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Fermented Soy -- The Con and Fraud That Kills Cancer Patients, and The Ones You Love

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—– Original Message —–

To: Michael D. Shore … . … Mayan Majix … Health Articles
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 4:46 AM
Subject: Fw: Re: Re: … . … The con game and fraud of Fermented Soy … . … Re: Hi Dave .. . .. Improved the title to my latest Soy research essay and also up-dated – June 6, 2011 .. . .. new Title .. . .. Soy — The Kiss Of Death — for Cancer Patient

Hi … Mike
The Con Game and Fraud of Fermented Soy
This email is a very good read, when you have the time ( took  me over 8 hours to write properly, just finished )
Have a nice day …  :  )
—– Original Message —–

To: … . … California, Ph.D … Neuroscientist and journalist, researcher on brain development
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 4:10 AM
Subject: Re: Re: 2nd send … . … The con game and fraud of Fermented Soy … . … Re: Hi … Dave … . … Improved the title to my latest Soy research essay and also up-dated – June 6, 2011 .. . .. new Title .. . .. Soy — The Kiss Of Death — for Cancer Patients

Hi again … Dave
About your friend, Walter Wainright, a high level Mormon.  It is sad that he is telling cancer patient the wrong information. You can easily test if he is really sincere in wanting to help people. Is he brave enough to replace his B.S. with knowledge ??. 
He is operating from a belief, not from knowledge.  He is telling people his own B.S.  ( B.S. means belief system ). Life, a spiritual life is about replacing belief with knowledge.  Sometimes a persons belief is well founded, and many times it is not. 
You  can easily find out if he has made an honest mistake because he has believed the lie about fermented soy form the soy industry propaganda of endless lies and from the lack of accurate information, lack of knowledge … or … if he is deliberately telling people and cancer patients the lie that fermented soy is good and safe for cancer patients because he really knows the truth and wants to harm other people, because he has his own personal agenda to follow, such as depopulation, Population Control – New World Order Type.
In my newest soy research essay, have Walter read the short paragraph about the middle part of page 9, just below the abstract summary  so he can really know and understand what it is like for a cancer person to not get the right information in time to save their life.
. … . … Soy — The Kiss of Death – For Cancer Patients … Explaining Why There is The Medical Necessity to Warn People About the Dangers of Soy.
It is time for Walter and other pro-soy supporters to catch-up on their homework. Ask him if he is willing to read my newest soy research essay, all 99 pages ?? … or … is he afraid of the truth by making up some sort of an excuse to not read it ??.  If he really wants to help cancer patients, he really has no choice but to quickly make the time read my newest soy research essay, all of it.  Is he also willing to read this email trail about fermented soy ??. Is he willing to admit he is wrong, DEAD wrong to the people he has lied to ??.   Will the TRUTH break his Heart when he gets it, when he realizes he is, and has been wrong ??.  Will he admit he was wrong to all the people and to all the cancer patients he promoted fermented soy to ??. 
Also have him read my one page 1997 essay
        The Heart Has No Reasons, It Knows Without Reasoning …
                .  2005 posting
                . … 2011 posting


Tell your friend what I have just said.  Better yet, ask him to read this email. 






Now, here are God’s terms and the terms of his Soul !! …


To redeem himself, he needs to go straight back to everyone he has talked to, get down on his knees and admit he was wrong and apologize to them for falsely claming that fermented soy is safe and healthy for cancer patients or anyone else, and humbly beg for their forgiveness  stopping at every place he has been  begging for their forgiveness for the unimaginable pain and suffering his lies about soy has caused in the past and will have cause in the future, hoping that he will be able reach everyone he has wronged in time with the truth.  One way he can redeem himself and quickly get the truth to the people he has lied to in the past, is to share my newest soy research essay with as many people as he can, as quickly as he can … 


. … . … Soy — The Kiss of Death – For Cancer Patients … Explaining Why There is The Medical Necessity to Warn People About the Dangers of Soy ( fermented soy dangers, pages 5, 6, 61, 62, 96 ). 


and /story/712/096/Soy_–_The_Kiss_of_Death_–_for_Cancer_Patients_and_for_the_Ones_You_Love.html .


Do all that, and his soul and God will be happy Do it not, and he will bear the pain of a guilty conscious for many lifetimes into the future, and during the time between each life time.  That is a very big Karma load to needlessly carry.







Also, ask him about the rest of his future  ask him – when he looks back on his life when he is dying in his bed many years from now what would he be willing to trade at that time – for all the days from this day to that for one more chance, yes, just one more chance to come back here and do the right thing by telling all those cancer patients and their families that he was wrong, then give them the right information, and say that he is very, very sorry for their needless unimaginable pain and suffering and for the infinite number of broken Hearts he has caused with all the lies he told them about soy ??.


Remember … The life you save just might be the life of the one you  Love the most.  
These quotes below are written in several places in my newest, and in my 1st soy research papers.

“… All Truth Passes Through 3 phases: first it is ridiculed; next it is violently opposed; and finally it is accepted as self evident …”, by the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer.  


