Kate Shemirani: DMSO In The Boxing Ring With Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs!
So many people are discovering the wonderful health benefits of Chlorine Dioxide and DMSO. In fact, people have been doing their own researching and discovering just how beneficial these natural substances are to our bodies. I have recently written on DMSO here and also recently did an interview on The Sons of Liberty with nurse and nutritionist Kate Shemirani on it as well.
Kate has recently written on her site on DMSO to educate the public. Be sure and sign up for a membership on her website.
Good evening my wonderful recruits and Health and Truth Seekers. Ya’all be cruising into 2025 in the best shape of your lives… well… intending to be! And you will be. Set that intention, pray and the Lord delivers.
You all know about noxious, toxic potions , pills and poison darts chasing your rear into the New Year… but what about this…
Disclaimer first…
(Must sort out my typing sausage fingers… no, no. Only Charles has those! Brits will get that one!)
**USING DMSO WHEN TAKING A PHARMACEUTICAL DRUG IS UNADVISABLE AS THE COMBINED ACTION IS UNPREDICTABLE AND CAN BE DANGEROUS. ** Do not stop taking any prescription medication without first discussing this with your doctor.
**DO NOT USE DURING PREGNANCY OR BREAST FEEDING** There is not enough research on this.
DO NOT CONSUME ALCOHOL WHEN USING OR FOR 7 DAYS FOLLOWING. There was an incidence of slowed metabolising of alcohol and you do not want to be pulled over by the Agents of the State and fail an alcohol test, even though you feel as sober as a Judge…(ok ok… I’m sure a few reading this are right now shouting their favourite ‘inebriated Judge story’ )
Side note: it is interesting that untested, unlicensed, uninsured, experimental bioweapons, touted as a vaccine, appear to have been deemed safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women in the last few years and I think you all know what I’m talking about. Simply horrific!
Onwards soldiers and our one seaman!
Part 1 of DMSO
DMSO Dimethyl Sulfoxide
Discovered in 1866 by a Russian doctor, Alexander M. Saytzeff, but its application for its commercial use has not been identified until much later in the 1950’s
Dimethyl Sulfoxide comes from the tree lignin, the important component in plant cell walls. It is a byproduct of pulp and paper production, but it also occurs naturally in the earth’s sulphur cycle; DMS - dimethyl sulphide is produced from marine phytoplankton in the oceans. It is then oxidised into DMSO by the atmosphere. DMSO can also occur in certain foods.
DMSO is a small molecule, slightly larger than a water molecule and it is made-up of carbon, hydrogen, sulphur and oxygen atoms. DMSO is easily transported by the blood throughout the body because of its size. It mixes easily with water and alcohol, dissolves organic and inorganic substances and moves readily through the skin’s layers. It is ‘transdermal. It can be used topically! Next image for the ladies… only 2 genders here!
This means it enters through your skin and reaches the blood stream (remember that your entire systemic circulation passes through your liver every 3 minutes, and so in essence, DMSO will quickly move around your body).
It has a unique polarity of two faces, one that can attach to water soluble molecules and the other to oil soluble molecules. This means it is AMPHIPHILIC… loves both water and fat. Amphiphilic substances are also called surfactant’s and are commonly used in cleaning products. DMSO is not only good for cleaning the dishes, but also for cleaning your body, inside and out!
Quick and simple explanation of DMSO transdermal movement through the skin.
1.It can switch places with water molecules.
2.It can cause both hydrophobic (repels water) and hydrophilic ( mixes with water) responses in the skin pores, thus weakening the electro-mechanical forces and allowing the DMSO and whatever else it is carrying to pass through. **this is why the skin must have no toxic chemicals on it or you will drive them into the blood stream and add to your toxic burden!
3. At higher concentrations, DMSO can cause the fat molecules in the cell membranes, ceramides, to transition from a dense gel state to liquid crystalline. In the crystalline state the ceramides show liquid properties whilst also having molecules that are arranged in a crystal-like manner. DMSO stimulates this shift in state, thus allowing the DMSO and whatever it is carrying, to pass through the ceramides and deeper into the tissue below the skin.
It is the concentration of DMSO when applied that will affect the method in which it will transverse the skin’s surface. The repeated ceramide changes of state is what can cause reddening and thickening of the skin.
This is where diluting with distilled water or saline as directed allows the dipolar movement without causing skin changes .
** DMSO can dissolve anything that is either water or alcohol based as well as certain oil-based materials that are lighter in molecular weight…Amazing!
DMSO is a fantastic analgesic, a painkiller.
It is DMSO’s polarity that gives it the ability to alter the spaces between its own molecules, a phenomenon called confirmation. The order and spacing of these molecules determine what kind of action DMSO can perform. When the configuration of molecules are malleable, DMSO can interact with proteins and move through them, hence the reason it can travel with ease through the skin’s surface.
DMSO in water affects nerve membranes and reduces their sensitivity, thus reducing pain signals.
