Nuclear Strikes Within USA Coming - Zionist Timeline Leaked - Major Update! [January 18, 2020]
UPDATE XII [January 18, 2020] Critical new report giving significantly higher credence to the credibility of EVERYTHING Rabbi David Goldberg was warning us about – “Trump Lies His A$$ Off To Advance Nuclear Conflict/NWO Genocide”
UPDATE VIIII [August 26, 2019] Everything Rabbi Goldberg Predicted Is Coming True!
ISRAEL Attacks Four Countries In Two Days, Allegedly Bombing IRANIAN Allies Across Middle East [Do NOT MISS the TruNews video]:
War Drums: Israel Preparing for Direct Strike Inside Iran
Israel Attacks Iranian Targets in Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon!
Attacks against Iranian-allied forces in three countries, all blamed on Israel, escalated tensions across the Middle East on Sunday, drawing threats of retaliation and intensifying fears that a bigger conflict could erupt.
Note: Tied to the hip with this article is the following article which in my view is the ARTICLE POTENTIALLY OF GREATER IMPORTANCE:
[Jews] Trump/Kushner Plan To Behead Christians In The Name Of Peace!
WORTH REPEATING: Rabbi David Goldberg states that Millions of Christians Will Die Over This and that This Is War and that You Are So Stupid If You Do Nothing With This Inside Information:
Paris expressed concern regarding reports of precision-guided missiles on Lebanese soil, which Israel may strike at.
[Also] Israeli official reportedly told Bassil that Israel … will not hesitate to strike at Iranian and Hezbollah targets in Syria.
UPDATE II: ALERT: Iran Update (From BAD to WORSE)
UPDATE III: Trump on Alert! Oil Tankers Sabotaged! Iran War Appears Imminent and Will Be Unlike Anything We’ve Ever Seen Before!
UPDATE IV [May 19/20, 2019]: Trump vows to ‘end’ Iran if it threatens US again
Iran [Pro]-War [propaganda] “rollout” a “disaster” says top Israeli Rabbi [Thus forcing Trump and the media to start ACTING like they are NOW AGAINST starting war with Iran in a DECEPTIVE attempt to regain public trust from the waking yet still gullible sheeple -- ALL THIS so that they can later plant a nuclear false flag [falsely blaming Iran] which the EASILY IMRESSIONABLE [then re-trusting public] will falsely beLIEve was an attack from Iran/pretext for war against Iran]:
Trump told he will be “FLUSHED DOWN TOILET” if no Iran war [Trump caves] – also claimed here is that Donald Trump is deeply involved in money laundering.
UPDATE V [May 29, 2019]: Evil Iran War In October White House Source Reports!
UPDATE VI [June 16,2019]: Rabbi David Goldberg (who revealed war with Iran timeline) has apparently been assasinated in his home, where friends later found top secret documents in a safe.
UPDATE VII [June 24, 2019] “President Donald Trump, following the orders of Satanic Chabad pseudo-Jews, ordered a massive attack on Iran on June 21st, a day of Satanic summer solstice fire sacrifice, but the U.S. military refused to obey him.” – Benjamin Fulford. /v3/economics-and-politics/2019/2519512.html
UPDATE VIII [July 22, 2019] 6 Things Happened In The Last Few Days That Scream WWIII
UPDATE X [September 16, 2019] It seemed appropriate to also add the following item to this article:
A detailed case is made from the Bible how the USA will in one hour be nuclear bombed to total destruction – NEVER to be inhabited again – see “Babylon USA”
UPDATE XI [September 23, 2019] Iran was apparently FALSELY accused of perpetrating Major Damage to a Major Saudi Arabia Oil Refinery [according to Jim Stone and others]. Iran’s President Warns the West To ‘Stay Away’ & Unveils Ballistic Missiles | Yemeni Rebels Warn Iran Plans Another Strike Soon | US Sends More Troops & Air Defenses to Protect Saudi Arabia
Original Story Begins Here:
An Intelligence source within Israel who has been right about several events which s/he has already warned about [Update: There were actually 3-4 whistleblowers involved, one of which, David Goldberg, SADLY has since been assassinated], has warned that Israel will take down Lebanon, then Syria. At THAT time the USA will engage against Russia while they are dealing with Iran (October, 2019), to provoke Russia. This will be followed with several limited nuclear strikes within the United States. When Iran is being hit, USA will be the next in line. Then comes the separation of Americans into FEMA camps where the Zionists will genocide those groups that they do not want.
