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By Dr Richard Ruhling
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How Biblical End-Time Is Signaled by Israel’s Isolation by UN’s Vote that Favors Muslims, Trump Opinion Based on Bible Prophecy Half Fulfilled

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Ruhling, an expert on Bible prophecy, predicted war with Iraq before 9-11, based on Christ saying to understand Daniel. “The vision at time of the end has Medes & Persians that are now Iraq & Iran, Dan 8:17,20.

God “declares the end from the beginning,” Isa 46:10. In the book of beginnings, God tested Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son, Isaac. At the last second, Isaac was spared by sacrificing a ram that was caught in a bush. George Bush caught the 1st horn. The vision is half fulfilled; Saddam is gone.

Muslims say the son spared by the ram was Ishmael. They celebrate the ram sacrifice, Al Adha, in their 2nd holiest day, June 15-16. So which is the true holy book? Bible has amazing detail with a Bush; how did God know?  The 2nd horn is broken by the goat’s great horn. In Bible times, horns were cut off to make trumpets. The great horn may represent Trump who says ok to military for a Commander-in-Chief when Muslims take Jerusalem, Zech 14. For reasons beyond the scope of this article, Ruhling sees a window of biblical timing for Muslim’s Jerusalim attack as June 15 to July 15.

Trump has made mistakes, but God used a heathen king to discipline Jerusalem; their temple burned on the 10th day of the 5th Jewish month, Jeremiah 52:12. It happened again when Jews failed to count the 70 prophetic weeks of years pointing to Christ (Messiah, anointing) in the 69th week. Jerusalem was destroyed in the next verse, Dan 9:24-26. Their temple burned again on the 10th day of the 5th month  (counting from the 1st new moon in spring.)

If it happens again, it’s a message the Jews should not miss. A Messianic rabbi lamented 90% of Israel’s Jews have no interest in their spiritual heritage; they came for free land, but it wasn’t the UN’s land to give. God gave the “Promised Land” to Abraham for his seed, and Ruhling says that includes Christians as the 2nd olive tree in the Jewish Bible, Zechariah 4.

Ruhling sees the New World Order as involving false worship and compelling all so they can’t buy or sell without a mark of compliance. Revelation 13. To spare us, God plans another Exodus (Jeremiah 31; Ezekiel 36). Ezekiel 37’s two sticks are Jews who accept Messiah, and Christians who accept the biblical laws restored by Elijah, Mal 4:4,5. They are compatible and become God’s kingdom in Ezekiel 37:22.

This is a bitter pill for Jews to swallow, but faced with the destruction of Jerusalem in Zechariah 14, Ruhling sees a movement of Jews that re-evaluates Isaiah 53 and Daniel 9:25,26.

“What is to come has been already; God summons each event back in its turn.” Eccl 3:15. If we see Jerusalem burn in August, it should invite reconsideration.  

Trump is engraved on a coin in Israel as Cyrus II, but he hasn’t done what Cyrus I did. Yet in spite of all odds, Trump is still around. God named Cyrus 100 years before he was born and to told how he would conquer  Babylon when two river gates were left open, Isaiah 45:1.

Cyrus knew nothing about Isaiah’s writings, but he diverted the Euphrates River into a reservoir and marched at night under Babylon’s wall to discover two gates left open. He conquered Babylon with minimal loss of life and when Daniel showed Cyrus his name in the scroll taken from Jerusalem 70 years earlier, Cyrus freed Israel to return to their homeland and gave them a donation for their God.

Five verses before his name, Cyrus saw that God formed him in the womb (Isaiah 44:24) and God punished Egypt for throwing Israel’s babies in the river, but the US has thrown 63 million babies in the trash since Roe v Wade—worse than Egypt, more deserving of punishment? How do we get there?

Ruhling says God will let Muslims chase unbelieving Jews out, but when they celebrate their Quran that says, “Allah has no Son,” suddenly, “The Lord shall roar from Jerusalem…the heavens and earth shall shake,” Joel 3:16. That earthquake initiates the biblical “day of the Lord” when God “will shake earth terribly,” (Isaiah 2:12,21) and as a time of judgment begins, it will punish the US as well.

