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Where On Earth Are NASA's Rovers Sending Pictures From? Devon Island, Canada

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Where On Earth Are NASA’s Rovers Sending Pictures From? Devon Island, Canada

by Alexander Light, 

There is an increasing number of people who believe that NASA’s rovers never left the Earth in the first place, and the pictures they are allegedly sending back from Mars are taken in remote areas of our planet.

But if NASA’s rovers are not on Mars, then where exactly are they?

First of all, evidence suggests that the pictures that we see on NASA’s website are not even taken by the Curiosity and Opportunity rovers.

It is very possible that by now, both rovers are stored in a hangar, somewhere at NASA’s JPL headquarters, and have been replaced by their smaller and more practical baby brothers.

Sure, if needed, they can always be taken out for a spin, but other than that, the smaller rovers are more convenient to work with.

One of the known locations where NASA is playing around with these small rovers is Devon Island, Canada.

(It’s worth nothing that Devon Island is “the largest uninhabited island on Earth,” which seems like a pretty good location for a fake Martian photo shoot).

Just take a look at these pictures:

NASA base in Devon Island, Canada — even without the color filters,
it’s strikingly similar to Mars, isn’t it?
NASA’s “baby rovers” taking pictures in Devon Island, Canada

Sure, one could think NASA just needed a place where they can simulate the conditions on Mars, but what’s the point of simulating those conditions with miniature rovers, that look and work almost nothing like their bigger brothers?

Their shape, size and weight are different and the wheels are worlds apart. It’s really impossible to make even remotely accurate tests.

They also don’t have the on board laboratories, so what’s there to simulate? Except for taking pictures, the “baby rovers” look useless. 

Check out the following video for further evidence (please notice the identical terrain as that from NASA’s pictures):

(The video says Greenland, but it’s in fact Devon Island, Canada)

The cameras mounted on the “baby rovers” have color filters already applied, but the final images — those that we get to download from NASA’s website — are color-corrected even further, until they get that fake, reddish color that is so familiar to us.

We have been tricked into believing the myth that Mars is the “red planet” (even though all amateur telescope pictures show otherwise), so NASA is now only perpetuating the lie.

The following is an amateur telescope picture of Mars taken on 2014, 03, 21 (source):

As you can clearly see for yourself, Mars is not read. It’s light and dark brown, similar to what Earth would look like without all the water and vegetation. Here are more amateur pictures of Mars:


The following is an image compilation from Antonio Cidadao (1999):

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Please notice that Mars has clouds and a blue atmosphere, very similar to that of our planet (source for the above and below images here — where you can see more examples of Mars’ true colors):

Now I’m not saying that we could breath on Mars like we do on Earth, but where are the blue skies in NASA’s pictures? That reddish sorry excuse of an atmosphere is obviously fake.

NASA admitted on numerous occasions to alter the colors of their pictures before posting them online, so that they look more like what we would see, if we were on Mars. 

Here’s something straight from NASA’s website: 

“Getting the colors right is not an exact science,” says Bell. “Giving an approximate view of what we’d see if we were there involves an artistic, visionary element as well – after all, no one’s ever been there before.” However, great pains are taken to be as accurate as possible, short of going there ourselves.

To give people a sense of being on Mars, scientists combine views through telescopes, data from past Mars missions, and new information from the current mission to create a color-balanced, uniform scene. Color-corrected mosaics simulate the view a person would see if all the images in the mosaic were taken on the same day, at the same moment.  

In addition, the rovers can take three pictures in a row of the same surface area on Mars using three different primary color filters – red, green, and blue – to make one color image. “It works a little like an inkjet color printer, which combines primary colors to create various shades on paper,” explains Eric De Jong, Lead for the Solar System Visualization Team at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. “Then, we can tweak the color just like you can adjust the color balance on a TV screen at home.” —NASA, JPL

So, there you go. NASA is clearly admitting to “color correcting,” “color balancing,” and even “tweaking the colors” of their images, so you can see whatever they want you to see. 

Does it make any sense to you? Why not simply taking pictures of the environment AS IT IS? Why changing its color into something else?

