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Soy - Exposing the Endless Lies, Deception, and Cover-up by the Pro-Soy Supporters

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Explaining Why There is The Medical Necessity To Warn People About Dangers of Soy

« Exposing the Endless Lies, Deception, & Cover-up by the Pro-Soy Supporters, and

( ?. Dr.) Justine Butler’s 2010 Article “Ignore the Anti-Soya Scaremongers – No Evidence”

This article .

by Gerald Hernesmaa

Nov. 3, 2010


.                                                                                                                                        Page 1 of 99

Hi — Mike                                                                                                        updated May 31, 2011


Here is my response you asked me to write regarding the July 2010 soy article by Justine Butler … “Ignore the anti-soya scaremongers, There’s no evidence that soya is harmful to humans. In fact, both we and the planet would benefit tremendously from eating more .   


What really impressed me at first with this Soy article was just how confident Justine Butler is about what she thinks she knows about soy, when in fact, the scientific facts show and prove, since 1907, that when it comes to accurate health information about soy dangers, it is so ridiculously obvious that she really doesn’t know what she is taking about. What is so very incredibly sad is, ( giving her the benefit of the doubt ), she doesn’t know that she doesn’t know the facts behind what she claims to be talking about, and it also appears she doesn’t even want to know the facts which she is unaware of. This essay will untangle the web of lies in Justine Butler’s 2 articles.      


Why do I say that ??.  Simply because of these 5 simple reasons ( also see FDA Poisonous Plant Database on page 10.)

1.)    She says that there is no scientific evidence of harm to humans from eating soy, and the studies that do exist are flawed. Well, just look at this !!. ( More very important & little known info. about Topoisomerase II–poisons, on page 5 – 10 )


Soy is proven to be and is classified as a Topoisomerase II–poison Surprise, Surprise, Surprise !!. In fact, soy has been known to be poisonous for over 100 years !! … Now how about that !!.  Can you believe it ??.  Can you really, really believe it ??.  Amazing !!.  Are you listening Justine Butler ??.


Topoisomerase II–poison cause breaks in the genetic (DNA) inside the cells and prevents DNA from further dividing and multiplying. The cells die.


Is she saying, all research since 1907 on dangers of soy is flawed, and thousands of scientists don’t know what they are doing ??.  It is now time for Butler & others to start trying to be good listeners for a change, and to catch up on your homework !!. Is everyone ready ??. A lot more expert non-flawed proof will follow


2.)    The same kind of conclusion can be made from the scientific investigation into the dangers of soy, as has been made by Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Application of Science and Technology, PSRAST, after their scientific investigation into dangers of cell phones


PSRAST conclusion on cell phone safety … “The scientist who declares that there exists no evidence of non-thermal effects of microwave radiation at intensities below present safety norms is either consciously lying or unaware of important research in the field, which means he is seriously incompetent, ( because a competent scientist has to be aware of all important research in his field. ).”              

“Unfortunately such scientists do exist who serve money rather than the scientific ideal of impartiality.”  


In like manner, substitute the word soy in the above PSRAST conclusion for the words cell phones, you have  


Conclusion on the dangers of eating soy … “The scientist and those in the soy industry who declares that there exists no creditable scientific evidence of harm to humans from eating soy is either consciously lying or unaware of important research in the field of the dangers of soy, which means, they are seriously incompetent, ( because a competent scientist and person(s) in the soy industry has to be aware of all important research on this topic. ).”

“Unfortunately such scientists/persons do exist who serve money rather than the scientific ideal of impartiality.”


«( Pages 119 – 121 )       

The “soy industry” includes … merchants … manufacturers scientists … publicists government bureaucrats … former bond financiers ( stock market ) authors of books & writers of food articles … vitamin companies and retail stores. This would not include farmers because they were duped like the rest of us. But farmers need to find something else to grow before the Soy bubble bursts & the market collapses: such as – grass-fed livestock designer vegetables or hemp to make paper for thousands & thousands of legal briefs needed for lawsuits ( that are sure to come & will soon follow.) … ( Legally – expect no mercy !!.).  

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Exposing the Endless Lies, Deception, & Cover-up by the Pro-Soy Supporters, and

( ?. Dr.) Justine Butler’s 2010 Article “Ignore the Anti-Soya Scaremongers – No Evidence”

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This article .




These 5 reasons, continued

2.)    Continued   

Why do I and others say there is so much lying and incompetance about soy ??. Because, after over 100 years of scientific research & more than 1,000 well-designed studies, from around the world, conducted in a manner which is consistent with generally recognized scientific procedures and principles which show that - there does exist – significant scientific agreement among research experts from around the world, { qualified by scientific training, experience and expertise }, PROVING a very strong statistically significant association of very serious harm Hidden Harm to human and animal health from the consumption of soy, SPI-soy protein and soy estrogen ingredients in our food supply and an INCREASED RISK of a variety of cancers and other major and life threatening health problems.


Incompetent by using the adjective form of the word incompetent and the PSRAST form of the conclusion above, it would appear that Justine Butler doesn’t really know what she is talking about, regarding the dangers of soy, and therefore, she is seriously incompetent when it comes to tell people the truth about soy.


The adjective use of INCOMPETENT has 4 senses:

1. not qualified or suited for a purpose
2. showing lack of skill or aptitude
3. not doing a good job

4. not meeting requirements


When people, scientists, reporters, Doctors, governments, corporations, etc. delcare that there exists no proof or no un-flawed scientific evidence on dangers of soy, they are serioously Incompetent to talk about the topic of soy.


But on the other hand, when you really think about soy, what else can you expect from someone who claims to be a Health Campaigner for the Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation ??. I will show & prove that there is impartiality and a lot of prejudiced view by her to what she says in her 2 inaccurate soy articles.


3.)    To make things even much, much worse, she has had over 4 years, ( after her last 2006 misinformation article on soy ), to find out what the scientific truth is, and to correct the errors she made in that soy article, before writing her new 2010 soy article. 


But instead, the main thing she has done was to make the present 2010 soy article a regurgitation, a recycling, of her last Aug. 8, 2006 similar soy article called … “There’s no risk to humans from soya, The hormones in cow’s milk are potentially far more harmful than those in plants .


( Please note – with reference to health & environmental issues, key words like Believed and Seems to are key phrases that have long been used by untrustworthy, manipulative authority figures for years to intestinally mislead and misdirect people to come to the wrong conclusion, an economic strategy that still works today. Brilliant don’t you think !!.  See info. about Smokescreen on page 28, and 66.)


4.)    Let me give you a good example of the type of lying and misdirection that is used in those 2 soy article. On April 16, 2008 an article in the major news media, CBC, claims that vitamins and minerals are not benefitual, but can even kill you, and the media blindly fell for it hook—Line—and—sinker, without even blinking an eye.


Vitamins A, E and beta-carotene increase mortality, not longevity: study, April 16, 2008

. .


This is a study review, ( Meta-analysis” ), conducted by researchers at the Copenhagen University Hospital in Denmark that found these antioxidants actually appeared to increase mortality. Scientists examined the data of 47 randomized clinical trials with 232,550 participants.

# 4.) Continued on next page    

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Exposing the Endless Lies, Deception, & Cover-up by the Pro-Soy Supporters, and

( ?. Dr.) Justine Butler’s 2010 Article “Ignore the Anti-Soya Scaremongers – No Evidence”

More info Health Articles



These 5 reasons, continued

4.)    continued

But, upon a closer look and more examination of the Denmark evidence, we are presented with a different picture, one reflecting the reality of the true facts, that is, the Denmark report was based on junk science. Here is a quote from another article 2 days latter exposing what really is happening here ( lying, cover-up and misdirection )  


Vitamins A, C, E Increase Mortality! (and other nonsense from the realm of junk science), April 18, 2008 .


(NaturalNews) The latest attack on vitamins A, C, E, selenium and beta-carotene comes from the Cochrane Library, a widely-read source of information on conventional health matters. In the paper published yesterday, these antioxidants were linked with a higher risk of mortality (“they’ll kill you!”), and now serious-sounding scientists have warned consumers away from taking vitamins altogether. But, with all the benefits of antioxidants already well known to the well-informed, how did the Cochrane Library arrive at such a conclusion ??. It’s easy: The researchers considered 452 studies on these vitamins, and they threw out the 405 studies where nobody died !!. That left just 47 studies where subjects died from various causes (one study was conducted on terminal heart patients, for example). From this hand-picked selection of studies, these researchers concluded that antioxidants increase mortality.

Just in case the magnitude of the scientific fraud taking place here has not yet become apparent, let me repeat what happened:

These scientists claimed to be studying the effects of vitamins on mortality, right ??. They were conducting a Meta-analysis”, based on reviewing established studies. But instead of conducting an honest review of all the studies, they arbitrarily decided to eliminate all studies in which vitamins prevented mortality and kept people alive !!. They did this by “excluding all studies in which no participants died.” What was left to review ??. Only the studies in which people died from various causes.

Brilliant, huh. This sort of ass-backward science would earn any teenager an “F” in high school science class. But apparently it’s good enough for the Cochrane Library, not to mention all the mainstream press outlets that are now repeating these silly conclusions as scientific fact. See definition of Fraud on page 86.


5.)    If you go to the bottom of my 2003 one page summary which is about my 144 page soy research paper, Soy-Abundance of Health Hazards , you will see what is written below



. … “meta-analysis is a review & summary of the results of many clinical studies on the same subject. The use of meta-analyses to draw general conclusions has come under sharp criticism by members of the scientific community. “… Researchers substituting meta-analysis for more rigorous trials – risk making faulty assumptions and indulging in creative accounting …”, says Sir John Scott, President of the Royal Society of New Zealand, “… Like isn’t being lumped with like. Little lumps, big lumps of data are being gathered together by various groups …”. (34)


“There is a added temptation for researchers, particularly researchers funded by companies like Protein Technologies International – soy corporation, to leave out studies that contradict / dilute the conclusions desired … “ ( This fits many Legal Definition including Fraud and Criminal Gross Negligence on pages 87 – 89 )


This is exactly what happened in The Cell Phone Industry Own Safety Study, Denmark Vitamin meta-analysis Lie, and 2 soy articles in question by Justine Butler, as all 3 are intentionally Flawed-analysis”.  Why intentionally ??. Because the temptation to possibly get away with trying to turn a lie into an artificial truth and the real truth into a lie without anyone finding out, was just to great. Luckly for us, the cell phone study Lie was exposed right away. The problem is, the Denmark vitamin Lie has not been retracted, so many people will believe it and refer to it in the future, which is exactly what was really wanted in the first place the fall back poistion - Plan 2 if the Lie turned out to be exposed. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. Some of the time is all the soy industry needs to make their huge blood-money profits. ( Successful strategy of Plan 2.). Brilliant don’t you think !!.

