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By JLenardDetroit
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Social-Media WARS.... Which are on your Phone/Laptop?!?!? Are you SELF-CENSORING your own Reach?!?!?

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Social-Media WARS…. Which are on your Phone / Laptop?!?!? Are you SELF-CENSORING your own Reach?!?!?

OK, Social-Media is only going to grow. As a former IT guy myself and involved in the platforms (some now gone, some still here) since the start… Even was a BETA tester for one of them… So, I am infinitely curious about The Past, The Present, potential Future, of the Platforms and everyone’s expectations of what MORE you want from/with/via them?!?!?

Are YOU growing with it or limiting your own reach/scope? I frankly do not understand why some sorta SELF CENSOR (limit themselves) by being loyal to only one or two platforms?!?! Would LOVE to hear for any/all about your thoughts on these Questions?!?!?… No, no, not just going to leave it at that/this…. Will provide a couple prior #SocialMedia related Articles of mine for review (both additional B4IN items from me)….


[ Interrupt for brief fore-note: my kinda, quasi, cross-related, items here on B4IN today:

Social-Media WARS.... Which are on your Phone/Laptop?!?!? Are you SELF-CENSORING your own Reach?!?!? | Opinion | Oct 14 2024 16:101

Video Platforms.... | Resources | Oct 14 2024 15:23

Faith... Politics... Election based Reporting/Discussions.... | Media | Oct 14 2024 10:38

Find me on MOST Platforms as JLenardDetroit -
Please check out my linktree list of links to FRIEND ME on any/all Platforms we may indeed co-habitat at/on/with/via/etc.... 

Please consider a LIKE (Recommend, in B4IN parlance) and SHARING (via B4IN buttons above, unless you have BLOCKERware engaged that sometimes may block even SHARE images/links like that which are helpful embedded  above and therefore do not see them).... ]


This could have been in B4IN “Media” “Alternative” or so many other Categories, BUT since I am indeed ASKING Y’ALL QUESTIONS (at top, and indeed would love actual Feedback) guess “OPINION” is the proper Category to post this in.

[NOTE: B4IN strips images from B4IN Articles when moving them to Archive Servers to save Server-space... HOWEVER, Video embeds remain, but a HOWEVER to the HOWEVER is that of late I am experiences "issues" when trying to embed more than one Video to a B4IN piece... THEREFORE avoiding potential problem and other potential Videos (in original pieces below) going to self-strip from within... To see those, go to the associated original piece that still seem to be working OK (as long as I never again attempt to update them) with multiple Videos there-in those.]


Below from Social-Media… TLB-talk relaunch happening July 2024… | Media | May 27 2024 12:16….

BeforeItsNews readers Sneak-Peek (BTS/SP) at upcoming TheLibertyBeacon piece (“TLB-Talk relaunch”) dropping Sat. June 22nd 2024…

[ June 22 2024 – 1,400 words, 1 images, 2 videos – conjunction w/ CTP S2E53 ]

TLB-Talk relaunch

I have talked social-media in general before, but now is a great time to talk about it again with the relaunch of TLB Talk coming July 1st 2024… I was very upset when ReTalk (out of UK) shutdown permanently at the beginning of this year – had some great discussions with a lot of wonderful, thoughtful, logic/reason/common-sense people there. If I recall correctly, I had even referenced a couple TLB-Talk, ReTalk, GAB, and X (X conversation just a few weeks ago) that inspired TLB (in whole or in part) pieces (and cross-referenced/linked at times). So glad TLB-Talk just took a reboot/rebuild hiatus temporarily; as had and look forward to many more great discussions again there too.


[image source: (partial image)]

First, I am certainly looking forward to TLB-Talk return. Remember, though, I’ve said this over and over about any site – whether social-media, articles/news/opinion based, whatever, type of site, it is NOT necessarily the site but the folks you find there! Like I’ve said about BeforeItsNews when someone over the years (as I’ve been writing there far longer than here on/for TheLibertyBeacon) tries to Alinsky attack/dismiss a piece there. Heck, remember back when Glenn Beck was on CNN. CNN, of course, is trash, but his Shows were great and worthy of watching – held value as reality based vs the worthless other Shows on that Network Unicorn-fart-fantasy Leftist delusion spin and false-narratives based. Same holds for anything – there are good people, bad people, and sometimes outright real nut-jobs; and the latter does not diminish the “value” those in the “good people” (dealing in reality) bring/offer category. If a/any site is really a FREE SPEECH site, there will be “all kinds” (and remember “I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” (Evelyn Beatrice Hall; her words but attributed to Voltaire’s sentiments in her “Friends of Voltaire” book) doesn’t mean we have to put-up with them long-term on social-media and why the Mute/Block functions exist (as you have a right to say, not a right to demand I listen to your babblings/rantings/lunacy)) and mix of folks.

As Reagan said (well, he said a lot of great things, specifically in this case) “Trust, but Verify!” You have to find the “trustworthy” more traditional “Journalist” type folks (bother to Fact Check and actually try to cover whole story – the good, the bad, the ugly, where the facts lead) vs modern Leftist Activist “Reporters” that just “Parrot” what their favorite people say and try pretend it truth (whether is or not, almost always from Fascicrats NOT – therefore they avoid any Fact Checking) and “IF” they even pretend to bring “balance” they will counter with a Fake Republican (CINO, RINO) that will only ever “mildly” disagree (but not really) if not many times align with their LEFTIST FRIEND (CINOs, RINOs, are all part of the Leftist #DeepState – and spare me the Uni-Party thing as discussed before it is WE THE PEOPLE! There are some really good Republicans, just not enough, and ARE YOU a Delegate what are you DOING vs WHINING?!?!?).

