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By Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki - Di Lặc Bồ Tát
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The Next Evolution On Earth Is Back To Nature, Back With “Higher Level Beings”, Not The Industrial 4.0

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The Next Evolution On Earth Is Back To Nature, Back With “Higher Level Beings”, Not The Industrial 4.0

It is up to each national leaders to choose the path for their nation, I am here just to tell the truth about what is comming next on Earth.

The “Era of 4.0” like many many are promoting are the WRONG Path!


Because it do not solve anything, do not solve the root problem of humanity which is their brain, mindset, behaviours.

All kind of so called Robot, AI, Big Data, Connecting Everything, etc. Are rubbish and unnecessary.

3.0 is good enough and that is all humans need for evolution.

Let’s have some quick analyze.

The root of all technology are the “wrong” metals which are rust when appear on the surface.

And it must require electric to run, what if for some reason electric off like what happened last year in Puerto Rico, some Carriberan Islands?

The answer is simple all of your work going to disappear and the real chaos occurs.

3G, 4G versus 5G?

Faster than few secord but extra cost, extra energy for what? For nothing, is solved nothing.

So 5G is just waste of time, money and damage to human body and environment.

Faster, Stronger does not mean better.

Instead of 5G, why don’t you seek a way to convert and allow wifi to be shared between people. It is 100% faster, more stable because of the “line cable” than 5G and do not need cost of setup, install and it is everywhere.

Human work versus Auto Robot work?

The first thing I notice is human lost many jobs and the society will become more chaos.

If you remove all the robot, machines then the unemployment rate in your “normal” nation will less than 2%.

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) is just a stupid wrong broken repeat machine who only copy/remember from human’s input. It look good because “normal 3D” human look bad, have not yet understand and become immortal being yet.

It is just few examples. You must able to answer the simple question of any new ideal, creation which is what is is/that/this for & solve what problems?

All of what 4.0 many of you are talking about already exist on nature at bigger & better scale, if can verify it by yourself by traveling to Himalaya mountain range or to China/Vietnam, but you do not allowed to record through any camera, phones because it is forbidden at the moment.

I already give the Divine solution for all of you, which is the Global Free Fair Trade Union (GFFTU) and the Global Billion Money Truth Challenge (GBMTC).

There is no other choice, no alternative than that at global level right now. The trade off for it is life will become less chaos, maybe less “boring” from higher level view.

But that is a must action & solution to stop the dying of this civilization.
But the time is shot, I can only help you direct in person or online more about GFFTU or GBMTC if the Zimbabwe Money ZWR exchange occor before 21/03/2019 or 19/04/2019. If not then it is better to see some more chaos of this civilization.


Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki


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