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The Journey Of Souls 101: Where Our Soul Goes When We Die (Videos)

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By Steven Bancarz| What happens to us when we die? Where does our soul go?

Chances are, if you were brought up in a religious background you believe that there are only 2 places you can go: Heaven and Hell.  If you are a good person and believe the right things, you spend eternity in Heaven. If you are a sinful person, you spend an eternity in hell.  Thankfully, this is a false dichotomy.

There has been a lot of scientific investigation into what happens when people leave their bodies when it dies and then return after experiencing time in the spirit world. Thousands of near-death experiences have given us the information we need to form a more accurate picture of what awaits us on the other side.

But more importantly than NDE testimonies is the fact that we can access our own subconscious memories within our souls that remember the journeys our souls took prior to incarnating into this life.  Some people may have heard of “past-life regression”, but what we are talking about here is an in-between life regression.

Dr. Michael Newton, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist who specialized in hypnotherapy, where he would put people into hypnosis to bring out any past traumas they experienced in their lives and walk them through the memories into healing.  He soon discovered that he was able to bring people back so far into their memories that they were remembering things that weren’t even taking place in this life anymore.  They were taking place in between lives!


The Journey of Souls

In his books Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls (which together have sold over half a million copies) he shares case studies that he has gathered over the course of four decades of bringing people back into the memories of their souls journey.  Surprisingly, they all said the exact same things, and coincided very nicely with a lot of the NDE accounts that have occurred.  Let’s first take a look at the basic process a soul goes through after death.

Remember, this information is not being made up.  This is coming from 40 years worth or hypnotic regressions, all of which were consistent with one another and first-hand NDE accounts. The following is a list of the 10 steps our souls take after our physical body dies.

1) Death & departure

Many people will see their physical body right as they exit it at the moment that consciousness disconnects from the physical body. You will be able to see your surroundings and the things that are happening around your dead body. This will not scare you however, because it will feel as natural as anything. Some people report feeling frustrated or angry over the way they died and wishing that they could go back into their body to seek revenge, but this feeling passes with time as you begin to fall into the Light.

2) Gateway to the Spirit World

People always report seeing a light when they die.  The light appears off in the distance, and you will slowly be pulled towards it, almost as if you are being pulled by a magnet.  The light is always accompanied by a sense of love and peace.  This is your transition phase back to your home in the spirit world.


3) Homecoming

Right when you enter into the spirit world after being pulled through the light, you are greeted by loved ones who are there to embrace you and comfort you.  It’s sort of like a reunion.  These are not necessarily your relatives from your current earth life.  They may be family members of yours from previous lives who have been with you throughout your whole souls evolution.  Essentially, you have family members you don’t currently know about from a totally different bloodline who will greet you as you enter the spirit world.  You will, of course, remember their names and recognize their faces upon return.

It’s important to note here that the souls will take on the image they had in physical form to create a sense of home and familiarity for you.  Souls don’t look like they did on earth necessary.  The body is just a body. The soul is formless, but can take various shapes to serve different purposes.  It is said that advanced souls who have lived many lives don’t necessarily have relatives that greet them, because they understand what the spirit world is about and have been through many times before.  It is said in the books that advanced souls sometimes skip this step because it is not needed for them.

4) Orientation

After we are greeted by familiar spirits, we are taken to our place of healing.  This is a sort of inter-dimensional stopover zone.  This is where we are examined by our guide and go through a life review.  People report seeing their entire life as a sort of movie film in front of their eyes or on the pages of a book.

You may have to see some things that make you feel ashamed and like you failed, but this is not a time of judgment.  This is a time of review, and discussion about what needs to be improved upon as a soul.  After you see your whole life, you may come to an agreement with your guides to come back to Earth to work on things after a certain period of time in the spirit world.


5) Transition

All souls eventually arrive at what is known as a “staging” area.  It is described by souls as being similar to a metropolitan area or an airport terminal, and it serves as the first step souls take towards their new placement.  This unified celestial field is a place of mass transit that transfers you to your next destination.

6) Placement

Souls get placed into groups based on their soul level.  These “soul cluster groups” are a kind of learning/support group that souls congregate in for a while.  Each group contains thousands of souls, with smaller secondary groups which contain about 20-50 souls each.  You could think of this as a sort of classroom that serves the purpose of community, learning, review, and fellowship.