So, welcome back TLB-Talk – I can’t wait to start stirring things up (hey, I got my “shit-stirrer” reputation to maintain) there again. LOL


[in TLB piece video is embedded at this point, can be seen there, also including here in the B4IN piece.]
VIDEO (35m 23s):
CTP (S1E13) “Social-Media Censorship” Behind-The-Scenes Sneak-Peek video of Sat. Sep. 16 2023 Show


Despite Elon and new crew, now having had some time, Twatter (aka: X) has indeed “gotten better” in some regards and in others far worse, So many complaining about various glitches that seem to pop-up here and there seemingly without rhyme or reason. But I have said this since day one that Elon did officially take over and did his first round of Leftist activists rather than real IT employees to create an efficient system. As a former IT guy myself I understand that when you’re dealing with inherited code that was likely already patch-work (and worse, landmines added through-out, duplicative code, what-not, as they had a lot of time for malarky before they were to hand over control and wanting to sabotage it all).

Often, if you’re dealing with code that has been patched, repatched, bubble gummed and duct taped, attempts to apply still more patches to “remedy” what is a perceived problem and change code overall intent from its “attacking Conservatives” intent as been the purposeful, willful, and with malice in intent, way to act (AI automation just to do, not think or certainly never give benefit of doubt to those designated as potential targets for suspensions or outright removal/perma-ban).

As I said from start Twatter/X needs a complete bottom up rewrite and Elon should have priorly announced (still should now, since he hadn’t) will happen (he should know that is what ultimately needed, he’s supposed to be a genius, right? Should know that) – meantime, while a team works on that (will take long time, to do it right) they will do their best at patching. However genius’ often lack some common-sense or lose foresight – focus so much on one Tree completely missing the overall broader picture/Forest (as I’ve covered in a few CTP Shows). And the other thing, Elon is clearly really focused on HOW QUICKLY can he monetize anything and everything in Twatter/X (pushing people to “Twatter Blue” fees); and I get that, I am a Free Market Capitalist, he deserves ROI; but that is clearly a primary focus – but, I gotta ask, if you want people to PAY YOU for a Service it outta bleeping WORK! You do not entice people to be willing to PAY for something “buggy” and “glitchy” (and I am hearing from folks about “issues” with follows, followings, disappearing of same, groups, Spaces, virtually everything “glitches” in some form for far too many) due to all the attempts to fix it all on the cheap/quick.

I mean really, constantly hearing about people who were following folks and poof (no longer following). Worse, people who all of a sudden DROP by 100 followers. What, as if 100 people all about exact same time decide “you are no longer worthy of following” and unfollow? Or 100 people all at exact same time decide to deactivate their accounts (and indeed would just vanish from the list of those they followed).

At any rate – enough about the Twatter/X saga… some would say FIASCO! Put me in the latter category. If you do not recall, I wrote on TLB before “Who All Still Being Censored On Twitter After Elon Takeover” piece. Also, this piece is getting long already so – I was going to import prior BeforeItsNews “Social-Media Never Surrender” piece, but I’ll leave it to you if you want to go down that additional concept (WHY… Would we want to limit our own reach? Self-censor?!?!? Let the Left push us out/away from anywhere, vs our need to FIGHT?). Concluded with I was on, at one time, 15 different social-media platforms; sadly a few of them either went away, had too many bugs/glitches (more these days than, OAN’s thing they seemed to have put up and do not seem to really monitor and IMO/seemingly refuse to fix anything; to the point where I gave up on them entirely) to remain there, got “perma-banned,” etc., but remain at and active at as many of them as possible – again, why would I want to limit my reach and I/we need recognize “Preaching to only the Choir” doesn’t gain us any Political ground (gotta convince those inDUHpendents you can no longer PRETEND you are somehow above it all – if you do not oppose Fascicrats you are a useful-idiot to/for them and their agenda at breaking down Western Culture (just like GIJIAS Terrorists).

[in TLB piece video is embeded at this point, can be seen there]
VIDEO (21m 34s):
CTP (S1EListenerFeedbackMar2024, 20240306) Tino on Censorship S1E13 Show Feedback BTS/SP Video:              


[TLB NOTE: This piece appeared on BeforeItsNews on Mon. May 27th (Memorial Day) as a B4IN Behind-The-Scenes early Sneak-Peek of this article with a couple of additional images embedded in order to help promote TheLibertyBeacon (and, yes, of course, obviously, my TLB fare and my CTP Show). Doing a/the BTS/SP over on B4IN sometimes too helps me “develop” and “tweak” a TLB piece for publication here as it can be “perfected” before release here, as too I did the “Mother’s Day (retrospective)” article (MDR via B4IN and MDR via TLB).]

[TLB NOTE: This piece appeared on BeforeItsNews on Mon. May 27th (Memorial Day) as a B4IN Behind-The-Scenes early Sneak-Peek of this article with a couple of additional images embedded in order to help promote TheLibertyBeacon (and, yes, of course, obviously, my TLB fare and my CTP Show). Doing a/the BTS/SP over on B4IN sometimes too helps me “develop” and “tweak” a TLB piece for publication here as it can be “perfected” before release here, as too I did the “Mother’s Day (retrospective)” article (MDR via B4IN and MDR via TLB).]


See the CTP episode when it drops transcript at/via buzzsprout for Show Notes and list of related items sub-links specific to the episode (as is case with each Show/episode related sub-links to/for each episode in each buzzsprout transcript of each regular (weekly, Saturday’s, monologue Show) drops). Below are the “repeated” each episode related sub-links…

“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP) 
- CTP:  
- CTP long-form description: 
- TLB articles:  
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:  
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):  
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout: 
- CTP Coffee affiliate 1: (promocode: JOSEL20) 
- CTP Coffee affiliate 2: (promocode: CTP10)  
- CTP Official playlist:  
- Transcription Services by: Converter.App  
- Joseph M Lenard –  
( /


Below from  The #SocialMedia Battleground! No, I will not concede any of it, to do so is SURRENDER (and we cannot let the #LeftWingLoons WIN)! | U. S. Politics | Dec 04 2020 15:26….

