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Propaganda: CDC Warns Vaccine Hesitancy Major Contributor To Disease Outbreak, But WHO Caused Vaccine Hesitancy In The First Place?

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Article posted with permission from the author, Suanne Hamner.

Most of us can remember having what the medical-scientific industrial death complex calls “childhood diseases” – measles, mumps, and chicken pox. If you can’t remember, it is more than likely your mother does. It was common, back in the day, to engage in either “measles” or “chicken pox” parties for children to contract the condition to provide immunity. Granted, this was before the days of injecting children with poisons for conditions that had a low probability of death. When my daughter was diagnosed with chicken pox when she was four, my sister-in-law brought her children to the house to expose them in hopes of them getting the condition to obtain immunity.

These days, however, the medical-scientific industrial death complex has completely abandoned the truth of immunity and humans having an immune system. The adopted dogma is “get vaccinated or suffer disease outbreaks.” This is very apparent when the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) claims parents hesitant to vaccinate their children is a major contributor to disease outbreaks.

Roughly 1 in 5 U.S. children had parents who reported vaccine hesitancy for routine childhood vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

That number — 1 in 5 or 19% of parents — was the same from April 2019 to August 2022, the agency said. However, the CDC said the numbers in its latest study, published last month, reflect changes in demographic groups, including economic status, race and the ages of the children whose parents were vaccine-hesitant.

The authors of the CDC report called vaccine hesitancy — defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as “the reluctance or refusal to vaccinate despite the availability of vaccines” — a “major contributor” to disease outbreaks.

The WHO in 2019 proclaimed vaccine hesitancy to be one of the top 10 threats to global health, suggesting there were high levels of vaccine hesitancy before the March 2020 start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The study authors noted in their report that during the pandemic, many people were hesitant about the experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

The CDC blames the “unvaccinated” for being a “major contributor” to disease outbreaks. If vaccines work, the only disease outbreaks would be among those children whose parents choose to forego vaccination. The rest of the children have no worries. Is this really about “protecting” the public from disease outbreaks? Hardly. It’s about making sure every child around the globe gets jabbed with a medical intervention to pad their pockets, enrich the Big Pharma giants, and get Bill Gates his twenty-to-one return on investment.

Parental hesitancy toward routine childhood vaccinations may have increased when COVID-19 vaccines were recommended for various child age groups, they said.

It’s “critical,” the CDC researchers wrote, to understand the “current climate” around vaccine hesitancy “for the development of tailored programs to mitigate parental VH [vaccine hesitancy] and consequently increase vaccine uptake in children and adolescents.”

The CDC has no interest in understanding why parents are reluctant to inject their children with Big Pharma poison; they only want to get the children injected. It isn’t hard to understand why parents are reluctant.

First, Big Pharma has immunity from all liability for death and/or injury from their products on the childhood immunization schedule that is ONLY recommended. However, State public health entities, unconstitutional as they are, mandate injections for children or deny the children entry into public brainwashing centers, unless the parents obtain an exemption. Even with an exemption, some States provide an “out” for themselves to inject children with Big Pharma products in the case of some “outbreak”. Remember, these entities are mandating products that are ONLY recommended, meaning the final decision rests with the parents, which is their God-given duty and right. But, under the “threat” of denial of their children’s entry into the brainwashing centers and possible retaliation against them for “failing to provide medical care” for their children, many parents relent. If their child dies or is seriously injured from these injections, there is no help for families – they are on their own. The injury compensation program established by the government, funded by taxpayers, is grossly inadequate in providing compensation or hearing cases.

Second, many parents are exercising informed consent where these childhood injections are concerned. Those parents who have done their research or have pediatricians who have provided proper informed consent have rejected these injections after weighing the risks versus the benefits. This is a problem for the medical-scientific industrial death complex. Many physicians operate on “auto-pilot”. Taking the time to provide proper informed consent means they have to educate themselves on all the injections approved by regulatory agencies, better known as “vaccine pushers”, because they receive zero education on vaccines outside of the “recommended schedule”, they don’t read the package inserts, and receive much of the information on medications from the pharmaceutical companies. They have to operate under the illusion that pharmaceutical companies tell them the truth, the regulatory agencies are performing their mission to safeguard the public, and these products are “safe and effective”. If any of those illusions are shattered, the entire house of cards comes falling down.

Third, despite physicians’ education on the human immune system, they quickly fall into the trap of the human immune system being inadequate to handle disease therefore “vaccines” are needed to prevent childhood illnesses with extremely low death rates. This then translates to adult vaccines for influenza and shingles. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, physicians translate this to parents when pushing them to accept vaccination against childhood illnesses for their children. It is then passed from generation to generation until someone dares to break the cycle through education.

Fourth, through their actions, it is the CDC, World Health Organization (WHO), governments, and State entities that have driven a rise in “vaccine hesitancy” among adults during the CONvid-1984 planned scam-demic new technology injections.

