ASHTAR AND THE ASHTAR COMMAND (WHO, WHAT, AND WHY) BY ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, ASHTAR, AND SANANDA -- THIS IS A GIFT OF ILLUMINATION FROM US TO YOU -- Happy Holidays and New Year from Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad (Ashtar's Trinity)
It’s 2 seconds ’til Ascension on the Galactic Clock on Gaia — get involved now to live life in the higher dimensions —
channeled through Rev. Deb and Janisel of Sananda’s Eagles and Project Eagle Triad (
“We, of the Governing Body of this Universe, have found it necessary and proficient to enlist the services of these many highly endowed individuals who have chosen this service as a gesture of brotherhood, to assist your planet and thereby guide the destiny of the entire Solar System into a higher dimension of life.
“The day will come when the men of Earth will rise up and call him (Ashtar) blessed who has served as leader of this volunteer force, guided their coordination, broadcast their messages to Earth in a multitude of ways, to spread the good news of the Kingdom of God on Earth. We salute the Ashtar Command and all that it embodies, as well as all that it has accomplished and shall accomplish for the fulfillment of the Will of God. Receive ye this great Man, with our blessings and our benediction. I AM Archangel Michael, of the Lord’s Hosts.”
Dear ones, my name is Ashtar. I am an etheric being from many, many planets, stars and incarnations. However, for billions of years, I have taken on one project, the project of populating many planets with “Star Seed”, and the project of bringing those planets through evolution. Earth is not the only one! Still it was myself, among others, who brought life to Earth in the very beginning and I did this, as did others, mainly through intention and through the process of creation relative to the human being. Now, because the Earth is out of balance and because I have an interest in the people, I come to assist at this time, to see her through the evolution into the Fifth-Twelfth Dimensions.
And so, I come as a shepherd, gathering together his sheep safely, carrying the ones who hurt, just being there for all of them, finding the strays and bringing them together. This is my task, at this time, relative to the Earth. Ashtar means “Shepherd”. I am Ashtar, shepherd of the Earth. I wish to bring to your awareness another shepherd, for there are many. This shepherd you know very well. His name is Jesus. Jesus was an incarnation on the Earth of a very high being, known to those of the Light as Sananda. This one, of course, you all know personally. He is the one to whom you pray. Jesus. Sananda.
Dearest ones, I work directly under the leadership of Sananda. Therefore, you know and understand that we of the etheric inter-dimensional forces work directly with the Light, with Jesus and with God. Your Heavenly Creator is the one whom we worship, just as you do.
We are working with you as partners, to bring the Earth into a higher dimension. That is what is occurring and is what the Book of Revelation does not say. All of the changes upon the Earth are cleansings to prepare for this and they are explained in Revelation. It would be helpful for you to read that book, the last chapter in the Bible. As you read, you will see and you will understand there are prophesies, and that on the Earth those prophesies are being fulfilled right now. I give you these words with much love, dear ones. I give you these words in order to bring understanding to your heart.
I bring you these suggestions so you will be able to look deeper and understand better. I wish to thank you at this time…all of you who are of the stars…who are awakening to the reality that is not in the history books. These realities are coming through in the form of channelings, realizations, insights and dreams. Dear ones, I suggest that you get together with others of your philosophy, either by postal mail, by email, or in person, so you can discuss these matters, and thereby understand more.
Daily, dear ones, invoke the Light upon your entire being, your life, and your loved ones. The White Light is your protection and it is a beam through which we, in the Heaven Worlds, can guide you. This is Ashtar, helping you with information, as you are ready to receive it.
Janisel: Can you settle the little question about where you’re from as far as this chain of planets on the other side of Venus?
Ashtar: *sigh* May I explain something please? There are those that walk upon the face of this planet that are very open minded and highly enlightened about Beings being from elsewhere….as long as they remain in this galaxy. I can say that I have had a past life on what used to be referred to as Venus’ “sister-planet”, which is no longer here. I can also say that my true origins, as far as where my first incarnation birth was, no longer exists. If any wish to know my origins now, you may be completely free in telling them, “I am a Being of Light from the Heart of the Creator, that manifests when and where needed.”
