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By Tom Dennen, the paranoid historian (Reporter)
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A Worried World Awaits Trump Presidency: “The World Has to Get Used to the Fact That There Is a Lunatic in the White House"

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A VERY worried world awaits…

Einstein once said that it was not a good idea to ask the people who caused a problem to solve it. Illegal immigrants to California is a case in point: they are largely made up of displaced Mexican yellow corn farmers put out of work by the dumping of surplus American corn onto Mexican markets.

Guest commentators from around the world weigh in. The views expressed are their own.

Global views SOURCE:         

A MEXICAN VIEW: Ana Maria Salazar

Mexico got Donald Trump elected. That, at least, is what President-elect Trump probably believes. His promises to build a wall (that Mexico will supposedly pay for), deport millions of undocumented immigrants, and renegotiate NAFTA turned Mexico and its people into the perfect scapegoat for the ills affecting America — unemployment, stagnant wages, crime and drugs.


Throughout his campaign, we all hoped he would tone down such rhetoric so as not to alienate the Hispanic vote (too much, at least). However, his rhetoric simply became more vitriolic — and more threatening.

So President Enrique Peña Nieto invited him to Mexico, perhaps in hopes that the hospitality and reality of bilateral relations would change Donald Trump´s opinion about the southern border (and awkward facts such as there being potentially millions of jobs at stake — on both sides of the border — if he decided to scrap NAFTA).

But mere hours after returning from Mexico, not only did Trump NOT change his mind, but he engaged (in Arizona of all places) in some of his most anti-immigration rhetoric yet. Meanwhile, in Mexico there was a backlash against Nieto’s decision to invite Trump, forcing Finance Minister Luis Videgaray — seen as instrumental in arranging the visit — out of the Cabinet.

Trump lamented Videgaray’s departure in a Tweet.

A RUSSIAN VIEW:  Mikhail Fishman

So, what is the world expecting — and hoping for — from a Trump presidency?

When Donald Trump was declared the winner of the 2016 presidential election, he received a round of applause in the Russian parliament. It was a pure, almost childish expression of joy.

AN ISRAELI VIEW: Netanyahu breathes a sigh of relief

Yaakov Katz

After eight years of hostility and tension with President Barack Obama, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu let out a huge sigh of relief when Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States.

For Netanyahu and his right-wing coalition government, Trump’s presidency is viewed as a new beginning when it comes to Israeli-US relations. One government minister went so far as to say that Trump’s victory in November signals that “the days of the Messiah” have come

To stop construction in Jewish settlements in the West Bank?

AN INDIAN VIEW: Did America get its Modi?

Sanjay Kumar

India is experiencing some of the same kind of anxiety it felt when Narendra Modi was about to become the country’s prime minister, back in May 2014.

A right-wing Hindu leader with a controversial political past who cultivated an image as an outsider.

(For more, click on the SOURCE URL above)

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    Total 1 comment

      Lunatic my ass, the plot is out of the bag, the german reich is being baited to be the catalyst fall guy for world depopulation for the whim of the few with deep hideaways. The deep monsters want to have a war they escape and surface with all of the dumbells that bought the deal fried to a crisp, starving or otherwise fked up. Welcome to zombieland america where the morons who oppose trump are the biggest fools of all time.

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