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This information came out recently in the second half of an under 2 hour YouTube video by a HIGHLY RESPECTED SOURCE who has been raising awareness of how the CURRENT WORLDWIDE PROPAGATION of the 7 noahide laws (and 70 accompanied sub laws), will legalize the beheading of Christians. Because the Zionists will be out for blood for the releasing of this information, I will NOT include a link to this video in an attempt to protect this GOD-SEND source. But I will say that the phrase “Noahide Laws” is NOT in the title of this Youtube video, which remarkably has NOT YET been taken down.
People wishing to evaluate my own personal integrity with regards to my publishing this are encouraged to evaluate your percieved integrity of my cornerstone article linked below:
Regardless of Intent Your Vote is Effectively a Hate Crime [The REAL Donald Trump Revealed]:
- /v3/new-world-order/2018/8235.html
See also my recent article “Julian Assange Will Be Tortured Just Because . . .”
- /v3/power-elite/2019/2453075.html
no link- yet the vid has been released by those who wanted to share the info?
More manipulative attention whore clik bait.
get lost jerk, peddle your $hit elsewhere
Anonymous – Don’t be so shallow!
Anyway, I have learned that prior to the interview the person I was trying to protect was informed that he was on the “red list”, so have at it:
Here is your insider David Goldberg, from his own site. Did he guess the “120,000 troops” right? How legit is someone like this? Listen to his full vid @ 11:00. Sure. lolol
Hypothesis is on a mission. I say send him to Mars.
there is a link. dont you read?
Goldberg was dealt w/ skeptically till his stuff began to come true- first predicting 120,000 US troops to fight Israel’s war on Iran (in Feb). In May, NYT announced that very thing. So far, what he says has been born out by events
I think my Jerulalem Post update to the OP today offers further credibility to this story.
Four Hours ago I added the following to the OP but still Many locations cannot see it nor the title change:
UPDATE II: ALERT: Iran Update (From BAD to WORSE)
UPDATE III: Trump on Alert! Oil Tankers Sabotaged! Iran War Appears Imminent and Will Be Unlike Anything We’ve Ever Seen Before!
Whenever I see Israel and Zionist together I take it with a grain of salt knowing it comes from the DERANGED Left.
Slimey – do you honestly beLIEive Republicans are working ANY LESS HARD to bring about the NWO than the DEMO-SHITS? Are you SERIOUSLY THAT NAIVE? Have you NOT yet learned that it is ALL PROPAGANDA POLITICS/Divide and Conquer BRAINWASHING?
“Loyalty Agreement” with Israel that Congresspersons are “required” to sign – “Apparently the only Congressman now in Congress [2015] that refused to sign this AIPAC Loyalty Oath to Israel was Representative Walter Jones”
March 8, 2019 Donald Trump on video described the [Zionist/Luciferian led] Democratic Party as an “anti-Israel party” [WTF - Is Trump now even MORE ZIONIST than the Zio-Demorats? Is that even possible?]:
89 of our Senators and Congress hold dual citizenship with Israel, which of course is treasonous – you cannot serve two masters…
Trump’s Kabbalah ‘Tree of Life’ Award
Proof that behind the scenes Donald Trump is 100% Zionist/NWO:
- /v3/new-world-order/2018/8235.html
Democraps, I am convinced are DEMON possessed. Retardicans have NO SPINE. RINOS are just plain treasonous.
The US has already been nuked. NYC was nuked at least twice in 911. Both of the Twin Towers were micro nuked. 80% of the steel and concrete were turned into dust before it ever hit the ground.
And who had 2 weeks of unmonitored access to those heavily corroded towers? A certain group of highly trained Mossad “art students.”
The all caps convinced me.
“War imminent like nothing we’re ever seen” yeah it will be the shortest naval engagement in recorded history when we unleash our carriers on Irans puny navy and their army should last about as long as Sadams republican guard. Remember they fought a war against each other for years that resulted in a stalemate and could not defeat Sadam what makes you think they will do any better against the U.S.