[My new book TERROR STRIKES - see:
which includes a section about FREE SPEECH battles]

BillSmith (on GAB (see: asked: Why do I keep using TWATTER (even though they #ShadowBan me and worse – you really should see related: to see how I and others have been targets on Twatter since 2016)?

[original post Dec 4 2020, last update: Sun Jan 24, 2021]
[SAT. SEP. 16, 2023 UPDATE at bottom of article added]

Not looking to cast an aspersions unto anyone, just saying AS FOR ME* (in affirming statements/tones)
You dont always get to dictate when/where Battles fought, 1 thing certain – intend to WIN A WAR you can’t COWER from the enemy YOU MUST ENGAGE**
Like it or NOT, #FASCISTBOOK & #TWATTER are where main Battle for Hearts & (more importantly) MINDS being fought! Again, ILL NEVER SURRENDER ( /
Know that WE THAT REMAIN FIGHTING are being effective, that’s why they have to engage in #CENSORSHIP against us & try & DEPLATFORM US
Were being effective & #WALKAWAY & #BLEXIT movements evidence of it
Just keep telling them OPEN YOUR EYES:

VIDEO EMBED REMOVED from this point of piece (due to issues embedding multiple videos into one B4IN piece of late)
- see original piece for details:  /u-s-politics/2020/12/the-socialmedia-battleground-no-i-will-not-concede-any-of-it-to-do-so-is-surrender-and-we-cannot-let-the-leftwingloons-win-2580681.html

MORE: #LeftWing #BIAS #eneMEDIA #FakeNews #SPIN outlets!
Don’t believe it? Just give 5 mins to watch this and #RedPill.
The #HardTruth, Episode 1: Media Bias #WalkAway Education Series
VIDEO EMBED REMOVED from this point of piece (due to issues embedding multiple videos into one B4IN piece of late)
- see original piece for details:  /u-s-politics/2020/12/the-socialmedia-battleground-no-i-will-not-concede-any-of-it-to-do-so-is-surrender-and-we-cannot-let-the-leftwingloons-win-2580681.html

Review, often, #REALNEWS tag (over all #SocialMedia Platforms) for what they don’t want you to see/know!

* but, to each his own. I’d certainly PREFER more would STAND AND FIGHT with me (we need the Allies)!
Some of the #PatheticallyCorrupt and #IdentityPolitics games/nonsense….
While YOU, ME, WE, may dislike #IdentityPolitics (idiot Left “Intersectionalism”), sometimes an Enemy dictates the Battlefield that you must Fight on. Failure to Fight any particular Battle, means Surrender (automatic LOSS).
Sometimes you can pick the time and location of a Battle taking it to the Enemy, other times you must Defend (more-so, Fight back) upon the Battlefield Enemy dictates.
Running away and pretending this is not happening is not a useful strategy. Trying to claim you are too good to bother to Fight and get your hands dirty is (again, lame excuse for) SURRENDER!
Lincoln did not get to just say – you know, I’d rather not bother to confront Confederate Troops amassed at Gettysburg (let’s ignore the situation and pretend it isn’t happening). To do so would have then allowed them to March on next to anywhere they damn well pleased. Unless you are completely outnumbered and have no real way to Fight back, you must engage!

(above from #GAB/JLenardDetroit:

update: Sat Jan 9, 2021….
Post from GAB from @rooshv (
Twitter’s banning of Donald Trump was a blessing. Sleepy conservatives have been jolted awake to the severity of authoritarianism that is coming for them, because if the President of the United States isn’t safe, neither are they. The breach of the Capitol building by patriots proved they still possess sufficient strength and willpower. They now have the justification, motivation, and righteous anger to fight back in all ways small and big against the corrupt establishment. Buckle your seat belts and choose your battles wisely. There will be good days and bad days, but those on the side of truth and God will prevail.
MY RESPONSE: THE LESSON! People should have NEVER limited their options in the first place!!!



1) Use a separate Browser to keep all the Platforms open in separate Tabs to easily toggle between them… and make a post on one, then cut/paste/post to the others!! You maximize your message reach that/this way!!!!

2) Yes, I know, many are reluctant to start on new Social Media Platforms cuz they just don’t want to have to start from scratch building up Friends / Follows/Followers / “Subscribers” / etc (whatever each site uses for terminology to try and pretend to be something different (they are all same basic functions)). Some have FIND FRIENDS function that will scan your Contacts database (grab emails) to then search their Users database to find your Friends to AUTO FOLLOW and/or send a FOLLOW REQUEST to them. IF NOT, just make use of the HASHTAGS that all the Platforms have/use. Type in one of your commonly used tags and it is likely there are like minded folks using the same tag on any/all the other sites and you can scroll down page (one tag search at a time) to find like minded folks to connect with!

IF A PLATFORM (LIKE PARLER, others) DO NOT HAVE THEIR OWN SERVERS, their Hosts can REMOVE THEM FROM EXISTANCE AT ANY TIME! (discussed further down in a Sat Jan 9 update) GAB, for that very reason, invested in and moved to their own Servers for one (not sure on the others)!

3) You want others to share your thoughts/posts? Then do so for others (at least, on occasion, obviously you can’t for everyone, all the time, as your Feed would be just massively long and cluttered)! HOWEVER, having said that, let me also state that you can go overboard the other direction! I have indeed unfollowed/unfriended some who do NOTHING BUT SHARE OTHERS’ THOUGHTS/POSTS and never have an original thought/post of their own, or never even additional commentary on what they are sharing of/from others!
4) USE SCREEN SHOTS – If you suspect someone is likely to be SUSPENDED/BANNED at anytime soon and want to save/preserve any of their posts (cuz once suspended/banned, their posts/feed will go away including any SHARES/RTs/QUOTES/etc on others’ feeds of them) but using screen-shot method preserves them.


