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Quantum Physics Proves That Death Is An Illusion (Videos)

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by Victoria Woollaston,

Is death an illusion?

Most scientists would probably say that the concept of an afterlife is either nonsense, or at the very least unprovable.

Yet one expert claims he has evidence to confirm an existence beyond the grave – and it lies in quantum physics.

Professor Robert Lanza claims the theory of biocentrism teaches that death as we know it is an illusion created by our consciousness.

‘We think life is just the activity of carbon and an admixture of molecules – we live a while and then rot into the ground,’ said the scientist on his website.

Lanza, from Wake Forest University School of Medicine in North Carolina, continued that as humans we believe in death because ‘we’ve been taught we die’, or more specifically, ourconsciousness associates life with bodies and we know that bodies die.

His theory of biocentrism, however, explains that death may not be as terminal as we think it is.


Biocentrism is classed as the Theory of Everything and comes from the Greek for ‘life center’.

It is the belief that life and biology are central to reality and that life creates the universe, not the other way round.

Lanza uses the example of the way we perceive the world around us.

A person sees a blue sky, and is told that the color they are seeing is blue, but the cells in a person’s brain could be changed to make the sky look green or red.

Our consciousness makes sense of the world, and can be altered to change this interpretation.

By looking at the universe from a biocentric’s point of view, this also means space and time don’t behave in the hard and fast ways our consciousness tell us it does.

In summary, space and time are ‘simply tools of our mind.’

Once this theory about space and time being mental constructs is accepted, it means death and the idea of immortality exist in a world without spatial or linear boundaries.

Theoretical physicists believe that there is infinite number of universes with different variations of people, and situations taking place, simultaneously.

Lanza added that everything which can possibly happen is occurring at some point across these multiverses and this means death can’t exist in ‘any real sense’ either.

Lanza’s full theory is explained in his book Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe.


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    Total 13 comments
    • Mike Miller 26

      Beautiful Just Absolutely Bee u ta full!

      • Beaver Hunter

        Wait a Minute… I think I’m dead.

        • equal eyes

          Yes…we may refer to ourselves as the Wakeful Dead, until we die,
          and then we are the Dead Awake.
          Pardon my musings…Space is not the final frontier, Death is.
          Life is boot camp, tough love, gaining an evolved self-awareness, collecting and throwing away emotional baggage.
          It’s probably best to travel light when making your last departure.
          See you all on the Other Side my BIN friends…

          :cool: :lol: :twisted: :wink: :???: :shock: :eek: :grin: :oops: :smile: :evil: :sad: :razz: :neutral: :cry:

      • NON-christian American

        Excellent Post!
        For here and your human body is made PURELY for your entertainment!

        The Pineal gland and it’s de-calcification is the KEY to Spiritual Understanding through the regaining of the Eternal Memories of the individual.

        Let’s start right at the point that you self deceived humans just can’t get by.
        There is NOT one god.
        THERE ARE TRILLIONS! And YOU are one of them!

        Also, you existed BEFORE this Universe was formed BY US for our mutual entertainment, and you will exist after this Universe is LONG GONE!

        Ignore the one-god believers, as well as what they write.

        For they are nothing but your Earthly Prison Guards and their desperation is showing in the franticness of their written LUNATIC derision.

        Their vile, lying christo-CREED is dying, and they will be punished severely for losing christo-Hypnotize control over you by their one-god MONSTER, who is not god, that they mindlessly serve as Slaves.

        Can you feel their deep fear and desperation?

        For, god is NOT light.
        god is NOT love.

        Do NOT respond to anything you might perceive that wants to lead you to the light at the moment of your body’s death this time.

        Just turn around and LEAVE.

        That is all you will have to do.

        YOUR WILL IS god!
        Not “god”, but YOUR WILL BE DONE!
        All you have to do is exercise your own individual will.


        You do NOT have to stay here AT ALL.
        Go any way, any direction, except to the Light.

        And, YOU WILL BE FREE of this HELL HOLE designed to ENTRAP YOU HERE!

        Any one can begin today to regain their own “Eternal Memory”.

        You can start immediately to do this by de-calcifying your own Pineal gland.

        It is your own “Spiritual Connection” to yourself in our eternal home.

        Even the ancients were NOT as ignorant about this fact as you so called “Moderns” are now.

        For IT IS “the seat of the soul”!

        This “One god” consciousness stuff is like “Pushing Communist MALE Tyranny” for eternity!

        So, you “speculate” that there is NO individualism in the “mass perceived” world of the “metaphysical”?

        ALL ONE-god believers, YOU are the problem!
        The reality is there are trillions upon trillions of “gods” where we reside, always.

        Not one, but trillions, each with their own, distinct “personality”.

        Christians, Jews, Muslims, you are one of the trapped “Eternal Memory” stripped “gods”!

        Your thoughts control your DNA because “your” thoughts do NOT originate here.

        Before this universe was “formed’ and used, by us, we existed.

        That “internal voice” is NOT “god”, is not, universal conscious, it is YOU, always residing in our eternal “home”.

        Your “Eternal Memory” speaks to you from our home regularly. Some call it “god’s voice”. Some call it the “Sub-conscious”. What it really is……. is YOU, with your trillion upon trillions of “years” of “Eternal Memories”. No wonder that all are “that smart’! You have existed before the dawn of time here, in this physical universe.

        “Here” is an “amusement park” for the trillions upon trillions of pure energy form self-aware sentinel beings, the gods, (US) that have existed since before the beginning of time itself, here, in this physical universe.

        We do NOT reside “here” at all!

        Never have, never will.

        We exist in a “formless, timeless” void.

        We have NO physical body of any type.

