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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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X22 Report: It Wasn’t A US Secret Service Failure! !t Was An Op By The Deep State! Next Event, Nation Will Unite Under Trump! (Video)

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The [DS] screwed up, they didn’t complete their mission. The USSS was not a failure it was an OP conducted by the [DS] players. This was their only chance and they missed. Now the FBI and the [DS] are regrouping to explain what happened, which means they will hide what happened. Did the [DS] just project the next event. Trump will unite the country in the end. 


Ep. 3403b-It Wasn’t A USSS Failure,It Was An Op By The [DS],Next Event,Nation Will Unite Under Trump


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Total 10 comments
  • US Marine Fighting Tyranny

    My Fellow Americans:


    Here is a truth this filthy, lying, INTERNATIONAL TERROR PROPAGANDIST KUNT Dave, and his ilk will never say:
    FACT: This country has already been overthrown from within and the CRIMINALS have completely taken over!

    SITUATION: They will NEVER leave. You will NOT petition, vote or lawsuit your way out of this, ALL organs of state for a “peaceful” method(s) to fix this are under their absolute control.

    SOLUTION: The only solution that will actually fix this problem WILL involve the use of 1 – Firearms, 2 – VIOLENCE, with both being applied in abundance.

    APPLICATION: They exterminate us, OR, we exterminate them. There is no middle ground in the end.

    OUTCOME: Anything less then the complete extermination of these traitors means THEY win.

    YOUR CHOICE: Standby and do nothing until they come to put you in their mass graves, or fight for your right to exist.

    JD US Marine Ready, Willing & Able To Do What Is Necessary To Save Our Once-Upon-A-Time Great Country.


    Dave and his X666 Report are CIA-Zionist-Jew owned/controlled/operated propaganda outlet,… you know,… A another TRAITOR.

    Dave is a low-life INTERNATIONAL TERRORIST KUNT that earns his treason pay with each and every dis-info show he posts.

    Fuk this kunt and his controlled asset “guests”.

    If they were real…

  • I AM


  • jeremyfeit

    Use logic
    It was an op controlled by the white hats
    It’s legal now to lie n fake terror events thx to Obama

    U think trump relies on secret service VS military?
    He’d be long gone if it was the SS
    And if he relies on them ever or ever again they’ll make sure not to miss
    But even a novice from that distance with a rifle n no scope even shouldn’t have missed

    Space force and we have it all
    And the bad guys were calling for it especially lately

    Don’t be like a libtard
    Use logic

  • HypothesisFree

    If the script was set by the Illuminati Card Game Trump “Enough is Enough” card, which reads “At any time, at any place, our snipers can drop you…have a nice day.”, and apparently depicts a bullet whizzing by in front of Trump’s face, then how could you enact this script Hollywood style?

    Obviously you would NOT have a sniper send a real bullet within a half inch of Trump’s face. So under this line of thought, the divine intervention theory is out the window.

  • Nobodys Fool

    Actually it wasn’t a deep state op it was 100% planned and scripted by the so-called white hats right down to “let me get my shoes.” = 191 = 911. The “iconic” photo with the fist raised looking just like the iconic 911 image looking just like the iconic Iwo Jima image this is a composed and planned act. The only people who weren’t read in in the script were the American people who have been traumatized by the so-called good guys once again, to steer us in the desired political direction. It’s called trauma based mind control and BOTH sides use it and the victims are the American people and it’s WRONG. This is NOT how we consent to being governed. Now the FAKERY (= trauma) is being used politically to attempt to push “unity.” And it’s being brought to you by people who claim (with no proof) that if it wasn’t for them, there would be civil war. So they’re just going to unify us using fake trauma. You only have a legitimate government if you have the consent of the governed. Shows like x22 (skull and bones society is all over that logo btw) are here to make you believe it’s totally ok for there to be some top-secret sting operation going on behind the scenes but last time I checked we never consented to being governed by super top secret international sting operation. It’s completely illegitimate, unauthorized, and clearly using trauma to steer the public toward a desired outcome. And wants you to think there’s absolutely nothing wrong w that. WE DO NOT CONSENT TO BEING MIND-FUCKED BY FAKE ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS TO GAIN POLITICAL SYMPATHY/FAVOR.

    • Kitty

      It was not plan by the whites hats, we know the DS is stupid and they failed! A innocent man died! that lone tells us it was real! :mad:


    Like I say elsewhere. It is impossible for a squad of assassins to fire weapons into a crowd with the only visible victim being an ampule of blood(fake or real) set behind President Trump’s ear. Call me old fashioned, but I have as a youth shot off as many as 50 .22 long rifle rounds in a single weekend. To get me to believe 6 assassins shot at President Trump that day and all missed except the guy who released the contents of that little ampule behind President Trump’s right ear is asking too much. Get me drunk on good beer and I might lie a bit. An active rug rat crawling over a loaded firearm is probably a better shot.

  • Counter Analysis

    Regardless of what actually happened, the whole thing looked staged. I can’t believe Trump stood up exposed and was allowed to do so during such a chaotic and deadly event where it’s impossible to know all the shooters and their locations, unless they did know due to staging it. It looked like one big photo op. The red flags by Trump and the SS are so blatant, that I have to wonder if the red flags and all around BS surrounding the event are a message.

    Question: Is the deep state behind Trump because he is the chosen candidate, or the “Chosen One,” as some refer to him? If this was staged, the SS was obviously part of the hoax. This would be a message that Trump is backed by the deep state and therefore he is the “Chosen One.” If this is the case, then it’s not so far fetched that some kind of sleight of hand using a blood capsule or other stage effect was used by Trump.

    The seemingly bloody ear is the biggest conundrum. It would be a very risky shot for even a skilled sniper to graze Trump’s ear on purpose without intending to harm him. Everyone should analyze Trump’s ear in the coming days for any sign of actual trauma. I’m also curious how the blood pattern on his face occurred. The SS were very obviously complicit. Were the SS trying to get Trump killed, or assisting in the staged event? If staged, in addition to being a message, it may be a sort of secret society occult ritual. If staged, watch out, as that would mean Trump is in league with the deep state and those who control it.

  • Platagonia

    trump’s supposed assassination attempt looks like a very bad scene from a poorly directed b movie, which basically it is. that looks like the smallest crowd i have ever seen for trump, which makes it easier to fill the camera shot with trustworthy agents. he auspiciously was looking to the side. he is slow to respond to the sound of the first shot and we hear a second shot before the doppelgänger playing trump touches his ear and only drops after a third shot to splash on some theatrical blood. secret service then reaches the podium. the crowd does not react as one would expect as a fusillade of shots are then fired. vincent fusca, the potential persona of jfk jr, doesn’t even flinch as if he’s expecting the shots. why don’t they run and act panicked like any normie would? the secret service look like the keystone cops when recklessly letting the trump actor stand up with his head on a proverbial platter for a potential head shot had there been a second gunman, or more! then trump, like an oaf, worries about his shoes, a little bit of over acting. if it were an actual assassination attempt and not a staged scene for The Movie, trump’s stand-in with ‘blood’ on his head would never be visible during his extraction and he would have been carted off rapidly for his own safety without pausing for theatrics. they would have moved the limo as close as possible and dumped trump in the back as fast as possible rather than inch there way with pauses for photo ops with his fist pumping and a head shot beckoning.

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