It is a totally safe painkiller. I wish we could say the same for many … all pharmaceutical drugs!
Just let us digress a little here and mention Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatories, prescribed for pain by many a doctor to the masses of unsuspecting victims of Big Pharma!
These work by poisoning an enzyme in the prostaglandin pathway.
Prostaglandins or a group of hormone-like substances present in many body tissues and fluids, and they regulate many important bodily functions, such as blood clotting and protecting your stomach lining from acid. They also control inflammation, fever and pain and play a vital role in most physiological processes of the body.
“What vital processes might they be?” I hear you all shout (I hear you because you are all now in the Natural Nurse Army and rapidly becoming true Ministers of health and healing!)
Here are some examples of physiologic processes that prostaglandins regulate.
Bone formation
Bone resorption
Bronchial tone
Mucosal integrity of the gastrointestinal tract
Haemostasis… blood clotting
Platelet aggregation… clumping together of cells to stop bleeding
Renal blood flow…kidneys
Ovulation… when your lady is ripe for conceiving a baby
Fertilisation…that’s the sperm meeting the egg and making a baby. (please do, as the birth rate has nose dived)
Foetal development… that’s the development of the baby
Parturition… birthing that baby
Pain sensation… needed to know that something is wrong.
Prostaglandins have been implicated in several disease states that have an inflammatory component such as arthritis.
Prostaglandins have been associated with cancers. Due to the large number of disease processes that prostaglandins can affect, big Pharma (let us re-name them Big Harma), has shown a lot of interest in developing drugs that can affect these prostaglandins.
I bet they have… to the tune of a multi-billion-dollar revenue stream!
What could possibly go wrong?!
I will not go into too much depth, or I will be writing all night and day, and recruits will have fallen asleep! Much better to stick to the best bits.
When you eat far too many poor-quality Omega 6 fatty acids, found in foods such as animal products and refined vegetable oils, you will increase the production of inflammatory prostaglandins.
However, increasing the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish, fish oil, walnuts and flaxseed oil can help to reduce the amount of pro inflammatory prostaglandins.
Here’s the thing; the inflammatory response of the body is a normal physiologic response.
You trip over and sprain your ankle… ouch!
It swells because fluid leaks out of injured capillaries in the ligament that has been strained. That fluid contains prostaglandins which promote inflammation and swelling. The swelling will distend the tissue, compressing the nerves and causing pain. Injured tissue feels warm. This is because the warmth is to prevent infection. Brilliant!
The prostaglandins will help to recruit white blood cells for the injured area to prevent an infection and clear cellular debris. Certain white blood cells and immune system cells which aid in the healing process are released due to other chemicals released in the body.
Your body has an amazing ability to heal.
It may be unpleasant, it may be painful, it certainly isn’t something that we enjoy at the time, but this inflammation is very valuable to promote healing of that area. The inflammation and the pain are our signals to tell us that we must rest the injured area or we could make the injury much worse. Of course, fellas require much more rest than us gals… I had a baby on my picnic rug on the bedroom floor and was mopping the kitchen floor 6 hours later… Boo! Just saying… Man-flu?
What else may trigger inflammation in the body besides an injury?
Cell- wall debris
Free radical damage
Environmental toxins
Food antigens
Leaky gut
Suppression of anti-inflammatory prostaglandin synthesis (medicine from the doctor)!
So, wait a minute… modern medicine aims to block the process, suppressing the symptoms? YES!
And it gets worse… All of those things mentioned above in the list are not treated by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID). Long term use of these drugs will make many of these conditions much worse and increase the chance of you being hospitalised by 400% Kaching. Your bodies are the cash cows!
OK. That’s enough of scaring the ‘Big Harma Pants’ right off you.
So, what can we use?
Let us get back to DMSO.
When you know what to use and how to use DMSO, it is completely safe and effective.
If we are going to use DMSO for our health, there are two grades:
Pharmaceutical and industrial.
The industrial is not for human use.
The only grade that should be used in humans and animals is pharmaceutical grade or 99.995% purity.
Understanding how to use DMSO, will ensure that you use it with confidence and become true ministers of health and healing and adding another weapon to your arsenal for avoiding and reversing disease.
**USING DMSO WHEN TAKING A PHARMACEUTICAL DRUG IS UNADVISABLE AS THE COMBINED ACTION IS UNPREDICTABLE AND CAN BE DANGEROUS. ** Do not stop taking any prescription medication without first discussing this with your doctor.
DMSO’s activities
It increases delivery of oxygen to the cells
It has antimicrobial properties
It increases production of white cells and macrophages, the important cells required by the immune system
It is a bacteriostatic agent… it inhibits the growth of bacteria
Increases cell membrane permeability allowing for the removal of toxins
It is radio protective, reducing the mutagenic and lethal effects of X-rays
It detoxifies heavy metals by binding to aluminium, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, nickel and eliminating them through urination and sweating
It is a muscle relaxant
it is an effective painkiller blocking nerves conducting pain signals
It acts as a diuretic
It reduces inflammation and swelling by affecting inflammatory chemicals
It is a free radical scavenger, transporting these substances through excretory organs it improves blood supply to injured areas by dilating blood vessels and reducing blood viscosity (blood thinning)
And so much more…! I could go on all day but that is for you to do some further reading.