To hear the CDC and WHO tell it, “vaccine hesitancy” among parents is increasing. But, is that true? It isn’t according to their own surveys.

For the study, the authors analyzed National Immunization Surveys to assess parental hesitation toward routine vaccination of their children ages 6 months through 17 years for 2019 to 2022.

Overall, vaccine hesitancy among U.S. parents toward routine childhood vaccines remained around 19% from April 2019 to August 2022, they said. However, the authors noted a few shifts among certain socio-demographic groups during the pandemic.

For example, there was a “sharp increase” (19.8% to 21.0%) in vaccine hesitancy among parents of kids 5 to 11 years old after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Oct. 29, 2021, authorized COVID-19 vaccines for kids 5 to 11.

The authors also noted a decrease (21.6% to 19.4%) in vaccine hesitancy among parents of children 6 months to 5 years after the FDA on Dec. 9, 2022, authorized COVID-19 shots for children 6 months up to 5 years.

One can hardly call a 1.2% increase in parents rejecting vaccines for children aged five to eleven a “sharp increase”, particularly since there was a decrease of 2.2% in parents rejecting vaccines for children aged six months up to five years. That is only a difference of one percent, meaning parents rejecting vaccines for their children is relatively stable, as one percent is well within an acceptable margin, statistically. Their concern is the increased reluctance among parents living below the poverty level.

Parents living below the poverty line exhibited a gradual increase in vaccine hesitancy throughout the study period.

Due to concerns about COVID-19 vaccine safety and increased misinformation about vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic, parental acceptance and confidence in routine childhood vaccines may have been altered,” the study authors wrote.

The largest decrease in vaccine hesitancy during that time was among parents of non-Hispanic Black children. However, that group’s level of vaccine hesitancy still was higher than that of non-Hispanic white children.

The authors declared they had no competing financial interests or personal relationships that influenced their research.

The “misinformation” about the CONvid-1984 planned scam-demic gene therapy injections came from the CDC itself, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and parroted by the Operation Mockingbird lamestream enemedia and the bulk of physicians. No one should forget the “safe and effective”, “preventing infection and transmission”, “you won’t die or get sick”, “the injections will allow a return to normal”, and “you won’t be hospitalized” narratives coming from all of these entities. As we learned, this was all false. Moreover, people are now learning this was a military operation, pharmaceutical companies have complete immunity for any harm caused – including death, and regulatory agencies have refused to pull the products from the market due to the evidence of increased deaths and injuries occurring after the injection campaign began. If that isn’t enough, the “bait and switch” approval, along with the product “bait and switch” revealed the truth about the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) process for approving medical products. What started as only two injections ballooned into an increasing number of boosters, and many of us have lost count of where the number stands now. All the while, the goal post on “completely vaccinated” moved continually to cover the number of deaths and injuries from the injection to the uninjected populace.

With this amount of egregious action on the part of these entities and the government, who would take any “vaccine” much less consent for these products to be given to their children? Who exactly is responsible for parents refusing to inject their children with pharmaceutical poisons? Parents rejecting these products should be close to 99% instead of just under 20%.

If the CDC and WHO were sincerely interested in stopping vaccine hesitancy, the solutions are very simple for the rest of us, but extremely complicated for them – it bites the hands that feed them. The CDC would lose royalties on these medical interventions and the WHO would cause Bill Gates to lose money and stop contributing to the WHO.

Therefore, it is up to us, the people, to assert our God-given unalienable right to make informed choices for ourselves and our children, work to get mandates for public brainwashing centers dissolved at the State level, and get the government out of health care. Because of the pharmaceutical companies’ immunity from liability, given to them unconstitutionally by the government, there is no incentive to produce clean safe products, engage in good manufacturing processes, and conduct accurate clinical trials. Their immunity from liability has to go. Likewise, unconstitutional agencies involved with Big Pharma to push vaccines (FDA, CDC, HHS, etc.) should be dismantled. Big Pharma should be prohibited from lobbying representatives and senators as well as contributing to campaigns of those vying for office. Most importantly, the WHO has to go. The dismantling of the fascist public-private partnerships is a must for freedom.

Until then, we should stand our ground and be civilly disobedient in accepting the status quo. Moreover, it is time we held physicians and others accountable for not providing proper informed consent by reporting the individuals to the State boards and engaging in litigation against them for failure to provide what is required by law. Be very vocal in pegging these providers for not providing proper informed consent as required by law. Refuse to take anything considered “experimental” or under “emergency use authorization” while reminding these people of your rights and the Nuremberg Code. Lawyers, it’s time to step up to the plate and engage in litigation against individuals violating the law and refusing to provide proper informed consent – that includes State entities in violation through mandating experimental, emergency use authorization, and approved products. Informed consent involves more than just getting an answer from the individual on medical interventions.

It’s time to push back. If physicians and nurses get their noses out of joint about it, so be it. These individuals should have been doing their duty all along.

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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