7) Life selection

There comes a time when the soul has to prepare to leave the comforting sanctuary of the Spirit World and embark upon another journey on earth.  It can be scary to leave the world of communion and love to be a part of a physical world of fear, competition, and struggle, but it’s necessary for evolution.  The soul must consider these three questions to get clear about the kind of life they want to live:

  1. Am I ready for a new physical life?
  2. What specific lessons do I want to undertake to advance my learning and development?
  3. Where should I go, and who shall I be in my next life for the best opportunity to work on my goals?

Some souls are reluctant to leave, while others spend just a brief time in the Spirit World because they are so eager to continue to learn.  Old souls apparently incarnate less often than younger souls.

8) Choosing a new body

Roughly 90% of Americans are dissatisfied with their bodies.  What if this was by design?  According the memories of people in hypnosis, we consciously choose our vehicles before we come here, and our choice of vehicle helps facilitate the learning of the lessons we need to learn.

This turns the tables a bit on the way we think about physical “beauty”.  How much easier is it to go through life looking perfect than it would be to deal with feelings of self-hate and judgment? Which path holds more lessons?  When you see someone you think is “ugly” or disabled, just remember that inside that body could be a very old soul who came back to experience something new.

9) Rebirth

We have seen that a soul’s journey to incarnation requires a great deal of preparation, planning, and reflection.  After you get clear about what it is you want/need to learn, choose a life, and choose a body, you are ready to reincarnate.  The moment you choose to be reborn is the last moment you get to enjoy the omniscience of knowing who and what they are, and souls often spent their last moments in deep silence and stillness to fully appreciate the experience.

10) You forget all of this

By choosing to forget everything, we give ourselves the opportunity for a genuine experience.  It’s no fun going on a roller-coaster you built if you know where all of the turns, loops, and fun parts are.  If you could build your own roller-coaster and then experience it as if you no nothing about its origin or design, you would be able to extract so much more from the experience.

And hear you are reading this now.  Perhaps you have known this before, or perhaps this is the first time you have ever been exposed to this information.  Whatever your situation may be, I hope this article awakened something within you and reminded you that there is something more to all of this.


You are a miracle, and your life is not meaningless.  You CHOSE to be where you are right now, even if you are in a place that is really difficult to cope with.  In fact, your hardships and difficulties are a blessing because they provide you with an opportunity to do what your soul came here to do in the first place: evolve.

You are operating within physical time, but you belong to to an eternal world.  You are not human.  You are Spirit. “Human being” is just a mask your soul is wearing right now, and when your mask falls off at physical death, you return back home to the love and light from which you came.


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    Total 9 comments
    • Amminadab

      They do not go anywhere, since we do not have an immortal soul.

      Man is made from the dust of the earth and becomes a living soul with the breath of life from God which is the spirit.
      Fallen man is “mortal.”
      Fallen man does not have an “immortal soul.”
      It is not possible to communicate with the dead.
      Death is a painless, unconscious sleep. (No awareness of time.)
      Jesus Christ died, was buried, and then rose from the dead.
      Jesus Christ will resurrect believers at His Second Coming.

      What is the Spirit and Soul?

      The Spirit and Soul is something that is very misunderstood by many so Body + Spirit = Soulwe will primarily let the Strong’s dictionary followed by the Bible define what they are. Put simply, the Spirit is basically the BREATH of life from God. Both the Greek and Hebrew words translate “spirit” to “breath” or “air.” The Greek word “pneuma” is known by many of you in relation to things like pneumatic tools which are air driven or pneumatic tyres which means tyres inflated by air. As you can see, the word “pneumatic” originated from the Greek word “Pneuma” and means “breath” or “air.”

      Strong’s Old Testament Hebrew dictionary definition for Spirit.
      H7307 ruach, Pronounced roo’-akh. From H7306; wind; by resemblance breath, that is, a sensible (or even violent) exhalation; figuratively life, anger, unsubstantiality; by extension a region of the sky; by resemblance spirit, but only of a rational being (including its expression and functions): – air, anger, blast, breath, X cool, courage, mind, X quarter, X side, spirit ([-ual]), tempest, X vain, ([whirl-]) wind (-y).

      Strong’s New Testament Greek dictionary definition for Spirit.
      G4151 pneuma, Pronounced pnyoo’-mah. From G4154; a current of air, that is, breath (blast) or a breeze; by analogy or figuratively a spirit, that is, (human) the rational soul, (by implication) vital principle, mental disposition, etc., or (superhuman) an angel, daemon, or (divine) God, Christ’s spirit, the Holy spirit: – ghost, life, spirit (-ual, -ually), mind. Compare G5590.