5) BEWARE OF NEWER USERS SINCE NOV 3, 2020… Like I’d been posting since Nov 3… There are Libtards posing as Conservatives…

BEWARE OF THE LIBERAL TROLLS CREATING NEW ACCOUNTS ON ALL SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS PRETENDING TO BE CONSERVATIVES (be sure to check JOIN DATE and BE SUSPICIOUS of any/all joined since Nov 4, they are DESPERATE to get you to sit out (or other such shit disturbing antics) Jan 5 #GASen #Runoffs and allow #FASCICRATS #OSSOFF and #WARNOCK win (support #Perdue & #Loeffler)!

NO REAL CONSERVATIVE! NO REAL REPUBLICAN! Would ever sit idly (or worse as the Fake Conservative Trolls are doing – trying to get you to sitout) by and allow a FASCICRATS NOMINEE (for anything from DogCatcher to President) to Win an Election! EVER! Ignore the MORON #RINOSFORBIDEN crowd and/or LIBTARD TROLL MORONS (who created a new Account over the past few days, liars, FAKE CONSERVATIVES PROFILES) claiming they are sitting out the #GASEN #RUNOFFS on Jan 5 and that “you should too!” Only a MORON or a LIAR would suggest anyone sit idly by and allow FASCICRATS #OSSOFF and #WARNOCK “just be given” a #USSENATE seat, for any reason – at all – EVER! DONATE TO, SUPPORT (regardless of where you Live in #USA), both #TRUMP ENDORSED CANDIDATES #DAVIDPERDUE and #KELLYLOEFFLER (WINRED.COM, select GA in State pulldown)! Also see: /u-s-politics/2020/11/election-2020-fraud-trumps-legal-path-to-reelection-2580638.html

If YOU LITERALLY want to cut off your Nose to spite your Face – then you go right ahead, you only hurt yourself that way. NOT SUPPORTING PERDUE and LOEFFLER (to STOP BIDEN, PELOSI, SCHUMER, FASCICRATS AGENDA) harms 330M Americans and no-one should do that, even if LIFE THREATENED by #BlackLyingMarxists FASCICRATS crowd! Your Childrens’ Future demands you STAND UP AND BE COUNTED FOR PERDUE AND LOEFFLER as President TRUMP has called for (has endorsed them, and having SaveTheUSSenate Rally for them Dec 5)!

more/related: /u-s-politics/2020/11/election-2020-fraud-trumps-legal-path-to-reelection-2580638.html   


Gab CEO Blames CIA and Mockingbird Media for Latest PSYOP Campaign of Slew of New Accounts “Popping Out of Nowhere and Making Threats of Violence”

Gab CEO Andrew Torba released a statement on Friday on the latest suspicious activity on the social media platform. Torba says the company has noticed a slew of activity “popping out of nowhere” and promoting violence. He suspects this is a “CIA Mockingbird Media Complex” operation. They want to shut down all unapproved and opposing…

And, vice-versa, be prepared when you are joining new Sites for the Users that have been there a long time to take awhile to “warm” to you, they may be SUSPICIOUS of you as a New-User for awhile until you’ve built up a Track-Record of consistent Posting! Find common Friends from your other sites first, that know you, should recognize you and/or your handle/id, which then builds your followings and followers which then also lends you more credibility.




Goodreads Book Giveaway


ChristiTutionalist Politics   by Joseph M. Lenard

Giveaway ends September 15, 2023. –  See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway



6) FascistBook (and/or MeWe) groups are nice (if you’re NOT BANNED from the platform), but regardless join #NEXTDOOR too!
Like HOLIDAY LIGHTS viewing? Nextdoor (in conjunction w/ #HallmarkChannel) has CHEER MAP (you can add your home to &/or review to find HOLIDAY LIGHTS are for viewing in your area:!

I’ve been on it abt 5yrs. Only once dealt w/ politics, aft Libtard started shit – we handed her her ass then BLOCKED her! U can tell who kind/loving/caring/CONSERVATIVE folks are v controlling/nanny-type libtards are (& BLOCK THEM as with any platform)! Just avoid Politics there.

Its good for NeighborhoodWatch type stuff, local YardSale stuff, lost cats/dogs, XmasLightsMap, etc….
Again, just know it’s “function” and “place” in our Lives!
As for Politics, CONCEDE NO GROUND on the regular/traditional SocialMedia Platforms

7) Use screen shots of longer posts on other platforms to extend comments on Twatter! Make your post that won’t fit on Twatter elsewhere, then screen-shot your full post, cut/paste it to Twatter!

And beyond that, some issues deserve/need a DEEP DIVE that doesn’t fit on ANY PLATFORM! Join BeforeItsNews and create Articles for sharing…

Here’s a post I sometimes share on SMPlatforms about that…
For anyone interested really sharing  extended thoughts beyond Social Media constraints & delve into some issue(s) often far too complex to even boil down in available space of Social Media Platforms providing far more generous Posts space than available vs very limited space Twitter allows (making any comments of great significance damn near impossible, instead only encouraging “pot shots” or “sound bites”  don’t do issue Justice) I hope you check out my recent Articles & consider joining B4IN so you can respond to articles/issues there-in (which then affords access via sharing my article to point folks to check out your considered response, rather than constantly having to retype the same thought over and over when/where warranted (consider it a place to park thoughts, that you can then go to for cut/paste into SMPlatform responses of topics that keep recurring), or perhaps write your own pieces):

older RedState articles of mine:

8) Also regarding newer users… CAT-FISH and/or IMPERSONATION schemes — Also regarding newer users… There are still CAT-FISH (someone using info/photos of others to either IMPERSONATE them and/or create their own FAKE PROFILE to fool people) schemes/scams going on… A post I made regarding that on GAB:
FYI, I just REPORTED (just in case, they’ll likely NOT do anything right now but I hope they keep an eye on these Accounts) and BLOCKED them…. Not gonna share the names/handles, just wanted to RAISE AWARENESS and ask, who else has seen potentially FISHY activity account wise lately?!?!

