Venezuela is being destroyed by Trump/USA - Jim Stone
There will be mass famine and a mass die off, (what can be expected in the U.S. if power was suddenly cut and never came back) the electrical crews are working overtime and someone is going around with a .50 cal constantly shooting the lines out.
The crews are managing to restore power several times a day now only to get hit with a totally new and random disaster.
The country absolutely will not survive this, the American war department absolutely will kill them off via starvation and lack of clean water, which is what will happen if there is no electricity to run the pumps, and no refrigeration or ability to preserve food, let alone to pump or refine gasoline.
The only way Venezuela will make it is to get rid of Guaido, and I’m not talking detainment. This is such an obvious coup it makes me want to puke.
FACT: The U.S. killed between 1 million and 3 million Iraqis (270, 000 died in Falluja alone) and at least 10 million more were maimed, in a country that is now not only proven innocent of all accusations, it is proven the war department spun a web of lies to justify doing it.
If a nation has that kind of track record, starving off a couple million Venezuelans is just another chip on the pile, that’s what they are going for, WATCH IT HAPPEN.
They lied about Iraq.
They lied about Iran.
They lied about Libya.
They lied about Syria.
They lied about Afghanistan.
They lied about Yemen.
They lied about Pakistan.
They lied about Yugoslavia.
They lied about Vietnam.
They lied about Somalia.
They lied about Haiti.
They lied about Sudan.
They lied about Panama.
They lied about Lebanon.
See Also:
[Venezuela] Is This the Most Blatant US Coup Ever? [proves once again that Donald Trump is a New World Order Zionist Asset - They think ALL PETROLIUM resources on planet earth MUST be OWNED BY ZIONIST CONTROLLED COMPANIES!
Apparently this is what Trump means by Making Zionist controlled America Great Again = Great Britain, which is 100% Zionist controlled. NEVER EVER TRUST ZIONISTS people! ISRAEL LAST!!]
Trump – Making America Great Britain Again! :
After New Zealand’s 911 false flag, Trump is about to sign the worst PATRIOT ACT gun control bill ever:
When asked about Clinton prosecution promise, Trump says he doesn’t want to hurt them, they’re good people:
In response to a crowd chanting ‘lock her up’ Trump said “Naw, stop that. No, forget it. That played great, before the election. Now we don’t care right?” –
Trump also admits “drain the swamp” was just a campaign trick –
So don’t count on Trump to do ANYTHING to purge the deepstate, because in reality, he is one of them. Think of it as one HUGE Zionist League, with the Zionist Trump Team pitted against the Zionist Hillary team, etc, etc, etc… The World is a STAGE… It’s ALL THEATER FOLKS!
Many more examples of Trump Zionist First given here:
Q Army will distract us from it all by flooding the waves with some innocuous recycled Sorcha Faal Qrap. Here’s the MOSSAD, Unit 8200 Internet Hagana model of how win hearts & minds on the web.
Trust the sQam.
It is so ABSOLUTELY mind-boggling how most people fail to see the utter importance of this story,which even after having been featured, at the moment only has slightly over 200 views. If the people were acutely awake, this story should have 500 million views by now. You people in general are so F–d you have NO IDEA!!!!!!!