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Exposing the Endless Lies, Deception, & Cover-up by the Pro-Soy Supporters, and

( ?. Dr.) Justine Butler’s 2010 Article “Ignore the Anti-Soya Scaremongers – No Evidence”

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What (?.Dr.) Justine Butler has chosen to do in the 2 soy articles is a carbon copy of what was done in the Denmark study described above. That is to selectively ignore, eliminate and leave out valid studies, and creditable information that will contradict and dilute the conclusions she desires as a  Health Campaigner for the Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation. If the soy lies are exposed, do not write a retraction, but just rely on Plan 2. To the ignorant and uninformed general public, that is absolutely Brilliant,” and intended to keep the public in perpetual ignorance regarding the existence of over 1,000 scientific studies going back to 1907, showing that eating soy is a very serious danger to all of us and can even be deadly. Actually, soy has been known to be dangerous & deadly, yes DEADLY, long before 1907, even going way back to the Chou Dynasty ( 1134 – 246 BC ). So, the real question is – why did she, or whoever it was, write those soy articles ??. What do they really know ??, and for how long have they know it ??. For example, Topoisomerase II–poisons, on page 5.


This might surprise almost everyone, because the mainstream media mostly ignored this the governments of Israel, Switzerland, the UK, and New Zealand have all issued statements, warnings, against the use of soy formula for babies.


Now how about that !!. Can you believe it, can you really, really believe it ??. Amazing !!. Are you listening Justine Butler, or whoever you are ??. ( See the list of important Legal Definitions, including those of Deceit and Fraud on page 87 – 89 )


“… All Truth Passes Through 3 phases: first it is ridiculed; next it is violently opposed; and finally it is accepted as self evident …”, by the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer.  


Einstein said, “… the world is a dangerous place to live in, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it …” … . … .  


Shame on you, Justine Butler, shame on you. Your Bias-ass-backward flawed science reporting on soy, which is really no science at all, would earn any teenager an “F” in a high school science class. ( May be you got your education on another planet ??.). But apparently, your sloppy and false reporting on soy is good enough for The Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation, and the soy industry which includes those involved in selling soy and soy products and producing and promoting false soy information – such as merchants soy processors and manufacturers scientists publicists government bureaucrats former bond financiers ( stock market ) authors of books and writers of food articles vitamin companies and retail stores.  


Everyone – be careful be careful be careful — I said be careful With lots of lies, denial and cover-up from the pro-soy side, and Monsanto, and also with the new research coming out yearly continually confirming the known scientific truth about the real dangers of soy, I highly recommended to everyone that … . … in order to protect yourself and the ones you Love read the ingredient labels on all the food(s) you buy, and if you find soy, flax, canola, cottonseed oil, or MSG as an ingredient, simply switch brands to avoid them !!.  Vote with your pocket book …

«     Another very good idea is to make sure the ingredient labels on your vitamins, minerals, medications, pet food, etc., says contains no Soy or … contains no Soy ingredients .  


* Please Remember This Extremely Important Point - When pharmaceutical companies advertise their drugs in TV commercials, these TV commercials are required to notify & warn the general public of the scientifically known dangers, negative side-effects, health hazards, a person may experience from taking the drug being advertised, at the same time, during and with in the TV commercial.  BUT, no such warnings on TV or in magazines, etc., are given to people when promoting soy products or soy ingredients. Nothing is said about the many serious and sometimes deadly health hazards from eating soy and soy ingredients in our foods supply, or any soy ingredient put in make-up or personal care products.  Think about it no warning label or packing slip included when buying soy or soy food products that would warn people of the scientifically known dangers of soy.  This then becomes the largest known experiment ever to be conducted on the face of the earth. Why ??, because everyone eats !!. So, not warning people of the scientifically known dangers is an Inhumane Act. This means that the practice of selling soy, putting soy in our food etc., and promoting soy as healthy also goes against the Nuremberg Code, because the Nuremberg Code requires informed consent from the individual, the consumer. Can you honestly image a newly born infant, or even a fetus giving consent ??. How would you inform them and receive their consent ??.  This can be called an Inhumane Act without consent, and qualifies as A Crime Against Humanity. See info. and definitions of the Nuremberg code, Informed Consent, Inhumane Act, and Crimes Against Humanity further in this essay, on pages 51 – 55, 60, 73, and the many serious health hazards of soy, listed on pages 40 top, 41, 73 – 75, 77, 61 – 62, below.   

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Exposing the Endless Lies, Deception, & Cover-up by the Pro-Soy Supporters, and

( ?. Dr.) Justine Butler’s 2010 Article “Ignore the Anti-Soya Scaremongers – No Evidence”

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.         ( The Big Lie, False Belief ) 

The Myth, Fairy Tale: Phytic Acid and Topoisomerase II –Poisons Genistein & Daidzein

In Soy Are Made Harmless, Are Denatured, “With Heat and Natural Solvents,”

and Are Therefore – of No Concern.



This 2006 article below nicely confirms what has been known in the soy industry for over 50 years, that is heating soy does NOT remove or eliminate the natural toxins, it does not make soy safe, just less toxic, less dangerous, so it just takes a little longer to kill you, that’s all. The article below is a direct admission by soy industry itself, using their own research.. Wow, how about that !!. Please keep in mind, the article also makes the BIG mistake, an all too common mistake, of calling the 2 natural occurring toxic chemicals in soy genistein & daidzein, beneficial & healthy Isoflavones. But scientific truth is, they have been proven to be & are classified as powerful Topoisomerase II–poisons … that cause DNA double strand breaks, various cancers, etc., etc. Scroll down this essay and on pages *5, *61 – *62 ( Fermentation ), you will see where I have pointed out that fermentation, by heat, or by any process, effects each of the 6 known Carcinogenic chemicals in soy a little differently, some more than others, & some hardly at all. It is a no win situation.


When reading the article below, please keep in mind that …

  1. There is considerable variability in levels of genistein & daidzein available in soy foods, no matter how they are processed.

Example – there are no guidelines on how long or how high the temp. needs to be when using the fermentation by heat method

  1. There is nothing to protect consumers from exposure to high levels ( accumulation of low level exposure over time ) to these chemicals. Scroll down to …“Harmful Side Effects of Low Dose Toxic Chemical Exposures – Not Studied ??,” on page 28

a)       There is no established acceptable levels set for these 2 Topoisomerase II–poisons in foods, so, there is no protection from short-term high level (acute) exposures or long term low levels (chronic) exposures.

b)       There is a very valid medical concern of Multiple Low Level Exposures, ( MLLE ), to these 2 chemicals over time.

                                                               i.      Please refer to the comments made in the Feb. 1999 protest letter by 2 famous U.S. FDA Whistle-blower scientists Daniel Doerge PhD and Daniel Sheehan PhD. Comments are on page 12 and 76 – 77 in this essay.


Quickly summarizing this article below — one is faced with either choosing lower Temp. heating resulting in more available protein and more surviving Topoisomerase II–poisons, - or - higher Temp. heating resulting in useless protein and less poisons. William Jarvis, PhD., Depart. of Health Promotion & Education, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, Calif. ( more on pages 7, 61, 37 )


Heat From Pasteurization ( a form of fermentation ),

Destroys Beneficial ( ?? ) Nutrients In Soy Milk

Aug. 3, 2006

 . .

Pasteurization and ultra high temperature (UHT) treatments, which are used to kill bacteria in milk, may be damaging the healthy ( ??.) isoflavones found in soy milk, according to Huang Huihua, a researcher from the South China University of Technology in Guangzhou.


Isoflavones act like the female hormone estrogen in the body, & have been studied closely to determine if they may help treat estrogen deficiency-related conditions such as breast cancer, prostate cancer & osteoporosis. ( Please note - The intent of the 2 words may help is key here. These words are used not to present proof, but are used to suggest the opposite, that is, they are used as a smokescreen to hide , to deceive & to misdirect your attention away from known facts, and to misplace your trust. See Smokescreen on page 28, 66.).


Huang and colleagues at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University performed a study on soy milk last year ( 2005 ) to determine the effect of heat on 3 isoflavones: genistein daidzein glycitein.


.Lower Heat – More Toxic (+) More Protein                   Higher Heat – Less Toxic ( highly damaged Protein )

      When soy milk is pasteurized, with Less heat,                                     When soy milk undergoes in-bottle sterilization, it is

      heated to about 203 degrees Fahrenheit – for one hour,                    heated at around 250 degrees Fahrenheit – for 5 minutes,

      77 % — of daidzein is destroyed  23 %  Toxin left in soy                 87 % — of daidzein is destroyed 13 %  Toxin left in soy

      66 % — of glycitein   … … . … . 34 %                                      72 % — of glycitein    .. … . … . 28 %                   

      11.4 % – of genistein … … . … . 89 %                                  17 % — of genistein   . … . … . … 83 %                  


Currently, China‘s soy milk industry — which produced around 300,000 tons of milk last year — tends to focus on protein and vitamin content over isoflavones. However, soy milk industry expert Tu Shunming, of China’s National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries, does not think soy milk sales will suffer because isoflavones are a secondary concern. China has long practiced heating soy milk to temp.’s ranging from 95 to 110 degrees Celsius ( 203 to 230 degrees F. ) to asepticize it,” Tu said.

( Asepticize – to free from disease-causing contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites ).  

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Exposing the Endless Lies, Deception, & Cover-up by the Pro-Soy Supporters, and

( ?. Dr.) Justine Butler’s 2010 Article “Ignore the Anti-Soya Scaremongers – No Evidence”

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Strange, don’t you think, that these 2 Topoisomerase II—poisons, genistein & daidzein, should still be called beneficial today, as the original fermentation process was invented during the Chou Dynasty ( 1134 – 246 BC ), so that, soy would not kill people quite as fast, quite so quickly, when people back then relied on soy for protein during periods of famine.


About Phytic Acid It interferes with the intestinal absorption of various minerals, and can lead to very serious health problems, as osteoporosis, hair loss – baldness, even DEATH. Sound familiar ??. If phytic acid was deactivated, neutralized in soy with heat and solvents, there would not be the reported medical problems of severe malnutrition and even DEATH from reduce assimilation of calcium ( bone loss ), magnesium, copper, iron and zinc, in children of Vegan mothers. In this essay, see on page 12 to 23 & 24 Severe Malnutrition from False Nutritional Beliefs. ( Soy - The Kiss of Death ).