REPORT that I filed on/for/about each of them:
This is now like the 6th account that has followed me that has very few posts and all the images virtually identical (the two with the young girl in COW WHISPERER and HOLDING CHICKEN are absolutely 100% identical and the rest very similar, several more likely identical, all relating to Farm scenes). Something is catFISHY here!!!


If you get a POST FAILED ERROR it is most likely just HEAVY TRAFFIC (Server lag) issues we’ve seen here (and got worse of late since Parler down, and new users flooding in in droves)! All I can do is recommend PATIENCE!

At best, do a CTRL-C (copy) of your text BEFORE hitting Post/Publish/whatever, here and or everywhere, for sometime going forward, as POST FAILURES will continue to occur as all the Platforms quickly try to install more and more equipment to ease and/or spread the load on the Systems. Ctrl-C just so it is in your System copy buffer should a/the Post FAIL and for whatever reason your text erases you can wait a few minutes, CTRL-V (paste) it back into a new Post and retry to Post. If you really want to be OVER CAUTIOUS – you could create and keep a TEXT DOCUMENT open on your Desktop to either cut/paste/save into to ensure you don’t lose text (especially on longer commentary type posts) that you can then cut/paste/post into Social Media sites (and for use in multi-site posting/sharing)! You may also, before attempting repost, hitting REFRESH (which, will, for certain, lose your text, so be sure you COPY it before hitting REFRESH (and in some cases, depending on site and Error, the site may “wig-out: and attempt of REFRESH of your Page/connection on its own (so, again, good to ensure you copy your text at least into your system Copy buffer)))!

10) You will quickly lose any/all credibility if you engage in misleading click-bait (flashy, often inticing but deceptive headlined, links, or constantly provide links without any commentary/context to suggest why someone should TRUST a link you provide! Or deal in SPAM, and as a Retired IT guy let me share the proper definition – SPAM = unwanted ADVERTISEMENTS (later broadened, but not quite the same, to mean ANYTHING SHARED UNWANTED BY RECIPIENT (improper use of term) but indeed accepted term as CONTINUED SENDING ITEMS YOU KNOW SOMEONE PREVIOUSLY EXPRESSED NO INTEREST IN CONTINUED RECEIVING FROM YOU)! Or, as the Left may often imply, anything that upsets them – like sharing FACTS, cuz they don’t want to deal in them, IS NOT DEFINED AS SPAM. Related, of course, Left continued sending of FALSE INFORMATION = #FAKENEWS!

#LeftWing #BIAS #eneMEDIA #FakeNews #SPIN outlets!
Don’t believe it? Just give 5 mins to watch this and #RedPill.
The #HardTruth, Episode 1: Media Bias #WalkAway Education Series #democratLIESmatter
Review, often, #REALNEWS tag for what they don’t want you to see/know!

11) Some older, still very relevant, points/tips/tricks in my older RedState piece: (2016)



Sat Jan 9, 2021 update: PARLER MAY DISAPPEAR SOON:

1st – NO, I AM NOT ASKING ANYONE TO LEAVE ANY PLATFORM, just consider your vulnerability if you’ve limited your options at/to this point…

WARNING: AWS (Amazon Web Services) is threatened to remove #PARLER hosting privileges by (and other sites, including GAB even though they have their own Host servers (still use) other providers/services could be next). #parler does NOT have it’s own Servers like #GAB and others, so YES they can be completely dePlatformmed!! Don’t get caught flat-footed. I am NOT suggesting anyone leave the #ParlerFamily just EXAPAND YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA REACH/OPTIONS!!

Google and Apple are removing Parler App from their Playstores… This is just the first steps in SILENCING/CENSORING PARLER for good…. And don’t be fooled GAB, Spreely, others, still using CLOUDFLARE Services, so they can be effectively SHUTDOWN (have Traffic flow blocked) at any point also!


more – you really need to see (especially the PRO TIPS section that touches on Parlers potential being offline): /u-s-politics/2020/12/the-socialmedia-battleground-no-i-will-not-concede-any-of-it-to-do-so-is-surrender-and-we-cannot-let-the-leftwingloons-win-2580681.html

Share this with others on all Platforms!!!


(additionally from: AGAIN, since some seem to lack understanding that CONTEXT (between/across multiple Social Media Posts and/or Articles) matters…. I, nor anyone else, is advocating anyone leave GAB (nor any Social Media Platform, that is the point: to JOIN AND USE AS MANY AS POSSIBLE (EXPAND/EXTEND YOUR REACH))! Quite the contrary, we are advocating you join additional other platforms TO SHARE GAB CONTENT WITH/ON!
Damn, some people are DUMB, even some supposedly on OUR SIDE and should be Allies but instead are ACT AS BADLY AS THE SNOWFLAKES THEY PRETEND TO DETEST/FIGHT!


Are you a #SocialMedia #PowerUser too?!?! I float between #FaceBook (or did, until permabanned July 2020, I have filed official complaint with FCC***), #Spreely, #MeWe, #PolitiChatter (aka: #RagingRight), #Parler, #GAB, #MINDS, #Mumblit, and #Twitter!! Look me up on all those platforms you also frequent…. either Joseph Lenard or @ JLenardDetroit across all platforms!

No, I’m not leaving FB/Twitter (related discussion:, cuz frankly that is where the Battle mainly continues to RAGE, & you cant win a #WAR if you don’t go engage #enemy & reach as many as possible to try & #TurnTheTide!

Think about #WalkAway/#BLEXIT movements (see: We are reaching some Folks.. As #Democrats get WEIRDER & WEIRDER & undeniably 100% #Socialists, some now #WalkAwayFromDemocrats (must reach out to those folks)!

