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Deal With the Greys — The Tau 9 Treaty for the Preservation of Humanity

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Monday, January 4, 2016

Deal With the GREYS — The TAU IX TREATY for the Preservation of Humanity


The US Government has made secret agreements with the Greys and there are many consistent indications to support this theory.

The exact date is unclear but most sources specify it happened in 1954, probably on February 20. At that time, a committee of Grey aliens would have landed at Edwards Air Force Base, with the express intention of meeting and discussing with Dwight Eisenhower, the US President at that time.

The deal has since been called the Edwards Agreement or, as Dr. Dan Burisch called it, the Tau IX Treaty for the Preservation of Humanity.

An agreement was reached following the discussions, one that would prove very lucrative for those involved. Unfortunately, the consequences would be disastrous for the rest of the world.

The deal specified that the US Government would allow people to be abducted on a regular basis and the Greys solemnly promised they would return them safely and only after wiping their memory.

But, as any abductee could confirm, this is not the case. More often than not, those who were snatched by aliens would recall the incident, in all its horrifying details.

In exchange for providing human guinea pigs, the Government would get their hands on advanced alien technology. Another ‘clause in the contract’ was the exchange of ambassadors from both sides. 

It is unclear how many participated in this exchange program, but the most famous are Crill, the reptilian from the Draco constellation and J-Rod, the Grey from Zeta Reticulum.


The Edwards Agreement was the apex of a chain of events that began in 1947, when the wreckage of an alien spacecraft was recovered near Roswell, NM. 

Inside the wreck, several alien bodies were found. This incident undoubtedly raised awareness towards the extraterrestrial phenomenon and probably gave rise to modern ufology.

In 1949, New Mexico witnessed another UFO crash but this time, there was one survivor. He was nicknamed EBE, which is short for extraterrestrial biological entity and the information he provided allowed the US Government to establish contact with his people.

In 1951, the Greys were contacted using a device built to the specifications supplied by the EBE. One year later, extraterrestrial communications were well underway, paving the road for the 1954 treaty.

On the night of February 20-21, 1954, while on a vacation to Palm Springs, California, President Dwight Eisenhower went missing. It is speculated he was secretly taken to nearby Edwards Air Force base for an encounter with the Grey aliens. 

His official statement was that he had to undergo an emergency dental treatment and he had visited a local dentist.


While the meeting did go as planned, there were some unforeseen consequences. The landing was kept secret in order to see how people would react when being put face-to-face with a technologically advanced alien race. 

The hundreds of soldiers present at Edwards AFB during first contact received no briefing prior to the event; they were the unsuspecting test audience.

This approach would later prove to be disastrous, as a high percentage of those present began suffering from various psychological ailments, ranging from dysfunctional behavior to psychosis, criminal intentions and suicide.

Over the years there have been several confessions coming from people who claim they witnessed the event firsthand. One of them is Gerald Light, a famous metaphysical community leader at the time. Light says his involvement was gauging the effect this breakthrough would have over the general public.

“My dear friends: I have just returned from Muroc [Edwards Air Force Base]. The report is true — devastatingly true! During my two days’ visit I saw five separate and distinct types of aircraft being studied and handled by our Air Force officials — with the assistance and permission of the Etherians! I have no words to express my reactions. It has finally happened. It is now a matter of history,” wrote Light.

According to Light, several other important figures were present at the meeting. Among them was Eisenhower’s chief economic advisor, Dr. Edwin Nourse. 

If he had been present, he would have done so in order to offer his expertise on the potential economic impact of a first contact with intelligent alien life. Light also said several trustworthy religious leaders had participated, their roles being obvious.

A number of other sources support Light’s claims. Notorious whistleblowers have put forward their testimonies, describing two sets of meetings involving different extraterrestrial groups.

According to former Naval Intelligence officer William Cooper, large objects moving towards Earth had been discovered in 1953. First believed to be asteroids, it was later determined they were actually space ships. 

Two different missions, Project Sigma and Project Plato managed to establish contact with the extraterrestrials, through binary code.

Cooper differentiates two alien races, the Nordic ones, friendly towards humanity and the Greys, who had different plans. 

According to him, the Nordics helped negotiate the signing of a non-aggression treaty between humanity and the Greys. The Nordics did not offer technology but rather the chance for spiritual advancement.

The treaty stipulated that the aliens would not interfere in our affairs and neither would we interfere in theirs. Their presence on Earth would be kept a secret. 

They could regularly abduct humans for medical and development purposes as long as they would not harm them. The humans would then be returned to their abduction point, with no memory of the event.

Their demands were that humans dismantle and destroy its nuclear weapons arsenal. They warned humanity about its path of self destruction and condemned the fact that we were killing each other, polluting the planet and wasting Earth’s natural resources. 

The committee met their demands with extreme suspicion and prejudice, believing that nuclear disarming was not in the best interest of the United States and that it would leave the world helpless in the face of an alien threat. Eisenhower rejected their proposition.

