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Vatican Very Concerned About the 1500-Year-Old Bible Which Was Found in Turkey

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The 1500-year-old Bible, which was discovered during 2000 in Turkey, deeply concerns the Vatican, as it discards the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. If this Bible is proven real, it could easily change the religion we knew. 

But if this particular Bible is fake, a Medieval hoax, then they all are. The Vatican wants to see this Bible. Based on the results of several carbon dating tests, this Bible is at least 1500 years old. This Bible holds the gospel of Barnabas, and is referred to as the ‘Gospel of Barnabas’ Bible. The Bible resides in the depositum of Ankaran Justice Palace, a Turkish courthouse for safe keeping

According to the gospel of Barnabas which is the gospel of one of the disciples of Jesus Christ, it is stated that Christ was never crucified. Instead, the Judas was the one who was crucified and Christ rose to heaven while alive. Moreover, according to this Bible, Christ was just a prophet who spoke the word of God and not the Son of God. 

The Apostle Paul is referred to as The Impostor. According to official press statement, the Bible was taken from a mob of smugglers in a Mediterranean region operation. Mob of smugglers was accused of trafficking antique relics, performing illegal archaeological digs, and being in the possession of explosives. This ancient Bible is said to be worth at least $28 million. 

Religious experts and specialists in Tehram are certain that the Bible is an original. It is written in Aramaic in gold letters on loosely bound blackened leather. During the Council of Nicea, it is believed that the Catholic Church chose some Gospels and tossed many others which do not appear in the regular Bible. Among those rejected gospels is the Gospel of Barnabas. 

But the Vatican appears to be worried about this ancient Bible. In August 2015, the Vatican Insider, a project run by the Vatican newspaper La Stampa, published an article stating the Gospel of Barnabas Bible was possibly a forgery written during the Middle Ages by a European Jewish scholar, offering reasons why this Bible might be a very old hoax.
The Vatican has made an authorized request to the Turkish government to examine the Bible. However, anything that the Vatican concludes will be supported by the believers of the Christian faith, while atheists, agnostics or others might wonder whether it is real or not. 

Author’s argument: if this Bible is authentic, then Christianity as we know it is a lie, if this Bible is fake then all Bible’s are fake, ergo Christianity as we know it is a lie. ( via )



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    Total 69 comments
    • LifeIs

      1. No, they’re not.

      2. That book contains Muslim theology. It dates to long, long after the Gospels.

      • LifeIs

        “Fragments of the oldest version of the Quran were found in Birmingham, England, last month inside another Quran from the late seventh century, BBC reported. Oxford University researchers used carbon dating to find the pages were from about 1,448 to 1,371 years ago, according to BBC.”

        So you know how old Islam is. Now look at the Gospel of Barnabus:

        “Adam, having sprung upon his feet, saw in the air a writing that shone like the sun;, which said: “There is only one God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God.”

        “Whereupon Adam opened his mouth and said: “I thank you, O Lord my God, that you have deigned to create me; but tell me. I pray you, what means the message of these words: “Muhammad is Messenger of God. Have there been other men before me?” ‘Then said God: “Be you welcome, O my servant Adam. . I tell you that you are the first man whom I have created. And he whom you have seen [mentioned] is your son, who shall come into the world many years hence, and shall be my Messenger…”

        And also notice the insistence on circumcision in that Islamic “gospel.”

        And check out the lack of crucifixion.

        “Whereupon every scribe and Pharisee, with the elders of the people, took up stones to stone Jesus, who vanished from their eyes and went out of the Temple. And then, through the great desire that they had to slay Jesus, blinded with fury and hatred, they struck one another in such wise that there died a thousand men…”

        And they substitute Judas for Jesus –this the Muslim story– “Whereupon he caused him to be scourged by his slaves, who were paid by the scribes to slay him under the scourges. But God, who had decreed the issue, reserved Judas for the cross, in order that he might suffer that horrible death to which he had sold another. He did not suffer Judas to die under the scourges, notwithstanding that the soldiers scourged him so grievously that his body rained blood.”

