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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: (Reporter)
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What Will The MSM Do After IG Horowitz's Report?

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What Will The MSM Do After IG Horowitz’s Report?

The Left and the traitorous congress have made themselves irrelevant regarding issues that improve life for working Americans. They have sold out to the military-industrial complex and the surveillance-national security state. The Left wants open borders while at the same time telling Americans that we need to surrender all of our liberty and right to privacy in order to be safe. The Right wants us to surrender all of our liberties while having inadvertently exposed, by virtue of Trump having to defend himself against a corrupt deep state, that the spying that we are being told is done in our name to protect us is actually being done against us and against those people we have elected to serve as our leaders. In this political environment the Left has created a frenzied McCarthyite hysteria to foment an arms race and military conflict with Russia and the Right keeps telling us we should trust a corrupt political establishment.  Don’t they realize that we Americans see through all their lies?

We have witnessed the FBI lie and obstruct justice for Clinton as she took in $2 billion through selling influence through the Clinton Foundation while serving as Secretary of State. If the DOJ IG now finds multiply felonies and racketeering regarding the Clinton Foundation, this will further demonstrate how corrupt the government is as these crimes would have been buried by the lunatic partisans Obama stuffed into the government, many of them rabid Clinton operatives. These people now want to excuse away spying on the Trump Campaign by telling us a former CIA spy, who spied on the Carter Campaign and is connected to the Bush family, did not spy but was merely an informant. It seems semantics now justifies whatever governmental criminality the MSM wants excused.

Clapper says Trump should be glad that the FBI was spying on him. And while the entire 7th Floor of the FBI has been disgraced, fired, resigned or demoted awaiting criminal referrals from IG Horowitz’s report, Rosenstein wants Mueller to continue trying to prosecute an obstruction of justice charge for doing exactly what Rosenstein advised Trump to do, namely the firing of Comey. This makes Rosenstein a fact witness in the investigation of the firing of Comey and creates a situation that would require Rosenstein to recuse himself.

Strzok and Page, the two FBI lovers, had someone in the FBI try to destroy their emails. The IG had to search and use forensic tools to recollect the missing texts, although it has been noted that some are still missing. This is what happens when you have people like Obama, Clinton, Holder, Lynch, Comey, Brennan and Clapper constantly get away with crimes and conduct cover-ups. The disaster that Obama ensured would happen by placing such corrupt people in charge is now being blamed on Trump. Clinton was able to destroy 30,000 emails and appointment logs without a peep by the FBI, a situation that ensured she would be able to hide her using the State Department as means of directing foreign government cash flow into the Clinton Foundation coffers. Nobody kicked in her door and seized her computers. Instead the FBI helped Clinton destroy computers, phones and documents. Then the FBI granted all Clinton’s accomplices immunity, failed to empanel a grand jury, changed language of the final report to exonerate Hillary, drafted an exoneration letter before the most important witnesses were called which included Hillary herself, and then had Comey fail to complain as Lynch told Comey to refer to the Clinton investigation as a matter and not an investigation.  Comey didn’t even bother to record Clinton or anyone else’s statements, nor did he even bother to put Clinton under oath.

This does not even begin to address the shenanigans involved in the Hillary/DNC $12 million Steele Dossier that used British anti-Trump partisans and Russian intelligence agents to target Trump. Let’s not forget that Nellie Ohr, wife of DOJ lawyer Bruce Ohr, helped write the dossier and received many hundreds of thousands of dollars for her work. This dossier was then passed on to DOJ lawyer Bruce Ohr who dressed it up and used it as the basis for a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. Comey admitted in sworn testimony that the dossier was salacious and uncorroborated, but he kept this fact hidden from the FISA Court even as he blamed his underlings for his failure to report this counter-intelligence investigation to the Gang of 8 as required by law. He also failed to inform the FISA Court that Clinton paid for the dossier, that Steele was rabidly anti-Trump, that the intelligence came from Russian agents, that Steele had lied to and been fired the FBI, that Steele released the dossier to the media, that Bruce Ohr’s wife worked on the dossier, or that McCabe’s wife received $650,000 from  Clinton confidant. It seems no evidence is too obvious to ignore when it comes to the FBI and DOJ obstructing and ensuring their and Clinton’s crimes are hidden and unprosecuted. Trump, on the other hand, has a special investigator go on a fishing expedition without even naming a crime. Yet, the MSM expects all of us to believe this is normal and appropriate.

