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Jesus' 'Soon' Coming Under the Microscope

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Gary responds to recent comments made by Glenn Beck on Tucker Carlson’s national tour.

The literal meaning of Scripture “embraces the normal, everyday, common understanding of the terms of the Bible. Words are given the meaning they normally have in common communication.” The interpreter should be mindful of the “historical setting.” Sentences of Scripture “should not be taken out of the space-time, cultural context in which they were uttered.” This next point is important: “It is the means by which the interpreter mentally transfers himself into the context in which the author uttered the words. This guards against the interpretive error of making the reader’s historical or cultural context the norm for understanding the text.”

Popular prophecy writers today introduce numerous qualifiers to the so-called plain sense/literal approach that applying the methodology consistently becomes nearly impossible for the average student of the Bible. That’s why many Christians are dependent on Bibles loaded with notes to tell them what the Bible means even though the text is right before their eyes and is clear enough on its own! Eager Bible students read bows and arrows, and someone’s note tells them it’s really missiles and launching pads.

The interpretive solution is found within the pages of Scripture itself. Those who first read or listened to the prophecy read and heard familiar place names that are mentioned elsewhere in Scripture. There was no need to have a scholar’s understanding of ancient languages or knowledge of distant geographical hot spots. These first readers could comprehend the rudimentary elements of the prophecy if they had only a basic knowledge of the Bible. The same is true for someone studying the Bible today. Setting, language, grammar, context, audience, and author perspective are all very important when interpreting the Bible, but these elements only take on meaning when they are compared with other Scripture passages. The biblical writers did not write in a vacuum. They wrote against the backdrop of what was written before, and in the case of the prophetic books, of what was to come. If you want to know what a word or phrase means in one passage, you will need to find other passages that use the same word or phrase. It’s not always this simple, but it’s the best place to start. The Bible is one book with a unified message.

This is why the Bible is the best interpreter of itself.

The Gog and Magog End-Time Alliance
The Gog and Magog End-Time Alliance

Jet planes … missiles … and atomic weapons. You will search in vain in Ezekiel 38 and 39, and you will not find them. You will, however, find horses, bows and arrows, shields, clubs, and chariots. If the Gog and Magog prophecy was written for a time more than 2500 years in the future from Ezekiel’s day, why didn’t God describe the battle in terms that we could relate to and understand? Why confuse Ezekiel’s first readers and us?

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Gary responds to recent comments made by Glenn Beck on Tucker Carlson’s national tour. Beck makes claims about the end times that he hasn’t studied or given thought about the implications. If we are “close” to the end, which is a prophetic inevitability, there is nothing we can do about it. The historical context must be considered to properly understand the biblical text.

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Click here to watch Tucker Carlson’s full interview

American Vision’s mission is to Restore America to its Biblical Foundation—from Genesis to Revelation. American Vision (AV) has been at the heart of worldview study since 1978, providing resources to exhort Christian families and individuals to live by a Biblically based worldview. Visit for more information, content and resources


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Total 2 comments
  • HypothesisFree

    What we ABSOLUTELY know from the study of Near Death Experiences (NDEs), and past life reviews, is that THERE IS NO HELL ON THE OTHER SIDE, and furthermore, THERE IS NO DEATH! Therefore, clearly, we now know that Jesus did NOT come to save anyone on the cross.

    The only God worthy of respect and trust is a God who not only proclaims and lives by the Golden Rule, but also accordingly demands that no sentient being eat the flesh of sentient being creatures. So HERE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION OF THE AGES!: What is the difference between the person who ‘feels better’ after raping and torturing the @$^!*# out of a child for adrenochrome, and a person who justifies ‘feeling better’ after effectively murdering a true sentient being who happens to be an animal (and keep in mind that we have humans who recall having lived a past life as a sentient being animal, so this is the equivalent of murdering the soul of a human), for a god-damned meal?

  • HypothesisFree

    Any caring and just/non-Satanic God would damn you to hellfire for EITHER OF THESE GROSSLY EVIL ACTS! Satanists on the other hand will NOT only forgive you for these EVIL acts, but also encourage them if not mandate them as does the pro-slavery Satanic Christian Bible which even orders people to eat meat in some cases. Please explain to me how the Christian Gods of the Bible are somehow NOT CRIMINALLY COMPLICIT/NEGLIGENT regarding these GROSS VIOLATIONS OF THE GOLDEN RULE. Forgiving such evil acts only green-lights/perpetuates the prevalence of Satanism. No doctor will tell you that eating meat is necessary for human survival. The Golden Rule = [EXACTLY 100%] the ethic known as veganism, as proven here:
    - /religion/2020/10/in-the-days-of-noah-it-was-not-jesus-who-saved-us-but-rather-enki-2555120.html

    Please also consider the untold horrors of eating too much protein

    Futhermore, mRNA vaccines are now being injected into the worlds meat supplies en masse:

    Breaking News: Don’t Worry About WW3, There Is Something Far Worse Approaching!
    - /prophecy/2024/08/breaking-news-dont-worry-about-ww3-there-is-something-far-worse-approaching-2554934.html

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