The only real difference between fermented soy & non-fermented soy is that the fermented soy takes just a little longer to kill you, that’s all. There is a very high likelihood, probability, that back in the 1970’s the soy and pharmaceutical industry knew then that the heat treatment did not solve the toxic problems of soy, but just didn’t tell anyone, kept it hidden for financial investment reasons. Both of these industries have a long history, are notorious for lying in order to protect their profits by hide the truth. It is systemic and a way of doing business for them. It is almost impossible to trust anything the soy industry says. The pharmaceutical industry hides the known dangerous of many drugs that ended up being taken off the market only after people have been injured and/ or killed. Only then, do we find out that the pharmaceutical industry knew of the dangers, but kept it secret from the FDA, and/or the FDA ignored the dangers. That is why the assumption made in the 1970’s that heat treatment removed the natural toxins was false, see on page 37 item #5.  It was wrong then & is still wrong today. Such a good job of lying has been done sense then with their propaganda that these lies still live on, even today, in the minds of many people. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. Some of the time is all soy industry needs to make their huge blood-money profits. ( Successful strategy of Plan 2.)



Page 96

«««, «««, «««, ««« -- Cancer of the pancreas Preheating of Soya flower seemed to protect pancreas … BUT –

   - .

1980    “The effects of long-term feeding of Soya flour on the rat pancreas,” — McGuinness E.E, Morgan R.G., Levison D.A. and others, Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 1980; 15(4) :497-502

       « L «        — Pancreatic cancer

— Rats were fed raw and heated Soya flour for up to 2 years.

— The rats fed raw Soya flour all developed pancreatic hypertrophy and hyperplastic and adenomatous nodules. Four of 26 rats fed raw Soya flour continuously and 1 of 5 rats fed raw Soya flour for 2 days each week developed pancreatic cancer.

      Preheating the Soya flour seemed to protect against the pancreatic hyperplastic and neoplastic changes.

But long periods of heat & pressure also required ( 130 degrees Celsius = 266  degrees Fahrenheit) to deactivate the carcinogenic trypsin inhibitors in Soya flour denatures the soy proteins to the point that the protein become virtually useless. 

       « L «        — Then one either chooses less heating, resulting in more surviving trypsin inhibitors, or more heating, resulting in useless protein. William Jarvis, Ph.D., Department of Health Promotion and Education, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California, USA.


( Please note – with reference to health and environmental issues, key words like Believed and Seems to and Attributed to are key phrases that have long been used by untrustworthy, manipulative authority figures for years to intentionally mislead and misdirect people so that a person would mistakenly come to the wrong conclusion, ( without the person actually realizing it ), an economic strategy that still works today. Brilliant don’t you think !!.  See info. about Smokescreen on page 28, 66. ).


Soy - Eating This “Healthy” Food ??. It Could be Slowly and Silently Killing You Dec. 4, 2010 ( The Kiss of Death )

            Soy Dangers Summarized Myths and Truths about Soy Soy Infant Formula = Birth Control Pills for Babies.


Soy - This “Miracle Health Food” Has Been Linked to Brain Damage and Breast Cancer Sept. 18, 2010 ( Long List of good reference articles )

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- 7 -

Exposing the Endless Lies, Deception, & Cover-up by the Pro-Soy Supporters, and

( ?. Dr.) Justine Butler’s 2010 Article “Ignore the Anti-Soya Scaremongers – No Evidence”

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Soy has not → does not → can not → Soy will not → prevent cancer.


Soy – The Kiss of Death

Science has proven → → Soy causes cancer → → Soy causes existing cancer cells to grow

Soy causes non-cancerous tumors to turn cancerous → → Soy causes the reoccurrence of cancer



The information in this essay will prove why the statements at the top of this page are true & scientifically accurate. When reading the abstract below, the Key misleading word is Believed.  On page 61 and 5, read why fermented soy is NOT Chemo-preventative.


   - .

2009    The DNA cleavage reaction of Topoisomerase II: wolf in sheep’s clothing Joseph E. Deweese and

Neil Osheroff, Nucleic Acids Research, 2009 February; 37(3): 738–748, PMCID: PMC2647315, Department of Biochemistry & Depart. of Medicine (Hematology/Oncology), Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, USA


These compounds affect human cells through a variety of pathways; they are strong antioxidants and efficient inhibitors of growth factor receptor tyrosine kinases (114–117). In addition, many bioflavonoids, especially genistein, are potent Topoisomerase II poisons.


Genistein, which is prominent in soy is a potent Topoisomerase II poison is believed to be a chemopreventative agent in adults that contributes to the low incidence of breast and colorectal cancers in the Pacific Rim (Figure 6) (116,117). However, as discussed below, there also is evidence associating genistein consumption during pregnancy with the development of infant leukemia’s (111,123–126). In addition, (–)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), the most abundant and biologically active polyphenol in green tea, is a Topoisomerase II poison (Figure 6) (90,116,121). Many of the therapeutic benefits of green tea have been attributed ( NOT proven ) to this compound.   


( Please note – with reference to health & environmental issues, key words like Believed and Seems to and Attributed to , etc., etc., etc., are key phrases that have been used by untrustworthy, manipulative authority figures for years to intentionally mislead and misdirect people so that a person would mistakenly come to the wrong conclusion, an economic strategy that still works today. Brilliant don’t you think !!.  See information about Smokescreen on page 28, 66.).




Page 7

In my June 4, 2004 Soy Protest Submission essay to the US FDA protesting Solae’s application request for the approval of soy protein . Also here in this essay on page 76.


Again, in 2003, The United Kingdom Chief Medical Officer, the highest medical officer in the UK has issued a “Health Protection Advisory” about the long term reproductive harm to children from soy protein. He has drawn on the findings of at least 4 expert committees, going back to July 1996. In his Health Protection Advisory,” he has warned all doctors that

soy – based infant formulas should be used only in exceptional circumstances, because “ there is a risk to long term reproductive health ”.


Further information on the UK Expert Committee’s findings in a report in March 2003 called “Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and The Environment, Report on Phtoestrogens and Health,” is at  , and also says

After reviewing the data and conclusions in the report relating to soy-based infant formula, SACN considered that there is cause for concern about the use of soy-based infant formula. Additionally, there is neither substantive medical need for, nor health benefit arising from, the use of soy-based infant formulae …”



The Dangers of a High Soy Diet … Aug, 13, 2008 .

.                                                                            video 6 minutes 4 seconds .

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Exposing the Endless Lies, Deception, & Cover-up by the Pro-Soy Supporters, and

( ?. Dr.) Justine Butler’s 2010 Article “Ignore the Anti-Soya Scaremongers – No Evidence”

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The weed of crime bears bitter fruit !!.  ”Oh what a tangled web we weave – when first we practice to deceive” We are talking about principles here, internationally agreed upon principles of doing the right thing.


Well, well, well, Justine Butler, or whoever your are ??. Where have you been all your life ??. On another planet ??. Soy has been known to be toxic and dangerous in the scientific community since 1907. Infact, soy has been known to be a poison going way back to Chou Dynasty ( 1134 – 246 BC ), and nothing has changed since then. Have you been sleep-walking all your life on earth, or are you a space alien who has come here from another planet just to cause us a lot of trouble and to create a infinite number of broken Heart’s ??, or did your investments in the stock market in soy companies go up after printing of your 2 soy articles ??. If so, making money that way might be called blood money !!.


By the way, who is Justine Butler ?? ?? ?? ??.  Does she and/ or the Guardian UK have any direct or indirect ties to the soy industry ??.  We might be able to shad some light on this a little further on.


Hundreds of thousands, tens of millions, of people around the world every year do not know they are being slowly poisoned, being taken advantage of, being misguided with inaccurate, false information about the dangers of soy, just to make more money, from soy articles like these two in question. ( bottom, on page 6 being slowly poisoned from eating soy ). Soy articles, like Butler’s, that are written by self appointed & uninformed authority figures, authors, and journalists, and others who do not even do the most basic research, and who claim to have accurate information, when infact, they actually give out the wrong information, and also are in fact, breaking international law and committing an Inhumane Act.


Read the rest of the pages in this essay. By putting soy and soy ingredients in our food without telling everyone about the scientifically proven dangers, keeps people from making an informed choice for themselves and the ones they love. This then becomes an Inhuman Act”, and as such, qualifies as a Crime Against Humanity, on page 51 – 54 – 55, 60, 73


.                                                                                   Principle (6.C.) Crimes Against Humanity.”



  • The Precautionary Principle – The obligation to prevent harm, ( The 4 Principles ).


The really big danger is, people will be putting their trust in, will unknowingly rely on, this false information being promoted as an artificial truth, by the pro-soy promoters and the soy industry. This will also give people false hope and a false sense of security that soy will help save their life, improve the quality of their life, at a time when their very life may hang in the balance. Unfortunately, this misguided trust will turn out to be an extremely painful and DEADLY mistake. 


You are probably asking, what are my qualifications for saying this, for writing this short essay on the dangers of soy ??.  Simply this, I know how easy it is to rely on, believe in the wrong information, ( an artificial truth ), to be lied to, to be given a false sense of security, false hope, from recent, personal past experience !!.  I know how easy it is to trust the wrong authority figures, fake authority figures like the soy industry, the news media, the mainstream medical system, governments, parts of the alternative health system, etc., etc. I know because My Wife Deanna-(Deonaa) died of Soy-poisoning on Dec. 15, 2002, after she 1st. found her breast lump in the summer of June 1996. ( Slowly being poisoned, see article on page 6, bottom of page.) She was afraid and did not tell me until Jan. 2007. I have the medical records to prove it. In early January of 2001, we were lucky to have found an abundance of accurate scientific information, available in the scientific community, about the dangers of soy going back to 1907, which is still easily found on the still FREE internet. This information was given to us by someone we hardly knew, and it helped save her live, that is, extend her life by about another 2 years. But, unfortunately, we didn’t find enough of the right information soon enough before soy murdered her, yes murdered her, just as if a gun was put to her head and each and every one of the false authority figures simultaneously pulled the trigger. To read a short summary of her story on how soy murdered her just go to pages 122 – 124 in my user friendly, very, very easy to read, soy research paper Soy-Abundance of Health Hazards , found in the Health Article section of the Mayan Majix website Health Articles. Then click on Dangers of Soy , or just Google, Soy–Abundance of Health Hazards.


.                                                                                                                                                                                                     …/  9




- 9 -

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( ?. Dr.) Justine Butler’s 2010 Article “Ignore the Anti-Soya Scaremongers – No Evidence”

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The weed of crime bears bitter fruit !!.  ”Oh what a tangled web we weave – when first we practice to deceive.”


Page 47.

«««, «««, «««, ««« -- Stimulates breast cancer growth ??.  Yes !!.

Women with current or past breast cancer should be aware of the risks of potential tumor growth when taking soy products … antagonize the effects of tamoxifen …”

    - .

2001    “Effects of soy phytoestrogens genistein and daidzein on breast cancer growth,” – de Lemos M.L.,  Ann Pharmacother, 2001 Sep;35(9):1118-21., British Columbia Cancer Agency, Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Objective: to determine whether genistein and daidzein, the major phytoestrogens in soy, can

     stimulate breast cancer growth ??. 

      « L «        Women with current or past breast cancer should be aware of the risks of potential tumor growth

                                     when taking soy products.”