Einstein said, “… the world is a dangerous place to live in, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it …” … . … .  

”Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive”.  The weed of crime bears bitter fruit.  Does the soy industry and all of its pro-soy supporters really think they’ll all get away with it ??.  Do they really think I, We wouldn’t know ??.



Have a nice day …  :  )

I have met a few Mormons in the past and promoting soy seams to be part of their religion, part of their BS.  So, I would not be surprised if he rejects the truth about fermented soy, on the other hand, I hope I am surprised and he does accept the truth because of my dangers of soy research.
—– Original Message —–

From: David A Goodman … . … California, Ph.D … Neuroscientist and journalist, researcher on brain development
Sent: Monday, July 04, 2011 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: 2nd send … . … The con game and fraud of Fermented Soy … . … Re: Hi … Dave … . … Improved the title to my latest Soy research essay and also up-dated – June 6, 2011 … . … new Title … . … Soy — The Kiss Of Death — for Cancer Patients

Dear Gerald:
My successful campaign to identify soy infant formula as brain poison catapulted me into the role of a critic. Since then, I have met Walter Wainright, a high level Mormon, who is flooding the world with testimonials on the benefits of fermented soy to his cancer patients.
I rarely think of devout Mormons former bishops as con men, and he did drive a hundred-fifty miles to meet with me.
This is where I am now.
*** You set me back into a quandary.
With Respect after reading your persuasive materia,
—– Original Message —–

To: … . … California, Ph.D … Neuroscientist and journalist, researcher on brain development
Sent: Monday, July 04, 2011 3:57 PM
Subject: 2nd send … . … The con game and fraud of Fermented Soy … . … Re: Hi … Dave … . … Improved the title to my latest Soy research essay and also up-dated – June 6, 2011 … . … new Title … . … Soy — The Kiss Of Death — for Cancer Patients

2nd send …
Forgot to say, include  about 5 years ago, for the 1st time, the consumption and sale of soy in North America was less than the year before because more and more people are learning the TRUTH about the dangers of soy. 
So in an attempt to regain and boost market share, the soy industry started a campaign, indirectly through its pro-soy supporters, of promoting fermented soy as healthy ( healthier ).  This has had the desired effect of confusing people into a false since of security. One of the desired problems, confusion for most people is — that they do not know that there is 2 basic forms of fermentation, the western form of fermented soy, and then there is the Asian form of fermented soy.  Of the 2 fermentation methods, the Asian form is the less toxic, not safe or non-toxic, just less dangerous, but they both have the same desired effect in the long run.  They both will eventually make you Sick and/ or DEAD
—– Original Message —–

To: … . … California, Ph.D … Neuroscientist and journalist, researcher on brain development
Sent: Monday, July 04, 2011 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: The con game and fraud of Fermented Soy … . … Re: Hi … Dave … . … Improved the title to my latest Soy research essay and also up-dated — June 6, 2011 … . … . … new Title … . … Soy — The Kiss Of Death — for Cancer Patients

Hi again … Dave
In my answer to your question in your email to me below, I am sure you already know much of this information, but may be you will find some new and interesting information you have not heard about before.

The Con Game and Fraud of Fermented Soy
The page numbers in this reply refer to my newest soy research essay  Soy — The Kiss of Death — For Cancer Patients  updated June 6, 2011
I have included the topic of Fermented Soy in my soy essays, BUT, in this essay, I go into it in more detail, including how it relates to side issues. 
On pages 61 and 62  I cover the topic of Fermented Soy ( The Dirty Little Secret about Fermented Soy The Soy Industry Never Wants To Talk About, & Never Wants You To Know )  and explain why soy is toxic and poisonous, and why it is Not safe, just less dangerous, taking a little longer to harm and kill someone, that’s all. 
Then on pages 5 to 7, I give even more proof, using and quoting the Soy Industries own 2006 soy research on page 5

The soy / pharmaceutical / mainstream medical industry’s does not give up its grip on their huge blood money profits very easily.  That also includes, in large part, the health food industry / alternative health industry as well, because they are willing accomplices in this fraud, and are all guilty of premeditated murder.  The soy / pharmaceutical / mainstream medical industry’s, knowing full well that soy is toxic and poisonous, including fermented soy, right from day one, so to speak, ( as there is an abundance of scientific proof as far back as 1907 ), is using the lies about Fermented soy as a smokescreen and a delaying tactic to cloud the issue with miss-information, ( an artificial truth ), in order to keep soy, in any form, on the market and in our food supply for as long as possible, which then continues to line their blood money bank accounts with profits from people living in fear and in unimaginable pain and suffering as these people die ignorant of the facts and the TRUTH that would set them free. ( see page 66, “Smokescreen Uncertainty” and see page 33, Corrupt Science — an ignored and deliberately hidden history lesson.

Both of these groups The soy / pharmaceutical / mainstream medical industry’s and the health food industry / alternative health industry ignore the 4 principles in the Precautionary Principle, see page 54
See pages 87 – 89 Blacks Law Dictionary, 1990 … … Legal Definitions 

Top of page 25 The Food industry is a subdivision of, ( controlled by ), the pharmaceutical industry – the masters of deception.

