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The 3rd Week of September will go down in American history as when the 'Independent American Patriots' were finally vindicated against insurmountable odds !

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The 3rd Week of September will go down in American history as when the ‘Independent American Patriots’ were finally vindicated against insurmountable odds !

Answers to the following two major lingering questions were finally made public by Independent American Patriots this week and The United Nations on Sept.22nd, 2024 ‘Global Digital Governance Resolution (1) ; and, therefore, from now on. there is no longer a doubt that States’ Reported Results are ridden with inaccuracies and Voter Fraud Activities and the Democrat Party’s ‘Global One World Agenda’.

Now, this also become a most critical question for every Governors and Attorney Generals of each of the States (except Virginia because the Governor announced their 2024 election will be held using Paper Ballots).

Why does this critical question still REMAINS UNANSWERED ” Who installed (BUGGED) the Algorithm in their Secretary of States’ Voter Registration Rolls Computer System’s Data Base as far back a s2007 and why is it not being removed immediately before the 2024 Elections’ activities begin?



First, why in the current ‘Alarming State of Affairs of America’s Elections !’ Independent American Patriots have been working tirelessly to prevent ‘The Current Government and The Elites’ from allegedly Stealing The 2024 Elections ? In our opinion ‘Again‘ !

Second question, Why would ‘The Current Government and The Elites’ allegedly want to Steal the 2024 Elections ?


As we all know that a Government and that of Private Citizens roles have been flipped and ‘The State of Elections in America’ has become a paradox that since 2007 Independent American Patriots have been working to stop and prevent Voter Fraud while simultaneously ‘The Current Government and The Elites’ are allegedly working overtime to not only promote, but to also to blatantly use Government’s Funds, Assets and Manpower and do all they can to get away with and enable Voter Fraud by circumventing The Constitution of The Republic of The United States of America. Federal Government is not permitted to interfere with Elections run by each and every State.

Lets review the first issue.

Very recently have two separate Independent American Patriots ‘ Entities published their findings that have identified two major respective sets of their research documents exposing the hidden presence of Algorithms in the Secretary of States Voter Rolls Data Bases which has been functioning since the year 2007 in every election as a ‘Master Controller and Minute-by-Minute Monitoring of the Election’s Data’ and controlling the progress of the Elections Voting Data to remain on track for their Final Election’s Results Outcome to be exactly what the Elites had planned out.

Only way their plans got overridden in 2016 was when the volume voting turnout for President Trump shocked them and overwhelmed their system and they fell short of having a large pool of Mail-In Ballots in their warehouses all around the country. They were well prepared in 2020 and 2022 Elections and every Special Election since then and are even more prepared for the 2024 Elections. Besides their illegally imported over 20 million border crossing potential voters and thousands being flown indirectly into US on daily basis and aggressively generating ‘Millions of Unverified Overseas Ballots’, etc. well above the presence of these reported Algorithms built-in manipulations.  Even Obama’s ex-Ambassador to Canada admitted on a Zoom Call to Hollywood Elites their UNDETECTABLE PLAN TO STEAL THE 2024 ELECTIONS using the ‘Millions of Unverified Overseas Ballots’.


Paraphrased condensed summary and an update version of the video presentation by Dr. Corsi’s interview:

Dr. Corsi Interviewed by Pelle Neroth Taylor

Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D.

Sep 19, 2024

Election Fraud Activated – Algorithms in Voter Rolls (Video Interview)

Dr. Jerome Corsi and Dr. Paquette identified and published their findings of the presence and working of the Algorithm in Ohio’s Secretary of States Voter Rolls, they have also now reported that 13 other States Voter Rolls also have a similar Algorithms and expect to find the same in rest of the other States as they continue their reviewing process by utilizing very high level of Mathematics and also with the skills, knowledge and Caliber of NSA Computer Source Code Writers. The evidence they have discovered and documented rules out any other possibility except a very highly sophisticated Computer Algorithm manipulation process of the actual votes totals.They reported that votes of one candidate were being deleted or also being switched to the candidate of their choice. According to them “The Algorithm was also creating ‘Ghost Voters‘ and adding them to the Voter Rolls so a Mail-In Ballot, etc. will be generated to eventually pad the Vote totals of the candidate of their choice”.