        NO sight, no hearing, no touch, no body, no “reproduction”, no sensation, NO LIGHT to “see” with, none of what you “believe” will be “permanent” in any imagined after life.

        We identify one another by the unique “wave-length”, “osculation”, or “vibration” that our “self aware life form” exists at.

        We are “Pure formless energy” “Vibrating” at different and specific wave lengths for all of eternity.

        NOTHING can cause us any “pain” or “harm” or “destroy” us in ANY WAY!
        All of the above (sight, sound, light, time, etc.), and much more is why we come “here”.

        We experience none of the sensations and experiences gained “here” in our eternal pure energy form and home.

        All “roles” are played “here” by all who come “here”.

        Anything we “think” here becomes a part of this physical reality.

        We should be able to go from “Life form” to “Life form” “here” at our will.

        That is how we designed this universe to be, and it still is.

        But, that damn “Light” present at the moment of bodily “death” is such a magnet for most (complete with “overwhelming sense of “love”, with fresh human memories materialized, and waiting to greet you to “bring you to the light, to “love”) is a “high voltage bug like zapper, that STRIPS you completely of all eternal memories, which includes the “life” that you just departed from.

        NO one from our eternal “home” EVER has to incorporate into a Human body, or, if they have, come back here, EVER!

        It simply does not matter.

        NO loyalty should be extended to the “Ride Car” (“your” physical body here) used here.

        Are you “Loyal” to the Ride Car that takes you around the track at “Magic Mountain”, located within Disney Land?

        Do you “pine” for the vehicle that you used when here, and now is waiting for someone else from our real realm to “occupy” it??

        If you do “regain” your “Eternal Memories”, you will see immediately and agree.

        Remember the Universal Physical Law of this particular Universe.


        Even the individual atoms making up all molecules, and molecules making up all objects, whether solid, liquid, or gaseous, are effected by this PHYSICAL LAW.
        The atom itself is made up of parts that NEVER touch. Proton, Neutron, electron, all are sub atomic particles that DO NOT TOUCH one another, and are “held together “by Strong Force.

        Here is very temporal. Easily constructed and then “reassembled’ in the blink of an eye.
        Every atom of everything constructed here is always blinking “out’ of existence, and then back into existence, simultaneously.

        Physics, and its very exacting mathematical “proofs” of this reality, confirms this fact.

        Meet two newly discovered “particles’. The two new particles are named Xib’- and Xib*- (pronounced “zi-b-prime” and “zi-b-star”). Both Xib-and Xib*- are a type of particle called a baryon.

        Baryons include familiar particles like protons and neutrons, which are held together by strong force.

        (The other fundamental forces in the universe are gravity, electromagnetism, and weak force. Strong force holds particles together; weak force makes particles decay.)

        Scientists understand the basic theory of strong force, and they can use the theory to estimate the sizes and masses of different baryons.

        But the mathematical equations behind strong force are incredibly complex.

        That’s because the particles they apply to have some wacky characteristics.

        Part of a baryon’s mass can “spontaneously” burst “into and out of” existence.

        This weird flux makes it difficult to use strong force to predict their mass.

        Part of every atom that makes up our bodies “can “spontaneously” burst “into and out of” existence.

        “WE” are NOT “here”.

        WE project here, into these “bodies” from our common ‘Eternal Home”.

        The Human Brain is a Bio-mechanical ‘receiver” and can funnel tremendous power directly from our real “selves”, containing all of our individually gained ‘Eternal Memories”.

        We CAN move from “body to body”.

        We CAN discontinue “Projecting” here from OUR common eternal home, any time we want.

        Please consider these thoughts on “consciousness”.

        Extra Questions for the Brain-Washed One-god believers, any flavor.

        Where were you BEFORE you were ‘born” into your current “Ride Car” of a body???

        Were you “self-conscious” then?????
        Why can’t you remember that part of your Eternal Existence?

        Why does your one god demand your prayers?

        Why do you think that ‘something’ would ‘take credit, for say, a tidal wave
        that kills over 250,000 on 3 continents and numerous islands?

        You think there was some ‘divine planning’ in that that any rational, thinking
        entity called one-god would ‘take credit for”?

        Why did your one-god jesus sit next to a demon, evil incarnate, and listen to a
        sales pitch?

        Why did your one-god jesus let that pure evil walk away to continue to torment all of you?

        Why do you worship this insane, demonic personality of one-god?

        Almost all of you have a Eternal Memory problem.

        A big Eternal Memory problem that causes all of your problems HERE, in HELL on earth.

        You have all forgotten the purpose of HERE, this Universe, and why HERE was created by US.

    • MetaVision

      There are many paradigms and dimensions ~ cool

    • Jiliane

      Why do people waste so much energy on this type of stupid crap?

    • Anonymous

      In my opinion more effect can be had by identifying the enemy for who it is, the Archons. Read more info. `Not in His Image`by John Lash also see Cameron Day at, he calls them ankle biters. Also google Archons for a wealth of info on how they have set up the false system we live in and formed the Matrix.

    • LampStand-of-Flames


    • LampStand-of-Flames

      Pink yourself and see if it hurts. :arrow: :idea:

    • LampStand-of-Flames

      punch yourself and see if it’s real :idea:

    • VirusGuard

      These quantum physics guys are pulling it out there bum to make up equations from numbers and then dreaming up a story to go with the numbers.

      We live in a computer simulation of some sort thats for sure but entanglement is BS unless we agree that my left shoe is entangled with my right shoe.

      quantum physics gets on better these days with mistic meg than scientists and the laws of physics and they should stop doing so much LSD

    • nubwaxer

      “Yet one expert claims he has evidence . . . ”
      so the claim has far less credibility than science deniers. :idea:

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