It’s the same old “the government knows what’s best for you” rhetoric, and the people have been tricked into blindly believing and obeying it without question.

I mean, you haven’t heard anyone complaining about the “color tweaking,” have you?

But the “color tweaking” is not all they are doing to the original pictures. NASA has been caught, more than once, faking entire environments of — allegedly — Mars.

In the following video (in Spanish), we can clearly see evidence of blatant tampering with the original environment (blurring specific areas and copy-pasting the same rock again and again, in over 75% of the image):

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Here are a couple of pictures, for better reference (source):


“Martian” anomalies

Taking all of the above into consideration, it is now easier to understand why enthusiasts find so many inconsistencies and anomalies in NASA’s pictures. Let’s take the following picture for example:

The media called it the “Mars rat”, but this is actually an arctic lemming and it is commonly found on— you’ve guessed it — Devon Island.

Here is a picture of the arctic lemming, taken on Devon Island:

(This picture is taken in an area with vegetation, but as you can see in the first two pictures of this article, there are plenty of barren landscapes on Devon Island).  

NASA’s technique of coloring the whole ground so to make it look like Mars (as you will see), made the small creature look like a rock — until someone with a sharp eye spotted it.

In the following video, from minute 3:18 to 5:30, you can see just how easy it is to make any environment look like a Martian desert.

The author of the video, Danny Wilten, takes a random picture from Earth (Ireland, to be more specific), where there is a fair amount of vegetation and even has a road with a white van on it.

In only five minutes of work, he manages to remove the car and the road, and turn all the vegetation into a barren, reddish landscape, similar to NASA’s pictures of Mars: 

As a final touch, he even adds a portion of the rover in the lower left corner of the edited picture, making it almost almost indistinguishable from the pictures released by NASA:

Now just imagine what a Photoshop expert can do with a picture that already had color filters applied to the camera, and was taken in a controlled environment (location, lighting, exposure, etc.). 

I’m sure everyone remembers the following famous photo, in which we can see the rover’s shadow and, right next to it, the shadow of a man in a space suit, seemingly making some adjustments:

Of course, this either means that there are already humans on Mars (which I will talk about later), or that this image was taken on Earth.

Here’s a picture of NASA scientist Pascal Lee, wearing an astronaut suit on Devon Island, Canada:

Quick recap: On Devon Island there’s an identical landscape as the one from NASA’s pictures (presented to us as Mars), they have permanent bases there, rovers fitted with cameras roaming around, and people fully geared up in astronaut suits. Corroborate this with NASA’s admission about editing the pictures before releasing them to the public and the fact that they have been caught more than once faking the landscapes, and the connection becomes crystal clear: the pictures are NOT from Mars! 

NASA’s mission to Mars is a sad joke (as you will see later on), the rovers have never left the Earth and The Powers That Be have stolen yet another $2.5 billion from the taxpayers’ money, to use for their black projects. 

(You should know that NASA has also used a secondary location on Earth for simulating the Martian environment, in the Mojave Desert.

In that location, they train astronauts to walk around and do their daily jobs dressed up in space suits.

It is also possible that NASA is sending their teams to various remote locations around the world, to take pictures of the barren environment — which they will later edit to look like Mars. They can even create fake environments altogether, by combining two or more images, or by adding/removing rocks, hills or even mountains).

NASA’s rovers took some really strange pictures in the past — the bright orb changing position,hieroglyphs with pyramids in the background (personally, I suspect this image to be a composition from two or more pictures, and not an original landscape), a dome, etc., — so the following image was received as a yet another piece of evidence that Mars was not only inhabited in the past, but it continues to be even today.

Here’s a recent picture, allegedly taken on Mars by the Curiosity Rover, that has caused quite a stir in the UFO community. Posted online by NASA, the following image clearly shows a disc-shaped object flying across the horizon.

Unfortunately for NASA, they cannot discard this as a weather balloon, plane, or even a bird, as they usually do, because the picture was allegedly taken on Mars. So, they either have to admit that flying saucers are real, or that these pictures are taken on Earth. A truly impossible choice!