Avoid #FakeNews, see #REALNEWS hashtag (across all #SocialMedia Platforms)!

***related: my FCC complaint vs Twatter and FB, and more, covered in….
whole story behind me being 1 of #TheMighty200 targeted by #Politico (& #HillaryClinton) on Twitter in 2016 (the start of the #RussianBots / #RussianCollusion #FalseNarratives): /u-s-politics/2020/04/politico-targeted-me-jlenarddetroit-other-conservatives-on-twitter-the-russianbots-russianhoax-falsenarratives-origins-2016-2579963.html

Look me up once you join the other sites to be Friends there too:
and post articles, like this, for sharing, at BeforeItsNews: (telegram)

I have joined the American Hartford IRA Gold group, you should too, 
and I even am now an official spokesperson – why?
Massive inflation, unsteady Crypto/Stock Markets, Gold your IRA: Yes, I have been BANNED since July 2020 but have Filed Official complaint with FCC (minor details on that in amidst the other stuff about Twatter) if the RINOs in DC ever get serious about Section 230 hearings and crackdown on the BLATANT LIES Dorsey and Zuckerberg have told to them (funny, others are JAILED for NOT telling LIES (just make minor errors in recollection) to FBI and/or Congress, but ZERO happens to these LIARS) maybe one day I’ll be able to reclaim my Account! I do know, however, from what others have told me, that my FB “Page” ( still exists which I hope you’ll check out and “LIKE” just to piss-off the FascistBook crew!




This section update Jan 9 2021 (cut/pasted from a comment/reply I made on/to GAB (” Don’t limit your options BE EVERYWHERE! Cut/paste across all Social Media Platforms!!! “) Post (

@rooshv from another post where @Josiekana says she is on Social Media with just one platform too much already…. lol

yup, I understand, but to cut/paste from that one to the others take another 1m or so?!?!? Pick ONE to be your main, then, as I said, cut/paste to the others to further your reach (understanding some have (like Minds, restricts to 5 hashtags; Parler only 1k character limit; etc) restrictions to deal with, but for the most part it is indeed simple cut/paste/hit-post across all the platforms if you train yourself to just automatically keep yourself at 5 tags and under 1k for most of your posts!!!

It matters, however, if you are indeed on a PHONE APP or Laptop. I engage my SocialMediaPlatforms from a Laptop so that is easier. I only, very rarely, bother to access any of the Platforms from my Phone – too much of a pain in the ass to use the virtual keyboard for posts/comments – I want full use of a full keyboard to physically type on/with.



BONUS MATERIAL – NON-POLITICAL RELATED, for all the great folks that made it all the way down to the bottom of the Article! In this TWITTER/SHORT ATTENTION SPAN WORLD we’re livin’ in, you are one of us rare breed of Folks who care to KNOW THE FULL DETAILS! Obviously you’re a caring person, so here’s a way of knowing what is going on in your Neighborhood and to interact with those “NEXTDOOR!”

Your invite into the system:
FB groups are nice, but you should still join #NEXTDOOR! Nextdoor is a great way to interact with your neighbors!
Like HOLIDAY LIGHTS viewing? Nextdoor (in conjunction w/ #HallmarkChannel) has CHEER MAP (you can add your home to &/or review to know where HOLIDAY LIGHTS are for viewing in your area:!
Your invite into the system:


He’s Fighting for the Country – Greg Kelly (NEWSMAX)
(do not let his opening fool you, this NOT about Biden, it is about US and TRUMP)


VIDEO EMBED REMOVED from this point of piece (due to issues embedding multiple videos into one B4IN piece of late)
- see original piece for details:  /u-s-politics/2020/12/the-socialmedia-battleground-no-i-will-not-concede-any-of-it-to-do-so-is-surrender-and-we-cannot-let-the-leftwingloons-win-2580681.html

Yes, there is a path to Victory (see:



Hey #Libtards / #Fascicrats (see: #Trolls! Just move on! Cuz, NO I’m NOT one of those weak/cowering #Republicans! You try to Slap me (Politically speaking) I WILL LAY YOUR ASS OUT COLD! #demcratLIESmatter and I will NOT let them go un-refuted!
#FACTSmatter #REALITYmatters
#eneMEDIA #SPIN (see my related 2008 article: countered
and, let me be clear – YOU TOO #CINOs / #RINOs. I am going to call out your Shit also!
related: I’m #CONSERVATIVE (1st/foremost) #Republican (2nd) – stand by any #POTUS when deserving and criticize when I feel necessary (with ANY/ALL Politicians)!
I don’t write regularly, but sometimes I’m either INSPIRED or SO FUCKING PISSED that I feel I must…..
older pieces at #RedState:
(some older stuff you see may shock you, I am an equal opportunity CALLER OUTER (yup, I know, no such word, but you know what I mean)!


Lastly, not entirely related but…. since folks are angry and talking about starting other new Parties which will only make you USEFUL IDIOTS (Like those in LIBERALtarian Party has been for decades) and help elect more FASCICRATS (! HOW ABOUT YOU ACTUALLY GET OFF YOUR COUCH AND DO SOMETHING MORE THAN SITTING AROUND AND JUST VOTING COME ELECTION TIME WITH/FOR THE ONE WE GOT?!?!?

Spare me the line “BOTH PARTIES ARE EQUALLY PATHETIC/BAD!” If you think the #GOP is inadequate, and many times, IMO, I think it is (many who do not uphold Platoform planks/principles/values (tho, yes, of course, we are a BIG TENT and not going to agree on 100% EVERYTHING but there are a couple BIG/KEY/CRITICAL things that supposed to set us apart from FASCICRATS*)) — WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HELP?? Are YOU a #PrecinctDelegate (PD)?!?!
Why #Conservatives MUST become Precinct Delegate  (aka:

You can scream all you like from the Bleachers, if you want to help shape the outcome of the Game/Score you have to get on the Team and actually FIGHT to shape the outcome of the Game from/while ON THE FIELD!

