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Suddenly many NOT CONCERNED about others' Health - pure Politics....

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Suddenly many NOT CONCERNED about others’ Health – pure Politics….

Hey gang, just quick set-up you likely seen a couple previous pieces of mine that this is another like: BeforeItsNews SNEAKPEEK preview of Future TheLibertyBeacon piece…. Without further ado and fanfare…. HERE IT IS….

EVERY SINGLE POTUS of late, like last 40 years, had a HEALTH COUNCIL, remember Michelle obaMAO’s EAT HEALTHY CAMPAIGN??? But now that RFK Jr is talking HEALTH with TRUMP and may be HHS Secretary GOTTA STOP TALKING ABOUT ALL THIS NEED TO BE HEALTHIER STUFF….

[Also see dropped today: /media/2024/09/update-on-the-media-lies-about-the-harris-v-trump-debate-2516215.html]

[ TLB Oct 26 2024 (Rough-Draft in progress, as of: Thu. Sep. 12th 2024) 
– 1,500 words, 0 images, 1 videos – conjunction w/ CTP S2E71 ] 


RFK Jr. as Health Secretary?

Yep, gonna start again with: There will be several pieces you will see me say TRUMP BLEW IT on this or that in the September Debate, and to me HEALTH ISSUES this was another MISSED OPPORTUNITY by Trump to tout the WE WILL MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN alliance between him and RFK Jr….

Since RFK Jr. dropped out of the Presidential Race and Endorsed Donald J. Trump for President (to become POTUS47) there has been a lot of “Unity Ticket” talk. 1 Many are floating that RFK Jr. may indeed be appointed Head of HHS (Health and Human-Services) as part of Trump’s Cabinet. And, yes, what may Tulsi Gabbard (former HI Representative and also former Presidential Candidate on the Fascicrats side), who also claims “The DNC Left them” and now a Trump supporter/advocate, Head as part of Trump’s Cabinet (but that is a discussion for another day; as well as my Hope that Leo Terrell will have a spot somewhere with Trump on January 20th 2025 swear-in day (like Press-Secretary giving it back to the #ENEMEdia since it was all the Left Biased MSM that caused him to Red-Pill 2)).


I have been on Record (and NOT going to change my tune now, just because he is supporting Trump/MAGA 3) as saying “RFK Jr. is far more Teddy Kennedy loon than JFK or his Father “Conservative Democrat” (which such thing no longer exists these days 4)) and so does a “Unity Ticket” effort and hint he may take such a Post really HELP or HURT (and one-hand, and in some-respects, IMO, it does help, but on-the-other-hand indeed hurts – question is: are the Pro’s going to outweigh the Con’s?!?! Sure do not want the “Climate Hoaxer” fanatic anywhere near the EPA or such). Just because someone I could not ever, would not ever, consider for POTUS, does not exclude them from being qualified for an appropriate, carefully selected, Cabinet post – the two are not mutually exclusive.

Yes, our Foods of choice usually not as Healthy. I think most “thinking” folks understand that and at least try to (at least I hope you do, try) employ the “everything in moderation” philosophy – as it is expensive to buy and cook “all natural” grown/harvested fare. And, of course, while we all share some relevant same DNA, we are indeed all unique and different individuals and Eating habits “consequences” or “benefits” (if only Healthy Food enthusiasts) vary. Yes, can’t pass, gotta recite the “your milage may vary” phrase. 5

But seriously too – with 8 Billion folks on Earth, and growing, we are only able to Feed more and more People (yes, some still starving, but more than ever able to be fed and at relatively reasonable cost) due to advancements in Fertilizer, GMO’s, etc., our modern tech advancements have wrought. The issue of “practicality: with every growing number of People needing be fed has to be a realistic part/variable in these discussions. And, frankly, it will be somewhat difficult to “convince” vast majority that it is in their own best interests and would lower their Health-Care costs (and need for less dependence on Pharmaceuticals (something Big-Pharma 6 will NOT be happy about/with) and therefore more Pro than Con to them in the long-run…. Where was I? Oh yea, will be difficult to convince many because WITH all these supposedly going to KILL US Foods – we as Humans, on average, Living longer than ever before. 6