        “So they led him to Mount Calvary, where they used to hang malefactors, and there they crucified him naked;, for the greater ignominy. Judas truly did nothing else but cry out: ‘God, why have you forsaken me, seeing the malefactor has escaped and I die unjustly?’”

        Not only does the “gospel” of Barnabus forcefully defend circumcision, and miraculously save Jesus from crucifixion (by making Judas appear to be him) the book NAMES MOHAMMED.

        Get a clue.

        • Damien

          All of this COULD be found within a Christian tradition.

          Even the Muhammad is Gods messenger bit could be referring to Jesus.

          I doubt it is but it could be.

          • Damien

            But if it is referring to Jesus then there was no Muhammad and Islam is just a corrupted version of Christianity.

          • Just The Truth

            The early Catholics created Islam and promoted Mohamed as a prophet after Christ was crucified. One Satan’s biggest scams ever. Look it up…. become informed.


            • King Of Jambalamba

              Jews created Islam not Catholics..Jews are scum of the Earth.

        • freedom007

          The idea that Jesus is “only” the Latest Great Prophet is older than Islam.
          It stems from the Christian sect of Arianism, which also saw (like Islam) in the worship of Jesus as a Son of God a Blasphemy against the One and Only Godfather, and thus, as Catholic sources say, persecuted those who adored Lord Jesus.

          I think by myself that Islam is just a version of Arianism, mixed with Old Testament elements, as Circumcision and the sacrifice (slaughter) of a sheep at Bairam Festival every year.

          Of course this so-called Barnabas Gospel is an Islamic elaborate. But it cannot become a danger to the Christian doctrine, as it is clearly recognizable as NOT coming from an apostle.

          • Louis

            freedom007 said: “I think by myself that Islam is just a version of Arianism.”

            There’s no need to think that by yourself because Islam is OBVIOUSLY a rehash of the 4th century Arian heresy which falsely claimed that Christ was not composed of the same substance as the Father and therefore wasn’t divine.

            Islam preaches the exact same filthy blasphemous lie and also denies the existence of the Blessed Trinity.

            Muslims whine about the fact that nobody likes them — but how can anyone respect heretics who preach despicable heresies and murder and rape anyone who refuses to belief such hellish trash?

            If men are created in the image of Allah, then how come men can father sons and Allah can’t? What kind of sterile “god” is that? Sounds more like Satan, another phony “god” who can’t father sons.

            Solution: edit all anti-Christ lies and anti-Trinity lies from the man-made, uninspired, unholy Koran and join the human race whose eternal king is Jesus, Son of Mary [Jesu fili Mariae] the Divine Lamb of God Who shed His last drop of blood for the salvation of souls.

        • WhiteDawn

          Here is a video.

          Religious experts and specialists in Tehram are certain that the Bible is an original. It is written in Aramaic in gold letters on loosely bound blackened leather. During the Council of Nicea, it is believed that the Catholic Church chose some Gospels and tossed many others which do not appear in the regular Bible. Among those rejected gospels is the Gospel of Barnabas.

      • vaalix

        You’re right in that they date after the gospels, but the vatican is worried because they changed everything over time to suit their agenda. Do you honestly think you have read jesus’ real words or message? That is why they are worried because if that bible contains non-revised chapters, it would show people that the vatican are a bunch of liars, which they are btw.

      • Lucifer Morningstar

        I bet they wipe their ass with that LOL

      • WhiteDawn

        Muslim theology?

        Son of the virgin and husband of Maria Magdalena how Emanuel said in the Kashmir while he was alive.

        But someone erasing those stuff from internet very fast.

        OSHO Jesus Never Died on the Cross (Preview)

      • Anonymous

        Ask the Pope to bring forward an older one that differ in content. You know they probably got several.

    • Ambicatus

      Its easy to check, all Scripture has a Mathematical Code of 7′s interlaced into the text, easy to find, as we have pcs.

      • Damien

        Only in the Recieved Text of ERASMUS (Look! 7!)

        • Ambicatus

          YUP! the NIV and Goodnews etc is the channeled “wescott and hort” stories,

          Its the Bible Numerics that got mee into Gematria

          PI! E! AMINO ACIDS! WHAT!

          gotta have the “7″s ! :D Bless you!