What you fail to understand is that this is ALL just theater, a false flag effort for the Zionists to nuke the USA and rein in their New World Order. The Zionists have all the power.
Apparently the Bible makes a similar but even more dire prediction than does Rabbi David Goldberg – how the USA will in one hour be nuclear bombed to total destruction – NEVER to be inhabited again:
“Babylon USA” – Full Movie 2017
That link is to a “Private Video.”
Thanks for the heads-up. Here is another link:
Babylon USA Official Full Film
Hey HypnosisFree-
This was back iin April, and you still got squat to show for your crappy work.
Care to expound on the latest UPDATE?
You’re a Maroon.
Trump is guilty of attempting to start WWIII according to both Benjamin Fulford AND Rabbi David Goldberg:
“President Donald Trump, following the orders of Satanic Chabad pseudo-Jews [of which "Jared PEACE Kushner" is a member], ordered a massive attack on Iran on June 21st, a day of Satanic summer solstice fire sacrifice, but the U.S. military refused to obey him.” – Benjamin Fulford:
Trump told he will be “FLUSHED DOWN TOILET” if no Iran war [Trump caves]
So after the leaks by David Goldberg, the Zionist leaders desired to cut short the timeline on attacking Iran, instead of waiting until October. Fortunately so far that effort was foiled, however there have been SEVERAL further attempts to escalate tensions between Iran and the USA since my latest update. Only a moron would NOT see the obvious – that it is STILL GAME ON for attacking Iran.
Another MAJOR STORY in David Goldberg’s leaks is the following – [Jews] Trump/Kushner Plan To Behead Christians In The Name Of Peace!
- /v3/christian-news/2019/2580229.html
White House Insider FIRED for revealing Trump is a Jew
Rabbi David Goldberg states that Trump converted to Judaism 3 years ago and he believes Jared Kushner is the Messiah or Moshiach:
Rabbi David Goldberg states that Millions of Christians Will Die Over This and that This Is War and that You Are So Stupid If You Do Nothing With This Inside Information:
“Benjamin Fulford”……..
You mean the Bad Comb-Over Guy!?!?!
You’re a bigger Maroon than I thought you were. You make me laugh.
Central Scummifier
Sept here and Goldberg’s warning seems to be unfolding in M.E. U R typical sneering jackass who doesnt verify or research. Sarcasm isnt evidence, nor does it nullify evidence.
No Nukes, ET’s won’t let it happen!
” To Arms! To Arms! The Zionist are coming!” Grab your pony and ride hypofull ride like the wind!
Damn straight Bitch-Dog spread your legs, here it comes!
ISRAEL Attacks Four Countries In Two Days, Allegedly Bombing IRANIAN Allies Across Middle East
- /blogging-citizen-journalism/2019/08/israel-attacks-four-countries-in-two-days-allegedly-bombing-iranian-allies-across-middle-east-2631463.html
War Drums: Israel Preparing for Direct Strike Inside Iran
- /israel/2019/08/war-drums-israel-preparing-for-direct-strike-inside-iran-2477682.html
Um… Sorry hypofull but the Dog does not swing that way but I am flattered you would like to do me. Allow me to suggest you search the lgbtqwert websights to find what your looking for. Good luck there’s someone for everyone out there don’t despair have you tried
” Israel BAD!
Jews = occupiers ”
Blah blah blah…
Your Moniker shows that you identify with the Illuminati Octagon Serpent/Pharaoh Blood-line Child Sacrifice Torture Rape Club as shown below:
The Pharaoh Show; [Serpent hybrid] Alien Predators in Human Appearance – Swiss Secret Symbols in Switzerland
This is like the Holy Grail of SUPPRESSED TRUTH! [Important 5 min Intro]
- /v3/new-world-order/2019/8539.html
Be sure to say Hi to your buddy Jeffrey Epstein!
the real blah blah is the ever-persecuted perps who never do anything wrong, yet always seem to be in the DRIVERS SEAT when intl banking, power, sex and drug corruption scandals are exposed. but yeah, its just another ‘trope’. NOPE
How’d the nuking go? Did I miss it on the news?