NASA is a smokescreen for an advanced secret space program

As I have presented in a previous article that you can read here, NASA is just a smokescreen for the real space program, which falls in the military domain, especially the US Navy. These guys are flying extremely advanced “anti-gravitational” space crafts, capable of very fast interstellar travel

Gary McKinnon is a hacker that managed to break into the computers of the Army, Air Force, Navy and NASA. Among other interesting things, he found out that the US Navy has a fully operational fleet of spaceships.

In his own words, here is what he found out: 

“I scanned and looked for documents, I found an Excel spreadsheet which said, ‘Non-terrestrial officers’. It had ranks and names. It had tabs for ‘material transfer’ between ships. I took that to be, they must have a ships based in space – the names started with U.S.S.”

McKinnon is now facing a ten-year legal battle that could end up with life in prison. You can watch his interview here.

And the evidence to support McKinnon’s claims is truly overwhelming. For example, Ben Rich, CEO of Lockheed Skunk Works, has famously stated in 1993:  

“We now have the technology to take ET home.” (Read more)

Ben Rich also admitted that the extraterrestrial flying saucers are real, and our space program is built with alien technology:

“There are two types of UFOs — the ones we build and the ones ‘they’ build. We learned from both crash retrievals and actual ‘hand-me-downs.’”

His colleague, Don Phillips, Lockheed design engineer, CIA and USAF backed his claims. (Read more)

Another Senior Scientist for Lockheed Martin and Area 51 scientist, Boyd Bushman, has openly talked about aliens stationed in Area 51 and “anti-gravity” technology, just before passing away in 2014. You can watch his testimony here.

Captain Kaye‘ claimed to have spent 17 years on Mars and three years aboard an enormous space carrier. 

Andrew Basiago also claimed to have been on Mars 40 times, and corroborates Captain Kaye’s claims that there is an established human colony there.

Whistleblower Corey Goode claims to have been recruited through one of the MILAB programs at the age of six and personally traveled on Mars, where the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC)…

“…has an entire industrial infrastructure that includes bases, stations, outposts, mining operations and facilities on Mars, various moons and spread throughout the main Asteroid Belt (where a “Super Earth Planet” once existed). They have facilities to take raw materials and turn them into usable materials to produce both complex metals and composite materials that our material sciences have not dreamt of yet.” (Source)

Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, the great-granddaughter of former US President Dwight David Eisenhower, has gone on record and testified that she was targeted for recruitment for a secret space program that would have allowed her to go on Mars, where there’s a secret colony of humans. (Source)

Now, corroborating all these accounts, it becomes obvious that ‘they’ really have an advanced secret space program going on for decades and NASA is just a smokescreen for the public. Do you really think that the previously mentioned ICC would allow NASA to roam around with their rovers, taking pictures?

As an alleged, anonymous, “anti-gravity” insider, known as CaptainS, stated in 2011:

“NASA is just a front for the public. (…) The real space program falls in the military’s domain, mainly Air force and Navy. But the nice chemical rockets sure are fun to watch… Very few people from NASA are actually in the loop. They don’t know anything.”

So, basically, NASA’s role is to keep us distracted with their fake pictures from Devon Island,while the big boys have already established human colonies on Mars and who knows on how many other planets.

(On a happier, sarcastic note, I guess NASA’s Photoshop experts will have a bright career in tourism, when NASA will eventually be shut down). 

Before concluding this article, I leave you to watch NASA’s absolutely ridiculous press conference about the alleged touch down of the rovers on Martian soil.

It has bad acting, fake excitement, lots of sweat and numerous in-your-face statements about this being just a movie that you paid for ($2.5 billion, to be specific).

These guys have absolutely no idea what they are talking about, they are unable to answer any scientific questions whatsoever and the journalists definitely know volumes more about this phony mission, but hey, as the guy says, it only cost you $7/person, so you might just as well enjoy it:

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    Total 34 comments
    • truthseeker4809

      Your presentation makes me speechless. Good job William Tell!!!
      I wonder if you can make it to show in the main stream media.