      « L «         Conclusions: Genistein and daidzein may stimulate existing breast tumor growth and antagonize the

                                     effects of  tamoxifen.   


Does Justine Butler have any idea what it feels like for a person with a life threatening illness, to be desperately looking for and depending on the right information that will help save their live, and/ or save them from a life of unimaginable pain and suffering before they die, or while they are dying ??. Well I do !!. We, my wife Deanna-(Deonaa) and I, found out the hard way before she died of Soy Poisoning. ( Slowly Poisoned, see article on page 6.) We learned that time is THE most important luxury that most people don’t have when they are seriously ill. This is because it is very important for a person with an life threatening illness to find the right information soon enough, ( meaning, when there is still time enough left to put the information into practical use ), in order to reverse the direction of the disease, so the person can start down the road to health and healing before the disease kills them It is this critical window of opportunity (+)plus having the right information, that will save a persons life. Soy articles like the 2 Justine Butler soy articles in question take away the persons opportunity to recover from a life threatening illness, and that is an Inhumane Act.  Once the person goes past the Point of No Return, ( where there is not enough time left to recover from the illness after receiving the right information ), & then finds the right information, the information is useless to them, and the information just sits on the shelf unused. As the dying person realizes this, they say “I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die.” I know, because that is what my wife said a couple of days before she died of soy poisoning, while trying to recover from breast , bone and liver cancer. This happens every day, creating an infinite number of broken Heart every year, year after year. The mainstream health system and also a large part the alternative health system – failed us. They both continue to make an infinite number of broken Heart through lies, deception, slight of hand, misdirection, etc., etc, etc.                                  ( Also on page 65.)


« Soy Risks for Breast Cancer, 2001 The Medical Science & Research – Similarity of Estrogenic Effects Compared to Human and Synthetic Estrogen by Jane Smith – a mainstream medical Doctor who wishes to remain anomalous to avoid persecution and losing her medical licience for revealing the truth.


Let me wet your appetite – just a little bit more – I am presenting just part of the tip of the iceberg of the known scientific facts from valid scientific research, from around the world, referred to here as The Evidence since 1907. This evidence is about dangers of eating soy, which I will also refer to as Hidden Harm – hidden because that is the truth of the reality. This known evidence is still being ignored and denied by the soy industry-( defined earlier ), the news media and pharmaceutical industry, most mainstream Doctors, much of the alternative health industry, etc., etc., and as well, hardly anyone wants to or is willing to talk about it, until recently. Much of this evidence is in my 144 page soy research paper called Soy - Abundance of Health Hazards .  It was written between May 2003 and Nov. 2004, with the last up-date in 2006. It has over 205 scientific research abstracts from 1907 to 2006. These abstracts can be found in PubMed, NCBI - The National Center for Biotechnology Information, the world’s largest and best scientific data-base.   All science abstracts in my research paper can be clicked on for immediate internet access. 


PubMed … NCBI - The National Center for Biotechnology Information.

PubMed advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information.  It comprises more than 20 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites and serves the worldwide scientific community . 

                                                                                                                                     …/  10




- 10 -

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In the U.S. FDA’s Poisonous Plant and Plant Part Database”… , Soy, and ( Flax – Linseed ), and Cottonseed, and Hemp and ( Canola – Rapeseed ) are all listed as “poisonous plants” soy since 1907, Flax 1850, Linseed 1909 Cottonseed 1889 … Hemp 1898 … Canola 1982, Rapeseed 1941 The U.S. EPA lists canola as a pesticide – neuropoison, Fact sheet 011332. 

The FDA recommend that – if you are injured by plants on this website, to contact your local Poison Control Center in your area or call 911.

((( Think about this – now really, really think about these questions. Has anyone ever made that important call about these plants ???.  Has any Doctor ever told their patients about this warning ???.  Why not ???.  For heaven sakes, why not ???.  If someone actually did call as suggested, because they realized they were poisoned from one or more these plants, like a cancer patient for instance, what would be done about the call ??.  Who would be sued ??. )))


Preponderance of the evidence: Evidence which is of greater weight or more convincing than the evidence which is offered in opposition to it; it may not be determined by the number of witnesses, but by the greater weight of all evidence, opportunity for knowledge, information possessed.  See list of Legal Definitions at the end of this essay, on pages 87 – 89.


««« Numbers to the right, here refer to pages in my 144 page soy research paper Soy – Abundance of Health Hazard

Topoisomerase II–poison Pages 23 – 26, 32, 34, 40, 42, 44, 70 – 73,*80, 81, 153.

Cancer Cell growth / proliferation 8, 31, 33 – 35, *37, 38, 40 – 42, 45 - *49 - *51, 52, 58, 60 – 62, 69, 73, 74, 77, *80.

DNA damage from – daidzein & genistein 32 – 34, 37, 38, 40, 42, 44 within 1 hr, 58, and 70 cell death, 71 – 73, 81, 153

Frying the Brain and Nervous System with Soy Pages *63 – 67 7, 27, 41, 44 – 46, 49, 53, 55, 88, 90, 92, 94.


««« Page numbers below, and on the left side in this essay, refer to pages in Soy-Abundance of Health Hazards . « Page 49 2001 Abstract - Removal of soy caused cancer tumors to regress.


Page 81

«««, «««, «««, «««, (+) ««

DNA double strand breaks leading to chromosomal aberrations and leukemia’s.

Further studies on the role of dietary Topoisomerase II–poison are urgently required.

   - .

2002   “Dietary topoisomerase II-poisons: contribution of soy products to infant leukemia ?,” –

Jan G. Hengstler, Carolin K. Heimerdinger and others, EXCLI Journal 2002;1:8-14 (ISSN 1611-2156),  published: 30. Dec. 2002 Institute of Legal Medicine, Department of Molecular Toxicology, University of Leipzig, Johannisallee 28, 04103 Leipzig, Germany; Institute of Toxicology and Department of Gynecology, University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany

    « L « In addition, an almost 10-fold higher risk of infant AML has been reported for mothers consuming

relatively high levels of topoisomerase II-poison containing foods. These observations are relevant, since many foods contain topoisomerase II-poisons, predominantly soy and soy products, but also coffee, wine, tea, cocoa, as well as some fruits and vegetables. Further studies on the role of dietary Topoisomerase II–poison are urgently required. If the causal relationship between dietary exposure to Topoisomerase II–poison and infant leukemia will be confirmed, care should be taken to reduce exposure to critical foods during pregnancy “.


Page 32

«««, «««, «««, ««« -- double strand DNA breaks Topoisomerase II–poison

   - .

1989   “Inhibitory effects of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein on mammalian DNA topoisomerase II” – Markovits J. Linassier C., and others, Cancer Res 1989 Sep 15;49(18):5111-7.,  Laboratorie de Pharmacologie Moleculair, URA 158 du CNRS, U 140 de I’NSERM, Institute Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France.

 « L «   — Genistein stimulates double strand DNA breaks.

                         — Our results show that genistein (a) inhibits the decatenation activity of DNA topoisomerase II and (b)

                               stimulates DNA topoisomerase II-mediated double strand breaks in pBR322 DNA on sites different

                               from those of 4′-(9-acridinylamino)methanesulfon-m-anisidide, etoposide, and


                        — Finally, genistein treatment  of DC-3F cells  results in the occurrence of protein-linked

                              DNA strand breaks as shown by DNA filter elution. Viscometric (lengthening) studies demonstrate

                              genistein isn’t a DNA intercalateor.

                              Genistein is therefore an interesting compound because it induces cleavable complexes without


                        — Taken together, our results show that genistein is an inhibitor of both protein tyrosine kinases and

                              mammalian DNA Topoisomerase II. This could be accounted for by the sharing of a common structure

                              sequence between  the 2 proteins at the ATP binding site.  

                                                                                                                                                                                                     …/  11




- 11 -

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Page 48,   Diets 

«««, «««, «««, ««« - levels of daidzein and genistein were associated with an increase in the

                                              incidence of vulvar carcinomas in mice within one month

    - .

2001    “Effects of the dietary phytoestrogens daidzein and genistein on the incidence of vulvar carcinomas in 129/J mice,” – Thigpen J.E. and others, Cancer Detect Prev 2001;25(6):527-32.  Comparative Medicine Branch, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709, USA

— The objective of this study was to determine the effect of dietary phytoestrogens on the incidence of spontaneous vulvar carcinomas in 129/J mice using three natural ingredient diets and two purified diets containing predetermined levels of daidzein and genistein. Vulvar carcinomas in representative groups of mice were confirmed using routine histological procedures..

— Within one month, the incidence of vulvar carcinomas in mice fed a modified soy protein diet was significantly increased over those of mice fed control diets.

— Within 3 months, the incidence of vulvar carcinomas in mice fed the soy protein diet was significantly increased over those of mice fed other control diets.

— “We concluded that dietary levels of daidzein and genistein were associated with an increase in the incidence of vulvar carcinomas in mice, and that the 129/J mouse may provide an animal model for studying the development of vulvar carcinomas.


Page 49

«««, «««, «««, «««, « -  YES - Removal of soy genistin - caused tumors to Regress  

.                                                           «( same thing happened for my wife Deanna )

   - .

2001    “Dietary genistin stimulates growth of estrogen-dependent breast cancer tumors similar to that observed with genistein,” – Allred C.D. and others, Carcinogenesis 2001 Oct;22(10):1667-73.  Depart. of Food Science & Human Nutrition, and Division of Nutritional Sciences, Univ. of Illinois, at Urbana-Champaign, IL 61801, USA.

Genistin, the glycoside form of genistein, is converted to genistein by human saliva. The glycoside genistin, like the aglycone genistein, can stimulate estrogen-dependent breast cancer cell growth in vivo. Removal of genistin or genistein from the diet caused tumors to regress. 


« Important Note Same thing happened to my wife Deanna-( Deonaa ) when she stopped eating soy. Read her story on how soy poisoned & murdered her, Pages 122 – 124 in my soy research paper … Soy – Abundance of Health Hazards.

……………………………………………………                                                          .


Soy can be a dangerous allergy to people … .

Soy is one of the foods people can have allergies to.  The U.S. FDA and USDA has a food allergy recall alert section on the internet for people and parents of children with food allergies     


Soy Allergy Alert – Why Babies Should Not be Fed Soy, ( and other very serious health dangers ) Feb. 10, 2010 by Gail Elbek. Parts of the article are quoted below.


Artificial Baby Milks, How Safe Are They .


Soy is one of the top Allergens Soy Allergens: Shock of the New even anaphylactic shock March 2005 … Part 6, Ch. 24


Soy - The Magic Bean ?? is exposing more truth about soy.