            • WhiteDawn

              You are posting only disinformations, and fake stuff.
              First if you comment something that you don’t have any clue, it is better not to.
              Because on that way you just showing your ego mirror of lie.


            • Damien


              The wiki article you linked seems to be about a pattern involving the number 19.

              What has that to do with what I posted?

            • Ambicatus

              yes, but that is THEIR Scripture, it says very clearly, FOR THE SONS OF ISHMAEL. and that aint us, so dinnae worry aboot it.

    • truthseeker4809

      The book seems to have been written after the Islam was established. Not a surprise.

    • Klemens

      This is not a Bible, it is just a joke!

      It is very interesting why they allways try to bring the catholic Christians a “new Bible”
      that means for me the catholics have got the only right bible, otherwise the whole action makes no sense.

      Which Bible should I use?

    • Peter Jennings

      If this book is genuine I wouldn’t be taking it anywhere near the vatican. Like many other items over many centuries it would be a one way trip.

      Understand that the church is another department of the state and always has been.

    • charlie2dogs

      all religions are a fraud, there are no gods, only ignorant unlearned people, gullible enough to believe anything laid on them, i dont feel sorry for any of you

      • Michael Carrigan

        You are the one to be pitied Charlie. Holiness, not religion, is the goal. And the only way is through believing in the blood of the Lamb slain for all and to walk from hell along the straight and narrow path to meet the risen King.

        Merry Christmas

        • truthseeker4809

          The God of New testament is not the same god in the old testament. This is the apocalyptic fraud of all time. Just throw away the whole damn thing and you will be fine.

          • Just The Truth

            Jesus foretold of His birth, life and death in the Old Testament hundreds and thousands of years before it even happened. He fulfilled those prophecies with great precision and detail and the very extraordinary events of His life and times are recorded by a great number of witnesses in the books of the New Testament. Jesus has the best selling book of all recorded history and it is published in every language of the world.

            What you claim is patently false.

            • Neon

              Just The Truth

              3000 BC Horus was born on the Winter Solstice (around December 25th).
              His birth was one of a fatherless conception from the womb of Isis-Meri.
              His birth was accompanied by a star in the east which led 3 kings to adorn him as a child.
              He became recognized in a temple rite around the age of 12.
              There is no record of his life for the next 18 years.
              Then, he was baptised at the age of 30 by a figure known as Anup (also, Anubis) who was later beheaded.
              After his baptism, he began his ministry healing the sick and raising the dead, including Osiris.
              He dies and is resurrected after 3 days.
              Horus is referred to by many names, including “The Truth, The Light, Sun of God” and several others.

              Any thoughts.

            • chefjim

              @ Neon, Yes, I have an idea. It wasn’t Horus who was prophesied as the messiah in the OT but it was Jesus Christ who fulfilled every OT prophecy written about Him. If one were to use just 8 of the more than 300 prophecies written about Him and calculate the odds, well, read this:

              Dr. Peter Stoner once calculated the odds that for just 8 of the 300+ prophecies written about Jesus Christ in the Old Testament to come to pass in this one person, exactly as prophesied without prior knowledge (most were written hundreds years before he was born!) would be 1×10 to the 28th power (to one) or 10 with 28 zero’s after it! That’s for only 8 of them! There are 300!

            • LifeIs

              1. The Gospels do not give a date for the birth of Jesus. The information in Luke points to a September birth.

              2. Horus was not born on December 25, either. He was born in late October or early November, the Egyptian month of Khoiak.
              3. Horus’ father was Osiris, the husband of Isis. Her name is not “meri.” Just Isis.

              After Osiris was killed, dismembered, and scattered, Isis recovered the pieces and brought him back to life, to conceive Horus.

              4. The baptism of Horus is modern fiction. There is nothing like it in ancient literature.

              5. There is no account of Horus’ birth involving a visit by kings, or gifts, or a star, and no reference to him as a “savior,” in ancient literature. That is modern fiction.

              6. Jesus wasn’t visited by three kings, either. We don’t know the number of the Magi, or wise men. Just that they brought three kinds of gift. And they weren’t kings.