Another witness to the meetings was John Lear, the son of the creator of the Lear Jet, William Lear. According to him, the Nordics offered their help in eliminating the Greys’ threat but President Eisenhower turned it down because they offered no technology.

Did this meeting really take place? If so, it would appear to confirm the current world-wide UFO phenomenon. However, more than 60 years have passed since the alleged First Contact, and an official disclosure is nowhere in sight.

Video Uploaded on Jan 14, 2012

Video Uploaded on Nov 29, 2010
Video Published on Apr 13, 2014

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    Total 12 comments
    • LucidMebin


      • Boo

        Yeah…I know… :lol:

    • Leroy Winston

      That Laura Eisenhower lady is a freakshow loony nutjob. And loopy…. super-loopy… proper super-loopy; a true candidate for the insane asylum. That’s just how loopy and loony she is.

    • Pumpkin

      Jesus is how you deal with these things. They are demons.

      • Leroy Winston

        Ah so your invisible fantasy-pal Jesus, who lives in the clouds, will sort out the non-existent aliens? Good. That’ll be the biggest non-event in history then, what with neither of them being real. Godzilla versus King Kong is more likely to happen than Jesus versus the Greys.

    • Anonymous

      The Grays are biological entities created to interact with humans by God our creator. The Grays have special attributes and anatomies designed for high g-force operations and resistant to our viruses. Humans have the same design as our creator, there are hundreds of species that are non-humans or which we call animals.
      Humans in 25 BC underwent a software upgrade allowing for communications with a vocabulary and writing.
      Today, as many as 50 million humanoids circle in space around earth at 60% the speed of light extending their life spans to more than 5,000 years, no sickness, no wars. Those with 96 I.Q.s, the average have no capacity to understand the role God plays in creating our world or maintaining it.

    • albertan

      Those stupid a-hole presidents have NO RIGHT to allow anyone to interfere with us. They can offer themselves up to the aliens, but have not right to offer up us without our knowledge and consent. They can all burn in Hell. I’m sure Eisenhower is right now.

      • Leroy Winston

        Haha you moron, you don’t seriously believe any of this yip-yap? There’s not a single shred of evidence to substantiate the claims. If you believe this BS then you’ll believe anything, even the bible.

    • unidentified

      this is old news for some of us, what is the problem here? :lol:

    • Skeetersaurus

      The number one reason that none of this passes the validity test, is that many of the synthetic chemicals that man has made over the years (DDT, Methyltetrabutylether-MTBE, methyl-mercury, uranium and plutonium compounds, PCBs, Methyl Ethyl Butyl derivatives, and more) have not decreased in the past 75 years, but astronomically increased. The damage from PCBs to the environment alone, not to mention human hormone pollution, hexavalent chromium pollution, and more; are FAR MORE CONTAMINATING than ionizing radiation!

      If you go to a planet and make deals (aka ‘treaties’) with the residents, and make a big show over one of their LEAST POLLUTING advanced technologies while ignoring their mainstream industries’ pollution of far-worse environmental contaminants that take millions of years to break down, if ever, destroying DNA and RNA as they persist in the environment; then clearly pollution isn’t your worry at all – and maybe your concern was your developing ‘more-advanced’ weaponry that one day you COULD combat them with is the real concern.

      Likewise, when you are atheist and of far-advanced technology, and don’t seem to need fish, water or gold from the planet you visited, then the only real difference that you could be there for is something far more intriguing to them than anything they have seen elsewhere on their travels. Now, ask yourself, what could we have that they don’t, when they are so far technically advanced than us?

      My personal guess is that they want to know how sentience works – since to them, we should be nothing more than cows at our development level, and yet we seem to be high-functioning. This would mean, possibly, that they can’t scientifically quantify a ‘soul’, hey, maybe they don’t have one, and they won’t accept that the difference lies in the fact that they can’t admit the truth about what the difference really is.

      This bodes poorly for humans, if fact.

      • Leroy Winston

        Did you fall off the R-tard tree and hit every branch on the way down?

        • Anonymous

          Wong, are you a dong? Who is paying you to debunk any idea that is different from the governments official response to any conversation outside their own. Your intellect is in serious question as well as your attack dog personality. Your reflecting ideas and objections as though you are the Supreme Know It All. Clearly a Jerk on a scale of 1 to 10 a 12, concern for others is nonexistent in your vocabulary. I believe your an imposter, a total fake who races from article to article spouting vial hate for a master who uses you as a tool to spread a dishonest message. Drones like you are easily spotted and detected by most, you don’t realize it because you think your voice drowns out all others, not a chance. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but that’s not how you feel, freedom of speech only applies to you and what you petal. Do everyone a favor, go sit in the corner and reflect on your bad manors towards your fellow man and find a new master who is full of love not hate as your current one.

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