— Not a complete protein                         — No soy for infants
— Not a natural food                                — Round-Up and the international herbicide market
— Many contaminants                             
’s stance on genetic engineering
— Extreme processing                             — The end of biodiversity
— Hydrogenation                                     — What the real experts say
— Soy protein isolate                                — Who really runs the FDA and EPA
— Genetic modification: DNA roulette  

                                                                                                                                         …/  12




- 12 -

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Soy Allergy Alert


Why Babies Should Not be Fed Soy

. .


 NTP Center for the evaluation of Risks to Human Reproduction (CERHR)

 Morrisville, NC, USA, 27560


Testimony to the CERHR Soy Infant Formula Panel regarding soy allergy


Feb. 10, 2010 Several published studies, confirmed by CFSAN (Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition) director Dr. Mike Shelby, have concluded that soy is an active estrogenic endocrine disruptor. Proper functioning of the endocrine system, especially during developmental time-frames must not be jeopardized. Overwhelming numbers of published studies conclude soy repeatedly jeopardizes developmental health.


The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) reports that soy phyto-estrogens demonstrate estrogenic effects equal to or lower than doses of DES estrogen; in 2002, NIEHS researcher Retha New bold expressed concern when her colleagues demonstrated that soy genistein “triggers reproductive abnormalities including uterine adenocarcinoma, a rare form of cancer.” And what is toxic to the reproductive tract is toxic to multiple hormone systems throughout the body and brain. Also like DES estrogen, the maternal consumption of soy products transfer’s estrogenic hormone disruptors to her fetus and again to her child while breast feeding. Several hundred studies overwhelmingly conclude soy phyto-toxic causation of an assortment of severe, painful and often irreversible neurological and physiological disorders, and these diseases are more often caused during developmental exposures. Soy-based formula as 100 percent of an infant’s dietary intake contains active estrogenic and anti-nutrient endocrine disruptors.


Soy phytates inhibit the assimilation of multiple essential minerals necessary for proper brain and body development. In addition, processed soy products contain an assortment of heavy metals also known to cause neurologically and physiologically damaging effects.  



Isn’t all that very interesting.  Please be aware that what I will be presenting here in this article is just the tip of the iceberg, or should I say, this is just scratching the tip of the iceberg of the known scientific documented dangers of eating soy.


Two U.S. FDA Expert Scientists Protest FDA’s Health Claim Approval for soy, and give health warning to consumers .


Researchers and Whistle-blowers Daniel Doerge Ph.D and Daniel Sheehan Ph.D are two of the U.S.A.’s  Food and Drug Administration’s, FDA, expert scientists on soy who signed a Feb. 18, 1999 letter of protest to the FDA when the FDA granted soy a “health claim” in 1999.  This letter expresses serious concerns regarding the perceived safe use of soy, if soy was to be granted a “health claim,” and includes 26 documented scientific referenced studies, (Abstracts), that show a link between eating soy and serious health problems. 


In their Feb. 18, 1999 letter of protest“ they said, “ it is inappropriate to allow a health claim for Soy Protein Isolate, SPI, it could be misinterpreted, the health labeling of SPI for foods needs to be considered just as would the addition of any Estrogen or Goitrogen to foods, which are bad ideas.  Estrogenic and goitrogenic drugs are regulated by the FDA, and are taken under a physician’s care.  Patients are informed of risks, and are monitored by their physicians for evidence of toxicity


… No similar safeguards are in place for foods, so the public will be put at potential risk from soy isoflavones in SPI without adequate warning and information

20/20 TV program link withdrawn under pressure, so use … or use Google


.                                                                                                                                               …/  13




- 13 -

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Severe Malnutrition from False Nutritional Beliefs

Soy — The Kiss of Death !!.


Diagnoses delayed – by a low index of suspicion

Embryo Fetus Infant Child Adult Elderly


Page 77

«««, «««, «««, ««« -- Infants on Soy milk and Rice milk cause severe nutritional deficiencies

   - .

2001    “Severe nutritional deficiencies in toddlers resulting from health food milk alternatives,” – Carvalho NF, Kenney RD, Carrington PH, Hall DE., Pediatrics. 2001 Apr;107(4):E45., Scottish Rite Pediatric and Adolescent Consultants, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia 30342-1600, USA

       « L «                                                   Malnutrition from False Nutritional Beliefs

                                               Infants on Soy milk and Rice milk cause severe nutritional deficiencies

    • Because nutritional deficiencies are uncommon in the United States, US physicians may be unfamiliar with their clinical features. It is widely appreciated that health food beverages are not appropriate for infants. Because of continued growth, children beyond infancy remain susceptible to nutritional disorders. Here we report on 2 cases of severe nutritional deficiency caused by consumption of health food beverages. In both cases, the parents were well-educated, appeared conscientious, and their children received regular medical care.

… . … . … Diagnoses were delayed — by a low index of suspicion.

Case (1.) a 22-month-old male child, with a history of chronic eczema and perceived milk intolerance. He

                     was started on a rice beverage after weaning.

             … Kwashiorkor impairs cellular immune defenses and electrolyte imbalances with ongoing diarrhea.

             … Observed typical features of kwashiorkor: generalized edema, hyperpigmented and

                  hypopigmented skin lesions, abdominal distention, irritability, and thin, sparse hair.

Case (2.) a 17-month-old black male, Growth and height arrest after 9 months on soy milk. Reported

                     regression in gross motor milestones, patient was unable to crawl or roll over. Generalized

                     hypotonia, weakness, and decreased muscle bulk were present.

          Patient was diagnosed with rickets. Clinical features of rickets present on examination

                    included: frontal bossing, an obvious rachitic rosary (photographed), genu varus, flaring of

                    the wrists, and lumbar kyphoscoliosis. The published radiographs are diagnostic of

                    advanced rickets, showing diffuse osteopenia, frayed metaphyses, widened epiphyseal

                     plates, and a pathologic fracture of the ulna.

           In addition, the serum alkaline phosphatase and parathyroid hormone level were markedly

                      elevated, Phosphorus and the 25-hydroxy-vitamin D level were low, Calcium was low normal.   


Page 72

«««, «««, «««, ««« --                                                Vegetarian

.                                                         Vegetarian feeding led to life-threatening hypocalcemic

                                                                             hyperphosphatemic spasms

.                                                         Hypocalcemia-hyperphosphatemia – life-threatening hypocalcemic in the


    - .

1996 Abstract “Hypocalcemic tetany in ‘alternative’ soy milk nutrition in the first months of

                  life,” Anil M, Demirakca S, Dotsch J, Kiess W., Klin Padiatr -

                        1996 Nov-Dec;208(6):323-6., Abteilung  Allgemeine Padiatrie und Neonatologie, Justus Liebig,

                        Universitat Giessen.

       « L «                               Malnutrition from False Nutritional Beliefs

A 14 weeks old infant was admitted to the intensive care unit with life-threatening

     hypocalcemic-hyperphosphatemic spasms.

Hypocalcemia–hyperphosphatemia was found to have been caused by feeding

     high phosphate/ low calcium soy milk. The daily uptake of calcium was calculated to have

     been 3.3-6 mmol that of phosphate 30 mmol.

.                        « The parents strongly believed that soy milk formulas were equivalent to breast milk and cow’s milk

                                     formulas and lived on a strictly vegetarian diet. Therapy with calcium (at an initial dose of

                                     2.25 mmol/kg/day) and 1.25 OH vitamin D3 (Rocaltrol, 0.25 microgram/day) normalized Ca, PO4,

                                     vitamin and parathyroid hormone levels recovered rapidly.  

  We conclude: Vegetarian feeding had led to life-threatening hypocalcemic – hyperphosphatemic

     spasms in the infant, as well as, malnutrition and false nutritional beliefs have to be included as a

     potential cause of early hypocalcemia in infants.

                                                                                                                                                                    …/  14





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Page 60


«««, «««, «««, «««, (+) ««« at levels comparable to the ranges of human exposure

   - .

2004    “Effects of genistein or soy milk during late gestation and lactation on adult uterine organization in the rat,” – Hughes CL, Liu G, & others, Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2004 Jan; 229(1):108-17., Departartment of Medical and Scientific Services, Quintiles, Inc., Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA.

       « L «                        Malnutrition … from False Nutritional Beliefs

These experiments demonstrate that developmental exposure to dietary isoflavones, at levels comparable to the ranges of human exposure, modify expression of the estrogen-regulated PR in the uterus of sexually mature rats weeks after exposure ended.

In utero and lactational exposure to estrogenic agents has been shown to influence morphological and functional development of reproductive tissues. Thus, consumption of dietary phytoestrogens, such as isoflavones, during pregnancy and lactation could influence important periods of development, when the fetus and neonate are more sensitive to estrogen exposure.

In this study, reproductive outcomes after developmental exposure to isoflavones were examined in Long-Evans rats maternally exposed to isoflavones via a commercial soy beverage or as the isolated isoflavone, genistein. .  

Since the PR is essential for regulating key female reproductive processes, such as uterine proliferation, implantation, and maintenance of pregnancy, its increased expression suggests that soy phytoestrogen exposure during reproductive development may have long-term reproductive health consequences.  



Soy Weakens Your Immune System


See the 2002 abstract on this page below.  The soy industry, the scientists they hire, and

the mainstream medical system, and responsible independent scientists have known this for over 70 years


Page 107 and 154  – Soy Abundance of Health Hazards .

·         It was a 1994 meta-analysis by Mark Messina that fueled False speculation that soy had anti-carcinogenic properties, published in Nutrition and Cancer..43. ( and yet, it is this very same paper that proves Soy has been known in scientific community to be carcinogenic and Cytotoxic for over 40 years causes DNA – Chromosome damage for more than 25 years causes infertility for 50 years thyroid damage for 70 years  

·         Cytotoxic toxic to cells, Any agent or process that kills cells, as Chemotherapy, radiation , Webster’s New World Medical Dictionary


Page 55

«««, «««, «««, ««« - Thymic and immune abnormality

     “Soy Weakens Your Immune System” .

     “Soy Weakens Your Immune System” June 8, 2002

    Dr. Mercola’s Comment … “It is quite amazing that this study was actually published, as the findings  

were quite negative for Soy, and yet it was funded by the United Soybean Board and the Illinois Council on Food and Agricultural Research .”

   - .

2002    “The phytoestrogen genistein induces thymic and immune changes: a human health concern ?,” – Yellayka S. and others, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2002 May 28;99(11):7616-21. Department of Veterinary Biosciences, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61802, USA.

       « L «        — Genistein injections in ovariectomized adult mice produce dose-responsive decreases in

                                     thymic weight of up to 80%. Genistein decreased thymocyte numbers up to 86% and

                                     doubled apoptosis.

— There was a corresponding reduction in splenic cells. The does that caused significant thymic and immune changes in mice was comparable to those reported in soy-fed human infants. “These results raise the possibility that serum genistein concentrations found in soy-fed infants may be capable of producing thymic and immune abnormalities, as suggested by previous reports of immune impairments in soy-fed infants.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                 …/  15




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Page 10 and bottom of page 36

«««, «««, «««, ««« Soy has glycosides of genistein and daidzein that mimic estrogen

  . . 

