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Arrival of more U.S. warships to Yemen to intercept weapons from Iran -Bullsh*t -the Terrorists have Half a Billion in U.S military Hardware

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The U.S. Navy has sent an aircraft carrier and a guided-missile cruiser into the waters near Yemen to conduct maritime security operations, a Pentagon spokesman said on Monday, but he denied the ships were on a mission to intercept Iranian arms shipments.

The ships will join seven other U.S. warships already in the waters near Yemen.

Sunni Muslim Saudi Arabia believes Shi’ite Iran backs the Houthis, Islamists from an offshoot branch of Shi’ism, and aims to establish a foothold in the kingdom’s southern neighbor and undermine Gulf Arab security.

A senior Iranian official told Reuters in December a “few hundred” elite Iranian military personnel were in Yemen training Houthi fighters, and around a hundred Yemeni militiamen had traveled to Iran over the year, but Iran and the Houthis deny they have any military or economic relationship.

“Ansarullah (the Houthis) don’t need weapons from outside. We have enough,” al-Bukhaiti said.–sector.html


Half a Billion in U.S military Hardware “missing” in Yemen, including Cargo Plane.


From Top Conservative NewsIt is now admitted by the Obama regime that a half billion in US military hardware in Yemen can not be accounted for. Some of the hardware is believed to be in the hands of the Iranian backed Houthi militia. It is also likely that al-Qaeda is now using some of this equipment.

Read article in Washington Post.

Recently the US closed it’s embassy in Yemen and fled the country. US Marines were ordered to hand over their M-16s and other supplies to the Iranian backed Houthi Shiite militia.

When the US left Iraq, many Billions in military supplies were simply abandoned. The Pentagon bragged that it saved one billion dollars in shipping costs by leaving equipment behind. This included hundreds of humvees and artillery pieces. Much of this was seized by isis. The United States has now spent several billion dollars trying to blow up these assets.

Comments I am including…

Rick-How many times in the past history has our modern military hardware ended up in the enemies hands? NONE until this presidency.

Victor -No accountability. Even the ISIS head choppers are wearing American Cammies and boots. It’s like giving criminals a gun to rob and kill us.
Kathy -It’s NOT missing Obama LET them have it.
Marine-”It is now admitted by the Obama regime that a half billion in US military hardware in Yemen can not be accounted for. Some of the hardware is believed to be in the hands of the Iranian backed Houthi militia. It is also likely that al-Qaeda is now using some of this equipment.”..Giving Aide to the Enemy -Try Him and fry him. What complicite treasonous shitbirds he has running Our military.




Need I remind you of this Article back in July 3,2014



ISIS is marching through city after city in Iraq, and they are doing it with American weapons

ISIS is marching through city after city in Iraq, and they are doing it with American weapons.  Thanks to a series of stunning victories in recent months, ISIS has captured a vast array of U.S. military equipment including trucks, Humvees, rockets, artillery pieces and Stinger missiles.  When the U.S. was pulling out of Iraq, we were extremely generous to the new Iraqi army.  We basically armed them to the teeth with equipment that U.S. taxpayers paid for.  But now that the new Iraqi army is folding like a 20 dollar suit in the face of ISIS jihadists, vast quantities of that military equipment are falling into the hands of some of the most radical jihadists the world has ever seen.  And considering the fact that ISIS also recently seized the equivalent of nearly $500 million in cash from a bank in Mosul, the leadership of ISIS won’t be having much problem buying anything else that they might need either.  ISIS is getting stronger with each passing day, and they are not going to be satisfied until the Iraqi government has been toppled.  It is a geopolitical mess of epic proportions, and there don’t seem to be any easy solutions on the horizon.

To say that the new Iraqi army has been incompetent would be a massive understatement.  Not only have they run away like scared kittens from these jihadists, they have also left behind staggering amounts of weaponry for them.  According to the Los Angeles Times, ISIS has captured “the weapons stores of the 2nd and 3rd [Iraqi army] divisions in Mosul, the 4th division in Salah al Din, the 12th division in the areas near Kirkuk, and another division in Diyala”.  And we aren’t just talking about rifles and ammunition.  We are talking about some pretty impressive hardware

One of the most popular photos mocking the Obamas and the U.S. military under the #BringBackOurHumvee hashtag is posted below…

We have become a laughingstock to ISIS.  They know that we are not going to invade Iraq again.  So they are laughing at us as they use our own equipment to take over the country.

It is estimated that the military equipment that ISIS has captured so far could equip an army of 200,000 soldiers.  No wonder ISIS is recruiting more fighters so vigorously.

But wait, there’s more.

As WND has documented, members of ISIS were actually trained by U.S. personnel at a secret base in Jordan back in 2012…

read more here …


Well as if All this  treachery ,treason and betrayal is not enough to turn your stomach AMERICA.

The Obama State Department continues to push full speed ahead ,against All opposition, to arm Iran with nukes…

And Russia is sending long range S300 missles to  Iran to deploy the nukes to these terrorists they are supporting All over the Middle East.

Russia lifts ban on S-300 missile system delivery to Iran

Report: ISIS Terrorists Claim To Have Access To Nuclear Weapons, Will Use Them Against Israel

Report: 4 ISIS Terrorists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs



       “Weary is the head that wears the Crown of Islam” 



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