Ashtar: I have come in to [explain] myself. The essence of my Being, in what you refer to as this incarnation, is my title as ‘Commander’ in your English terms. Technically, it doesn’t sound anything at all like that, but I accept that title. And I am referred to in this incarnation as Ashtar. Some refer to me as Ashtar Sheranthat is not me. The ‘Ashtar’ is, the ‘Sheran’ is my father’s name, and some seem to think that we are one and the same. They are highly mistaken! LOL
“I want to make it very clear up-front that there is only ONE of me – one Ashtar – and that I do and can work in and through several members of my ‘Command’. Yes, dearest ones, there is a ‘Command’ which bears my name, but perhaps not in the same vein as you have chosen to view it. Now, this is ground which has been covered and explained many times before, not only by me but through our dear sisters Tuella and Thedra as well as others. This ‘organization’, if you would prefer to call it that, is not a ‘Command’ as one is viewed from a third-dimensional consciousness. Perhaps you could choose to see it as a tightly-knit group of the angels and Masters, come together under Source, and working for Earth and mankind under a banner of Love. You realize, of course, that these angels and Masters include those who have chosen to be on Earth at this time. I am the ‘figurehead’, so to speak, of this organization since it bears my name. And, yes, it is a ‘Command’ – a Command of Love – Love for the Creator and Love for All Creation.
We in the Higher Realms, as well as those of my Command presently on Earth, do not constitute any sort of ‘cult’. We work for the Good of All, under All That Is, serving and carrying out the Divine Blueprint. In order to do this, I, Ashtar, work through many of the Earth-based members of my Command. I am not the ‘sole property’ of any one Being or group, nor does an initial contact which took place nearly fifty years ago give any one individual, group, or estate, what they may see as ‘exclusive rights’ to my communiqués with the peoples of Earth. I have several messengers upon this plane, as do others in my Command, and each one is used to bring forth pertinent information from us as is deemed appropriate at the time.
It is our greatest desire that all those through whom we are currently speaking will work together in a spirit of Oneness, Love and cooperation. We have many mouthpieces, and no one person, on Earth or ‘otherwise’, can claim exclusive rights to our words. We work with and through those we have seen to be, and who have proved themselves to be, an open and loving channel of pure Heart and intent. We do, and will continue, to work closely with these awakened Earth-based members of my Command. We have a job to doa Divine Functionas do you, and we will continue to employ all means, ways, and messengers at our disposal to do so, in the most expedient manner possible. And so be it. I am Ashtar, of the Ashtar Command, through one of MY chosen messengers.”
Without resorting to the use of channelings which abound on the Internet as to what the Ashtar Command is, let us give a very simple explanation. The Command is the cohesive organization, under the ultimate direction of Lord Sananda, which has come together for the sole purpose of overseeing the safety and spiritual development of Earth and all her inhabitants. It is composed of various Races and Species from throughout this Universe as well as some from other Universes. The question has often been asked, “Are Beings such as the Greys and Reptilians part of the Command?” The answer to that is, “Yes.” One cannot lump all off-world Beings into a category of either ‘good’ or ‘bad’ anymore than you could say all Earth humans are either ‘good’ or ‘bad’. All Races and Species have their share of both of these energetics. You may feel assured, however, that all those working within the Ashtar Command are of a higher-vibrational nature and all within the Command are working for the good of Earth mankind. The Command, however, is not composed of simply ‘aliens’ from other planets, galaxies or dimensions. It also includes the Angelic Realms and those working in their behalf. Their craft have surrounded and monitored Earth for billions of years, ever watching, ever protecting, and ever loving, ensuring our safety, our sovereignty, and most of all our freewill choice. So look to the skies, and if you see one of our space brothers and sisters, give a heartfelt ‘wave’ and say “Thank you, God!”
Sananda: “How about for once, I describe to you my brother Ashtar, and what is referred to as his Command, shall I? You see, the Divine Creator is in charge of all contracts… all Soul Contracts for each life that comes anew from the Souls that decide to experience some sort of lifetime in some dimension. These Soul Contracts are guarded and protected by the Divine Creator itself. However, there came a time when this planet began to call out to the Divine Creator for Christed energies, without truly realizing what it was they were crying out for. For you see, there came a time that there were too many ‘gods’, too much imagination going into the wonders of all that was. And man’s small brain at that time figured that it was far too much for one Creator to do, so therefore, there came about many gods. Well, the next thing you know, there are wars… many, many wars… because everyone had their favorite god and they wanted everyone else to worship THEIR god.