Top of page 27 The soy industry, along with the pharmaceutical/drug industry, the mainstream medical system all depend on the financial health, well being and success of the fast food industry and the junk food industry. ( and to a lesser degree the health food industry. )
See pages 26 – 27 Soy is a junk food, a major ingredient almost all junk foods and an ingredient in the majority regular foods.  It is used to make people sick, and then people ignorant of the facts, turn to drugs to hopefully make them well, but make them more sick instead. 
Who is the soy  industry you  might ask ?? See the bottom of page 1
The “soy industry” includes … merchants … manufacturers scientists … publicists government bureaucrats … former bond financiers ( stock market ) authors of books & writers of food articles … vitamin companies and retail stores. This would not include farmers because they were duped like the rest of us. But farmers need to find something else to grow before the Soy bubble bursts & the market collapses: such as – grass-fed livestock designer vegetables or hemp to make paper for thousands & thousands of legal briefs needed for lawsuits ( that are sure to come & will soon follow.) … ( Legally – expect no mercy !!.).  
See pages 28 – 29 The Harmful Side Effects of  ”Low Dose” Toxic Chemical Exposures Not Studied ??
Don’t quite understand  ??
See pages 46 – 47  The Burning Of The Books ?? - How to burn books without burning them ??, How can you destroy books without destroying them ??.
See pages 90 to 96 The ( Great ) Soy Deception
I hope this answers you question, and the questions of many others
Happy 4th of July …  :   )
—– Original Message —–

From: David A Goodman … . … California, Ph.D … Neuroscientist and journalist, researcher on brain development
Sent: Monday, July 04, 2011 5:41 AM
Subject: Re: Hi … Dave … . … Improved the title to my latest Soy reseasrch essay and also up-dated — June 6, 2011 … . … . … new Title … . … Soy — The Kiss Of Death — for Cancer Patients

Dear Gerald:
Having earned my living as a researcher during past two years, having accumulated a file on soy and cancer, I wonder what you think of fermented soy and cancer.
With Respect,

—– Original Message —–

To: … . … California, Ph.D … Neuroscientist and journalist, researcher on brain development
Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2011 8:54 PM
Subject: Hi … Dave … . … Improved the title to my latest Soy reseasrch essay and also up-dated — June 6, 2011 … . … . … new Title … . … Soy — The Kiss Of Death — for Cancer Patients

Hi … Dave
From  … Gerald Hernesmaa
            Vancouver, BC
I improved the title and again up-dated my newest soy research essay.
The new more accurate title is
                                 Soy — The Kiss Of Death — for Cancer Patients
        Explaining Why There is The Medical Necessity To Warn People About Dangers of Soy
                                    . .
Remember The life you save just might be the life of the one you Love the most.
Could you please forward this email with its new title and link to my newest soy essay to as many people as you can.
Have a nice day …  :  )
My short one page essay I wrote in Sept. 1997
The Heart Has No Reasons, It Knows Without Reasoning …
        .  2005 posting
        .  2011 posting
.                   Soy and Canola .

Are you eating pesticides? Canola oil, soybean oil used as key ingredients in pesticide products
(NaturalNews) In a shocking new video, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger) reveals that common cooking oils such as canola oil and soybean oil are used as key active ingredients in pesticide products because they work so effectively to kill bugs. The…

.                    video … 6 minutes … 49 seconds
.                    . .


Toxic Hexane may be lurking in the Soy protein found in popular food bars 

.  .
(NaturalNews) Protein bars, breakfast bars, really anything in bar form just makes sense in our dine while dashing society. The question is, what is it you’re really eating? Most of these bars claim to offer healthy, wholesome energy, but what you may…

“Natural” Soy Protein Is Bathed in Hexane May 29, 2009
            There’s another dirty little secret the soy product industry doesn’t want you to
          know: Much of the “natural” soy protein used in foods today is bathed in a toxic,
          explosive chemical solvent known as hexane, including many soy infant formulas.




Also On the top of page 10 in my up-dated soy essay it says   
.                                            . .


In the U.S. FDA’s Poisonous Plant and Plant Part Database”… , Soy, and ( Flax – Linseed ), and Cottonseed, and Hemp and ( Canola – Rapeseed ) are all listed as “poisonous plants” soy since 1907, Flax 1850, Linseed 1909 Cottonseed 1889 … Hemp 1898 … Canola 1982, Rapeseed 1941 The U.S. EPA lists canola as a pesticide – neuro-poison, Fact sheet 011332. 


The FDA recommend that – if you are injured by plants on this website, to contact your local Poison Control Center in your area or call 911.

((( Think about this – now really, really think about these questions. Has anyone ever made that important call about these plants ???.  Has any Doctor ever told their patients about this warning ???.  Why not ???.  For heaven sakes, why not ???.  If someone actually did call as suggested, because they realized they were poisoned from one or more these plants, like a cancer patient for instance, what would be done about the call ??.  Who would be sued ??. )))


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