              7. There is one account of Horus being killed, as a child, by poison. There is no account of Jesus’ life, except in general terms, between age 12 and his ministry, which began at about age 30.

              9. Horus did not have a “ministry” in ancient literature. That is modern fiction. There was no “temple rite” when he was 12. That is modern fiction.

              10. Jesus was not recognized by a Temple rite, at age 12, or at any age.

              11. Horus did not raise the dead. The story that he raised “Asar” from the dead is modern fiction. “Asar” or “Wsir” are forms of the name Osiris, that’s Horus’ father. Who was raised from the dead by Isis.

              12. In one story, Horus, as a child, was killed by poison. He was brought back to life by the god Thoth. The spell used to bring him back was believed to have medicinal powers.

              That is from ONE source. In most accounts of Horus he doesn’t die. He merged with the Sun god, Ra.

              13. Horus was not called by the names you offered, in ancient literature. That is modern fiction.

              My THOUGHTS are: you should not seek information in Hollywood movies, or from Bill Maher, or from other dishonest anti-Christian sources. You should check ACTUAL EGYPTIAN literature for the ACTUAL stories of Horus.

            • Damien


              I take it yourone of Chomsky’s JustMuricans :lol: :roll:

          • Michael Carrigan

            It is said of Jesus, without a parable spoke he not unto them. Jesus fulfills what is foretold in the Old Testament. In effect, the Hebrew Bible is an allegory. While the characters had free will, they nevertheless foreshadow the actions of Christ.

            Just consider Jesus sleeping in the boat and Jesus walking on the water. Jonah slept in the boat during the raging storm and he was in the water (he sunk.)
            Now we are called to turn our eyes unto Jesus, walk towards Him not veering to the right or left. If we stumble or turn our eyes to the waves, He is there to steady us. He is the ladder at Luz/Bethel upon which the angels went up and down that Jacob saw. So we thus have firm footing even in walking on the water.

      • Everette

        From nothing came forth something without nothing forcing it to be ! This is what you preach ? Tell me what is the force that pushes grass through asphalt . The grass if broke off by a human can not be pushed through the asphalt . All animals have a code of action . The dog barks not quacks . Each has order as to what its actions are to be . Who created this order . Never saw a monkey thinking it was a fish . Birds of a feather flock together with unity . A flock of birds has no leader yet at a split second the one in the rear becomes the leader . Then the one on the right , then the one in the middle . Yet everyone follows whether to the right or downwards to the ground and back up to the left . There is a spirit that leads them , not a single bird . Where does this spirit come from ? Was the egg here first or the chicken that lays the egg . How can hamburger with hundreds of miles of lines pumping blood and creating electricity walk and think . What is thought ? We’re does it come from . The hamburger in your skull brings this forth , really ? A human can not be created piece by piece and caused to live . Even if shocked or a pump added to pump blood . Mankind sees objects outside of his body . Not within his body . It is not flashed on a screen in ones mind . The image is outside the body not in the brain or on its screen . How is this possible ? The hamburger in your skull store information . Each cell of your body also stores information . Your spirit also stores information as well as your soul too . How is your leg made to move ? Some say thought , others say by electrical impulse to the muscles . But the blood also has to pump the muscles full and release them over and over . While this is happening energy is being released . But one does not have to think about each step in order to walk unless a stroke or accident has happened . How can hamburger store all this information and run the system so smoothly ? Love can be felt but not seen . Only actions from its presents shows up . What is this feel or power that moves humans and animals so ? Everything or being desires to own it or control it . But it is it’s own master . Blessed is the one who gets to experience it . But how does hamburger do that ? The bible says that even nature will teach you that there is a GOD . To find HIM you must stop and be still , think everything to its end . There you will find GOD .

    • Lolly

      In 126 AD because so many Jews were leaving Judaism, Rabbi Akiba and Aqilla, who had once been a Christin but booted out due to practicing astrology, redid the Septuagint Greek Bible . They reworded it so that Jesus could not be shown or proved to be the Messiah . Also, they eliminated the ” Aprophyca ” books. That Greek translation is called the “Aquilla Greek” translation. This new translation then replaced all the Septuagints in the synagogues.