1997    “Exposure of infants to phyto-oestrogens from soy-based infant formula,” – Setchell K.D.,

             Zimmer-Nechemias L., Cai J., Heubi J.E., Lancet. 1997 Jul 5;350(9070):23-7., Clinical Mass Spectrometry

                 Center, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45229, USA.

INTERPRETATION:.  glycosides – genistein & daidzein plant based chemicals in soy that mimic estrogen.

       « L «        — The daily exposure of infants to isoflavones in soy infant-formulas is 6-11 fold higher on a

                                body-weight basis than the dose that has hormonal effects in adults consuming soy foods.

— Circulating concentrations of isoflavones in the seven infants fed soy-based formula were 13000-22000 times higher than plasma oestradiol concentrations in early life, and may be sufficient to exert biological effects, where as the contribution of isoflavones from breast-milk and cow-milk is negligible.  


Mercola’s Comments .

·         The abstract above shows that Soy has glycosides of genistein and daidzein or plant based chemicals that mimic estrogen. They possess a wide range of hormonal and non-hormonal activities. The daily exposure of infants who consume soy formulas was 6-11 times higher than adults consuming soy foods..

·         The blood concentration of these hormones was 13,000 to 22,000 times higher than estrogen in the blood. The authors of this article speculate that this concentration may be sufficient to exert biological effects, whereas the contribution from breast-milk or cow-milk is negligible.

·         Soy formula is one of worst foods you could feed your child. Not only does it have profoundly adverse hormonal effects as discussed above, but it also has over 1,000 % more aluminum than conventional milk based formulas   




Risks versus Benefits


Page 80                                                                  breast cancer patients should be informed that

«««, «««, «««, «««, « -         phytoestrogens have the potential to stimulate tumor growth

   - .

2002    “Safety Issues of Soy Phytoestrogens in Breast Cancer Patients,” — de Lemos M.,

                  J Clin Oncol, Volume 20(13), July 1, 2002, 3040-3041. Vancouver, BC Canada

Risks versus Benefits breast cancer patients should be informed that phytoestrogens have the

    potential to stimulate tumor growth. Safety Issues of Soy Phytoestrogens

.                                   in Breast Cancer Patients

Mário de Lemos 

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

To the Editor:

             « L «                  The results of Van Patten et al 1 confirmed previous findings 2 that soy phytoestrogens have

                                               minimal efficacy for menopausal symptoms in breast cancer patients. However, I am concerned

                                               that patients in neither study were apparently ((( not ))) informed of the potential stimulatory

                                               effects of phytoestrogens on breast tumor. 3 Similar omission would have raised ethical

                                               concerns if pharmaceutical drugs were involved.

At concentrations below 10 Fmol/L, phytoestrogens can stimulate breast tumor growth 4-15and antagonize the antitumor effects of tamoxifen, 7,9particularly in an environment of low endogenous estrogen.3,11In contrast, phytoestrogens inhibit breast tumor growth and enhance the antitumor effects of tamoxifen at concentrations above 10 Fmol/L. 5,6,8,9,11In humans, serum phytoestrogen concentrations attained after acute or chronic intake of phytoestrogens were much lower than 10 Fmol/L. 1,16,17 

             « L «        Without long-term human data, cancer risk assessments need to be cautious and assume

                                               that substances that promote tumor growth in preclinical studies may pose similar risks

                                               clinically. 18 

                                               Hence, to weigh the potential risks versus benefits before using phytoestrogens for unproven

                                               indications, breast cancer patients should be informed that phytoestrogens have the potential

                                               to stimulate tumor growth.

.                                                    Mário de Lemos 

                                                                                                                                                                  …/  16




- 16 -

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( ?. Dr.) Justine Butler’s 2010 Article “Ignore the Anti-Soya Scaremongers – No Evidence”

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Page 42

«««, «««, «««, ««« -- DNA strand breaksinfantile acute leukemia (IAL)

                                                                - .

   - .

1999    “Infantile leukemia and soybeans–a hypothesis,” –

  Abe T., Leukemia 1999 Mar;13(3)317-20., 

        « L «       — Genistein from soybeans contributes to DNA strand breaks and may be “largely responsible” for

                                infantile acute leukemia. 

— Recent molecular-genetic studies have revealed that in the majority of patients with secondary leukemia induced by topoisomerase II (topo II) inhibitors and also with infantile acute leukemia (IAL), the breakpoints are clustered within scaffold attachment regions (SARs) of 3′-MLL-bcr near exon 9.

— Genistein, abundant in soybeans, is reported to be a potent nonintercalative topo II inhibitor. 

— It interferes with the break-reseal reaction of topo II by stabilizing a cleavable complex, which in the presence of detergents, results in DNA strand breaks. The present study revealed that genistein induced chromatic-type aberrations, in which chromatid exchanges are often observed.



« Dangers of Soy Based Pet Foods – Your Pets … .

« Dangers of Soy Based Pet Foods – Your Pets … .


The pages include a large collection of scientific abstracts, in NCBI, on a variety of animals, domestic and wild life


Many problems have been highlighted and recognized as being related to feeding soy based products to our birds. The above examples are only a few extracts of many related reports from many different sources. Although they are all very disturbing the Soy problems relating to the retarding effect on the reproduction/fertility systems of birds is causing the most concern as it appears to be irreversible. It seems bizarre that so many bird products currently in use are Soybean based even though many of the effects have been known and reported for some time now. Wild life preservation programmes have also employed Soybean products and supplements for adult animals and birds as well as infant feeds for cats and parrots etc. It is established clearly that all soy foods contain toxic substances causing chronic poisoning and endocrine system disruption at very low levels, This effects all forms of life that we feed it to including our own infants.




Who is Justine Butler ??. ??. ??. ??. 


”Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive” . .


“… All Truth Passes Through 3 phases: first it is ridiculed; next it is violently opposed; and finally it is accepted as self evident …”, by the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer.


The weed of crime bears bitter fruit. Does the soy industry and all of its supporters really think they’ll all get away with it ??.  Do they really think We wouldn’t know ??. 


Einstein said, “… the world is a dangerous place to live in, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it …” … . … .  


Rotten to the Core - Corporate Dishonesty Officially Promoted Feb. 21, 2002,

by Frank Easterbrook & Daniel Fischel who are University of Chicago law professors who believe that, when it comes to making profits, nothing – not even the law – should stand in the way.  Also, read about it pages 110 – 112 in my Soy research paper Soy – Abundance of Health Hazards.


this space reserved for lost abstract

.                                                                                                                                             …/  17




- 17 -

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( ?. Dr.) Justine Butler’s 2010 Article “Ignore the Anti-Soya Scaremongers – No Evidence”

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False Nutritional Beliefs



Brain and Nervous System Damage

«   «   «

Frying The Brain With Soy

The Kiss of Death


How to create a infinite number of broken Heart’s


Includes Manganese - Deadly Neuro-toxin / poison … you & your baby at risk


First 2 abstracts on this page, and the next pages to 67, demonstrate Soy’s real hazards to the Brain and Nervous system from

“placenta transfer to the foetal brain of the fetus in the womb” … to the newly born baby … into childhood, even on to

late adulthood, (Also see thyroid problems).  Soy’s connection to “Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease, M.S., and

ADD / ADHD” is because genistein in Soy damages the “Myelin Sheath” that surrounds the nerves, spinal cord

and brain cells, and it also lowers cholesterol … (The danger is that Soy can & does lower cholesterol, but

too far for the proper development and “SUSTAINED” health of the myelin sheath), pages 63 – 67.

“Soy – Abundance Of Health Hazards” .

See pages 63 – 67 42, 44 – 46, 49, 53, 55, 88, 90, 92, 94

« L «


Page 63

 «««, «««, «««, ««« -- significant reductions were found in brain-derived neurotrophic factor

(BDNF) mRNA expression in the CA3 and CA4 region of the hippocampus and in the cerebral cortex in the rats fed the diet containing phytoestrogens, compared with those on the Soya-free diet. 

   - .

2003    “Soya phytoestrogens change cortical and hippocampal expression of BDNF mRNA in male rats,” File SE, Hartley DE, Alom N., Neurosci Lett 2003 Feb 27;338(2):135-38.,  Psychopharmacology Research Unit and Biochemical Neuropharmacology Group, Centre for Neuroscience Research, King’s College London, Hodgkin Building, Guy’s Campus, SE1 1UL, London, UK.

       « L «        — Adult male hooded Lister rats were either fed a diet containing  150 microg/g  soya  phytoestrogens

                               or a

soya-free diet for 18 days.  This concentration of phytoestrogens should have been sufficient to occupy the oestrogen-beta, but not the oestrogen-alpha, receptors.  Using in situ hybridisation, significant reductions were found in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA expression in the CA3 and CA4 region of the hippocampus and in the cerebral cortex in the rats fed the diet containing phytoestrogens, compared with those on the soya-free diet.  No changes in glutamic acid decarboxylase-67 or glial fibrillary acidic protein mRNA were found.  This suggests a role for oestrogen-beta receptors in regulating BDNF mRNA expression.


Page 63

 «««, «««, «««, ««« -- BDNF mRNA is reduced in the human Alzheimer’s disease

                                                 hippocampus and temporal cortex, and suggest that a loss of BDNF may

                                                                  contribute to the progressive atrophy of neurons in Alzheimer’s disease.

   - .

1997    “Brain-derived neurotrophic factor is reduced in Alzheimer’s disease,” – Connor B, Young D, Yan Q, and others., Brain Res Mol Brain Res., 1997 Oct3;49(1-2):71-81., Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, University of Auckland, New Zealand.

       « L «        — Alzheimer’s disease may be due to a deficiency in neurotrophin protein or receptor expression.

                                Consistent with this hypothesis, a reduction in BDNF mRNA expression has been observed in human

                               post-mortem Alzheimer’s disease hippocampi.  To further investigate this observation, we examined

                               whether he alteration in BDNF expression also occurred at the protein level in human post-mortem

                               Alzheimer’s disease hippocampi and temporal cortices using immunohistochemical techniques. 

                               We observed eduction in the intensity and number of BDNF-immunoreactive cell bodies within both

                               the Alzheimer’s disease ippocampus and temporal cortex when compared to normal tissue. 

                              These results support and extend revious findings that BDNF mRNA is reduced in the human

                               Alzheimer’s disease hippocampus and temporal cortex, and suggest that a loss of BDNF may

                               contribute to the progressive atrophy of neurons in Alzheimer’s disease.   

