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Arizona Mom Arrested for Criticizing Pay Raises for Public Officials at City Council Meeting

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The twilight of American democracy.

Arizona mom Rebekah Massie was questioning their pay raise. Ironically, she wanted to teach her 10-year-old daughter the importance of standing up for your civil rights when she brought her along to a city council meeting in Surprise, Arizona, on August 20. She gave her an altogether different lesson.

Perhaps now people begin to understand why I fought so hard for our first amendment rights, under penalty of death, but the warnings were not heeded.

An Arizona Mom Was Arrested for Criticizing Public Officials at a City Council Meeting. Now She’s Suing.

By: C.J. Ciaramella, Reason, September 4, 2024:

Rebekah Massie says she wanted to teach her 10-year-old daughter a little bit about the importance of standing up for your civil rights when she brought her along to a city council meeting in Surprise, Arizona, on August 20.

Her daughter certainly learned a lesson. Massie was hauled out of the room in handcuffs and charged with trespassing after criticizing a city attorney’s pay raise during the public comment period of the meeting.

On Tuesday, Massie filed a First Amendment lawsuit arguing the city council’s speech policies are unconstitutional and that city officials illegally retaliated against her, violating her First, Fourth, and 14th Amendment rights. Massie is represented by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), a free speech advocacy group.

“If the First Amendment protects anything, it protects criticizing government officials,” FIRE attorney Conor Fitzpatrick said in a press release. “Arresting government critics might be how the world’s repressive regimes operate, but it has no place in America.”

Massie is a community activist and founder of a nonprofit, The Grand Failure, where she advocates for increased transparency and infrastructure improvements in the city. The Surprise City Council, in other words, was not surprised to see her approach the microphone on August 20 for the “call to the public” section of the meeting.

Massie spoke for nearly two minutes in opposition to a proposed pay raise for the city attorney, who she noted was already one of the highest-paid city attorneys in the state, before Surprise Mayor Skip Hall cut her off.

Hall explained that there was a city rule prohibiting “charges or complaints against any employee of the City or members of the body” during public comment, according to the suit.

“That’s all fine, well, and good, but that’s a violation of my First Amendment rights,” Massie replied.

“This is your warning for attacking the city attorney personally,” Hall said.

“This is all factual information,” Massie said.

“It doesn’t matter,” Hall responded.

The two continued arguing, with Massie repeatedly asserting the rule was unconstitutional, until Hall threatened to have her removed by police.

“In front of my 10-year-old daughter, you’re going to escort me out for expressing my First Amendment rights?” Massie asked.

That’s exactly what Hall did.

Watch the full video of the exchange and arrest below:

“I wanted to teach my children the importance of standing up for their rights and doing what is right—now I’m teaching that lesson to the city,” Massie said in the FIRE press release. “It’s important to fight back to show all of my children that the First Amendment is more powerful than the whims of any government official.”

The Supreme Court has ruled that criticizing public officials, even using rude or vulgar language, is core First Amendment–protected speech. In public forums—such as when a city council invites public comment—governments can craft reasonable restrictions on the time and manner of speech, but they can’t discriminate against certain viewpoints.

Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan Jr. wrote in 1987, in a ruling striking down a Houston ordinance that made it unlawful to oppose or interrupt a police officer, that “the freedom of individuals verbally to oppose or challenge police action without thereby risking arrest is one of the principal characteristics by which we distinguish a free nation from a police state.”


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  • Adi Da Samraj

    👐 Human life develops or evolves in seven stages.
    👐 The first three stages of human life are the stages of lower functional (physical, emotional, and mental) adaptation to the universal Life-Energy.
    👐 The fourth stage of human life is the stage of whole bodily surrender and adaptation to the universal Life via Love-Communion (the disposition of the heart or deep psyche of pure energy).
    👐 The fifth stage of human life is the stage of mysticism, or evolutionary adaptation to the higher brain and mind.
    👐 The sixth stage of human life is the stage of ego-death, or transcendence of mind, independent self, and primal fear.
    👐 The seventh stage of human life is the stage of bodily Translation, or Transfiguration of the total body-mind and the atomic soul in the Infinite Radiance of the Living God. 👐
    🌹The Seven Stages of Life🌹

  • US Marine Fighting Tyranny

    My Fellow Americans:


    Geller is an Israeli Disinfo agent.

    Geller supports the the International Terrorist Group called Israel.

    The same Israel that MASS MURDERED American Servicemen of the USS Liberty.

    The same Israel that attacked Americans, British & Egyptians with the “Lavon Affair”. (1954 – Codenamed: Operation Susannah)

    The same Israel that MASS MURDERED Americans again on 9/11.

    The same Israel that MASS MURDERED the Aid Workers in Gaza.


    THAT is who “Geller” really is.

    JD – US Marine PRAYING I Get To Be The One To Hunt This Low-Life Down To Arrest Her/Him/It And See Him Hang For TREASON And TERRORISM!

    PS: “Geller” is Khazarian Mafia Disinfo agent that support ITG-Israel (International Terrorist Group). She/It is a TRAITOR!



    JD – US Marine: There Is Only One Way Out Of This, And It Requires The Males Of This Country To Put On Their Big-Boy Underwear, And Kill EVERY Mechanism Of This Overthrow, Which Includes ALL Organs Of State (Our Domestic Terrorists), And Especially The Ones PROTECTING These Criminals,… “Law Enforcement”!


  • US Marine Fighting Tyranny

    “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” – Voltaire circa 1700′s.


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