      • The Seer

        Why is it that people with truth in their names believes any ole $hit then call it truth and tell everyone to wake up

        • LifeIs

          Here is why some people believe anything that has a “science” label on it.

          Some social psychology from 1897:

          “You cannot imagine to what extent the wisest of the GOYIM can be brought to a state of unconscious naivete in the presence of this condition of high conceit of themselves…”

          “And the reason why we give them this success is to make use of the high conceit of themselves to which it gives birth, for that insensibly disposes them to assimilate our suggestions without being on their guard against them in the fullness of their confidence that it is their own infallibility …”

          Protocol XV Item 6

          • Sean

            Lemmings – Illuminati Card – The Marching Morons – YOU :lol:

            The misconception of lemming “mass suicide” is long-standing and has been popularized by a number of factors. It was well enough known to be mentioned in “The Marching Morons”, a 1951 short story by Cyril M. Kornbluth.

            In 1955, Disney Studio illustrator Carl Barks drew an Uncle Scrooge adventure comic with the title “The Lemming with the Locket”. This comic, which was inspired by a 1953 American Mercury article, showed massive numbers of lemmings jumping over Norwegian cliffs.

            Even more influential was the 1958 Disney film White Wilderness, which won an Academy Award for Documentary Feature, in which staged footage was shown with lemmings jumping into certain death after faked scenes of mass migration.

            A Canadian Broadcasting Corporation documentary, Cruel Camera, found the lemmings used for White Wilderness were flown from Hudson Bay to Calgary, Alberta, Canada, where they did not jump off the cliff, but were in fact forced off the cliff by the camera crew.

            Because of the limited number of lemmings at their disposal, which in any case were the wrong sub-species, the migration scenes were simulated using tight camera angles and a large, snow-covered turntable.

            This same myth was also used in the Apple Computer 1985 Super Bowl commercial “Lemmings” and the popular 1991 video game Lemmings, in which the player must stop the lemmings from mindlessly marching over cliffs or into traps.

            In a 2010 board game by GMT games, Leaping Lemmings, players must maneuver lemmings across a board while avoiding hazards, and successfully launch them off a cliff.

            The 1994 short film “Lemming Aid” portrayed a group of misfits attempting to save lemmings from mass suicide (a guinea pig was used as a substitute for a lemming).

            American cartoonist Stephan Pastis’s popular comic strip Pearls Before Swine frequently has strips starring four lemmings in humorous gossip and confessions just before they are about to jump over a cliff.

            Because of their association with this odd behavior, lemming “suicide” is a frequently used metaphor in reference to people who go along unquestioningly with popular opinion, with potentially dangerous or fatal consequences.

            This metaphor is seen many times in popular culture, such as in the video game Lemmings, in episodes of Red Dwarf, and in Adult Swim’s show Robot Chicken.

            In the eighth episode of season 1 of Showtime’s The Borgias, the Pope’s second son Juan refers to the college of cardinals as lemmings when they flee the Vatican in anticipation of an impending French invasion. :lol:

            The Blink 182 song Lemmings also uses this metaphor, as does the unrelated song of the same name by English progressive rock band Van der Graaf Generator (from their 1971 album Pawn Hearts), and the 1973 stage show National Lampoon’s Lemmings starring John Belushi and mocking post-Woodstock group think.


      • Redeemer

        The whole system is fake from the bottom up and it has been for many years. The problem is not enough people are able/willing to wake up and see it!


    • GRR

      Sadly my friend, there is no Mars, no space travel (ask Richard Branson) – never has been! Just a pile of US Trillion dollars of complete fakery.

      • The Seer

        You have taken too many meds today I think

      • LucidMebin

        You’re saying there’s no actual planet Mars. I mean whether or not you believe we’ve actually been to there planets is one thing – but do you honestly think there are no other planets??? :eek:

      • Scanner Darko

        Send Amazon $500 dollars and you can recieve a telescope to look at it for yourself.

    • Don - 1

      I researched this a few months ago. So has NASA faked us again? The sad pathetic answer is undoubtedly YES.
      In some of the fake “mars” photos they even show whale bones and walrus bones. Both of these animals are well known on….you guess it…Devon Island.

