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10 Simple Steps to Conquering the Ebola Virus Naturally.

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If you are like most people and pay at least some attention to the media, you have no doubt heard countless news reports over the last few weeks about the deadly Ebola virus. Media sensationalism and hyperbole aside, it sounds like a very scary disease, and one that I’m sure we all want to steer well clear from. But how much do you really know about Ebola? What exactly is it? What are the symptoms? Where did it first come from? Why are we hearing so much about it now?

The History of Ebola

The Ebola virus is named after the Ebola River in Zaire, where, in 1976, along with Sudan, the first outbreak occurred. 284 people were infected in this outbreak, with 53% OF THOSE RESULTING IN DEATH. Several months later, a second strain of the virus emerged in Yambuka, Zaire. In this outbreak, 318 people were infected, with 88% OF THOSE RESULTING IN DEATH! In 1989, a third strain emerged when infected monkeys were brought from Mindanao, The Philippines, to Reston, Virginia. In this outbreak, few people were infected, and no deaths occurred. Then in 1994, after dissecting a dead chimpanzee from the Tai Forest, Cote d’Ivoire, an ethologist became infected with the disease.


The current outbreak is by far the most serious when taking into account the numbers of infected patients and fatalities: according to the WHO, as of mid-August, THERE HAVE BEEN CLOSE TO 2,000 SUSPECTED AND CONFIRMED CASES, AND 1,069 DEATHS. Despite it only being a recent media issue, the outbreak began in December, 2013, with the death of a two-year-old Guinean boy, whose mother, sister and grandmother subsequently died of the disease. Following this, two attendees of the boy’s funeral, along with a health worker, contracted the virus, spreading it to other villages. By March, 2014, the WHO reported that there was an outbreak of the virus in 4 districts of Guinea. By the end of May, the disease had infected 281 people, with 186 deaths.

The Ebola virus spread from Guinea to other African countries such as Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone, where it quickly spread, with 442 suspected cases by July. Benin, Ghana, Saudi Arabia, Spain and the USA have all had suspected cases of the virus.

What makes Ebola so much worse than many other viruses? To start off with, THE MORTALITY RATE IS VERY HIGH: UP TO A STAGGERING 90 PER CENT, making it a disease to avoid. Compounded with this is the fact that the incubation period for the virus is between 2 and 21 days, potentially giving those infected with the virus plenty of time to infect those around them, though symptoms do most commonly begin appearing between 8-10 days after exposure to the virus.


There is a substantial list of symptoms associated with the disease. The fact that many of these are the same as those experienced with other common illnesses, such as the flu, it is easy for the disease to be misdiagnosed until more severe symptoms occur. Common symptoms of the virus include: fever, severe headache, muscular pain, weakness, diarrhoea, vomiting, stomach pain and lack of appetite. In addition, many patients also report experiencing rashes, red eyes, hiccoughs, a cough, sore throat, chest pain, difficulty breathing and swallowing, and BLEEDING IN AND OUTSIDE OF THE BODY, INCLUDING FROM THE EYES, NOSE, EARS, MOUTH AND RECTUM. If patients have any other skin punctures, such as those from an IV, bleeding can also occur in these places. As you can see, the disease carries with it a most unpleasant list of symptoms, with death occurring as a result of failure of the organs such as the liver, kidneys and central nervous system.

Some of the latest research is showing that one of the main reasons for the deadly nature of the virus is that it disrupts the body’s usual immune response to infection: the virus carries an element that interferes with the body’s distress signals, which play a part in warding off diseases. Consequently, it is far more difficult to stop the virus and avoid damage to the body than it is with other common but serious diseases.

Experimental drug is all that western medicine has as a defense.

Perhaps the scariest elements of the disease, for many people, is the fact that MAINSTREAM MEDICINE DOES NOT YET HAVE A CURE FOR IT, nor are they able to explain why some are able to recover while many others succumb to it. There have been experiments with a drug called ZMapp, but the drug is in very early stages of development, and has not yet been proven effective, or been endorsed by the FDA. Likewise, a vaccine against the virus is in development, but its safety has not yet been established.

The current treatment offered by the medical profession includes ensuring the patient is well-hydrated, orally or intravenously; that their blood pressure is stable, and any other complications, such as secondary infections, are treated. However, this does very little to save someone who is in the grip of the disease.