After presenting their findings and evidence to the Ohio’s Secretary of States Team of their Election Integrity Office and their Computer Departments Representative on August 22, 2024 they had been waiting for a response very patiently. Since, it became obvious the OHIO’s SOS has decided not to take their discovery and evidence seriously; therefore, last weekend, September 15th, 2024, Dr. Corsi’s Legal Team has filed a formal complaint to the Ohio SOS Office.


Paraphrased condensed summary and an update version of the video presentation by Jeffery O’Donnell’s Documentary Movie – ‘Fingerprints of Fraud -The Movie’ :

In the meantime, Jeffrey O’Donnell, a retired IBM Computer Software Engineer, has been diligently Independently researching, evaluating and analyzing the 2020 Election’s Reported Results Data, for over three years, from various States’ Secretary of State’s Websites Published Data and their actual 2020 Elections Data and especially one specific one which was copied and preserved by a very Patriotic County Clerk in Colorado that heard that her Republican Party leadership had scheduled and also sending a Domino’s Computer Updating Teams around that would wipe out all the actual 2020 Election’s activity for her computers. A violation of the Federal Election’s Law to preserve all Election Records and Ballots for 23 months. Segments 3 and 4 (1) are very revealing of the evidence of Jeffery’s findings and he has presented all in a new movie for the public to see for themselves - no charge.

The movie has following segments :

The research and analysis done by Jeffery O’Donnell revealed astounding evidence of votes being manipulated by an algorithm and he was able to use the ‘Ballots Cast File Data’ of the Dominion 2020 Elections System; and compared it to the Certified 2020 Reported Elections Results of the States’ Secretary of State Published Certified Results Data on their Official websites which revealed the following:

  1. Votes were being purged of a given candidate starting at the beginning of the of the Early Voting much before the Election Day, and all throughout the Election day and the final totals do not match. Ohio was one of the States that showed high rate of Votes being purged that occurred during the 2020 Elections.
  2. Vote Totals for Candidates were going up and down throughout the day, which indicated that a algorithm was in play and was making real time adjustments to stay on course to achieve its predetermined end results. Just like a Planes’ Automatic Pilot makes course corrections during a flight based on the weather conditions and wind resistance to finally land at the destination point.
  3. Every vote was being transmitted to a ‘UN SECURED – NON GOVERNMENT ENTITY named Edison Research, where there is no transparency, accountability, reconciliation available records or verification of the methods and procedures of Reporting Their Elections Final Results.
  4. According to Jefferey. “the SOS brush-off of the above-mentioned issues as “Edison Research Results are JUST UNOFFICIAL” But the results by the SOS eventually published and Certified by the SOS and match Edison Research’s Data’.
  5. Very little information is available about Edison Research’s Management or if any vetting was ever done prior to surrendering all of America’s Election’s Data to a ‘UN SECURED – NON GOVERNMENT ENTITY ‘, Jeffery did report that the President of Edison Research is Larry Rosin, who has very close ties with the Democrat Party and many other Foreign Entities. Also, that Rosin’s son was a member of the Obama Administration.
  6. lso, as far as we could determine, that Jeffery’s movie did not state as to why are all the States were even sending their Election’s Data to any other Organization when they are ‘SOLELY’ responsible for all the Election’s Data themselves.

(The above summaries ares not all inclusive and it is recommended everyone review the Video of Dr. Corsi Presentation and Jeffery O’Donnell’s Documentary Movie – ‘Fingerprints of Fraud -The Movie’ to review their information respectively and decide for themselves who has been telling the truth)


Lets get to the Second issue.

‘Secondly, Why would ‘The Current Government and The Elites’ allegedly would want to Steal the 2024 Elections ?’

It has been no secret by now that The Democrat Party has become an Extension of the World Economic Forum which is the Master Controller of the Current One World Order Cabal, United Nations and World Health Organization -One World Governance Agenda. The only way The Democrat Party and The Elites can accomplish their Global Governance Agenda is by acquiring and maintaining the control of the U.S. Administration.

