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Netanyahu Defends America Before Congress

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had come to D.C. to defend Israel’s war against Islamic terrorists, instead he ended up defending America in a city and Congress overrun with them.

Marxist and Jihadist mobs prowled the streets of D.C., tearing down and burning American flags, and putting up the terrorist flags of the PLO in their place. Hamas supporters openly waved the green flag of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization and even the black ‘battle flag’ used by ISIS and other Jihadists made an appearance in the capital of the United States.

The Columbus fountain outside Union Station was vandalized with the red triangles supporting Islamic terrorist attacks and “Hamas is Coming”. “Long live the intifada” was scrawled on the Freedom Bell. A courageous lone individual rushed to save an American flag being burned by a mob shouting “Allahu Akbar” which quickly gave chase. The Capitol Police, formerly so beloved by Democrats and media, battled more of the red-shirted radical thugs with no support.

“Allahu Akbar! Hamas!” a Muslim protester shouted. “We’re gonna kill all the Jews.”

Then in a few hours the insurrectionist mob that assaulted Capitol Police officers was set loose.

The message from the Biden administration and Democrats was once again that terrorist mobs could freely vandalize landmarks, threaten members of Congress and assault Capitol Police.

The White House offered no specific condemnation of the anti-American violence. Rep. Pelosi and many top Democrats instead blasted Netanyahu for refusing to surrender to Hamas. None of them spoke out against the hatred not only for Israel, but for the United States of America, for the calls to murder Jews and the chants for the destruction of America.

Inside the situation was no better. Kamala Harris, Rep. Nancy Pelosi and many top Democrats had decided to boycott Netanyahu’s speech. Those who attended offered little applause and sat scowling through much of the bipartisan address. A few behaved disruptively including Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a longtime terrorist supporter, who held up a protest sign during the speech.

It fell to Netanyahu to condemn the mobs who “burned American flags even on the fourth of July. And I wish to salute the fraternity brothers of the University of North Carolina who protected the American flag against these anti-Israel protesters.” Followed by chants of “USA, USA.”

It would not be the first or last time that chants of “USA” were heard during the address.

Netanyahu’s speech often sounded like a State of the Union address that no one was around to give anymore, praising America as “the guardian of Western civilization”, and urging that “for the forces of civilization to triumph, America and Israel must stand together.” He invoked Pearl Harbor and 9/11 and condemned the failures of colleges to teach basic values.

Netanyahu described clarity as “knowing the difference between good and evil.” He denounced those protesters who “stand with evil, they stand with rapists and murderers” who found babies hidden in an attic and murdered them. While Speaker Mike Johnson stood up to applaud, the ranking Democrat, Sen. Ben Cardin applauded lightly but remained seated .

“Some of these protesters hold up signs saying: ‘Gays for Gaza’ they might as well hold signs saying ‘Chickens for KFC’”, Netanyahu said. Cardin did not applaud that one. Few Dems did.

With rescued hostages and hostage families in attendance, he described the Hamas atrocities of Oct 7 when “these monsters raped women, beheaded men, burned babies alive, they killed parents in front of their children and children in front of their parents, they dragged 255 people, both living and dead, into to the dark dungeons of Gaza.”

Meanwhile Rep. Jerry Nadler boasted that he was “trolling” Netanyahu by reading a book.

“We also have families with American hostages here,” Netanyahu said, while Kamala was off attending a sorority event, and some 70 Democrats were officially boycotting the speech.

He introduced Avichai Reuven, an Ethiopian Israeli soldier who ran 8 miles during the Oct 7 attacks, killed terrorists and saved lives, and three other heroes of the fight against Hamas, two of whom had lost limbs. “These are the soldiers of Israel, unbowed, undaunted and unafraid.”

Democrats like Pelosi and Nadler, along with Kamala, Schumer and many others demand that they be daunted and surrender to Hamas. They are doing the dirty work for Hamas and Iran.

Recently, as Front Page Magazine reported, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines admitted that Iran was financing some of the pro-terrorist protesters. Netanyahu suggested that could include the Hamas riots outside and called them “useful idiots” for Iran. He described Ayatollah Khomeini’s promise to “export the revolution to the entire world.”