This all isn’t cut-and-dry, 100% black/white, up/down, good/bad; GREY-AREAS 7; there are Pros and Cons to any and all changes that could/might be proposed via HHS, FDA, etc., no matter who is Head of any of those Agencies – as the Horse is now out of the Barn as the saying goes. The discussion has ramped up and People will be expected at least SOME actions of the next Presidential Administration regardless who will be sworn in on Jan. 20th 2025.

So, indeed, perhaps RFK Jr. could/may bring us more toward sustainable more Healthy Foods – at least for those that can afford such. We have to be REALISTIC that we are not, cannot, should never, OUTLAW the advancements made that indeed allow the ever growing numbers of Humans on this Planet. We can/could/should indeed, whatever way we can, and mostly in-part perhaps through PSA’s (Public Service Announcements) to try MOVE (by Peoples’ own Choices/desires) to want to be Healthier and IF we have sound other fiscal/Economy policies – Economic BOOM so that more and more can/could/would be able to afford BETTER CHOICES/OPTIONS!!!!




Additional Cross-Reference-Links:  

1I spoke to about the DUMBocrats/demoKKKrats/Fascicrats/CommieFasciSocies Convention with Rick Walker of Maverick News Canada (which can be seen via  (B4IN piece) “DNC – Please Stop, My Sides Hurt From Laughing at All Your BS. Lies, Hypocrisy, SPIN, etc…” and YouTUBE Vid “Maverick News – DNC Night 4 of LIES wrap-up” (and related “Maverick News: RFK Jr. endorses Trump” discussion))) about what we on The Right stand-for, call-for, have done and/or actually say we will/would do if granted full-control of White-House, House of Representatives, the U. S. Senate, and sufficient numbers of actual Constitutional originalist Justices (from low-courts, Appeals, and SCOTUS levels).


2Two items: “Red-Pill strategy” and “BLEXIT” relate.

3 #PrinciplesNotPersonalities – honor, integrity, honesty not duplicity — more:
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E60) “#PrinciplesNotPersonalities”
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (related links) and Transcript Bonus 
#PrinciplesNotPersonalities – it should be a simple concept, but sadly many (both Left and Right) are more “rah rah” my guy/gal whatever rather than be honest/true to self and uphold their own “supposed” set of Principles/Values. Remember the recent CTP “Speculations and What If’s” episode? Well, can/do you pass the “Shoe on the other Foot” test “What if” or are a hypocrite (which, of course, is not to say for every “Rule” there can be an occasional “exception” but if everything is allowed be “exception” you really have no Rules / Principles / Values / Standards)? Some eager to be “hypocrites” if it is for “their guy/gal” benefit.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: “Speculations and What If’s” (TLB article)  


4 “Political Terminology — Red-Dogs, RINOs, and Blue-Dogs, oh my… The Political Zoo, what/who they are! (are there DINOs, PLINOs, more…)” which was both a RattleWithUS TEAParty piece of mine later expounded upon on/at/with RedState/Townhall diary (what they call blogs/articles) but unfortunately I am currently unable to find an Archived version of the RedState version – the RWU TEAParty one is available (B4IN copy) Thanks to BeforeItsNews for Partnering with us (I was RWU Writing Committee Chair) to cross-post our blogs and forum writings (at least Jan. 2012 to Dec. 2019 time-frame).


5The Need to Keep a Sense-of-Humor” no matter how serious things are/get!