“Help becoming a PD” in MI (DuckDuckGo search for other States): (aka:

Get involved. Become a PD. Then try to become a member of your District or County Republican Committee (or even Run for Chair of them)! EXERT REAL INFLUENCE!  Go to the State Convention!  

We need reinforcements INSIDE to help root out CINOs/RINOs as well as FASCICRATS!!!





Sun June 13, 2021 update…

Have you heard of #Anoox?
I thought I’d check it out.
Of course, just another LeftyLoon controlled/operated site that when the #SNOWFLAKES cannot refute #FACTS immediately go to #BAN, #CENSOR, #SILENCE, those who deliver them tactics (as everywhere they control, can’t have HONEST discussions.

If you happen to look, I’m on as:  
which, of course, as you can see “GOP” in the userid, drew immediate leftyloon assaults.

While I could use a few Friends/Allies over there, IT REALLY ISN’T WORTH SIGNING UP…. UNLESS, you want to temporarily just to Friend me, Troll some moron SNOWFLAKES, and then just ignore the site from then on! LOL

The only reason I signed-up/joined, was I was seeking FREE MARKETING OPPORTUNITES for the (hence the MICD12GOP userid) Website I’m the Webmaster of. Thought they might be worth something, just turned out to be a great big JOKE over there!


TERROR STRIKES book … coming April 15th 2022 …

Joseph M. Lenard (a/k/a: JLenardDetroit)
Born 1962. Lifelong resident Wyandotte Michigan.
Former information technology professional.
Political issues blogger/vlogger/speaker/writer.



Appreciate this or other Joseph M. Lenard pieces?
Joseph M Lenard is on @buymeacoffee! 🎉
You can support by buying a coffee ☕️ here — 


————- MON SEP 27 2021 UPDATE….

If your response to the known #VoterFraud in 2020 is to SIT OUT 2022, THEN YOU ARE A #MORON! We must turn-out in such overwhelming numbers, that they cannot even STEAL THE NEXT ELECTION trying to Cheat. But why would they Cheat, if #MORONS won’t #GOTV, they can Win w/o #Fraud. #SpecialKindOfSTUPID


Let’s just pretend that 160M people did vote in last Election, there are 330Mish #USCitizens in USA (but, yes, of course, not all are of age to Vote)… It is reported that between 50-60% OF ALL CHRISTIANS are STILL NOT VOTING (most of which are Conservatives, likely Constitutionalists, except for the FAKE CHRISTIANS like Biden, Pelosi, et al (see related:! There are PLENTY of Folks that HAVE NOT GOT OFF THEIR ASSES YET and are still part of the Problem.

As the Canadian Rock group RUSH tune says: If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice —- or, let me add: allowed one to be FORCED UPON YOU!


YOU, if YOU are already involved, MUST BECOME EVEN MORE INVOLVED.
Applications/Forms at: 





VIDEO EMBED REMOVED from this point of piece (due to issues embedding multiple videos into one B4IN piece of late)
- see original piece for details:  /u-s-politics/2020/12/the-socialmedia-battleground-no-i-will-not-concede-any-of-it-to-do-so-is-surrender-and-we-cannot-let-the-leftwingloons-win-2580681.html


YouTube shuts down Dilbert creator Scott Adams


VIDEO EMBED REMOVED from this point of piece (due to issues embedding multiple videos into one B4IN piece of late)
- see original piece for details:  /u-s-politics/2020/12/the-socialmedia-battleground-no-i-will-not-concede-any-of-it-to-do-so-is-surrender-and-we-cannot-let-the-leftwingloons-win-2580681.html




SAT. SEP. 16, 2023 UPDATE….


S1E13 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Sep 16 2023 and thereafter) at: )…

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E13) “Social-Media Censorship and beyond”

Topic “Who all still being Censored on Twitter after Elon takeover?” piece!

Elon has done a lot with the platform, but still Censorship is occurring as poison-pill code left behind by previous staff still lingers under the surface. It is great they’ve got most of it so it seems, but clearly not all as I was suspended well after Elon took over and without any warning this time; however this Show ultimately about Censorship and Free Speech in general and overall…


Episode related pieces…


- /opinion-conservative/2022/09/where-are-you-getting-your-who-what-where-when-and-why-news-3640083.html



- BeforeItsNews items:

- TLB items:




- (which has been scrubbed, see TLB article for screen-shot)




- Toots Sweet AntiCensorship Anthem:

- My Social-Media links (and more):


“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP)

- CTP:

- CTP long-form description:

- CTP:

- TLB articles:


- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:

- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):

- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout:

- CTP Official playlist:

- Joseph M Lenard – ( /

(S1E13 Audio: 31m 45s, Sat Sep 16th 2023)

TRANSCRIPT BONUS – “GETTR does NOT GETTRdone, as latest entry in #SocialMedia Wars…. (2021)”




SEVERAL VIDEO EMBEDS REMOVED from this point of piece (due to issues embedding multiple videos into one B4IN piece of late)
- see original piece for details:  /u-s-politics/2020/12/the-socialmedia-battleground-no-i-will-not-concede-any-of-it-to-do-so-is-surrender-and-we-cannot-let-the-leftwingloons-win-2580681.html






UGH! I cannot wait to get this damn #Election over with -- Indeed said every #ElectionCycle MOST IMPORTANT EVER but this time REALLY IS and The Left is piling on the #LIES over #Radio, #TV, #Internet, etc., more than ever before try keep their #POWER / #CONTROL in #DC while we are out-spent almost 10-1 trying to #RestoreOurAmericanRepublica and #MakeAmericaGreatAgain.... These Leftard Lying Ads driving me Crazy but is worrisome still so many #SUCKERS out there refuse #RESEARCH anything for themselves and eager to BUY INTO THE LEFTARDS #LIES and #Vote for their own demise and destruction of the #USA that affords them #FREEDOM being #UsefulIdiots for #CommieFasciSocies blend #DUMBocrats Party.