    • Factory Farms FEAR the MooCow

      If you wanna know whats stupid is the fact that we see pyramids and faces and buildings on Mars from space surveillance photos, but then when we “supposedly” launch a rover to Mars, instead of destination to land there at those sites, they land it off , way off in some what could be fake the desert of Mars……. :roll:
      They are not scientists at all! They are all quack ducks!
      Eat More GMO :mad:

    • Anonymous

      At least now people are realizing that the same fraudsters that have been stealing trillions of dollars with this fake space program are the same treasonous rat bastards trying to disarm us and bring us a global warming tax. It is time for a real investigation.

    • Bad-Clown

      Space-Cadets is gonna be out in droves on this one. They needs the basics…

      • LifeIs

        Bad-Clown I went, I saw. “Black hole. Pulse generator. Earth sphere. Planetary sphere. Galactic sphere. Impenetrable radiation.” All of that is meaningless. It is gibberish.

        Whose idea is all that, what did they say exactly, and what do they mean?

        The video does ask a good question, why are rival nations engaged in the same fakery. A little research shows that they are.

    • sean michael blacab

      You are right on,now we all know why two men were seen walking
      up to it.


    • Anonymous

      I think I heard you say there are zero GPS satellites in space. Wrong answer. You really hurt your presentation with that statement. If there are zero GPS satellites, how do all of those hundreds of millions of GPS receivers work so well?

      There were 24 original satellites, and now with GLONASS (Russia’s system), and Galileo you got that one wrong too.

      • The Clucker

        I once had a flat earther tell me satellites aren’t real. The stupidity of some is unbearable.

      • Anonymous

        The same way your “satellite radio works”. It is all ground based and if you will go to Sirius site, you will see that they admit it.

    • medtes

      I think it’s very likely the truth; even the late rosetta video (of it reaching the comet), NASA probably works with a very brilliant team of movies and photos makers, this goes along ,of course, with the fake human footstep on the moon which probably never happened… Why? because I think that planet earth is protected by an invisible very strong magnetic shield generated by a very advanced ancient technology which keeps us safe from certain outer space races..and as nothing comes in, of course nothing goes out. this shield is beyond our satellites, we can just go slightely above our atmosphere where the ISS is now but not further.This ancient shield is generated by perhaps three or more devices embedded in different locations on earth, probably Afganistan is one of them, that’s why Americans will never leave this region…Reality is sometimes stranger than fiction.
      President Obama seemed tired in his speech today, he has probably enough of his presidency, I think he regrets his calm life before, Mccain, the trilateral commission, the Hillary and Bush clans, the black budget, planet X and ETs are more than what a regular human can deal with, it can easily make someone crazy…

    • chefjim

      This solidifies it. BIN is DIS information just like Alex Jones and they are controlled by the PTB just like Alex Jones and the Muslim in chief Barrack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro. The King James Bible says that we should be DILIGENT and the bible never under-states matters!

      At this time, all real truth seekers who have found the basis of Truth – Jesus Christ who is The Way the Truth and the Life (John 14:6) are to hold fast to that Truth because everything is now flying apart and the truth is under attack more than at any other time in history! Don’t stop seeking Truth but seek more of it in the Bible (the King James Bible – all others are perversions of the original Scriptures – study this) and seek His Face more than ever before and if it pertains to some other truth, (such as NASA or Flat Earth etc.) don’t believe it until you have confirmed it by THREE or more verifiable and demonstrable sources.

      Treat ALL “alternative news” sources as if they were controlled opposition because the time is here. There is no more time to waste. IF you are not saved by the Blood Sacrifice of Jesus Christ and His atoning gift to all who will simply believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ; that He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life as God manifest in the Flesh, taught the people and performed miracles, was tortured, crucified, died and was buried and rose again on the third day, was seen of more than 500 witnesses before being taken up into heaven in a cloud, His angels promising His coming again in the same way, then get yourself a King James version (the Dollar Tree has them for one buck!) and start in ROMANS and learn how to be saved! Don’t go digging for any more truth until you learn the most important TRUTH which is able to save your soul!