      A person’s soul is just simply a living breathing creature. Have you heard the expression; I went to the park and there wasn’t a soul there? A soul just simply means a person and is who and what you are.

      Strong’s Old Testament Hebrew dictionary definition for Soul.
      H5315 nephesh, Pronounced neh’-fesh. From H5314; properly a breathing creature, that is, animal or (abstractly) vitality; used very widely in a literal, accommodated or figurative sense (bodily or mental).
      In the Beginning

      Genesis 2:7 God formed Adam into “a living soul.”
      Genesis 2:16-17 God warned that if Adam sinned, he would “surely die.”
      Genesis 3:4 The serpent said, “you will not surely die.”
      Genesis 3:19 Because of sin, man will return to dust.
      Ecclesiastes 12:7 Death is creation of a living soul in reverse. We return to dust “and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.”
      Job 27:3 The spirit of God does not live in our nose! This is referring to the breath of life from God.
      Genesis 3:22-24 God did not want Adam and Eve after sin to take from “the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever.” So He drove them out of Paradise. Therefore no sinner will naturally “live forever” apart from Jesus Christ.
      Genesis 5:5 After Adam lived 930 years, then “he died.”
      The Soul is Not Immortal

      Job 4:17 The Bible calls man mortal.
      Revelation 16:3 “Every living soul died in the sea.” Souls can die.
      Ezekiel 18:4 God said, “The soul that sins, it shall die.” Again, the soul can die!
      Exodus 1:5 “Seventy souls” went to Egypt. Souls are people.
      Acts 2:41 “Three thousand souls” were baptized. Again, souls are people.
      1 Peter 3:20 “Eight souls were saved” in Noah’s day. Again, souls are people.
      1 Timothy 6:16 God “only has immortality.” Man is not immortal.
      2 Timothy 1:10 “Immortality” comes only “through the gospel.”
      Romans 2:7 Christians “seek for immortality.”
      1 Corinthians 15:53 At the end, “this mortal” shall “put on immortality.”
      Death is a Sleep

      Job 14:12 The dead “shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep” until “the heavens be no more.”
      Psalms 13:3 “Lest I sleep the sleep of death.”
      Daniel 12:2 “Many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake.”
      Acts 7:60 When Stephen died, “he fell asleep.”
      John 11:11-14 “Lazarus sleeps … Jesus spoke of his death.”
      1 Corinthians 11:30; 15:6, 18, 51 Paul said death was “sleep.”
      1 Thessalonians 4:13-16 Those “which sleep in Jesus” will be resurrected.
      Do the dead haunt their house?

      Job 7:10 The dead “shall return no more to his house, neither shall his place know him any more.”

      • Dude

        Excellent Post!
        Know that the Pineal gland and it’s de-calcification is the KEY to Spiritual Understanding through the regaining of the Eternal Memories of the individual.

        Let’s start right at the point that you self deceived humans just can’t get by.
        There is NOT one god.
        THERE ARE TRILLIONS! And YOU are one of them!

        Also, you existed BEFORE this Universe was formed BY US for our mutual entertainment, and you will exist after this Universe is LONG GONE!

        Ignore the one-god believers, as well as what they write.

        For they are nothing but your Earthly Prison Guards and their desperation is showing in the franticness of their written LUNATIC derision.

        Their vile, lying christo-CREED is dying, and they will be punished severely for losing christo-Hypnotize control over you by their one-god MONSTER, who is not god, that they mindlessly serve as Slaves.

        Can you feel their deep fear and desperation?

        For, god is NOT light.
        god is NOT love.

        Do NOT respond to anything you might perceive that wants to lead you to the light at the moment of your body’s death this time.

        Just turn around and LEAVE.

        That is all you will have to do.

        YOUR WILL IS god!
        Not “god”, but YOUR WILL BE DONE!
        All you have to do is exercise your own individual will.


        You do NOT have to stay here AT ALL.
        Go any way, any direction, except to the Light.

        And, YOU WILL BE FREE of this HELL HOLE designed to ENTRAP YOU HERE!

        Any one can begin today to regain their own “Eternal Memory”.

        You can start immediately to do this by de-calcifying your own Pineal gland.

        It is your own “Spiritual Connection” to yourself in our eternal home.

        Even the ancients were NOT as ignorant about this fact as you so called “Moderns” are now.

        For IT IS “the seat of the soul”!

        This “One god” consciousness stuff is like “Pushing Communist MALE Tyranny” for eternity!

        So, you “speculate” that there is NO individualism in the “mass perceived” world of the “metaphysical”?