When God executed judgment in Egypt, it was “night of the Lord,” Exod 12:12,42. As day follows night we may expect the earthquake to be felt worldwide as it initiates the trumpets of Revelation 8:5,6.

The biblical message is, “Fear Godthe time of His judgment is come” Rev 14:7.

The Greek word for judgment is krisis, and in Chinese, it has two characters: danger and opportunity., Ruhling sees good news of a kingdom. When God judged Egypt and took Israel to a covenant, He said if they kept His covenant, they would be His kingdom, Exodus 19:5,6.

This is a different view than many preachers who think God will snatch them to heaven suddenly, but it’s a misunderstanding of the wedding parables, according to Ruhling.

We should oppose digital currency that will force compliance when we can’t buy or sell without going along with a false system, Rev 13:15,16. The elite may be surprised by a “reset” they didn’t intend.

After the earthquake when the 1st trumpet sounds, “all green grass is burnt up.” Revelation 8:5-7.  If that were literal, we might all die with no need for more plagues, but it has a spiritual meaning, for “as the flower of the grass, so shall the rich man fade.” James 1:9-11, KJB. Not rich anymore. We may expect it on the “Feast of Trumpets”, the 1st day of 7thmonth, Lev 23:24. “October Surprise”?

Since krisis means danger and opportunity, where’s the good news of opportunity? It’s in Christ’s wedding parables. After God made the covenant with Israel, He later daid, Return, I am married to you, Jer 3:14. He regarded the covenant as a marriage. He would be their protector, Exod 34:10,11. The earthquake is also the knock in the wedding parable of Luke 12:36 because the only other place Christ “knocks” is for the last church in Revelation 3. Lukewarm with materialism, it ended in an earthquake circa 63 AD. This is likely a lesson for western Christianity so focused on possessions.

The good news is in the reward for those who seek compliance with Scripture instead of a New World Order that involves false worship. Most people will go along to get along in spite of the Bible’s warning.

God may use Trump, in spite problems, just as He can use any of us if we repent and seek to live by the best information that we have. Trump failed to get along in the Oval Office with Jesuit advisors who want a UN New World Order as the route to papal supremacy lost when Protestants risked their lives in little boats and from Indians or starvation for freedom in the New World.

After the Lord roars to shake the world and the goat stomps the ram for taking Jerusalem, the great horn breaks. This happened to Alexander the Great who conquered the Medes & Persians, but the vision is “at the time of the end.” As Alexander died prematurely, we could see an assassination by (breaking of the great horn/Trump) by those wanting US under UN’s NWO.

All of this may seem like wild speculation, but if it happens by odd coincidences like Bush catching the 1st horn, and we see an earthquake that shakes the world, re-visiting this may help understanding.

From time to time, it seems that God has given a vision of this earthquake to some who share it, says Ruhling who graduated from Loma Linda University as an MD, but he later learned that the founder, Ellen White, did not want drugs taught in her school after she put up $5000 to buy it to train mission-aries with natural remedies. She said drugs change the form and location of the disease. This was her explanation of Adverse Drug Reactions that are a leading cause of illness & death in spite of CDC never reporting this in their top 10 list, but the Journal of AMA reported it, 4-15-98 and other journals.

Loma Linda University was given a $40 million grant for a study to learn why Seventh-day Adventists live about 7 years longer than other non-smoking groups. Ruhling said it was because of Ellen White’s health writings. For example, she said tobacco is a “malignant poison” in 1864,100 years before the US Surgeon General linked the malignant poison to malignant lung tumors in 1964.

Dr. Clive McCay, Prof. of Nutrition at Cornell University, reviewed White’s diet and health writings. He summarized them to say there is no better overall guide available (1960’s, but still true, says Ruhling, relating White’s vision of an earthquake at Loma Linda with “buildings great and small falling”  9T 92  She cited Zeph 1:8 that God will punish evil-doers (taking her natural-remedy school to teach drugs.)

