You got it heart disease…….our cardio read below will prevent this . Our products are all natural NON synthetic and organic…………..The daily sea veg…The oceans will be tomorrow’s food store and drug store” - Jacques Cousteau
NO AUTOSHIP required
Did You Know?
Our blood plasma is almost identical to sea water (if we are healthy) and that 76% of the oxygen we breathe is created by sea plants?
Did you know you have little intelligent creatures (called cells), in your inner ocean (blood) breathing under blue salt water right now?
the healing powers of this 100% organic supplement are
The Healing Powers Of Sea Veg
Acid Reflux Aids Allergies ALS Arthritis, Joint Pain Asthma Athletic Performance Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia B -12 Bladder Blood Pressure Cholesterol, (positive blood results) Cancer Colds, Flu Diabetes Degenerative Disease Emphysema Energy and Mental Clarity Eyes Fibromyalgia Genetic Disorders Hair, Skin, Nails Intestinal Issues Kidneys Menstrual, Menopause Muscular Dystrophy MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Overall Healthy Feeling (relief from pain,stress and depression)
Pets Pregnancy
Sleeping Soundly Stutter Tendonitis Testosterone levels TB (Tuberculosis) Tumors Thyroid Weight Loss
FarmaSea Blend … 12 Different Species of Seaweed *
Pure Whole Seaweed Powder… The FarmaSea Sea Veg Capsules
Fish oil supplements on the market in the US, where just the big sales pitch is the 3, 6s and 9s. Well our FarmaSea blend has that plus the amino acids, the minerals the fatty acids, the flavonoids the polyphenols it just goes on and on
the synthetic vitamins that are out there up to 85% of them are made by drug companies. You cant make this in a laboratory can you? You’re concentrating it; you just pulled it out of the ocean you didn’t make it
. please visit http://www.epxbody.com/epx4life or visit us on facebook to see before and after pictures at https://www.facebook.com/pages/EPX-4-LIFE/384738741632096
The number one killer in our nation is heart disease…..age proof your inner body. Amazing Cardio only 39 dollars. The benefits of our cardio are..
.Results of Scientific Research and Clinical Studies
Medical published clinical studies have proven scientifically that nitric oxide created by arginine will do the following:
• Widen the blood vessels (increasing blood flow throughout the body)
• Soften the blood vessels (reversing the hardening of the arteries)
• Relax the blood vessels (overcoming most high blood pressure)
• Inhibit and melt away plaque (preventing and reversing atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, heart attack, stroke and peripheral artery disease)
Additional arginine benefits based on scientific research and clinical studies:
• decreases blood pressure
• improves outcome after bypass surgery
• lowers elevated serum triglyceride levels
• improves diabetes and reverses damage caused by diabetes
• improves pituitary responsiveness and modulates hormonal control
• improves asthma
• improves irritable bowel syndrome
• improves osteoporosis
• reduces ulcers
• improves outcome of cancer treatment
• improves Alzheimer’s
• improves long-term and short-term memory and cognitive functions
• improves prostate function
• improves sexual function, libido, performance and satisfaction in both men and women
• improves renal (kidney) function
• alleviates cirrhosis, helps to detoxify the liver, and liver malfunction can occur as a result of arginine deficiency
• alleviates obesity and facilitates weight loss (stimulating the release of human growth hormone from the pituitary gland)
• improves muscle performance
• increases human growth hormone (anti-aging)
• increases your energy levels to a more youthful state AND YES THESE ARE SAFE for children 12 and up fighting weight and juvenile diabetes
NO AUTOSHIP required
Did You Know?
Our blood plasma is almost identical to sea water (if we are healthy) and that 76% of the oxygen we breathe is created by sea plants?
Did you know you have little intelligent creatures (called cells), in your inner ocean (blood) breathing under blue salt water right now?
the healing powers of this 100% organic supplement are
The Healing Powers Of Sea Veg
Acid Reflux Aids Allergies ALS Arthritis, Joint Pain Asthma Athletic Performance Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia B -12 Bladder Blood Pressure Cholesterol, (positive blood results) Cancer Colds, Flu Diabetes Degenerative Disease Emphysema Energy and Mental Clarity Eyes Fibromyalgia Genetic Disorders Hair, Skin, Nails Intestinal Issues Kidneys Menstrual, Menopause Muscular Dystrophy MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Overall Healthy Feeling (relief from pain,stress and depression)
Pets Pregnancy
Sleeping Soundly Stutter Tendonitis Testosterone levels TB (Tuberculosis) Tumors Thyroid Weight Loss
FarmaSea Blend … 12 Different Species of Seaweed *
Pure Whole Seaweed Powder… The FarmaSea Sea Veg Capsules
Fish oil supplements on the market in the US, where just the big sales pitch is the 3, 6s and 9s. Well our FarmaSea blend has that plus the amino acids, the minerals the fatty acids, the flavonoids the polyphenols it just goes on and on
the synthetic vitamins that are out there up to 85% of them are made by drug companies. You cant make this in a laboratory can you? You’re concentrating it; you just pulled it out of the ocean you didn’t make it
. please visit http://www.epxbody.com/epx4life or visit us on facebook to see before and after pictures at https://www.facebook.com/pages/EPX-4-LIFE/384738741632096
The number one killer in our nation is heart disease…..age proof your inner body. Amazing Cardio only 39 dollars. The benefits of our cardio are..
