivanki stated that her mom loved trump so much they was married a long time. trump woke up from the pass stuff he different he never manadated that vaccine it was only for emergency use only. biden mandated it asshole, the virus from china was killing people like mad, china burned over 20 million with it up and india was burning thousands up daily with it that died. but china was shooting people i heard there a zombie virus out they cant hold might strike next year i got pal that knows folks in china seen it… even elon musk gave clues to it the x on his twitter and clues on getting a tesla car and home to survive it.

    trump only one trying to help america it was cheap asshole under him gas-food was cheap was good, my dad lot his life cauise of biden you ass he changed the medicine from people to walmart stores and he was kept in hosptial 2 months ass , he died from cov19 ass was no ventilator used… if trump had been in there he be still here ….mike pence fuck face would not overturn the election also fuck face mitch mcconel would not do it …..

    tax return everyone got fucked no money back …. dumb fuck rfk might win the whole thang way trump was talking to him he say rfk you beating biden in polls

    • Yeah, I said it

      Go back to the economist magazine cover that had the tarot card and Trump.
      It’s okay that you choose him. Many will. There are a lot of people who believe in a vibe and believe a biblical story saying many will be deceived by a man who was wounded and rise to power.
      The vote, to me, in my opinion, is like who stays and who goes.
      If the U. S. was split into a corporation and a Republic, Trump is running for re-election in the corporation, not the Republic. He can do no wrong for a lot of people and that seems to be intentional.
      I mean, if I lived in a land that needed it’s inhabitants to be able to tell if their leader has been replaced and a majority has no clue then those that have no clue have no leader. Anyone can lead them as long as they “look like” and “act like” they person they follow. So I would pull a Pied Piper of Hamlin on them and let them follow the figure they chose o er a cliff if they let me (a figure of speech not really meaning to take anyone’s life for getting it wrong), but prey is prey and some people will have others follow the to their grave. David Koresch, Jim Jones, and others had followers who did not want anyone to say anything negative about them because they did good things (until they didn’t).

  • Anoniem

    I believe the Republicans are featuring the US Dollar on the background to symbolize our prosperous economy, as speakers speak of hard working Americans and the prosperity we enjoyed during Trump’s presidency, not intentionally the pagan aspect of the all seeing eye symbolism, nor the control of the NWO over us which is unfortunately depicted on our paper money.

    As for them having someone pray to a pagan god, let us not forget that this is all part of politics, and during election time political parties usually want to ensure that EVERYONE is welcome regardless of your religious beliefs, regardless of how small a cultural community is. If Christians are “bothered” by the existence of other religion in our country, what are the Christian churches doing about it? Should churches be discriminating, or shouldn’t that fire them up to do evangelism, sharing the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ?

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