    • Hidden Truth

      looool …. this VEEEERRRRYYY OLD information

    • Anonymous

      how can any of this BS become a religion
      all religions are to create hate and destruction
      will humanity wake up before we all kill each other

      • Jose

        So which religion condones killing cos it isn’t Christianity, Judaism or Islam. People decide to turn away from the true message, so yes they do need to wake up and realise that their only enemy is satan and his minions.

    • CTrent33

      :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

    • chefjim

      I suppose this relentless attack on the word of God will never end in this present system. “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.” (Psalms 12:6-7)

      His written word is the King James Bible and He HAS preserved it. Scoffers will argue but the proof is the fulfilled prophecy that is contained within it’s pages. Every prophecy can be verified as 100% accurate by historical records and there is NO explanation for this except that it is written by God.

      As regarding the Vatican, they have many more problems than what an old book that is filled with lies says.

    • Waldo

      Readers argument: if this Bible is authentic, then the author of this story is a liar, if this Bible is fake then this author is a moron. Net net, author should get a life and stop worrying about other people’s faith.

    • Robbie

      It looks like every ‘expert’ out there is attempting to destroy faith in Christ. That is the only way the USA or Israel can be destroyed. Even Muslims know that God protects the people that do His will.
      2 Thessalonians 2: 14 Whereto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which you have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle (letter).
      Galatians 1:8 But though we (Paul and the apostles), or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than that which we have preached to you, let him be accursed (doomed).
      Remember God has a Son (His Word made flesh). Their god does not have a son.

      • Klemens

        THE PLOT AGAINST THE CHURCH – Maurice Pinay Summary

        1961-62 in manuscript form; 1967 first published edition. A comprehensive review of Talmudic fanaticism as it was directed at sabotaging the Catholic Church on the occasion of the Second Vatican Council. Originally written as a warning to cardinals and bishops of the plot to poison Catholic doctrine with Communist and Zionist errors at the coming World Synod in Rome. Contains four parts: The Secret Driving Force of Communism, The Power Concealed Behind Freemasonry, The Synagogue of Satan, and The Jewish Fifth Column in the Clergy. Here is what the author said in the days leading up to Vatican II: “A most dastardly conspiracy is in being against the Church. Its enemies are about to destroy its most sacred traditions and to propose such daring and malevolent reforms…to bring about the collapse of the world and to deliver Holy Church into the claws of the ‘Synagogue of Satan’…”

        This book should read every Christian! (not only catholics)

        It is very interesting about the war against the Christians from the very beginning of the christians time.
        Trying to give the Christians wrong scripture, is only one little part of this war.

    • magusincognito

      Regardless, THE RULE remains: Trust the Vatican with all of your heart and obey them, else you will die forever and a day. This means YOU! :twisted:

    • Uriel#73

      The only truth that is important is that there is real tangible good and evil. Evil infiltrates, corrupts, twists and turns everything which starts out with good intentions. I myself won’t and will not pay too much attention to anything that has a high probability of having been altered and or changed, even invented on purpose to discredit this or that. Follow your heart and you know God. You either have a good heart and soul or you are wicked and will figure it out or you won’t. All I know is there is, without a doubt, a fatal flaw withing the human race. Not hard to see that when nature itself, when left alone without are presence, doesn’t make mistakes. We are like a cancer and anyone with half a brain should see it.

    • dennis

      I had a encounter with Jesus Christ in 2006. His spiritual “body” was exactely as discribed in the bible.
      Is the bible perfectely translated? No. Does that affect the context? No. Does that mean the works of Jesus are a lie? No!

      All religions besides christianity are trying to denie the offer Jesus braught for salvation. Therefour for does religions there is no salvation through merci. Whoever denies the Son(Jesus), denies the Father(God)

      Not only muslims are denieing the Son, even the catholics who are putting marie as mediator between men and God.

      Its up to you to make the choise of youre life, no one else can.

      He(Jesus) is waiting at the door of youre hart, just open that ignorant door and let Him in!

    • Crow (hex)

      Authors argument ” if this Bible is fake then all Bibles are fake” Er, No! Your argument is fake William Tell-tale! and you are fake also!

