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UFO Abduction - Italian Woman Impregnated by Aliens 100% Real Footage - Human-Alien Hybrid Aborted: Shocking Videos And Photos (Videos)

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The photos and videos you will see are supposedly a human/alien hybrid fetus, collected from an abortion performed on an Italian woman in 2010 who claims to have been abducted and impregnated by aliens, according to totallyinexplicable of as well as other sources. 



Aliens first began visiting Giovanna when she was 4 years old. She is now 41. The woman from Italy claims to have been impregnated by aliens several times. 

Apparently the creatures removed the other fetuses at around 2 months. Giovanna claims that the creatures speak to her telepathically and that they have told her they want to create a hybrid race that is genetically close to their species. 


The photos and videos you will see are supposedly a human/alien hybrid fetus, collected from an abortion performed on an Italian woman in 2010 who claims to have been abducted and impregnated by aliens. Aliens first began visiting Giovanna when she was 4 years old. She is now 41. The woman from Italy claims to have been impregnated by aliens several times. Apparently the creatures removed the other fetuses at around 2 months. Giovanna claims that the creatures speak to her telepathically and that they have told her they want to create a hybrid race that is genetically close to their species.Because we are supposedly biologically compatible with their race, we have been chosen. Or more specifically, Giovanna has been chosen to propagate their race by means of a new hybrid species. Giovanna relates that the aliens visited her often when she was a young girl. At that time the aliens would use her for research, collecting biological material (tissue and blood). Their nocturnal visits left marks on her body, along with a phosphorescence material that Giovanna says is something they use as a disinfectant to prevent her from getting infections from them and to prevent them from getting infections from her. When examined by researchers, the phosphorescent substance taken from Giovanna’s room provided evidence that the substance was not natural and that it included no nitrates or phosphor. It was also magnetic. Doctors also found something implanted in Giovanna’s head but could find no scar indicating how the object got inside her head. The object implanted was of undetermined origin and could not be qualified.

With her cell phone, Giovanna took photos of the spacecraft and aliens that are referred to as “raptors,” reptilian-like creatures. The images appear not to have not been altered. When Giovanna was sent to be examined for her pregnancy, doctors found a cardiac rhythm that was similar to that of a baby’s cardiac rhythm. But they could find no baby, and because Giovanna was having problems with the fetus, doctors performed an abortion. What they found was a placenta and a hybrid human.

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Because we are supposedly biologically compatible with their race, we have been chosen. Or more specifically, Giovanna has been chosen to propagate their race by means of a new hybrid species. 



Giovanna relates that the aliens visited her often when she was a young girl. At that time the aliens would use her for research, collecting biological material (tissue and blood).



Their nocturnal visits left marks on her body, along with a phosphorescence material that Giovanna says is something they use as a disinfectant to prevent her from getting infections from them and to prevent them from getting infections from her. 



When examined by researchers, the phosphorescent substance taken from Giovanna’s room provided evidence that the substance was not natural and that it included no nitrates or phosphor. It was also magnetic. Doctors also found something implanted in Giovanna’s head but could find no scar indicating how the object got inside her head. The object implanted was of undetermined origin and could not be qualified.


With her cell phone, Giovanna took photos of the spacecraft and aliens that are referred to as “raptors,” reptilian-like creatures. The images appear not to have not been altered.



When Giovanna was sent to be examined for her pregnancy, doctors found a cardiac rhythm that was similar to that of a baby’s cardiac rhythm. But they could find no baby, and because Giovanna was having problems with the fetus, doctors performed an abortion. What they found was a placenta and a hybrid human.



Source: DISCL0SUR3·

Source: Manxboz·

Source:Alexander Light



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    Total 8 comments
    • ExposeTheTruth2.0

      The Murder of Alexie Mozgovoi; ‘Commander of The Ghost Brigade Militia ‘in Ukraine.  This man was a true patriot and stood with the peope against anti -corruption.

      “Mozgovoi was called “the Che Guevara of Donbass” by many, demanding a government and society built “for the people and by the people”. 

      Of all the Novorossiya leaders, he was the most focused on the “anti-oligarch” motivations for the uprising. 

      He even held open video conferences with the pro-government paramilitaries, trying to convince them that their (supposedly anti–plutocratic) revolution 

      merely saddled them with a different bunch of rich parasites, and both sides should be fighting those making money on the war, rather than each other.”

      The link below is an excellent resource to help understand what the war is really about in the Ukraine.

      Once again this a people’s supported Militia and not Russian military.

      • ExposeTheTruth2.0

        “Little Girl Reads A Poem About Alexander Mozgovoy – Why Are the Best Always the First To The Light?

        “R.I.P. to a true warrior for the people and humanity.”

        My fellow Americans, this is the facts of the matter in the Ukraine. The Ukraine people do not stand with the corrupt government in power, but the ‘Citizens Militia’ fighting for their freedom.

    • FusedNail

      Well. That’s one way to skin a cat.

      • Imaginary Fidoodle

        or a squirrel…

    • Anonymous

      LOL they pick her because she resembled an reptilian, she’s not even a good looking Italian

    • Don't be hating!

      Only in Mexico….IQ of 1%

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