        ALL ONE-god believers, YOU are the problem!
        The reality is there are trillions upon trillions of “gods” where we reside, always.

        Not one, but trillions, each with their own, distinct “personality”.

        Christians, Jews, Muslims, you are one of the trapped “Eternal Memory” stripped “gods”!

        Your thoughts control your DNA because “your” thoughts do NOT originate here.

        Before this universe was “formed’ and used, by us, we existed.

        That “internal voice” is NOT “god”, is not, universal conscious, it is YOU, always residing in our eternal “home”.

        Your “Eternal Memory” speaks to you from our home regularly. Some call it “god’s voice”. Some call it the “Sub-conscious”. What it really is……. is YOU, with your trillion upon trillions of “years” of “Eternal Memories”. No wonder that all are “that smart’! You have existed before the dawn of time here, in this physical universe.

        “Here” is an “amusement park” for the trillions upon trillions of pure energy form self-aware sentinel beings, the gods, (US) that have existed since before the beginning of time itself, here, in this physical universe.

        We do NOT reside “here” at all!

        Never have, never will.

        We exist in a “formless, timeless” void.

        We have NO physical body of any type.

        NO sight, no hearing, no touch, no body, no “reproduction”, no sensation, NO LIGHT to “see” with, none of what you “believe” will be “permanent” in any imagined after life.

        We identify one another by the unique “wave-length”, “osculation”, or “vibration” that our “self aware life form” exists at.

        We are “Pure formless energy” “Vibrating” at different and specific wave lengths for all of eternity.

        NOTHING can cause us any “pain” or “harm” or “destroy” us in ANY WAY!
        All of the above (sight, sound, light, time, etc.), and much more is why we come “here”.

        We experience none of the sensations and experiences gained “here” in our eternal pure energy form and home.

        All “roles” are played “here” by all who come “here”.

        Anything we “think” here becomes a part of this physical reality.

        We should be able to go from “Life form” to “Life form” “here” at our will.

        That is how we designed this universe to be, and it still is.

        But, that damn “Light” present at the moment of bodily “death” is such a magnet for most (complete with “overwhelming sense of “love”, with fresh human memories materialized, and waiting to greet you to “bring you to the light, to “love”) is a “high voltage bug like zapper, that STRIPS you completely of all eternal memories, which includes the “life” that you just departed from.

        NO one from our eternal “home” EVER has to incorporate into a Human body, or, if they have, come back here, EVER!

        It simply does not matter.

        NO loyalty should be extended to the “Ride Car” (“your” physical body here) used here.

        Are you “Loyal” to the Ride Car that takes you around the track at “Magic Mountain”, located within Disney Land?

        Do you “pine” for the vehicle that you used when here, and now is waiting for someone else from our real realm to “occupy” it??

        If you do “regain” your “Eternal Memories”, you will see immediately and agree.

        Remember the Universal Physical Law of this particular Universe.


        Even the individual atoms making up all molecules, and molecules making up all objects, whether solid, liquid, or gaseous, are effected by this PHYSICAL LAW.
        The atom itself is made up of parts that NEVER touch. Proton, Neutron, electron, all are sub atomic particles that DO NOT TOUCH one another, and are “held together “by Strong Force.

        Here is very temporal. Easily constructed and then “reassembled’ in the blink of an eye.
        Every atom of everything constructed here is always blinking “out’ of existence, and then back into existence, simultaneously.

        Physics, and its very exacting mathematical “proofs” of this reality, confirms this fact.

        Meet two newly discovered “particles’. The two new particles are named Xib’- and Xib*- (pronounced “zi-b-prime” and “zi-b-star”). Both Xib-and Xib*- are a type of particle called a baryon.

        Baryons include familiar particles like protons and neutrons, which are held together by strong force.

        (The other fundamental forces in the universe are gravity, electromagnetism, and weak force. Strong force holds particles together; weak force makes particles decay.)

        Scientists understand the basic theory of strong force, and they can use the theory to estimate the sizes and masses of different baryons.

        But the mathematical equations behind strong force are incredibly complex.

        That’s because the particles they apply to have some wacky characteristics.

        Part of a baryon’s mass can “spontaneously” burst “into and out of” existence.

        This weird flux makes it difficult to use strong force to predict their mass.

        Part of every atom that makes up our bodies “can “spontaneously” burst “into and out of” existence.

        “WE” are NOT “here”.

        WE project here, into these “bodies” from our common ‘Eternal Home”.

        The Human Brain is a Bio-mechanical ‘receiver” and can funnel tremendous power directly from our real “selves”, containing all of our individually gained ‘Eternal Memories”.