6Big-Pharma discussion was/is covered on/in one of my CTP episodes:

ChristiTutionalist Politics (CTP S1E18) “Odds and Ends”
Show aka: BASSAKWARDS, as the show opens with a Guest (J.J.Carrell (Activist/Author/CBP retired/NEWSMAX contributor)), in Segment-1 diving into the Dangers of Open-Borders, rather than Interview at Show end which is then followed up with “Odds and Ends” on Big Pharma, the 17th Amendment (States Rights, Checks and Balances, etc.) need repeal, God and Guns, and Bradford Colony (History of (already failed) Communism in America), and lazy-bastards’ #UniParty dodge, more…
RIP Brian Terry (CBP, fellow Michiganian, stationed in AZ at time, killed by Cartel with obaMAO/Holder FastAndFurious illegal arms deal weapon)


7I had 2 part GREY-AREA CTP series episodes:

ChristiTutionalist Politics (CTP S1E22) “Grey Areas”
We all wish things could be and were Black/White, Right/Wrong, Good/Evil, but reality is there are a whole lotta Grey area that do not so conveniently fit into the “definitive” this or that buckets. We shall examine that. Things do not always conveniently allow for a drive-by, pot-shot, clear and clean, limited Twitter attention span and space limitations!
Plus discussion with Rick Walker of Maverick News (Canada) on “Grey Areas” (The word itself, in the Law, Bill Clinton “what ‘is’ is,” Yelling fire in a crowded Theater (Fraud in inducement, and incitement, NOT SPEECH), Canadian interference of/with/in Free Markets, and other US-Politics (as well as Canuckian) from a Canadian perspective) as like a Lawyer in Court I ask him leading questions an opposing Attorney would Object to! LOL

ChristiTutionalist Politics (CTP S1E23) “Grey Areas (part 2)”
As discussed last week, need cover more that while we all wish things could be and were Black/White, Right/Wrong, Good/Evil, but reality is there are a whole lotta Grey area that do not so conveniently fit into the “definitive” this or that buckets. We shall examine more on that. Things do not always conveniently allow for a drive-by, pot-shot, clear and clean, limited Twitter attention span and space limitations! Like is a “Tax” always a Tax? We talk about Trump’s Tariffs – Grey Area or not?
Plus discussion with Miss Liz of Miss Liz’s TEA-time (Canada) on “Grey Areas” and other US-Politics from a yet another “Canunk’s” perspective – FYI (full disclosure) if you watch on YouTube/Rumble you’ll see some rough segways as we had audio/video issues – bottom line is a GREY AREA may exist if not knowing what someone’s actual motivations are!

EVERY SINGLE POTUS of late, like last 40 years, had a HEALTH COUNCIL, remember Michelle obaMAO’s EAT HEALTHY CAMPAIGN??? But now that RFK Jr is talking HEALTH with TRUMP and may be HHS Secretary GOTTA STOP TALKING ABOUT ALL THIS NEED TO BE HEALTHIER STUFF!!!!!


Coming soon from Joseph M Lenard to TLB and CTP podcast…

  • RFK Jr. as Health Secretary? – Oct. 26th [this piece]
  • How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 2) – Nov. 2nd
    • How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 1) – was Oct. 12th


[ END - TLB Oct 26 2024 (Rough-Draft in progress, as of: Thu. Sep. 12th 2024) 
– 1,500 words, 0 images, 1 videos – conjunction w/ CTP S2E71 ] 

SINCE this is SNEAK-PEEK you’re actually seeing it before others will on TLB by many, many, weeks ahead – so, need to add more to the COMING SOON part for you here on B4IN….


Coming soon from Joseph M Lenard to TLB and CTP podcast…

  • Stand Against Tyranny (everywhere) – Sept. 14
  • WOKEists Warping Language – Sept. 21
  • Strategically Stupid – Sept. 28th
  • School Shootings – Oct. 5th
  • How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 1) – Oct. 12th
  • Micro vs Macro – Oct. 19th
  • RFK Jr. as Health Secretary? – Oct. 26th
  • How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 2) – Nov. 2nd


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