.Results of Scientific Research and Clinical Studies
Medical published clinical studies have proven scientifically that nitric oxide created by arginine will do the following:
• Widen the blood vessels (increasing blood flow throughout the body)
• Soften the blood vessels (reversing the hardening of the arteries)
• Relax the blood vessels (overcoming most high blood pressure)
• Inhibit and melt away plaque (preventing and reversing atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, heart attack, stroke and peripheral artery disease)
Additional arginine benefits based on scientific research and clinical studies:
• decreases blood pressure
• improves outcome after bypass surgery
• lowers elevated serum triglyceride levels
• improves diabetes and reverses damage caused by diabetes
• improves pituitary responsiveness and modulates hormonal control
• improves asthma
• improves irritable bowel syndrome
• improves osteoporosis
• reduces ulcers
• improves outcome of cancer treatment
• improves Alzheimer’s
• improves long-term and short-term memory and cognitive functions
• improves prostate function
• improves sexual function, libido, performance and satisfaction in both men and women
• improves renal (kidney) function
• alleviates cirrhosis, helps to detoxify the liver, and liver malfunction can occur as a result of arginine deficiency
• alleviates obesity and facilitates weight loss (stimulating the release of human growth hormone from the pituitary gland)
• improves muscle performance
• increases human growth hormone (anti-aging)
• increases your energy levels to a more youthful state AND YES THESE ARE SAFE for children 12 and up fighting weight and juvenile diabetes
NO AUTOSHIP required
Did You Know?
Our blood plasma is almost identical to sea water (if we are healthy) and that 76% of the oxygen we breathe is created by sea plants?
Did you know you have little intelligent creatures (called cells), in your inner ocean (blood) breathing under blue salt water right now?
the healing powers of this 100% organic supplement are
The Healing Powers Of Sea Veg
Acid Reflux Aids Allergies ALS Arthritis, Joint Pain Asthma Athletic Performance Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia B -12 Bladder Blood Pressure Cholesterol, (positive blood results) Cancer Colds, Flu Diabetes Degenerative Disease Emphysema Energy and Mental Clarity Eyes Fibromyalgia Genetic Disorders Hair, Skin, Nails Intestinal Issues Kidneys Menstrual, Menopause Muscular Dystrophy MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Overall Healthy Feeling (relief from pain,stress and depression)
Pets Pregnancy
Sleeping Soundly Stutter Tendonitis Testosterone levels TB (Tuberculosis) Tumors Thyroid Weight Loss
FarmaSea Blend … 12 Different Species of Seaweed *
Pure Whole Seaweed Powder… The FarmaSea Sea Veg Capsules
Fish oil supplements on the market in the US, where just the big sales pitch is the 3, 6s and 9s. Well our FarmaSea blend has that plus the amino acids, the minerals the fatty acids, the flavonoids the polyphenols it just goes on and on
the synthetic vitamins that are out there up to 85% of them are made by drug companies. You cant make this in a laboratory can you? You’re concentrating it; you just pulled it out of the ocean you didn’t make it
. please visit http://www.epxbody.com/epx4life or visit us on facebook to see before and after pictures at https://www.facebook.com/pages/EPX-4-LIFE/384738741632096
The number one killer in our nation is heart disease…..age proof your inner body. Amazing Cardio only 39 dollars. The benefits of our cardio are..
.Results of Scientific Research and Clinical Studies
Medical published clinical studies have proven scientifically that nitric oxide created by arginine will do the following:
• Widen the blood vessels (increasing blood flow throughout the body)
• Soften the blood vessels (reversing the hardening of the arteries)
• Relax the blood vessels (overcoming most high blood pressure)
• Inhibit and melt away plaque (preventing and reversing atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, heart attack, stroke and peripheral artery disease)
Additional arginine benefits based on scientific research and clinical studies:
• decreases blood pressure
• improves outcome after bypass surgery
• lowers elevated serum triglyceride levels
• improves diabetes and reverses damage caused by diabetes
• improves pituitary responsiveness and modulates hormonal control
• improves asthma
• improves irritable bowel syndrome
• improves osteoporosis
• reduces ulcers
• improves outcome of cancer treatment
• improves Alzheimer’s
• improves long-term and short-term memory and cognitive functions
• improves prostate function
• improves sexual function, libido, performance and satisfaction in both men and women
• improves renal (kidney) function
• alleviates cirrhosis, helps to detoxify the liver, and liver malfunction can occur as a result of arginine deficiency
• alleviates obesity and facilitates weight loss (stimulating the release of human growth hormone from the pituitary gland)
• improves muscle performance
• increases human growth hormone (anti-aging)
• increases your energy levels to a more youthful state AND YES THESE ARE SAFE for children 12 and up fighting weight and juvenile diabetes
“OLD AGE” used to be a cause of death. Is “old age” considered a “cause of death” anymore?