    • unidentified

      the vatican has always been concerned about any religious/scientific/alien teachings that are not compatible with existing church doctrine. the new testament was written about the Christian church. today people believe God, the “creator” must have been an old black guy, some think he was/is an old white man that gives commandments from mountaintop, some think he was brown or red. religious teachings help explain what happened in the distant past and help us understand why we’re here today and how we ended up here. imo doesnt really matter what one believes as long as its comforting and leads to a pleasing path and doesnt interfere with others and their own unique religious beliefs. God is a spiritual Being not flesh and blood like us humans and people are always mistaking Jesus for God.

    • Louis

      The Vatican isn’t even slightly “worried” about some recently found Gnostic script or any other script. The Bible the Vatican teaches from is a proved document not only because of the profound wisdom it imparts but also because many Bible prophecies have come true, especially those referring to the coming of Christ.

      The odds that Christ could have fulfilled hundreds of prophecies written about Him and His life centuries before He had even been born are astronomically in favor of the Old and New Testament’s authenticity.

      That WILLIAM TELL would suggest that some moldy Gnostic script could disprove the blatantly obvious genuineness of the Bible is not only absurd but demented.

      • SlashAdams

        Please enlighten me on some prophecies that were fulfilled and can be verified by someone who is actually living… not by a book over a thousand years old.

    • Damien

      Muhammad the name means praiseworthy. So this gospel saying Muhammad is the messenger of God COULD be just saying that the praisewothy man is the messenger of God.

      In other words it shouldn’t be assumed that this is just a biased post Islam forgery.

      What if, centuries before the mainstream Muhammad was supposed to have lived, there were CHRISTIAN sects who thought Gods messenger (Jesus obviously as they would have been Christian) had the honorific title of Muhammad?

    • You People Are Nuts

      To get to the truth you always have top start at the beginning….

      “…born of a virgin….” – oooops –
      end of story.

    • tardasaurus

      The problem I have with the bible is that it was edited and butchered by a bunch of guys who claim they had Gods authority to do it.
      if they really did have Gods authority to do it how come God never never mentioned that to us?

      God may never lie,but men lie.
      nowhere in either the old testament or the new testament does God ever say that he is going to give authority to a bunch of dudes to edit and rewrite his words.He warns us about false prophets and deceivers but he never mentions that he is going to give authority to a bunch of dudes to edit his words, at some point in the future.

      The nicene counsel claims that they had authority and inspiration from God to do what they did, but did God or Jesus ever tell us that? if the truth of the bible is so important to us that our eternal soul depends on what it says don`t you think that it is equally as important to God? and yet God just happened to forget to mention to us in the bible that he was going to have a bunch of folks edit edit his words.
      The MEN of the nicene counsel destroyed any credibility the bible has of being the word of GOD.
      The MEN of the nicene counsel were MEN and were never mentioned by God or Jesus anywhere in the old or new testament.
      The closest thing in the bible that God mentions, concerning the Men of the nicene counsel,is false prophets and decievers.
      I believe in God but I don`t believe the bible.
      I have a saying concerning religion,
      God created man
      Man created religion
      Religion created war

      merry christmas

      • Anonymous

        What did not God edit the Bible?

    • finaltestament

      check this it was blackholed by bfin because they are christian and didnt like the comment flow

      Amazing ! I was always taught that Prophet Isa ( Jesus, peace be upon him) was taken up to heaven, and the Quran is the final revelation, and was sent to all mankind through seal of all the Prophets Muhammed ( peace be upon him) The Quran is a living miracle, it has not changed one iota since it was revealed, and is recited every single day millions of Muslims. Muslim children learn the Quran in the madrasah ( school). Heres is a couple of verses;

      And behold! Allah will say: “O Jesus the son of Mary! Didst thou say unto men, ‘Take me and my mother for two gods beside Allah’?” He will say: “Glory to Thee! Never could I say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing thou wouldst indeed have known it. Thou knowest what is in my heart, though I know not what in Thine. For Thou knowest in full all that is hidden. [Qur'an 5:116]