                                                                                                                                                                                                     …/  18




- 18 -

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( ?. Dr.) Justine Butler’s 2010 Article “Ignore the Anti-Soya Scaremongers – No Evidence”

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More False Nutritional Beliefs



Frying The Brain With Soy

The Kiss of Death



Baby Deaths From Soy Infant-Formula

«   «   «

Manganese - Deadly Neuro-toxin / poison … you & your baby at risk


1999 FDA scientist Dr. Daniel Sheehan said –putting Soy in our food is a

large – uncontrolled – unmonitored – ( non-consenting ) experiment on infants


Did you know - Israel - Switzerland - U.K. - New Zealand

have all issued statements against the use of soy formula for babies.


Page 51, 52

Israel … Health Ministry probing possible Baby Deaths From Soy Infant-Formula … Nov 7, 2003


·         3 babies die from brain damage 7 babies hopistalized with severe brain damage, investigation finds an additional 17 infants suffering similar problems over last 6 minths.

·         On Friday, the Health Ministry called for an immediate halt to use of Remedia soy-based baby food, after ministry officials viewed initial findings of an investigation on the recent hospitalization of several babies who suffered brain damage.

·          In addition, the ministry ordered the product be pulled from store shelves by Sunday, and ordered all state-run daycare centers to cease from using the soy-based baby formula.


55 members from 26 countries in the European region of the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN, a network of over 200 groups in 100 countries) have heard with concern and sadness the reports of the tragedy of the baby deaths occurring in your country, Israel. This appeared to be related to feeding of babies with infant formula imported from Germany by Remedia, which is partly owned by the US Company Heinz. 



Sept. 2000 Soy Alert - Manganese Madness and Soy Infant Formula – by David Goodman, PhD 



Soy formula contains up to 200 times the manganese of breast milk

“The brain undergoes a tremendous proliferation of neurons, dendrites and synapses during the first months of life. Some neurons will be pruned during childhood for maximum information efficiency,” said Crinella. “The brain is especially vulnerable in early life precisely because such rampant growth is taking place, and at that time intrusions by potentially toxic substances like manganese perturbing the emerging neural organization can exert long-term effects. Manganese ingested during a period of rapid brain growth and deposited in the critical basal ganglia region may affect behavior during puberty when powerful stresses are unleashed on the dopamine neurons and altered behavioral patterns appear.” According to Crinella, these altered behavioral patterns during late childhood and early adolescence may be diagnosed as hyperactivity with attention deficit disorder, ADD.



June 13, 2001


       New research suggests high concentrations of Manganese found in soybean-based baby formula can lead to brain damage in infants and altered behaviors in adolescents.

       Dr. Francis Crinella, clinical professor of pediatrics at UC-Irvine, and Trinh Tran, a graduate researcher at the UC-Davis Department of Animal Studies, have described how the soybean plant lifts up manganese in the soil and concentrates it so that its use in soy-based infant formula can result in as many as 200 times the level found in natural breast milk.

       These and other experts believe that such high concentrations couild pose a threat to the immature mtabolic systems of babies up to 6 monts of age.

                                                                                                                           …/  19




- 19 -

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( ?. Dr.) Justine Butler’s 2010 Article “Ignore the Anti-Soya Scaremongers – No Evidence”

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Frying The Brain With Soy

The Kiss of Death


Baby Deaths From Soy Infant-Formula



Manganese - Deadly Neuro-toxin / poison – you & your baby at risk



Manganese - The Most Dangerous Toxin that Almost No One Knows About … 2005

. .

Soy infant formula: Soybean plants may take in manganese from the soil and concentrate it. Soy formula may have 200 times the manganese level found in breast milk, which can lead to brain damage in infants and behavioral changes in adolescents, according to Dr. Francis Crinella, clinical professor of pediatrics at UC-Irvine, and Trinh Tran, a graduate researcher at the UC-Davis Department of Animal Studies.



Soy Toxins – There’s plenty yet that you didn’t know about soy! .

The soybean plant has the ability to absorb manganese from the soil and concentrate it to an extent that soy-based infant formulas can contain as much as 200 times the level of manganese found in natural breast milk. In babies, excess manganese that cannot be metabolised is stored in body organs. Around eight % of the excess manganese in the diet is stored in the brain in close proximity to the dopamine-bearing neurons responsible, in part, for adolescent neurological development.

The implications are that the one in 8 infants raised on soy formula during the first 6 months of life may be at risk of brain & behavioural disorders that do not become evident until adolescence



.                       Soy may present an increased risk of adverse neurological effects if used as a sole

                        source of nutrition

    . . 

2004   Manganese content of soy or rice beverages is high in comparison to infant formulas,”

              Cockell KA., Bonacci G., Belonje B., .J Am Coll Nutr. 2004 Apr;23(2):124-30., Nutrition Research

                   Division, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate, Health Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

OBJECTIVE: Well-meaning but inadequately informed parents may perceive plant-based

                         beverages such as soy beverages (SB) or rice beverages (RB) as an

                         alternative to infant formula. Manganese (Mn) is an essential mineral

                         nutrient found at high levels in plants such as  soy and rice. Excessive Mn

                         exposure increases the risk of adverse neurological effects.

Conclusions: SB/RB should not be fed to infants because they are nutritionally inadequate

                        and contain Mn at levels which may present an increased risk of

                        adverse neurological effects if used as a sole source of nutrition.



Pregnant Women Should Not Eat Soy Products - Manganese 1999, 2008 increased -

                 breast cancer risk .

A high estrogenic environment in utero may increase subsequent breast cancer risk. It was therefore determined whether a maternal exposure during pregnancy to the phytoestrogen genistein, which exhibit estrogenic activities in vitro and in vivo, alters breast cancer risk among female offspring. The results indicate that in utero exposure to genistein, dose-dependently increased the incidence of breast tumors, when compared with the controls. The number of estrogen receptor binding sites was significantly elevated in the mammary glands of genistein offspring.

Oncol Rep 1999, Sep-Oct;6(5):1089-95

.                                                                                                                                                 …/  20




- 20 -

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Baby Deaths From Soy Infant-Formula

Soy — The Kiss of Death !!.



This letter below refers to the soy Israel baby deaths story on page 18, top link


This letter below is to the Israel Health Ministry and refers to the 1st link on page 18 above – about 3 babies who died of brain damage and at least 24 others who developed severe neurological damage from soy infant formula in Nov. 2003


Soy Information Service

                  PO Box 3285, Onerahi,                         Ph:  64 9 434 0564

                 Whangarei                                          Fx:   64 9 434 0567

                  NEW ZEALAND                           


December 10  2003.

By  Email.  And by Airmail with Enclosures

Mr. Izhak Abraham,

HERZEL street
NO: 80
RAMLA 72406



Dear Mr. Abraham,




We advise scientists from many countries. These scientists have been trying for a decade to have soy infant formulas withdrawn…. or at the very least labelled with correct warnings. Thus the news of Israeli babies being harmed or killed by such products was very distressing. Even one child hurt by a commercial product is one too many, and we extend our sympathy to the bereaved parents.


In New Zealand, ill-effects from such products led to a very comprehensive examination of soy formulas, and of soy protein, by very reputable scientists. They found damaging levels of natural soybean poisons carrying into soy infant foods. It does not matter if they are regular or kosher, as the problem is inadequate processing of the soy protein. Some of these toxins were being addressed in a haphazard way by adding corrective substances…. e g  iodine was added due to an epidemic of goitres in the 1960s, but the goitrogens themselves were not removed. Minerals were added to overcome phytic acid. Vitamin B1 was added and so on. The Senior Toxicologist at the Auckland University Medical School

( Dr I G C Robertson) found this to such risky “juggling” that, when reviewing the scientific results,  he wrote “I can see no good reason why anyone would continue with general sales of such products” (2) (October 1994)


Over the ensuing years several expert committees have reached the same conclusion. For example this year –Feb 2003 – the UK Government Scientific Advisory Committee-Nutrition reported in page 13 of

” Based on the evidence cited, SACN is in agreement that the use of soy-based infant formulae is of concern. While there is clear evidence of potential risk, there is no evidence that these products confer any health benefit …….”

” The issue appears to be one of consumer choice, but there must be an onus on industry to better inform the general public, and secondly through a health professional, parents actually using these products to feed their infants” (3)


To date, 2003, ( including up to 2010 ) no “industry” has done anything to directly inform either parents or health professionals.


S.O.S. Letter continues on next page

.                                                                                                                                                      …/  21




- 21 -

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Baby Deaths From Soy Infant-Formula

Soy — The Kiss of Death !!.




S.O.S. Letter continues from bottom of page 20 above


Heinz Corporation is a maker of soy formulas sold in many countries under varying brand names. It was definitely made fully aware of the 1994 New Zealand findings. When its New Zealand executives refused to act to protect their customers, Dr A J F O’Reilly, Chief Executive and a major shareholder of Heinz, was contacted personally.  As can be seen from the letter written on 24/8/1994 (1) by Mr Benjamin E Thomas, Corporate Secretary and Associate Corporate General Legal Counsel, Dr O’Reilly was to be kept informed by his executives in New Zealand and the UK. After a couple of years of informing Heinz, it was obvious to Soy Information Service that neither the Corporation nor Dr O’Reilly was at all interested in the wellbeing of infants using their infant formulas, so Soy Information Service ceased informing them.


However, we know that in subsequent submissions to food-safety regulators in Australia, New Zealand and the UK.  Heinz made submissions supporting soy formulas


Now, in Israel, the “unnecessary juggling” that worried Dr Robertson has gone wrong. Deaths and serious injury have resulted. Our Israeli associates tell us that prosecutions will occur. The trail of responsibility, if a prosecution occurs, leads right to top-most executives of Heinz Corp including Dr O’Reilly himself. They have been informed of these risks for almost a decade, and have completely disregarded the welfare of infants, Israeli and others. We hope you proceed against the top people and not just against a lower-level employee

Yours Sincerely,

Richard F James MBA  LLB,

For – Soy Information Service 


The following is the footnote to the letter above:


The UK Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) on Phytoestrogens and Health   – concluded in paragraph 20.

“Based on the evidence cited in the report, SACN is in agreement that the use of soy-based infant formulae is of concern. Whilst there is clear evidence of potential risk, there is no evidence that these products confer any health benefit or therapeutic advantage over products based on cow’s milk protein isolates. Risk management steps are more difficult. The recommendation for use if clinically indicated is inappropriate, firstly on the grounds that there are no substantive medical or clinical indications for the use of soy-based formulae and, secondly on grounds of potentially important sequelae, principally amongst young infants. If the use of soy-based formula is to continue on “clinical” grounds, responsibility is placed upon health professionals rather than the industry & consumers. The issue appears to be one of consumer choice, but there must be an onus on industry to better inform firstly the general public and, 2nd, through a health professional, parents actually using these products to feed their infants.”




Information on the Lawsuit against the Soy Industry see pages 119 – 121 in Soy – Abundance of Health Hazards.