So that they want to continue their current policies and agenda plus many others that are ready to be launched if they are successful in stealing the 2024 Elections:

World Economic Forums’ CEO Klaus Schwab has admitted that “COVID-19 PLANNED-demic and the mRNA Spike Protein Experiment Untested COVID-19 Gene-Therapy Bio-Weapon Injection were Engineered and Executed to determine to what extend the World’s population was will into submit to a One World Governance Order” (2). In 2023 Dr. David Martin exposed the fact that the COVID-19 is not a Virus but a Lab Engineered Pathogen that The Government has researched for over 20 years and tested it by 2016 and were planning to release it in 2019 in their own document. (3)

The Democrat Party’s current Administration has been marching to tune of every WEF Policies and Agendas and did MANDATED THE mRNA SPIKE PROTEIN SHOTS and has been very actively participating in every U.N. and WHO Global Governance Schemes.

In our opinion following are just some of the reason ‘The Government and the Elites’ allegedly want to Steal The 2024 Elections  ! :

They have continued Injecting American Citizens, even after their Mandates had expired, with their mRNA Spike Protein Gene-Therapy Bio-Weapon Injections but not the 20 million and more slaves they are bringing across the border and flying directly from foreign locations every day of the week.

Working with Central Banks to implement Digital Currency to control every action of the American Citizens. (A fulfillment of the Biblical Prophesy – Mark of the Best required before anyone will be allowed to buy or sell and do any other activity without the Elites’ permission.)

Biological and Facial Digital Recognition 5G 24/7 surveillance that Google/Microsoft/Apple/Chinese Military have already tested and implement in China two years ago.

Social Credit Ranking for citizens to qualify what they will allowed to do or earn by the Elites already functioning in China since 2020.

Global Administration to mandate their current and future mRNA or other Injections, Medicines, Food and Water.

Continue spraying deadly Chemicals through their military assets’ – CHEMTRAILS.

Weather Modification through their Air Force Microwave Radiation Energy H.A.R.P.Installation in Alaska.

Open Border.

Shut down of Fossil Fuel and Natural Gas Production.

Curtailing of Nuclear Energy Production.

Depleting of U.S. Military Assets.

Still mandating all Service Personnel be Injected with their mRNA Spike Protein Injections.


Total Failure to produce a Balance Budget.

Unrelenting funding and subsidizing their ‘Green Energy Agenda’ that has failed to provide any Rate of Return on Investments while making the Politicians and China very rich.

Ever increasing Taxes.

Reckless Spending.

Ukraine’s War and many other World Conflicts.

Continue to grant pardon or ‘CASH BAIL’ to violent criminals.

Accusing, illegally prosecuting and Imprisoning American Citizens for Insurgency while they are the one who failed to implement President Trumps offer of 10, 000 National Guard Troops two weeks before January 6, 2021.

Continue to mistreat fellow American Citizens in their Prison ‘Gulags’ with Solitary Confinements, Medicine and Food restrictions while treated Muslim Terrorists in GITMO with luxury, comfort and Exercise Gym with TV and Air Conditioning.

Pushing their Global Warming Hoax even their own published Charts and Data is showing that the Earth in fact has in a ‘Cooling Trend’ for quite sometime: This is the most recent Global Temperature Chart published by Washington Post (Elites’ Washing Post’ :




United Nations adopts ground-breaking Pact for the Future to transform global governance

New York, 22 September 2024



Klaus Schwab Calls for “Global Collaboration” To Combat “Misinformation”



Government Vaccine Scientist Blows Whistle: Covid Shots Were Planned for 20 Years
Please note for some reasons Dr. David Martins videos on Rumble do not upload therefore please open the above article and click on ‘interview’ to view his video.

Government Vaccine Scientist Blows Whistle: Covid Shots Were Planned for 20 Years

Frank BergmanSeptember 8, 2024



(If the any of the web links in this write-up fails to open please copy and paste the title of the article in your web browser or click on the authors’ name or their substack to review their submission.












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  • Anonymous

    When October comes around these liars will still be lying just like last October.

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