DMSO combined with natural substances like vitamins, minerals, botanicals and homoeopathy, can increase their value when used therapeutically.
As discussed, DMSO is absorbed rapidly through the skin and paves the way for bigger molecules, such as essential oils to pass through by making the inner skin layers and underlying tissue reversibly accessible, often on a nano scale. The DMSO makes the skin accessible for materials to pass through it and out from within ( push out and expel toxins).
When using DMSO, remember the skin must be clean and free from any other chemicals. So a good wash/shower is recommended as the very first step. This will ensure that sweat, makeup, cleaning products and even wash detergents transferred from your laundry detergents and soaps are removed from the skin.
When beginning your DMSO journey, begin slowly and always do a small patch test first.
During the breakdown process of DMSO, when it becomes DNS (dimethyl sulphide), it can give off a funny sulphur-based odour… Smells like garlic or onions.
Some people do not smell at all, but others literally are ‘pongy’! The breath is usually the smelliest part. I know this because when I’m using it and I have collected my daughter from the train station, she has entered my car and loudly proclaimed “Oh my word what is that horrible smell?”, immediately opened the window and hung her head out in disgust! She is a drama queen I will quickly add…
However, Possibly not something you should be doing when embarking on a ‘date’ (I forget what they are) or with a new love interest! Get a few solid dates in first.
Listen to me… free dating advice along with your health advice! Ooh la la
It also takes about 7 days to clear the body of it.
The smell? I don’t know! Do let me know.
But for the rest of us…?
Who cares if it is doing good?
Not I!
To Administer
Do not use metal or plastic. Always use glass
Store between 59°F and 86°F away from direct sunlight and ideally in a dark glass airtight container.
Always replace the lid immediately after use.
** Stop immediately if you experience any symptoms of an allergic reaction such as; Breathing difficulties, shortness of breath, itching, facial swelling, rash, hives
DMSO concentrations
Pharmaceutical grade format should not be used unless in regular home first aid situations, though it can be used purely on skin only for emergency situations and with the help of a natural health practitioner
This strength is often sold in health food stores and is either diluted with distilled water or has a preservative-free Aloe Vera gel added. This strength can still cause redness, burning and itching and repeated use can lead to thick and leathery skin texture. Do not use on delicate areas such as the face. It is better to use 40 to 80% generally.
Effective for skin applications blended with distilled water and preservative-free Aloe Vera gel. This is the optimal percentage if mixing with vitamins, minerals or botanical extracts. This is the ideal percentage for topical application on the skin for muscle injuries.
This percentage will penetrate deep as it uses the water as a propeller to move deeper into the tissues. This is good for tendon, ligaments, nerves, bone or any region with less water content in the body.
This is best for topical application on delicate skin areas.
This is the maximum strength that should be used for the scalp, eyes and ears, ingested and in a nebuliser. It is recommended that you start on a lesser percentage and build up to this. This can be used on wounds to assist hair growth or to thicken hair.
This is the dilution when prepared in a saline solution which you can purchase from any pharmacy or drug store on the High Street, that is safe for eyes. This is also recommended to be used on the face and delicate skin.
This can be used on the face, eyes, ears and ingestion. 30% DMSO in saline is a good anti-inflammatory eye drop solution for the eyes.
Beginners’ level for eye and ear drops. This is the percentage that is safe for animals and children and a good place to start for everyone as a patch test.
This concentration is wonderful to enhance absorption of liquid formulas at this low strength . It is not therapeutic, but this is the concentration that is often used with chlorine dioxide solution (which I will be covering in another post later, along with my interview with Dr Andreas Kalcker)
And there you have it … Read and save!
I will be covering specific applications for a whole host of problems and health issues in Part 2 of DMSO!
Where can you buy DMSO?
This one is 70% and do not forget to use the code;
’Nurse Kate
For your discount.
I have also approached another company for an affiliate link and a discount. More details on that in Part 2 when I hear back from them.
You can also shop on the Internet using the devil’s tool… Amazon… and you can also shop at any natural stores.
Well, there you have it… Read and save.
Part 2 up in a day or two.
Alas, I must walk my pooches before bed time but I will be back tomorrow with some menus!
And remember, Thursday, January 9th at 8pm is our next Round Table! Exciting and life saving information With Dr Patrick Vickers of The NBGC and the Advanced Gerson Protocol… More on that tomorrow.
Please do not miss it. The story of Dr Max Gerson and all of the many other natural therapies that have reversed disease when nothing else could!
Much love for your continued support.
Kate xx
Healing with DMSO, Amanda Vollmer
Drugs that don’t work, and natural therapies that do, David Brownstein, M.D.
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