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By NC Renegade (Reporter)
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Our children and grandchildren should ask us the question “Daddy what did you do to stop this?”

Current NC Renegade Blog answer “I didn’t vote in dirty politics”.

People beg the question, troll, cause division or just have preconceived assumptions concerning other people, issues or power structures. I am not making any such claims to the above but I do want to address some points that I should have addressed more often.

  1. People have to understand that operational security should be your primary responsibility. Why should anyone need to know your plans, supplies, community resources or communications networks? Anyone who asks or try to provoke you to gain information is not to be trusted for obvious reasons.
  2. Do not let yourself be badgered into making bad decisions. You can always walk away from an evil government, a weak church, bad people or any bad relationship. Stating that you have no other viable choices means you do not have the strength to change your circumstances. Free will is a cornerstone of a good people: do not waste or marginalize it.
  3. The longer our overlords rule us through tyranny, the harder and bloodier the impending war will be. Look at how easily we are controlled by lockdowns, laws, regulations, taxation and inflation caused by government waste and overspending.
  4. Our selected political class is evil. I will point out one glaring aspect: we are on the verge of WWIII caused by the Obama/Biden criminal network to enrich themselves financially and take unbridled power. The latest response of Congress was to take a five week vacation.
  5. Consider what the people in charge of the “free” world are willing to do if they would assassinate a former President, make the current pResident step down from the election, place a candidate in for President with no qualifications as his replacement and unleash a pandemic across the world. No one can even tell us who is in power and that is why the government, military, judicial system and law enforcement are the problem.
  6. It is now common knowledge that the 2020 Presidential election was fraudulent. EVERYONE who is and was complicit needs to be held accountable. If evil is in charge, what are our options (see item 1).
  7. Voting is not the solution to destroying evil on the magnitude of this scale. It may postpone the inevitable which is the collapse of the dollar and world war. Does that mean we should not vote?

I have not voted since I “held my nose” and voted for John McCain. I made the decision that voting for the lesser of two evils is still supporting evil. The Word of God teaches us to hate evil, not support it. But the corollary in the back of my mind kept telling me that my vote had no impact when the elections are fraudulent.

Which brings me to this election. Speculation as to fraud, cancelled or postponed elections, future assassination attempts and even the imprisonment of Donald Trump are rampant. I believe we are at the cusp of total destruction or postponing the inevitable for a few years. But then my hope in good people who have edified their faith will overcome and we can have a new Renaissance. The technology that has been misused has great potential for good. We can revolutionize our educational system at a fraction of the current costs. We can develop new sources of energy and understand that the cost of energy is inversely proportional to freedom. We could have health care that is not controlled by big pharma, big ag, health insurance and poor doctors. In other words, we could be free, healthy, better educated and guided by faith.

Donald Trump’s attempt to unite a coalition of different people may be an attempt to accomplish this dream. I did not forget how naive he was when trusting his advisors for COVID, the mRNA gene therapy and foreign leaders. I pray that he has learned the depths of evil that must be confronted and destroyed. Can J.D. Vance, Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy, Robert Kennedy Jr., Tulsi Gabbard and other form this coalition and win? This election is not about voting for the lesser of two evils: it is about good vs. evil. While I have my doubts about our future, I will be voting in this election for what may be our last hope.

What does that cost me but maybe an hour’s time. My personal plans have not changed but I do not know if I will be alive to rebuild from the ashes. Hope for the best but plan for the worst is a sound strategy. If this coalition succeeds by destroying evil, I cannot imagine what the future holds for our children. I do know what the future holds for them if evil wins yet again: tyranny and death.

My children will never ask me what I did to stop this. They already know what I have done for the past sixteen years.

David DeGerolamo


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