I mention about LYING LEFT #ADS in/during, many other #discussions we have on #SavagedUnfiltered (can see Record #BehindTheScenes of upcoming (will be broken into 2) episodes... ]













gun toting patriot bryson gray

VIDEO EMBED REMOVED from this point of piece
- see original piece for details:  ​​​​​​​/u-s-politics/2020/12/the-socialmedia-battleground-no-i-will-not-concede-any-of-it-to-do-so-is-surrender-and-we-cannot-let-the-leftwingloons-win-2580681.html



TERROR STRIKES book … coming April 15th 2022 …

Joseph M. Lenard (a/k/a: JLenardDetroit)
Born 1962. Lifelong resident Wyandotte Michigan.
Former information technology professional.
Political issues blogger/vlogger/speaker/writer.



Appreciate this or other Joseph M. Lenard pieces?
Joseph M Lenard is on @buymeacoffee! 🎉
You can support by buying a coffee ☕️ here — 




VIDEO EMBED REMOVED from this point of piece
- see original piece for details:  ​​​​​​​/u-s-politics/2020/12/the-socialmedia-battleground-no-i-will-not-concede-any-of-it-to-do-so-is-surrender-and-we-cannot-let-the-leftwingloons-win-2580681.html



My follow-up book “How to Write a Book and Get It Published” (in which I share my journey (of writing my #1 “Political Thriller” Bestseller “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You” (and the hints, tips, tricks, techniques, I learned in the process)) to aid you in your journey from concept, to written form, to published, to marketing, of your own book) – is available now via Amazon:


SEVERAL VIDEO EMBEDS REMOVED from this point of piece
- see original piece for details:  ​​​​​​​/u-s-politics/2020/12/the-socialmedia-battleground-no-i-will-not-concede-any-of-it-to-do-so-is-surrender-and-we-cannot-let-the-leftwingloons-win-2580681.html





S1E13 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Sep 16 2023 and thereafter) at: )…

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E13) “Social-Media Censorship and beyond”

Topic “Who all still being Censored on Twitter after Elon takeover?” piece!

Elon has done a lot with the platform, but still Censorship is occurring as poison-pill code left behind by previous staff still lingers under the surface. It is great they’ve got most of it so it seems, but clearly not all as I was suspended well after Elon took over and without any warning this time; however this Show ultimately about Censorship and Free Speech in general and overall…


Episode related pieces…


- /opinion-conservative/2022/09/where-are-you-getting-your-who-what-where-when-and-why-news-3640083.html



- BeforeItsNews items:

- TLB items:




- (which has been scrubbed, see TLB article for screen-shot)




- Toots Sweet AntiCensorship Anthem:

- My Social-Media links (and more):


“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP)

- CTP:

- CTP long-form description:

- CTP:

- TLB articles:


- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:

- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):

- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout:

- CTP Official playlist:

- Joseph M Lenard – ( /

(S1E13 Audio: 31m 45s, Sat Sep 16th 2023)

TRANSCRIPT BONUS – “GETTR does NOT GETTRdone, as latest entry in #SocialMedia Wars…. (2021)”

VIDEO EMBED REMOVED from this point of piece
- see original piece for details:  /u-s-politics/2020/12/the-socialmedia-battleground-no-i-will-not-concede-any-of-it-to-do-so-is-surrender-and-we-cannot-let-the-leftwingloons-win-2580681.html







Rick Walker joined me on my Show awhile back – see:

2023 in review…

CTP (S1E33, 20240203 drop, BTS/SP) “Brain-Dead Folks 1 (that’s a harsh title LOL)” BehindTheScenes/SneakPeek Video

[BRIEF NOTE: There has been, continues to be AN ISSUE with BeforeItsNews of late (in certain B4IN category sections, not all) in embedding Videos that I have filed a Support ticket regarding and still awaiting resolve. Normally, I am able to add several embedded Videos within every piece. For some reason I am limited to only including one as attempting more causes entire HTML code and parts of Articles TO VANISH. So, there will be additional links to Videos. Related Videos that I had hoped to embed throughout are...
"(CTP S1E28) SneakPeek/BTS "Can One 'Generalize' About Women Voters?" (Audio Show drops 20231230)"
or Rumble:
"CTP BTS/SP (S1EDecSpecial (MidWeek 12/6/23 drop)) "Dating in these WOKE times" Politics dividing."
"CTP S1ENov2023Special BTS/SP "Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas""
"CTP S1E25 BTS/SP Video "Year in Review (part 1)" 20231209 Audio podcast drop"
"CTP BTS/SP Video (S1E26) Year in Review (part 2)"
These Videos are also available via Bitchute and Brighteon @JLenardDetroit channels.
To see my CTP Show "Soundbites" samples - see: 
Take these, and of course ANY of the ChristiTutionalist TM Politics episodes on the Road (or whatever/where-ever) with you via Buzzsprout or any of the 14 other podcast platforms it is available. ]

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Before It’s News® is a community of individuals who report on what’s going on around them, from all around the world. Anyone can join. Anyone can contribute. Anyone can become informed about their world. "United We Stand" Click Here To Create Your Personal Citizen Journalist Account Today, Be Sure To Invite Your Friends.


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Total 1 comment
  • JLenardDetroit

    Social-Media WARS…. Which are on your Phone/Laptop?!?!? Are you SELF-CENSORING your own Reach?!?!?
    Opinion | Oct 14 2024 16:10

    Video Platforms….
    Resources | Oct 14 2024 15:23

    Faith… Politics… Election based Reporting/Discussions….
    Media | Oct 14 2024 10:38

    Ignorance Vs STUPIDity… difference…
    Education | Oct 13 2024 13:43

    These pieces and more at:

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