One thing’s for sure: this is one scary-sounding disease. Considering that our motto at Eureka Wellness is there is no such thing as an incurable disease, what do we recommend to stay safe?

We’ve all heard the old adage, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. The reason this saying has been around so long is because IT’S TRUE! Rather than wait until the Ebola virus makes its way to the shores of Australia, and start panicking that we are going to be its next victim, it’s time to take action NOW!

Believe it or not, the approach that we would take to protect ourselves from a deadly virus like Ebola, is the same as with any other illness: build up our immune system BEFORE the illness hits. In order to do this, we must make sure we are eating well, exercising, and supplementing our diet with food-based nutrition.

(The 10 all natural and healthy steps to conquering Ebola or any virus without side effects)

Step one

In terms of our diet, we should be aiming to include as much raw food as possible: fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains and seeds—foods that have their vitamin, mineral and enzymes in-tact, as opposed to most processed foods that contain very little of these elements. We need these in order to feed our cells and keep them doing what they are designed to do, whether that be to transfer our blood around our body, or keep our immune system in peak form. We should try to vary the range of food that we consume, as this helps us to vary our vitamin and mineral intake. A good rule, for example, with fruit and vegetables, is to consume a variety of different colours, as generally different colours means different nutrients.

Step two

Exercise helps to get the blood moving around our body. The more blood moving around, the more oxygen being transported, and the more nutrients from these foods gets to more cells and the more healing that can be done. Sweating when we exercise has the added benefit of removing toxins and poisons from our body, helping out our immune system in the process.

There are numerous food-based supplements that we can take to assist our immune system, so that in the event that we are exposed to a virus bacteria or virus such as Ebola, we are in the best position possible to fight against it. In some cases, this means avoiding the illness completely, while in others it may mean we experience a mild form of it, and recover far more quickly than those around us.

Step Three

Firstly, taking a green drink daily can ensure we are getting a broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals to nourish our body. A good green drink will consist of at least a few of the main super foods: spirulina, kelp, algae, dulse, alfalfa, and wheat grass. Mix together and drink in a cup of FRESH juice.

Step Four

Echinacea is a wonderful herb to take on a regular basis, particularly when those around you are sick and you can’t afford to join them. This is an herb we do not want to be cheap on. When you are in the midst of people possibly infected with Ebola (or any other illness!), take at the minimum of 4-6 droppers-full 3- 4 times daily of a good quality Echinacea. To know if you have a good quality Echinacea you should be able to drop two droppers straight in your mouth under the tongue and have a tingling sensation for at least 10 minutes, but preferably even for 20 minutes. If you do not have any tingling sensation at all, your Echinacea is worthless, and not strong enough to be helping your immune system get into gear.

Step Five

It is also good to get into the habit of consuming garlic. This herb has antibacterial and antiviral properties. While cooked garlic is still beneficial, it in no way compares to raw garlic. If you are among an Ebola outbreak within your community or family, take upwards to 15 cloves of garlic a day. It may sound a lot, but if it means avoiding illness, it is well worth it. (It probably also means that nobody will want to come anywhere near you, thus ensuring you escape illness-free!) All jokes aside, garlic helped people through the ancient plagues and will also help us through modern day ones as well.

Step Six

A good quality Anti-Plague or Super Tonic formula can also be very effective when taken with Echinacea Plus. There are some recipes on the internet as well on how to make a good homemade one such as this one.

Step Seven

The haemorrhaging from the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth that occurs from this awful virus is because of extremely low levels of vitamin C. Make sure you eat plenty of fruits high in Vitamin C such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes. The peels of the oranges and lemons are even a higher content. Add in some rosehip tea or a few droppers-full of rosehip tincture.

Step Eight

When a fever develops do not make the crucial mistake of 99.9% of doctors or naturopaths make. DO NOT STOP THE FEVER! There is only one thing in this entire planet that can kill the virus and that is our immune system. It is no coincidence that it works the way it does: it works that way because nature knows best how to heal us. When your body temperature begins to rise, it means that there is an infection that the body is fighting against. Scientifically-speaking, fevers occurs through chemicals known as pyrogens being released into the bloodstream. These chemicals enter the hypothalamus, the part of the brain responsible for regulating body temperature. The pyrogens then bind to receptor sites in the hypothalamus, thus causing a rise in body temperature.