It became very violent and, therefore, those that knew and had always known that there was but one true Divine Creator, called upon the Divine Creator and said, “Bring us a sign. Bring us a gift that will prove to all that you are still with us, that you still watch us, that you still watch over us, and that you still protect us. Bring us the One that will teach ALL of us who you truly are and how we may truly commune with you.” You do realize, don’t you, that I was but one of those?
There were many of the Christed Beings that came to ALL of the civilizations upon this earth. Each civilization that cried out for a Christed Being received one. When the first Christed Being stepped upon this planet… and I will not give away yet who that was… the Divine Creator wished to have protection for that Christed Being… SPECIAL protection… a way IN for the precious cargo, and a way OUT for the precious cargo. So therefore, the Divine Creator put out a call and asked for one who would be willing to sacrifice their own independence to make sure that this Christed Being would be protected for however long it took them to be here. One Being came forward. That Being is my brother Ashtar. But you see, it is not as if everyone else was just spinning their fingers with nothing better to do… there was much going on at that time. And this was a new planet, in universal standards, that is. So you might say that my brother Ashtar went through an intense training period from the Divine Creator to guard over this Christed Being.
Now… it is as such. He did an excellent job, and he did such a wonderful job, you might say he got a promotion. And the Divine Creator asked if my brother Ashtar felt that he could handle a ‘larger’ mission, if he could coordinate many Beings to watch over the Beings here on this planet, to make sure that their Contract time and their Contracts – ALL aspects of their Contracts – were followed. Well, my brother Ashtar began recruiting, was given the energy and the time, and went among all the universes and recruited… asking for the volunteers to come and help. This, then, became Ashtar’s Command. Now, there are going to be some that read this that will find it highly unlikely, highly improbably, perhaps even fictional. This is well and good. It is your choice. I am more or less just filling in a few blanks along the way for those that wish to have this information. For you see, the ones that resonate with this information, the ones that feel in their heart that this IS the correct information, are truly those that were the first volunteers that came to my brother Ashtar’s call for assistance. For they are the ones that were with him from almost the beginning, that know the truth. And over time, many, many more have joined in. So therefore, if you do not believe this story, it matters not. Perhaps you volunteered and came in at a later time. That is fine, too. But there are also many out there who are reading these lessons that will say, “I am not of the Ashtar Command, I just KNOW of Ashtar.” If you resonate at ALL with the name Ashtar… at ALL… if you KNOW of the name of my brother Ashtar… at ALL… you ARE of the Ashtar Command!
Now… I will step on a few more toes here. There are those of you that KNOW… you feel in your heart and your soul that you are a member of Michael’s Legions. If you are on this planet and you are of Michael’s Legions, you are ALSO of my brother Ashtar’s Command. If you were of Michael’s Legions and you were NOT of my brother Ashtar’s Command, you would not be here on this planet. It is possible to be of the Ashtar Command on this planet and NOT be of Michael’s Legions… but it is IMPOSSIBLE to be of Michael’s Legions on this planet and NOT be a member of my brother Ashtar’s Command. It is just the way it is. Some of you may not resonate with that, either! This, again, is entirely up to you. It matters not to me at all if you do not resonate with this, however, I can tell you for a fact that any that know of my brother Ashtar, or any that feel they are of Michael’s Legions that are on this planet at this point in time, you ARE OF THE COMMAND, and you ARE here for a SPECIFIC MISSION, possibly even more than one. For there are those out there who have denied for far too long. There are those out there that are still asleep, and it is well-past time for them to wake up. For things have accelerated to the point where ALL are needed. You still have a choice, mind you, as to whether you wish to continue on with your mission or not. However, the time has come that, if you decide NOT to continue on with your mission, that mission will be taken from you and given elsewhere. There are very few instances now of those being able to postpone their missions any longer. You CAN renegotiate your mission, you can decide not to give up everything in your life to do this because this is not what is being asked of you. The main thing that you are asked to do right now is to recognize who and what you are here for. RECOGNIZE WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU ARE HERE FOR, THEN DO SERVICE FOR THE CREATOR AND FOR THE UNIVERSE/S.”
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