One of the nice features of Christmas is the music and millions have appreciated Handel’s Messiah that include Haggai’s prophecy. “I will shake the heavens, and the earth…all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come.” Hag 2:6,7. The desire of all nations is God’s kingdom when there will be no more war. “Kingdom” means dominion of the king and as Moses asked, “What nation has such wise statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law?” Deuteronomy 4:8.

It’s a law of fairness and equality and it doesn’t need big government to enforce it. Just as obedience to natural laws can bring health, the by-product of obedience to moral laws is happiness.

If we lie, cheat or steal, we are not happy, and we can’t earn salvation by our ability to keep God’s laws. We keep them in gratitude for God’s forgiveness and Christ’s death to pay our sin penalty and win our love for God who has paid the highest price in Lucifer’s rebellion against God, Isa 14:12-15.

Ruhling’s opinion is that all denominations have problems. When Christ warned to beware the leaven of Pharisees, He was referring to their teachings. Preachers like smooth sermons that are easy to swallow without much chewing. That’s why God said Elijah must come to restore all things, Matt 17:11.

The 7 seals (Revelation 6) have contextual links to 7 topics that are missing in most churches, but they can be the basis of a covenant that we make to be part of God’s kingdom. God got an ignorant bride at Sinai—Israel worshiped a calf 40 days after their covenant. This must not happen to Christ and our offer of 7 teachings that are not leavened (Matt 16:12) is an incentive for Him to choose us as a Bride.

An example is the 1st seal in Rev 6:1. John heard thunder and it’s linked to God’s name where Christ prayed that God would glorify His name and the people heard thunder in John 12:28,29. We see it again where the 144,000 are sealed with God’s name and ithere are thunderings, Rev 14:1,2.

Solomon dedicated his temple to God’s “great name…that all people might know Thy name,” 1Kings 8:42,43. But now, not even 1% of Christians or Jews know God’s name.

The devil could not kill God, but he got rid of God’s identity—His name. In the Ten Commandments, we find LORD in all capital letters seven times where God’s name was removed by translators, but in the end we need to know His name (Joel 2:32) and seven topics for a covenant that are linked to the seven seals in Revelation 6. 

Summary: The many Muslim nations in the UN vote against Israel and an attack will reflect Bible prophecy for end-times when Muslims take Jerusalem. “The Lord shall roar from Jerusalem…the heavens and earth shall shake.” Parallels of US to Egypt suggest the earthquake will punish US.

For more information, readers may visit Ruhling’s website,   

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    • Le Roy

      👐🏻 Jesus apparently renewed, for his time, an ancient psycho-physical conception of the nature of the realm or world in which we appear. The mood of ordinary experience conceives the Principles of this world to be separation, negative results, and death. Jesus communicated the view that the Principles of this world are prior unity with God, renunciation and forgiveness as a means of purification, and an individually conscious Life that is ever changing but never destroyed.
      👐🏻 The significance of his entire life is the argument of this communication. He argued that we should accept these “good” Principles, which make those men good who believe or accept them, rather than accept the conventional and “evil” Principles, which only make all who believe or accept them into fearful, deluded, and wretched beings.
      👐🏻 Jesus represents only the argument, the conviction, and the confession of this good assumption of Good Principles. He does not represent any independent historical Act that makes it unnecessary for any one else to accept and be responsible for these Principles. In other words, the Principles of our Life are Good, but these Good Principles are only as effective in our own case as the degree of our acceptance and responsibility relative to them.
      👐🏻 All who accept these Principles must be wise and intelligent and humble, since their goodness, or identity with the Good Principles of Life, is gradual, or a process that matures and grows forever. Their Enlightenment is always instant—whenever their presumption of the Good and True is Real—but their lives are forever, and forever transformed by whatever they believe, accept, or presume. 👐🏻

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