      O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: nor say of Allah aught but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) a messenger from Allah, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him: so believe in Allah and His Messengers. Say not “Three”: desist: It will be better for you: For Allah is One God: Glory be to Him: (Far Exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and on earth. And enough is Allah as a Disposer of affairs. [Qur'an 4:171]

      • Bobbyray

        “The Quran is a living miracle, it has not changed one iota since it was revealed”

        Obviously you are uninformed. No worry, be enlightened;

        The Qur’an was an oral text throughout the lifetime of Muhammad; it was also a fluid text.
        The complete text resided only in the memories of Muahmmad and his followers. As he added verses
        and reorganized the text, his followers would rememorize the text in the light of the additions or
        edits. This means that the Qur’an was a living text during the lifetime of Muhammad. Certain verses
        revealed to Muhammad were later repudiated by him as “satanic” verses revealed not by Gabriel but by
        Satan. These verses were expunged from the text that so many had memorized.

        Much of the Qu’ran concerns the word of God and how it is received and believed, or not received
        and believed as the case may be.

        As the Koran flowed to Mohammad he saw the violent acts by his followers and changed the words to a more peaceful view and that comes from Islamic clerics.

        So now you know. Deal with it. It is a fact. Respectfully.

        • unidentified

          as you said it was based on a particular time period and like many old religious become inappropriate for modern humanity its really not our decision what future generations will comprehend

          • finaltestament

            The Quran was revealed for all times and places, this is one its amazing miracles, that it addresses the very basics of life in such a harmonious way. Mankind has not changed, we still have the same relationships, and the same issues, only technology has changed. For example we might use a car instead of a camel. Wealth must be circulated and not horded by the rich. Interest is zero. etc
            Even space travel and human cloning can be extracted from the principles.

        • finaltestament

          The personal scribe of Prophet Muhammed ( peace be upon him) was called Zaid Ibn Thabit (ra) he kept a meticulous written record of the revealation as and when it was revealed. Later this was compiled into a single volume. Of course the companians also memorized it and recited it at every prayer just as it it done today 5 times a day in every mosque of the world. It cannot be changed and never has.
          The fundamental basics of the Quran is to believe in one God, the-God, Al-lah, not three in one, or pagan multiple gods. Therefore it is inconceivable that such contradictory words could exist within that verse, or any verses. The fabricators mischievious attempt to subvert the Quran utterly failed and of course nobody takes it seriously.
          You cannot change the fact that the Quran is memorised by millions of Hafiz, and is read and recited every single day by millions upon millions of people, it is a living miracle that has never changed one iota, and never will. :smile:

    • Anonymous

      Down the rabbit hole to find the never ever land?

    • Bryan S

      No Other Gospel

      Galatians 1:6-9

      I marvel that ye are so soon removed from Him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

    • brjam

      Well then Josephus, Tacitus, Pliny, Nero, and few dozen other historical writings that write of a crucifiction and the rise of Christianity would also have to be invalidated all by this one book. Give me a break.

      The bible is well documented to be the most historically accurate no by itself by other outside historical references. I highly doubt the book of Barnabas has any supporting historical references for verification.

      • Crow (hex)

        Nimrod is not mentioned in the complete list of Sumerian/ Babylonian kings. But it could have been refering to Sargon of Akkad ( 2334 – 2278 BC) who conquered Mesopotamia, founding the world’s first empire.

    • Bigmacattack

      Written by Satan’s helpers!

      • finaltestament

        so that comment made you happy in your ignorance huh ? you should find out why real christian scholars and others revert to Islam when they sincerely research it

    • petetheplan

      Religion has apparently handicapped human evolution — towards enlightenment — of which Jesus simply and wisely demonstrated our true potential by living the truth-of-love.

      Chief among the perpetrators of crippling belief are Peter and Paul; self-righteous martyrs rather than saints, who have plunged and kept gullible believers in darkness since they threateningly perpetuated religion in a new form.

    • anyoneamongUS


    • Alan Harmony

      A copy of the Gospel of Barnabas written hundreds of years after Barnabas lived might be a copy, but it is also less than authoritative and likely corrupted (its never been included in the Bible). So making a claim that it is supportive of Christianity is about as valid as the lies coming from a politician… not valid. Making such a claim is false association.

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