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By Dinesh Kaushiva
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Should THE 300 Million Americans who are victims of The Democrat Party's mRNA Spike Protein COVID-19 Gene-Therapy Bio-Weapons Injections now believe Bill Gates ?

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Should THE 300 Million Americans who are victims of The Democrat Party’s mRNA Spike Protein COVID-19 Gene-Therapy Bio-Weapons Injections now believe Bill Gates ?
Bill Gates Admits the Shots Contain Nanotech


(Nano Tech Technology is Engineered to host thousands of Pathogens that are programmed to be activated at a given interval by the Nanotech Robots or on demand via signals transmitted via 5G Microwave Radiation Energy Pulses from Smart Phones, Cell Towers or even Satellites.)
The following information was not part of the above article:
FYI – American and World Wide Scientist have reported that the mRNA Spike Protein is a poison in itself and the shots also include other Nano Metallic Magnetic Particles and the artificially created Synthetic Bio-Logical Nano Particles ‘NANOTECH’ SELF ASSEMBLING ROBOTS ALL OF WHICH ARE INDESTRUCTIBLE. According to them basically now The Democrat Party’s mRNA Spike Protein COVID-19 Gene-Therapy Bio-Weapons Injections are polluting the Earth PERMANENTLY through the daily HUMAN AND ANIMAL WASTE  being discharged Daily by all the billions of the victims that have been  injected with  the mRNA Spike Protein and the Synthetic Bio-Logical Nano Particles ‘NANOTECH’
They are also reporting that the bodies of the deceased are no longer breaking down as historically they have done since Adam’s generations and they are continuing to emitting MAC SIGNALS from their graves. (1)
The Democrat Party and their controlled Federal Agencies, The Department of Defense Division D.A.R.P.A and The Congress of the United States have been ignoring the warnings of over 940, 000 American and World Wide Doctors, Scientists and Researchers (2) since 2020 and their published ‘Scientific Evidence’ that The Democrat Party’s COVID-19 Mandates, Drugs like Remdesivir, etc. and Treatment Protocols plus The Democrat Party’s mRNA Spike Protein COVID-19 Gene-Therapy Bio-Weapons Injections were “very detrimental to the health and well being of every American and Worldwide Citizens”. They have been recommending that all use of the mRNA Technology Injections, Medicines, Food, and Drinks be stopped immediately and instead use their alternate already FDA Approved Drugs that ACTUALLY ARE SAFE AND EFFECTIVE and Medical Treatments to Cure, Heal and Protect each LIFE t hat have had proven success rate of over 95 percent with limited hospitalizations and deaths.
They have also been holding seminars and demonstrating their scientific evidence The Democrat Party’s mRNA Spike Protein COVID-19 Gene-Therapy Bio-Weapons Injections are in fact killing more people than their GAIN-OF-FUNCTION PRODUCT COVID-19 PATHOGEN’S INFECTIONS (3).
Following are just few of the sources many articles and videos posted on the internet sites on the Web and the alternate Web sites like Rumble, BitChute etc. providing undeniable scientific evidence and statistics that The Democrat Party and their controlled Federal Agencies, The Department of Defense  Division D.A.R.P.A and THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES has been totally ignoring them since Match of 2020 to now and instead pursuing the implementation of The Satanic ONE WORLD ORDER AGENDA OF DEPOPULATION, TRANSHUMANISM TO CYBORGS AND TOTAL CONTROL OF EVERY HUMAN BEING.

Great Barrington Declaration

“As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.”
THE ONLY SAVING GRACE FOR MILLIONS OF AMERICANS (thus far because as Bill Gates said they are continuing to research and develop new and more effective mRNA Injections) WHO WERE INJECTED WITH The Democrat Party’s mRNA Spike Protein COVID-19 Gene-Therapy Bio-Weapons Injections is that their Experimental Untested Injections VIALS’ CONTENTS  were never the same. American and World Wide Doctors and Scientists’ Sources are reporting that they were billed for VIALS containing mRNA Spike Protein COVID-19 Injection’s contents but when they tested them there was no trace of any mRNA Spike Protein COVID-19 Injection’s contents but contained either only Saline or some other COCKTAIL OF UNDISCLOSED CONTENTS SOMETIME INCLUDING CORRUPTED DNA NANO PARTICLES.
According to the American and Worldwide Doctors and Scientists that is the reason not everyone is experiencing the similar After Affects.
IF YOU ARE ONE OF THE LUCKY ONES WHO DID NOT RECEIVE THE ACTUAL mRNA Spike Protein COVID-19 shots because you are not experiencing either Long COVID or other symptoms count your blessings but you cannot be sure unless you consult your Doctor and get your blood tested .
Neither The Democrat Party or their controlled Federal Agencies or the Department of Defense Division have been publishing the detailed contents of their mRNA Spike Protein COVID-19 Gene-Therapy Bio-Weapons Injections VIALs’ or their reported After Affects therefore the American Citizens have been left in the dark.
The only Independent source we are aware of that has been reporting unverified reported Adverse Affects by Manufacturers’ Batch Numbers is called : 
How Bad is my Batch  

Please pardon our opinion that after reviewing the above evidence of The Democrat Party’s mRNA Spike Protein COVID-19 Gene-Therapy Bio-Weapons Injections and their After Affects only the ignorant and stupid American Citizens who are eligible to Vote will vote for any Democrat Party’s Candidate in the coming November 5th, 2024 Elections.

The State and U.S. Legislators are the foundation of what is done by the Administration and Congress. How we vote and how we allow the Government Elected and Appointed Officials keep Stealing the Elections with Electronic Voting Data Transmission Algorithms and if one is not happy and satisfied with the current High Inflation, Fuel Shortages, Open Borders, High Crime, American Citizens are losing jobs by the Democrat Party’s  20 Million Illegals , Unsafe Communities, Communist Type Health Care, Government’s choice of Injections and Medicine, 38,000 more IRS Agents, Digital Currency, Bio-Metric Digital Facial 24/7 monitoring, Surrender of your Family and Children, Rights, Property and God Given  Privileges, Ever degrading Education Standards ( ow ranked in 26th for Education) and ever increasing Wars and Conflicts, Allowing Government to keep spraying deadly chemicals for high, Right to chose a religion etc, etc, depends on how one votes.

The Democrat Party has many new and same plans for the future for every American as the World Economic Forum (along with United Nations and World Health Organization) has disclosed on their Website in collusion with the Satanic One World Order Cabal.


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