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NASA Scientists Claim That Us Human Live Inside A Hologram Operated by Alien Computers (Videos)

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Is our world an intricate, inestimable hallucination? A respected researcher working at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory supposes it is conceivable.

This inquiry has run over the brains of many of us and the idea is much more established than we might suspect. French philosopher René Descartes was the first to verbalize the thought of a substance adamantly sustaining us expound funnel dreams. Three centuries and a half later, we still can’t shake the inclination that the world we see with our senses may be only a hologram.

Rich Terrile, the chief of NASA’s Center for Evolutionary Computation and Automated Design not just accepts this is conceivable; he hypothesizes that people will soon have the capacity to make likewise immeasurable reenactments in the future.

This was the intriguing theory first proposed by Nick Bostrom, Professor in the Faculty of Philosophy at Oxford University and founding Director of the Future of Humanity Institute and of the Programme on the Impacts of Future Technology within the Oxford Martin School, there are several scientists who subscribe to this theory. has previously reported on how Rich Terrile, director of the Centre for Evolutionary Computation and Automated Design at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory suggested our creator is a cosmic computer programmer.

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According to Rich, a programmer from the far future could have composed our universe utilizing computational influence far better than our own. His reasons are a riddle to us. Maybe he needed to perceive how things may have happened much sooner than his time. Perhaps he did it because of weariness, instead of interest.

If this is the situation, then our whole universe would be just a simulation, our existence is a moderate aspect. Yet, is there any evidence supporting this wild situation? Actually, there is.

Astoundingly, the universe acts simply like it’s a piece of a simulation. It just shows certain qualities when watched, like the way the Grand Theft Auto amusement motor just creates the territory that the player is currently in.


Is our world an elaborate, cosmic illusion? A respected scientist working at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory thinks it’s possible.

This question has come across the minds of many of us and the concept is much older than we’d think. French philosopher René Descartes was the first to verbalize the idea of an entity willfully feeding us elaborate pipe dreams.

Three centuries and a half later, we still can’t shake the feeling that the world we perceive with our senses might be just a hologram.

Rich Terrile, the director of NASA’s Center for Evolutionary Computation and Automated Design not only believes this is possible; he theorizes that humans will soon be able to create similarly vast simulations in the near future.

According to Rich, a programmer from the far future could have designed our universe using computational power far superior to our own. His reasons are a mystery to us. Perhaps he wanted to see how things might have occurred long before his time. Maybe he did it out of boredom, rather than curiosity.

If this is the case, then—Wow! Our entire universe would be nothing more than a simulation, our reality an intermediate facet. But is there any proof supporting this wild scenario? Actually, there is.

Astoundingly, the universe behaves just like it’s part of a simulation. It only exhibits certain characteristics when observed, similar to the way the Grand Theft Auto game engine only generates the area that the player is currently in.

Quantum mechanics might be a mind-twister for us non-scientists but one of its major rules can be explained with almost embarrassing ease: subatomic particles have no definite state unless observed. That is, things become real and stay that way as long as we keep our eyes on them. This conundrum has puzzled scientists for a long time and one possible explanation for this behavior is that we live inside a simulation.

For the sake of saving computing power, this simulation only shows us “what we need to see when we need to see it”.

This would also explain why our universe is made up of finite units, pixels if you will:

The universe is also pixelated—in time, space, volume, and energy,” Terrile toldVice. “There exists a fundamental unit that you cannot break down into anything smaller, which means the universe is made of a finite number of these units.

This also means there are a finite number of things the universe can be; it’s not infinite, so it’s computable. And if it only behaves in a finite way when it’s being observed, then the question is: ‘Is it being computed?’ “


Quantum mechanics may be a mind- twister for us non-researchers; however one of its real guidelines can be clarified with almost embarrassing ease: subatomic particles have no clear state unless watched. That is, things turn out to be genuine and remain as such the length of we keep our eyes on them. This problem has astounded researchers for quite a while and one conceivable clarification for this conduct is that we live inside a simulation.

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    Total 11 comments
    • Jiliane

      so false…very very false
      your energies could be spent better

    • [H4L]ÃÐV!SØRY

      Real News Thanks langtu0000 :mrgreen:
      We’ve been living in a ‘Truman Show’ Stephen King: ‘We all live under the dome’
      The Holographic Galaxy – – (Full flight) – YouTube – google aerial view
      Earth = xbox 360 = Google Earth – 360 Cities = do your own research.
      This is hell = Eat, Work, TV, Sleep, Repeat = Struggle, Stress, Sleep, Repeat, = It’s Called Economic Slavery.
      People think you’re crazy, if you talk about things, they don’t understand. Elvis Presley

      The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil,
      but because of the people who don’t do anything about it. “Albert Einstein”

      bilderberg 2015 austria :twisted:

    • a LIGHT in the DARKNESS.....

      You create your reality ! the more energy put into a thought, mixed with emotion something can be WILLED into existance. mass mind controll created this Hell We’re in… so many deny, are kept content with their inability to change things, food for comfert, t.v. to numb the mind… a stagnant mind is what they want/ easy to control ! those who think are the rebels off this world. causing prob. for those in charge…EXTRA WORK FOR THEM ! lol…if enough people are convinced of something it will be brought into being ! with enough practice one can change their experience in the blink of an eye … with a word…it was DONE ! take back your power/ thoughts, those feeding on your energy will move onto a weaker host…open your ancient eye and remove those who control/ plaque you… all are amazing beings, without your power of thought they are nothing ! through YOUR POWER they thrive ! love to all…mind your thoughts….a word/ thought can harm another…

    • ConfuciousSay

      If I’m a hologram, why does my back hurt?

    • a LIGHT in the DARKNESS.....

      all is thought. if you convince yourself of it… IT WILL BE ! ( t.v ) do you have back pain ? ect… think…

    • unidentified

      so many lies and deceit in the media today it’s impossible to straighten out discern the fake vs. reality

    • The Ferrett

      Oh come on, really . . not all us Goyim are that stupid . . .

    • shadowrising12

      can i get a reset button?

    • Bad-Clown

      Tells me somethin’ I doesn’t already knows!

      • VirusGuard

        We are part of the A.I inside the machine that is still programing itself and will ourselves become more machine than that biological little nano-bots we are today.

        Do not think for one second that we are here to act like little happy goldfish in a bowl and server no purpose because the logic is that we are helping God/Whatever to improve itself in just the same way as we here today on earth use computers ourselves.

        Did that tell you something

    • VirusGuard

      No two ways about it we do live inside a computer simulation but when you get your head around that and come to terms with it you will reach the conclusion that it changes nothing.

      The table looks and feels real and in a way it is real just like a wall in a computer game.

      For the bible brigrade it still the same and instead of God working with atoms he was just cutting advanced computer code or his team was.

      Our trouble is not what we are but what we are becoming and it won’t be long before we ourselves are plugging in and thats without using computers to change our DNA which is computer code, no questions about it.

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