The MSM is now completely in the bag for Clinton and every crime committed by the Democrats, FBI or DOJ are explained away by gaslighting the American public. The never-Trumpers hypocrisy is as palpable as Hillary’s greed. That Obama’s FBI was more concerned that Carter Page took a $3,000 speaking fee as Hillary receiving a $145 million donation from Russians and Bill getting a $500,000 speaking fee from them as the uranium deal was pushed through speaks volumes regarding the issue of selective and political prosecutions not to mention bribery and racketeering. Chomsky always called the FBI the national political police, and he is right. Why is it the gang of eight were not told by Obama’s FBI that the uranium sale to the Russians involved money laundering, racketeering, bribery, blackmail and intimidation? Why did Lynch gag the FBI informant that tried to expose the Russian crime in the Uranium One/Rosatom scandal and crimes?

The FBI was discredited the moment it decided to pardon Clinton’s accomplices as she destroyed 30,000 emails. Meanwhile, the FBI raids Trump’s lawyer’s office and home and we are supposed to believe that the FBI and DOJ are on the up-and-up? Now the FBI and DOJ want to obstruct the release of documents requested by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the Judicial Oversight Committee and the Gang of 8 made up of Democratic and Republican senators and representatives.

Mueller made all kinds of indictments against Russians but now it has been proven to be little more than political theater. His case fell apart and he argued against his own court service in an effort to buy more time for a team that has dozens of lawyers, has already spent tens of millions of dollars and has had over a year to prepare. It seems this super smart, competent and efficient Mueller could not even conduct proper service. Now he has fallen on his face as defense lawyers demand production of evidence exhibits. So, it will end up he will drop his prosecution against the Russians to go after Trump, when his mandate was supposed to direct his efforts towards Russian interference.

All these issues I have told you have been ignored by MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, WaPo, NY Times, NPR and the WSJ. This makes me a better reporter that anyone at the aforementioned news agencies. Given all this information, isn’t it strange that the GOP members sitting on intelligence and judiciary committees can not only not get the information, emails and documents they requested as part of their constitutionally mandated oversight, but they can’t even get the DOJ to name a special prosecutor. Yet, based on a British spy who hates Trump, the word of Steel’s 20-year-old Russian contacts he paid money to, and the supposed drunk ramblings of Carter Page the FBI and DOJ unleashed CIA spies, obtained surveillance warrants, and obtained a slew of special prosecutors and investigators who demonstrated bias, engaged in perjury, obstructed justice, hold conflicts of interest and who previously exonerated Clinton of crimes so obvious that it shocks anyone actually concerned with the rule of law.

When Clinton’s missing emails became the subject during a nationally televised debate, and Trump jested that if the Russians had them he wished they were released so that everyone could see what a criminal Hillary is, Democratic politicians point to this insult as their smoking gun of Trump collusion. I guess Trump shouting, “Lock her up.”, is also obstruction of justice. I am not as smart as anyone in the MSM and yet when I hear nonsense like that it insults my intelligence. Once again Chomsky appear right when he says the elite think the average person too stupid to discern the truth and too easily manipulated to be allowed to make decisions.

The media may think it is building anti-Trump support, but it is doing little more than destroying its credibility. There are millions of people who have witnessed the MSM’s childishness and bias and they will not support anyone from the DNC. Millions will be turned off by DOJ and FBI crimes and bias. Millions will be disgusted in the attempt by the MSM to overthrow an elected president and the payment will come due. I think the date of the next election will be the day the American people will use to commemorate the death of the MSM and the end of its influence on the American people and in the election process.

See what Jimmy Dore has to say:



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    Total 3 comments
    • Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email:

      Thanks for reading. I hope you found the article to be informative and accurate. Please post freely.

      • larry4765

        Good article. Hope you are right about the MSM’s end.

    • AJ

      Thanks; Pretty pathetic state of Our Union today…. :cry:

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