    • unidentified

      it’s hard to believe anything they write about after the lies and deception which is ongoing , we dont even agree if the Earth is flat or a sphere or something else

    • EOD\\\'s

      Well they lied about the Apollo Moon landings…..
      So Why Would NASA Start Telling The Truth Now ?!!

      Next you-all will be told ~ Obama is actually a Christian and a lover of White people……

    • Friedrich

      These photos are faked because the Earth is FLAT

    • vaalix

      They could be in saudi Arabia desert. it has similar rocky desert in certain parts.

    • Don - 1

      In 1969 NASA did not have the technology to land a man on the moon. NASA had no clue as to how to cool and warm the astronaut in a spacesuit on the Moon. The Apollo spacesuits were a movie fantasy costume.

      Also remember this little fact. Of the over 7,000 photos taken on the ”moon” there is not even one face photo of a man….not one. Even in the protective environment of the lander there are no photos of a face.

      NASA = Never A Straight Answer.

    • LifeIs

      Good article, thank you.

      The question is, why are they showing us fake pictures. I could understand, if they were planning to fake a manned landing, in the future. But they aren’t.

      Keeping the real pictures for themselves would make them feel special, but I don’t see a material advantage.

      They are launching rockets and building rovers, they are spending the money.

      The “Mars is inhabited” theory doesn’t work, because one could always show some uninhabited part.

      The story that the Earth is flat and the planets are mythical is an illogical disinformation story.

      There might be some fact of science or history that would be disclosed, by real pictures. And our parasites, I mean, leaders, are preserving some advantage for themselves, by not disclosing it.

      They don’t seem to mind, if we figure out they’re lying to us.

      • Don - 1

        NASA is not worried because the MSM is totally controlled by the NSA and the State Department. Its much like Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia…total control.

        There is no Free press in the US anymore. Add that to NDAA which allows by Law the government to lie and to use any propaganda they want to control and change Public Opinion.

        Bottom line: The US is totally screwed.

    • Don - 1

      NASA is desperate for this story to be suppressed.

    • Overmind

      Basic color manipulation: replace color range. You get any mars-like color out of everything in a matter of seconds.

    • truthseeker4809

      All the US governmental agencies are corrupt to the core.
      Only hope was in the academia, but unfortunately they are stinky corrupt as well.
      Basically there is no hope for America. You BIN may be the last resort but dubious and paid for cunning crooks are roaming here as well. Unless you are very vigilant, it is easy to be fooled. So you need to have some basic rules and principles in mind to keep your head straight. Double and triple check your source of information. Avoid the old testament bible thumpers. Bible was not written to cover the modern day scientific knowledge. It has its own severe limitations and blind extension of its validity will make you fall. Small regional tribal mindset was its original inception. There is no concept of global diverse human civilization in Torah. It should have been thrown away long time ago since it has no value leading the life of the people living in modern society.

      Free energy physics has been widely exposed already to the general public and the scientific community has not waken up to it yet. There is no need to follow the doctrine of blind obedience for material blessing in the face of the unlimited free energy for all humanity. Humans are created to be free and you do not need any fancifully dressed priest to tell you that your sin is forgiven to be happy and prosperous.

      It is also a factual truth that human souls do not perish. Your soul lives forever regardless of your body.
      If there is hell, it will be your obsessive attachment to the worldly affairs you haven’t finished in your troubled life time.

      • Danishsaxonblood

        All government’s are corrupt usa is just the best at it and in the lead

    • Godzilla

      The best proof NASA is a fraudulent agency is that we have powerful telescopes that can look 1000 light years away with relative clarity, but none of these telescopes are ever used to take amazing photos of planets in our own solar system. I read such pictures were taken in the past, but heavily classsified and never made it to the public domain.

      If we made it to the moon with people on the surface, if we ever sent rovers to mars, if we ever sent probes past pluto….that is all open towards discussion. My guess is YES all this was accomplished, but trying to get the truth from them is impossible. NASA is part of the DOD and they can classify anything they want, and the talking heads on tv documentaries are limited to what they can say.

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