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NASA believes we will "meet" aliens (officially) in the next 25 years

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Lets imagine for a minute that out there, somewhere in the universe, there is an intelligent alien species that has the technological ability to travel to our planet, making first contact. And that these beings haven made contact in the past with human beings.

If a species like that really exists, they would probably be hundreds of years ahead of our time, more advanced technologically and intellectually then we could imagine at this point. How this alien species might have been thousands of years in the past is an interesting question, they might as well have had similar technologies like we do today, with their limitations at that point in history. Of course, they have become advanced completely changing their lifestyle and society.

If these alien beings do exist, and are as advanced enough to visit Earth, then they probably would have no problem communicating with a technologically inferior race like us. They would probably assimilate our culture, language and beliefs very quickly even though they might be living and functioning at another consciousness level than ours, probably understanding dimensions, space and time in a very different way. The possibilities are endless, and even though they might sound too much like Star Wars for some, in the time we are living, it is certainly a possibility. Scientists and astronomers are very confident that we will meet “real” aliens by 2025, and to make things even more interesting, a recent statement by NASA’s chief scientist Ellen Stofan, has put things about aliens very clear. According to Stofan, we should be able to make contact with extraterrestrial beings in at least 20 years.

How would it look like, making contact with aliens? Do you see a picture like Independence day? Where giant mother ships invade our planet as alien beings are rushing towards Earth in a goal to exterminate the human race? Or do you believe that these beings would arrive to Earth in a peaceful way? Exchanging technology and knowledge in the name of progress. There are just some of the possible scenarios that can occur if we do meet intelligent beings in the near future, of course there are many other possibilities when it comes to meeting our space neighbors.

Stofans’ colleague, Jeffrey Newmark, acting director of NASA’s heliophysics department agree with Stofans predictions stating; it’s not about “if we meet them, it’s when we meet them”.


Former astronaut John M. Grunsfeld also supports the prediction Stofan made while talking about the day we meet extraterrestrial beings. 
“I think we’re just one generation away from finding alien life in our solar system, either inside an icy moon or on Mars, or on a planet around a nearby star,” said Grunsfeld.

Grunsfield’s claims are based on recent discovers by NASA that suggest that our Solar System and other nearby galaxies in the Milky Way are full of environments that are capable of supporting life as we know it.


According to Stofan, we will not necessarily meet little green men as depicted in science fiction movies. Instead, these “aliens” might be found in a microscopic form. “We’re talking about small microbes” reiterated Stofan.

But these statements haven convinced the entire scientific community which has several opinions regarding the possibility of life in our galaxy. According to Fergus Simpson, a cosmologist at the University of Barcelona, these extraterrestrial beings might actually be monstrous beast that haunt the darkest corners of our nightmares. “Throughout the animal kingdom, species that are physically larger invariably have a lower population density, possibly due to increased demand for energy,” said Simpson.”As a result, we should expect that humans are physically smaller than most other advanced species.”

Simpson speculates that throughout space, there are much more planets that have smaller creatures inhabiting them than those with larger creatures.

In addition to the theory offered by Simpson, other experts in the world of science have suggested that the idea ​​NASA has, searching for extraterrestrial beings is actually very risky, arguing that rather than actively seeking contact with extraterrestrial beings, we should turn away from them. According to Stephen Hawking, if human beings do get in touch with extraterrestrial beings, these aliens could enslave humanity and colonize our planet.”If aliens ever visit us, I believe that the outcome would be just like when Christopher Columbus arrived to America, something that did not turn out so good for the Native Americans.” said Hawking.


The views of Hawking are shared by other scientists such as astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, who fears that aliens are greedy, exploitative and violent. NASA has made incredible progress in their such for habitable planets in the universe. So far, NASA has found more than 5,000 planets that could support life, and this number increases every day, and with that, the possibility of encountering intelligent extraterrestrial beings.



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