Who is Justine Butler ??.  So much for her bold statements no evidence of harm” and “Vegetarian diets are safe !!. Her bold statements fit the Legal Definitions of Fraud and Criminal Gross Negligence and others, found here on pages 87 – 89


”Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive” . .


So, in light of this and a lot more information on the dangers of soy, I highly recommended in order to protect yourself and the ones you Love read the ingredient labels on all the food you buy, and if you find soy, flax, canola, cottonseed oil,  or MSG as an ingredient, simply switch brands to avoid them !!. Vote with your pocket book.

                                                                                                                                                      …/  22




- 22 -

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Page 50

«««, «««, «««, ««« -- Humans are affected at lower doses than rodents.

                                In vivo data show that phytoestrogens have a wide range of biologic effects at doses and plasma concentrations seen with normal human diets.  Significant in vivoresponses have been observed in animal and human tests for bone, breast, ovary, pituitary, vasculature, prostate, and serum lipids.”

   - . 

2001    “Cross-species and interassay comparisons of phytoestrogen action,” – Whitten P.L., Patisaul H.B., Environ Health Perspect 2001 Mar;109 Suppl 1:5-20.,  Department of Anthropology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 03022,  USA.

      « L «                                         Humans are affected at lower doses than rodents.

This paper compiles animal and human data on the biologic effects and exposure levels of phytoestrogens in order to identify areas of research in which direct species comparisons can be made. In vivo data show that phytoestrogens have wide range of biologic effects at doses & plasma concentrations seen with normal human diets

– Significant in vivo-responses have been observed in animal and human tests for bone breast

    … ovary pituitaryvasculature prostate and serum lipids.”

– The doses reported to be biologically active in humans (0.4–10 mg/kg body weight/day) are lower than the doses generally reported to be active in rodents (10–100 mg/kg body weight/day), although some studies have reported rodent responses at lower doses.

The similarity of reported proliferative and antiproliferative doses illustrates the need for fuller examination of dose-response relationships and multiple end points in assessing phytoestrogen actions.



Page 51 Soy — Low Dose Toxic Exposure

«««, «««, «««, ««« -- the results were additive joint action of estrogenic chemicals lead to

                                                                 significant underestimations of risk « L « « L « « L «

   - .

2002    “Something from “nothing” – 8 weak estrogenic chemicals combined at concentrations below NOECs produce significant mixture effects,” – Silva E. and others, Environ Sci Technol 2002 Apr;36(8): 1751-6 ., Centre for Toxicology, Depart. of Pharmacology, The School of Pharmacy, University of London.

 « L «      Xenoestrogens including genistein were tested in combinations. Results were additive - producing

                               significant effects when combined at low concentrations. “We conclude that estrogenic agents are able to

                               act together to produce significant effects when combined at concentrations Below their NOEC’s. Our

                               results highlight the limitations of the traditional focus on the effects of single agents.

                               Hazard assessments that ignore the possibility of joint action of estrogenic chemicals will

                               almost certainly lead to significant under estimations of risk.”



 «««, «««, «««, ««« -- Poor cognitive test performance low brain weight brain atrophy.

   - .

2000    “Brain aging and midlife tofu consumption,” – White L.R., Petrovitch H., Ross G.W., & others, J Am Coll Nutr. 2000 Apr;19(2):242-55., National Institute on Aging, NIH, USA.

       « L «        RESULTS: Poor cognitive test performance enlargement of ventricles low brain weight were

                                each significantly & independently associated with higher mid-life tofu consumption.  

— A similar association of midlife tofu intake with poor late life cognitive test scores was also observed among wives of cohort members, using the husband’s answers to food frequency questions as proxy for the wife’s consumption.

— Statistically significant associations were consistently demonstrated in linear and logistic multivariate regression models.

CONCLUSIONS: In this population, higher midlife tofu consumption was independently associated with

indicators of cognitive impairment and brain atrophy in late life.


By just barely scratching the surface of this iceberg of the scientific knowledge about the dangers of soy, anyone can see (?.Dr.) Justine Butler is lying about soy and lies like them are killing people every day, all around the world. By the way, who is she any way ??. What else can we easily find that proves she is very wrong ??.  This is not rocket science any more !!.    

.                                                                                                                                                   …/  23




- 23 -

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Tobacco ( including eating soy ) – the number one preventable causes of death and disease !!.

Why ??. Because not everyone smokes, but everyone eats, the last I heard of, anyway !!.


More Than 600,000 People Killed by Second Hand Smoke

. .


( Nov. 25, 2010 ) More than 30 % of non-smoking men and women regularly breathe in second-hand smoke. In the first look at the global impact of second-hand smoking, researchers analyzed data from 2004 for 192 countries. They found 40 % of children and more than 30 % of non-smoking men and women regularly breathe in second-hand smoke.


Scientists then estimated that per year, passive smoking causes about …

379,000 deaths from heart disease                                     36,900 deaths from asthma

165,000 deaths from lower respiratory disease                21,400 deaths from lung cancer


Altogether, those account for about 1 percent of the world’s deaths. The study was paid for by the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare and Bloomberg Philanthropies. It was published Friday in the British Medical Journal Lancet.


“This helps us understand the real toll of tobacco,” said Armando Peruga, a program manager at the World Health Organization’s Tobacco-Free Initiative, who led the study. He said the approximately 603,000 deaths from second-hand smoking should be added to the 5.1 million deaths that smoking itself causes every year.


Second-hand smoke has its biggest impact on women, killing about 281,000. In many parts of the world, women are at least 50 % more likely to be exposed to second-hand smoke than men. Peruga said WHO was particularly concerned about the 165,000 children who die of smoke-related respiratory infections, mostly in Southeast Asia and Africa.



So, Why Are We Not Also Counting the Number of Women, Babies & Children

Who are Injure & Killed Each Year From Eating Soy ??.



The BIG answer is very simple. It is not politically correct or socially fashionable to look at and to accept the fact that eating soy and soy ingredients in our food injures and kills people each and every year, let alone babies, children, and the unborn fetus. The side-effects from eating soy are a much, much bigger problem than smoking, because not everyone smokes but everyone eats. This  means that health problems related to eating soy are not budgeted for, are not considered important, and are just regarded as and thought of as annoying and incontinent Externalities. See the next page for the definition and explanation of Externalities.


If properly researched, the information about the deaths from eating soy would greatly dwarfs the smoking figures, when you take into consideration the side-effects passed down through generations. See Our Stolen Future Website … and link is also here on page 30

Our Stolen Future shows the scientific discoveries about endocrine disruption and the fact

that common contaminants can interfere with the natural signals ( hormonal signals )

controlling development of the fetus. This website tracks the most recent developments.


Beside the soy industry can’t make money off of telling people not to eat soy, because there is no money to be made in telling the truth, just a lot of money to be lost, it is bad for business to tell people the truth. On the other hand, we do know how many people die each year from air pollution, water pollution, various toxic chemicals, cancer, and car accidents. Externalities are not in their business plan.


Not wanting to test for and/or hiding the test results There is same kind of problem of not wanting to know about the dangers of soy for financial reasons as there is with hiding the health effects of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil disaster. During a US Congressional Investigation into this disaster in July 2010, a Congresswoman asks besides testing for oil in fish and seafood in the Gulf of Mexico, are you testing for the toxic dispersants ??. Answer NO … Caught on tape.    ( Also see rBGH story on page 57, 58.)


Special CNN Report — Gulf Seafood NOT Tested for Corexit or Any Other Oil Spill Dispersants.

July   8, 2010  21 seconds

July 15, 2010

                                                                                                                                          4 min 24 sec.


As of Dec. 1, 2010, there are no tests on fish, seafood or wildlife in Gulf of Mexico for the presence of deadly dispersants.

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- 24 -

Exposing the Endless Lies, Deception, & Cover-up by the Pro-Soy Supporters, and

( ?. Dr.) Justine Butler’s 2010 Article “Ignore the Anti-Soya Scaremongers – No Evidence”

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It is very important to understand the motivation behind the large corporations, governments, the food industry, big pharma and the soy industry-(defined page 1.), for putting and allowing soy and canola and other toxic & questionable ingredients into our food supply. It is not supply to better our health, but to make as much money as possible, as quickly as possible. In order to do this, they consider people, us, you and me, as cash cows”. If people get hurt along the way, it is not accounted for in their business plan, it basically does not mater because health and environmental problems from their activities are just considered Externalities” … Also see the 2003 award winning documentary – The Corporation, on pages 57, 58.



Page 100

   Externality” … also called “just

            the cost of doing business” … is an effect of a purchase or use decision by one set of parties

            on others who did not have a choice and whose interests were not taken into account. For the

            most part, these activities ( the amount of incontinence and pain) are considered crimes by society, and

            society imposes penalties for committing these crimes to deter and socially sanction those who would

            violate society’s proscription. In this essay, on page 55 for the definition and information to a

            Crimes Against Humanity.


Einstein said, “… the world is a dangerous place to live in, not because of the people who are evil,

            but because of the people who don’t do anything about it …” … . … .  



Toxic Load - means the risk is a function of dose length, dose strength, and of the physical condition of

          the consumer

               “The Dose Makes the Poison: A Plain-Language Guide to Toxicology”, 2nd Edition, 1996, M. Alice Ottoboni

                   “Chemical Carcinogens”, © 1976, by The American Chemical Society, 

                   “Principles of Toxicology – The Study of Poisons”, 1980, by Casarett and Doull,

                   “The Basic Science of Poisons”, © 2001, Casarett, Amdur, Klaassen, Doull

                   “Our Stolen Future”, © 1996, Theo Colborn, Dianne Dumanoski, John Peter Meyers


The risks - you encounter when exposed to toxic chemicals, and foods, depend on a number of

          factors including

             1.)  the toxicity of the chemical,

             2.)  the degree and form of exposure

           « 3.)  your age,               

           « 4.)  state of your health during exposure,

             5.)  your genetic susceptibility,

             6.)  your exposure to other toxics, including Pesticides, GMO, Fluoride, etc. ( Multiple Toxic Exposures, M.T.E.)



The Milgram Experiment


Corporations know that whether society imposes or does not impose penalties is determined largely by factors revealed in the infamous 1963 Milgram experiment which suggests that humans will follow authority’s beckon, even to the point of killing another person The Milgram Experiment Revisited, Dec. 19, 2008


Decades after the notorious experiment, scientists have found test that subjects are still willing to inflict pain on others – if told to – by an authority figure. US researchers repeated the famous Milgram test, with volunteers told to deliver electrical shocks to another volunteer – played by an actor. Even after faked screams of pain, 70% were prepared to increase the voltage, American Psychology study found. Both may help explain why apparently ordinary people ( and corporations ) can commit atrocities ( and lesser crimes and environmental damage ).

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Continued on page 25


To read the rest of this article please click on .


Remember … the life you save just may be the life of the one you Love the most.


Have a nice day …   :  ) 




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