America stands in the way of Iran’s plan to impose Islam on the world, he argued.

“That’s why Iran sees America as its greatest enemy.” He quoted a Hezbollah terrorist official who said that, “the real war is with America.” Iran had sent “death squads” to kill Americans, including Trump administration officials and even “brazenly threatened to assassinate former President Trump.”

“Iran realizes that to challenge America, it must first conquer the Middle East… but Israel stands in its way. That’s why the mobs in Tehran chant ‘Death to Israel’ before ‘Death to America.’”

Netanyahu laid out a compelling case for Israel as the barrier to Islamic expansionism. And for America to support Israel so that it doesn’t have to put boots on the ground in the Middle East.

But he was also speaking to a very different Washington D.C. than when he first spoke in 1996.

The idea of America as “the guardian of Western civilization” would now be outright offensive to the average Democrat. As is the idea of fighting Islamic terrorism instead of surrendering to it.

But in a Washington D.C. where Islamic terrorist flags are freely waved and Jihadist graffiti is scrawled across national monuments, that may no longer be so. The nation’s capital, under Biden and Kamala, is no longer the “guardian” of anything except pork and privilege.

Rather than defending Israel in D.C., Netanyahu was tasked with defending America, making the case for it as a great nation and a force for good even while members of Congress, congressional staffers, wealthy brats and Islamic terrorists made their stand for evil.

Israel lacks support in D.C. not just because the left is antisemitic, but because it hates America. And a movement that hates America cannot be expected to love Israel or support civilization.

Netanyahu was the product of a better America. When he left in the sixties to fight for Israel, he had imbibed the best of this nation in his time here. Yet each time he returned America had grown worse. Had he jeered America, denounced it as a racist, capitalist and imperialist enterprise, many of the Democrats who boycotted the speech would have come and cheered.

This was a speech meant to remind Americans of what Israel and we are fighting for. But despite his eloquence, the red and green mobs outside waving terrorist flags, chanting “Allahu Akbar” and burning American flags did that better than even the greatest speech ever could.

No matter how many lies the media put out there, the choices are painfully clear.

One of the protesters, the sorts of people whom Kamala described as “showing exactly what the human emotion should be”, stood holding a sign reading “Allah is gathering all the Zionists for the ‘Final Solution’ with a nuclear mushroom cloud overhead.” In his other hand, he waved the black battle flag of the Caliphate with its call for imposing Allah and Islam on America.

The choice between good and evil is all too clear. All that remains is to make it.

Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center’s Front Page Magazine.

Thank you for reading.


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  • DON ROBER>to

    [" THIS IS NON-SENSE...this ACTOR is the admost dangerous DEPOPULATION-CAPITAL-CRIMER, and his real name is "MILEIKOWSKY" an ASHKNAZI, and colaborated with "TheDeepState" and the CHABAD-LUBAWITCH CLAN and all ZiONISTS...and other satanic occult MASONS. Behind the ILLUMNIATIs with their Chazarian-BigFamilies, Capital: NUR SULTAN-ASTANA...and corporatiing with the SATANISTS and DAKAR, having his hands in with the UNITED STATES CORPORATION of America having arranged the FALSE FLAG OPERATION with the " HAMAS-TERROR-Group.".just to KILL THAUSANDS of CIVILIANS, and still free and NOT on Deck of the WAR-COURT-SHIP. So... This ACTOR is LYING all day long and he said: "!‘America is a golden calf, and we're going to suck it dry, carve it up and sell it off, piece by piece, until there's nothing left but the biggest welfare state in the world, which we create and control. That's what we do to countries we hate. We destroy them, very slowly."-Benjamin [Mileikowsky= ASHKENAZI] aka Netanyahu Recorded in Finks Bar, Jerusalem, 1990″ and working hand in hand with the 33°ScottisHRite D.DRUMPF akaTRUMPF, which is realted deeply with the ZIONSITS and ASKEHNAZIs..”]

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