        We CAN move from “body to body”.

        We CAN discontinue “Projecting” here from OUR common eternal home, any time we want.

        Please consider these thoughts on “consciousness”.

        Extra Questions for the Brain-Washed One-god believers, any flavor.

        Where were you BEFORE you were ‘born” into your current “Ride Car” of a body???

        Were you “self-conscious” then?????
        Why can’t you remember that part of your Eternal Existence?

        Why does your one god demand your prayers?

        Why do you think that ‘something’ would ‘take credit, for say, a tidal wave
        that kills over 250,000 on 3 continents and numerous islands?

        You think there was some ‘divine planning’ in that that any rational, thinking
        entity called one-god would ‘take credit for”?

        Why did your one-god jesus sit next to a demon, evil incarnate, and listen to a
        sales pitch?

        Why did your one-god jesus let that pure evil walk away to continue to torment all of you?

        Why do you worship this insane, demonic personality of one-god?

        Almost all of you have a Eternal Memory problem.

        A big Eternal Memory problem that causes all of your problems HERE, in HELL on earth.

        You have all forgotten the purpose of HERE, this Universe, and why HERE was created by US.

    • Deputy Dawg

      If man actually had a self sustaining soul or inner spirit that lives on after death, why would resurrection be necessary? Fact is, it wouldn’t! That is just not part of God’s plan for mankind. This entire concept is a fabrication birthed through the perverted imaginations of men, it does not originate with God.

      Gen 3:19 “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken:for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.”

      Ecc. 3:18 “I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts. For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them:as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast:for all is vanity. All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again.”

      Ecc 12:7 “And the dust returneth to the earth as it was, and the spirit returneth unto God who gave it.”

      The easiest way I can explain this is that your unique personality, your memories and experiences, who you essentially are is all recorded like on a spiritual flash drive held and sustained by God Almighty. When you’re dead, or still in the grave you are conscious of nothing whatsoever. Once resurrected the flash drive is reinserted by God and all is restored but not before.

      Ecc 9:5 “For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. As well their love, as their hatred and their envy, is perished long ago; neither have they any more a portion for ever in anything that is done under the sun.”


    • The Watcher


      • Neo

        Why then do you quote from the satanic bible?

    • Pat

      What if re-incarnation is a trap and a lie. What if your soul already knows all it needs to know. I would want to remember the people (souls), the love, and experiences of this life and have that knowledge available to me in another life. Forgetting the past may be more “fun”, but it’s stupid. That’s a sure way to live a life as a slave and be unhappy again and again and again. Who says a happy person can’t learn anything and one must be abused and unhappy in order to “learn”. I know all I need to about negative experiences. How about you? Still want more?

    • Muggles

      1st video does not exist, where is it, why are you not placing another link or is the video a total waste of religious crap?

    • Muggles

      Total BS… we do have a soul, commenting on what a false manipulated bible book says is stupid, moronic, puerile and downright pathetic. All religions are false, there is only the true soul connection or divine connection inside you that matters… I really do despise these religious nuts who spout out crap from stupid bibles.

    • clambake

      The first 2 sentences of the “cconcluion are pretty bang on”.
      1. Is same 2. Is a “sleep light and tractor beam” to bring you in. 3. & 4. Your memories used against you to keep you passive till you get to 5. “Forgetter implant station” and go thru the mill. 6. & 7. Get told to choose your eternity (10. but most of that is forgotten by the age of two because of commands NO, STOP THAT, DON’T DO THAT, BE QUIET etc.) 8. & 9. Quite savage. You are clumped together in a frozen mass of others and ethylglycol and unserimoniously dumped in the ocean. Once free you fight for control over a body the most capable get a homo sapiens others lesser creatures. Some miss out some don’t take up a body.
      Most of you take the above route every cycle, some go directly to pick up a body after death.
      DO NOT GO TO THE LIGHT. DON’T LISTEN TO THE “FRIENDS AND FAMILY”. GO TO A HOSPITAL AND GET A BODY. Do this a few times and you will begin to remember.
      Earth is and has been for a long time, millions of years, been a dumping ground for the adjitators, rabble and rebles in this sector and from other close galaxies.
      You are contained by ultra high frequency radiation.
      There is a battle going on for this planet because it has finally been noticed and the resources are sort after but rules must be followed. A one world representative is needed to “sell” us, it is the goal of zionism.Once a “One World” government is formed we can be granted entry to a local empire and we will be harvested.

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