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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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Situation Update: July 17, 2024 - More Anomalies Surface About Shooting: Second Shooter! – Insider Job – Crooks Patsy! - Mike Adams Video

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- Inclusivity in the MAGA movement, embracing diverse religions and ethnicities. (0:00)
- Embracing former leftists who are recently red-pilled. (9:47)
- Assassination attempt on President #Trump, Secret Service COMPLICITY. (13:35)
- More details emerge about attempted assassination of Trump. (29:51)
- Trump’s skeptical vaccine stance revealed in private phone call with RFK Jr. (47:41)
- Why the US dollar will collapse regardless of who’s in the White House. (53:30)
- Decline of US global economic power is already baked in and cannot be reversed. (1:02:35)
- Why next assassination attempts against Trump may escalate to area effect weapons. (1:10:36)
- Conversation with Sebastian Gorka: Secret Service incompetence and cultural rot. (1:28:27)
- Military leadership and border security. (1:44:41)
- Immigration enforcement and civil rights. (1:49:03)
- Election integrity and voter suppression. (1:53:43)

BBN, July 17, 2024 – More ANOMALIES surface about shooting:...

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Total 12 comments
  • g77enn

    Still Trusting “the Plan” Equals Patriot Underground Propaganda U R Q-Tards – Trump’s Shocking Secret Call Is Leaked by RFK JR.’s Son – Trump Will Pardon Israel’s War Crimes and…

    • kisser228

      Uh huh. I noticed Mike never asked “Seb” about Israel’s genocide of Palestine. They avoided that like the 5th rail. Also, Gorka professes to despise Col. D Macgregor, who at least tells it like it is regarding the Ukraine mess that Nuland, Blinken and Co started and have escalated to the point of a nuclear war between Russia, the US and Nato. What about the bioweapons labs and human/organ/money laundering going on there? MIKE, YOU GOTTA START ASKING THE TOUGH QUESTIONS! Is Trump going to gin up and escalate these two illegal wars up for Israel? It seems Gorka has nothing but disdain for anyone questioning it. It should have been over long ago, but as long as one Ukrainian is still alive, I think it will continue, as to clear that country of its rightful inhabitants.

  • No time

    Government is the Entertainment division of the Military Industrial Complex. 🤡🤡🤡

  • HypothesisFree

    July 13 (Jew Lie “13″ – a favorite cult number)

    Israel has chosen its next Vice President of the United States of America


    A Guy from Special Forces Describes His Experience in Israel

  • John

    Sign the petition;

    Demand an Investigation for Resignation – Removal of Kimberly Cheatle as Director of USSS

    3 Eyewitnesses to a SECOND Shooter in the Water Tower Have Emerged

  • Jimmy

    Mike,… My take on this is that the grand “Stand Down” was executed in order to be able to precisely “coordinate & synchronize” the 1st shot w/ the time stamp of “6:11″, so that then, they could start making references to “Ephesians 6:11″, which they are already doing everywhere, ad nauseam, & turn this incident into a “Biblical” incident, & then make the claim that this was a “modern-day miracle”, the hand of God intervened, & thus Trump has got to be the 1, “God’s Chosen 1″,… which is precisely how I synchronize all of my digital clocks around the house. 1st I use a “stop watch” to start counting at exactly the time on my phone where the minutes change from :59 to :00, & then I use the stop watch to synchronize every other clock, 1 at a time,… So, for those that don’t understand, somebody is looking at the “actual time on a clock”, & they then give the signal at let’s say, at 6:10, so that by the time the real assigned sniper takes the shot (into the air), a second has gone by, & it is 6:11,… It’s actually very simple to do,… but in order to carry this out, they need everyone to “hold their horses” & do absolutely nothing, but wait & “Stand Down” until the signal is given to “go, go, go”,… I know this is only a “theory”, but it fits w/ what we saw just happened,…

  • Jimmy

    And so, all of these recent & all of the sudden “analysis & interviews” w/ “snipers, secret service & security” people are nothing but a “distraction” & thus a pushed “shifting of our attention” from the obviously “fabricated & orchestrated false-flag” to the claim of “Divine Intervention” saved Trump, to re-garner support from a huge lost Trump demographic, & so that people accept this “false-flag” as “truth” – it’s real, it did happen,… & instead “shift of our attention” & our “focus” onto the “security failures”,… Let’s “stop questioning” the obvious, on-your-face, fake theatrical attempt on Trump’s life, & let’s “accept it” as “truth”, let’s keep praying, & let’s move on, onto making sure Trump gets in there,… a 2nd time around,… rather than getting a real someone else (we desperately need) to get the job done, & really save America & make America-1st, rather than some other country-1st, faraway from here… & continue to use Americans to destroy America,… You can’t run any country on “lies”,… & we can’t build “Freedom” on “lies”,… Lies, more lies, & lies upon lies, stacked up on more lies,… How is that for “our reality”,…

  • Jimmy

    So in conclusion,… This was not an “ass’nation attempt”, but a “false-flag” to be made look like an “ass’nation attempt”,… & (1) allow for the incredible photo-op opportunity (2) to be able to make reference to “Ephesians 6:11 (3) to be able to make the claim that Trump has got to be the 1, “God’s Chosen 1″,… (4) & to show the [DS] that, hey, you can make “false-flags”, & so can we. And just a couple of photos & videos w/ “not profusely flowing, but very little not moving stationary dry blood, in the same exact place” does not prove by any means, this was a real shot,… Blood doesn’t dry that fast, not does it stop flowing that fast. Have you ever cut your finger in the kitchen,… ? Even a small cut will bleed profusely, where you have to (immediately) put a band-aid around it or it will continue to bleed everywhere.

  • John

    FBI Had Crooks’ Phone At Least 24 Hours Before Attempt on Trump’s Life

  • truefreedom

    Mike Adams – Zionist shill … the Deep State (Talmudic Zionist Jews) has been exposed … but who will arrest them as they control the government, most of the media and even the military … smh … this is big

    “Listen to Donald Trump himself explain exactly what the ‘assassination attempt’ was all about.”

    AI was probably used but nonetheless it is exactly what happened. And at 12:09 Trump addresses Congress and listen to what he says “I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever” and Biden says, “an unrelenting stream of immigration” … they are controlled opposition working together … one hell of a show … and what betrayal.

    “Stage Trump Assassination Attempt = Classic False Flag Operation Including Trump As Crisis Actor”

    I mean where is the blood … and the counter snipers fired the first 3 shots … staged to the second and Trump being the MAGUS or MAGA they even had at least one blood sacrifice …


    The bullet that hit President Trump’s right ear did not even leave a dent, according to over 6 video and still shot close-ups viewed by all so far. President Trump’s double in a white shirt unbuttoned at the top and a MAGA hat pulled down down. The head of the Secret Service “stand down” orders. The ‘shooter’ an abysmal shot. Conscientious Secret Service personnel doing their duty by shooting anyway. ‘The shooter’ firing from a spot way out in the open and being overlooked by MANY Secret Service agents with sniper experience. You folks don’t believe this scenario.

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