One particular pyrogen is Interleukin-1 (IL-1), which is produced when macrophages, or as they are commonly-known, white blood cells, come into contact with particular viruses and bacteria. One of the many purposes IL-1 serves is to call to action other white blood cells, known as helper T cells, in order to assist with fighting off the particular virus or bacteria that the body has been exposed to. When under a fever, this process can works up to as much as 64 times faster.

This is how your body manages these invaders. As you can see, by reducing the fever through pain killers and other medications, you are stopping the body’s natural means of killing off the infection. I know some people are worried that people have died from fevers. Fevers are harmless if you work with it and the body correctly.

Step Nine

The best way to do this is to ensure you are well-hydrated, and drink plenty of water. If the body temperature rises above around 37 degrees Celsius, then at least 4 litres a day of pure clean water should be consumed, preferably distilled then reverse osmosis or the best filtered water you can find. However, drinking diaphoretic teas (teas that cause the body temperature to rise and result in perspiration) are perhaps of the most benefit. One such example is a tea made of hot water, honey, lemon and ginger, or, even better, the flowering tops of Yarrow as a tea. For a faster recovery, drink 3-5 cups of such a tea while sitting in a tub of hot water, as hot as the person can tolerate it. After about 20 minutes or more of this, the person can stand up, and with the shower head turned on, as cold as the water will go, drench the entire body. The contrast in water temperature assists with blood circulation around the body: hot water brings the blood to the body’s surface (hence, why our skin turns red when we get out of a hot bath or shower), while cold water forces the blood back deep into the core of the body. This assists with transporting macrophages around the body, to kill and ‘gobble up’ the infection.

Step Ten

Put the person to bed covered with a sheet made of natural fibres such as cotton or wool, so the skin can breathe, rather than synthetic fibres which prevent this. Repeat this once a day until the person fully recovers. This is a powerful remedy that has a profound effect on serious viruses and infections. However, it can also be used by those in a situation where there is a possibility of being infected, in order to take preventative action to boost the immune system.

Let us all hope that Ebola does not make its way to Australia, and we are all safe from this terrible illness. However, in the event that it does, it is comforting to know that, while mainstream medicine cannot offer a cure, there are natural means of fortifying our body’s defences, and standing the best chance possible of maintaining our health. It is important to remember, too, that the hints and tips in this article can be applied to any other illness.

Stephen Mocko: Your Family Herbalist

About the Author

Stephen is an herbalist and the founder of Eureka Wellness, a health and wellness center in Australia that caters to those whom the doctors have labeled as incurable. He specializes in helping people in late stages of disease and tries to bring them hope. He is a health advocate and supports a raw diet with juicing, exercise, clean water, and air along with herbal supplementations.








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    Total 6 comments
    • Live Free or Die

      Outstanding story! Welcome to Before It’s News!

      Wonderful advice that we all should be practicing every day, ebola or no ebola.

      Garlic is my personal favorite. Susan probably hates that I eat so much of it :wink: but it has a history going back many centuries for warding off evil, whether the plague, ‘evil spirits’, the NWO or ebola, I’d put my $$$ on it every time…Peace!

    • Man

      right. as if the people who where infected, never ate garlic, ate vegetables or done any kind of excerise…

      • Kate Friday

        seriously eh?! I don’t think I’ve ever read such nonsense than as what’s in this article, I’m still shaking my head in disbelief here lol

      • Eureka Wellness

        Man, I’m not sure if you are aware of how dire the situation is for many people in Africa, but considering that for some, they are lucky to have one meal a day, and struggle to find clean water to drink, I would say that yes, the chances are that the people who were infected did not have a lot of those elements in their diet (well, at least the garlic and the vegetables). Considering healthy food is what fuels our cells, and our immune system, a lack of it can definitely contribute to disease.

    • Anonymous

      don’t eat McDonald

    • PilgrimFathers14

      So if i eat wads of garlic i might not get Ebola.. Great, better get tonnes of the stuff in then.

      Now should i buy all foods that contain garlic as a precaution, just in case like.

      That garlic bread has got to be a winner in a situation like this.

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